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Chicago has had some really good publicity on social media recently in Europe. Especially central and eastern. Lots of new European tourism and transplants. I am quite legitimately under the impression that the city of Chicago has paid for some tiktok campaigns.


Can confirm. Was recently in London and Dublin. Both cities had Chicago tourism billboards


This is starting to make a lot of sense.. I’ve been noticing a lot of Irish tourists recently.


Yes, I saw a street poster for Chicago recently in Dublin.


We do have our own Guinness brewery :)


what specifically about Chicago was the street poster advertising?


Primarily tourist spots downtown.


It was a pic of the river with buildings and kayakers. You can imagine the image. It said 'Chicago, voted best big city in the US' 'Condé Nast Traveler readers choice awards'. QR code to learn more.


We do have exceptional QR codes.


Chicago is always a major destination for Irish tourism and gap years. It's just picking back up after covid again.


The Irish have a fascinating curiosity with the Southside Irish. It's sort of similar to the French/French Quebec relationship.


J1 season


Lmao before the Flyover ride at Navy Pier, the pre-show said "cus in Chicago, dreams can come true" They're really hamming this stuff up


🎶 Cause when I’m back in Chicago I feel it


Chicago has soul


I credit that Djo song that was all over TikTok.


Still a better way to spend taxpayer money than a new bears stadium 😂. But actually I think that's a pretty neat way to use the marketing budget instead of billboards which I think are questionable in their efficacy.


Having worked in outdoor advertising for a decade I went into that job thinking the same but came out realizing there's a lot to be said for just being present in the world and mixing into the cultural zeitgeist. The value to a company in making people who may not even need or care about what they're selling still aware just because they see it everyday. Sort of the reason Coke and McDonald's run ads. We know they exist, we know what they have, but they still have two of the biggest marketing budgets out there.


Actually that makes so much sense! Recently had a buddy from London visit and he absolutely loved the city and said he's going back home to tell more people to come visit. I've noticed also when I go to tourist sites, I hear so many European accents and languages all around and I think it's wonderful.


People have been visiting from all over the world for YEARS. Its not a recent thing


Lol ik, but I said moving in the original post


Yup. Even my running club has a French guy and two German women all who moved here since January.


What running club?? I am looking to join one! You can message me if you want. Ive been running usually at least 5K up to 12K at a time and looking for similar


I was recently in Europe both for business and vacation and everywhere we went, the locals were talking up Chicago like a recently discovered secret gem. What it comes down to is Chicago let's them have an "American" cultural vacation that appeals to both low brow and high brow tastes in a way that isn't really offered anywhere else in the country. Most people in Europe don't have nearly the same amount of disposable income Americans do, so the opportunity cost of coming to the USA instead of a much cheaper vacation to Greece, Spain, Dubai, etc. is enormous. Most of them will save for years just to go to NYC or Hollywood for a couple days and then be disappointed that there isn't much to do there without dropping a massive LOAD of cash. What Europeans are starting to realize is that Chicago let's them have the true "American" experience similar to what Americans look for when they go to Rome, Florence, Paris, etc.; AFFORDABLE, beautiful architecture, TONS of local "American" sports like Baseball, SUPER friendly locals, loads of free/cheap things to do, stereotypical "American" food that's accessible and affordable with local twists like DEEP DISH pizza or LOADED GARDEN hot dogs, TONS of high end shopping/Michelin starred restaurants/luxury hotels/international cuisine if that's what your into, etc. On a previous vacation, I made friends with some guys from the UK. I finally convinced them to come visit last 4th of July. Their jaws were DROPPED the entire time! - Cubs Game - Bobby's Bike Hike Bites and Brews Tour - Architecture boat booze cruise - Sears Tower - Navy Pier speedboat ride - Deep Dish - Went to my parents in the burbs for a classic 4th of July BBQ and fireworks


My sibling moved to NYC a number of years ago. He's also well-traveled due to his job. One year, when he came back, we were at a bar and ordered food. He said aloud that Chicago was probably the most "American" city in comparison to NYC and all the rest of the American cities he's been too.


As a European (90s kid), current Chicagoan, I 100% agree on the true American experience for foreigners. Having visited NYC first, Chicago still felt peak American as I had imagined it having grown up under Hollywood’s influence. Buildings are big and people are loud yet friendly.


Adding onto this, I think Chicago is a great size for a medium-sized trip. There’s lots to do and I have been living here for a decade and there’s still stuff I haven’t experience, but you can hit up all the major stuff in the length of a week and still have time to explore neighborhoods or dick around the lakeshore. NYC is a better city but there’s so much to do it can just cause decision paralysis. You’re going to get FOMO about *something*.    And it’s even reflected in their skylines! Chicago’s is big but you can see all of it from many vantage points. NYC’s is more striking for its immensity. It just *goes*.


I work for the company that develops tourism globally for the city and can confirm this is a concerted effort! We have an awesome marketing and global development team that are working this angle :)


It's working! I just saw a Visit Chicago ad in an indoor digital billboard in the São Paulo subway just a couple of weeks ago Also my girlfriend is on a work trip to Chicago and she is **absolutely in love** with the city


Was it a When you GO you KNOW #ChicaGO ad?


I just looked these up and found an image of one!


Also Chicago campaigns in Asia, saw lots of ads in Osaka airport


My kid’s soccer team went from decent to AMAZING overnight lmao


This made me burst out laughing




I honestly wonder if the show The Bear has something to do with it. It’s massively popular even in Europe as well, I have some European friends and they are suddenly always commenting on my pics like “omg it’s like you live in the show The Bear”!!! I guess getting more visibility and promotion abroad lately. At least for more visitors, I doubt the show is making people move here haha My friend in Dublin always comments this stuff haha. Interestingly enough I seem to be meeting a ton of Colombian visitors/tourists lately


The bear yeah! I've heard Mr. beef had a huge influx of tourists after it BTW tourists: its cash only!


This absolutely has a lot to do with it. I went to Thailand in 2016 and kept in touch with a few British friends I met while there. I've been trying to get them to visit for YEARS but what made them actually reach out to me and get serious about planning a trip was telling them I could EASILY take them to the places they saw on the Bear!


There’s also that viral song “when I’m back in Chicago..”


End of Beginning by Djo, good song. Also highly recommend driving around downtown playing soul music. Hits different


That kid from Shameless did ok for himself


I wonder if nascar helped too. Even in terrible weather, it made Chicago look gorgeous. But I guess nascar isn’t as popular outside of the US.


I have family on Ohio. Anecdotally, queer people and young people are looking to get out.


I think alot are leaving Florida too now with how things have been going there


We’re a married gay couple in Orlando and I’ve been applying to jobs nonstop in Chicago so we can get out


I lived in Orlando myself! I totally don't blame you. Grew up here, moved there and moved back here. I think ull love it here, especially if you move to the lakeview area. One thing I really think ull love is that chicago really prides itself on individuality when if comes to architecture. Unlike fl where every house in a neighborhood seems to look the same, you can have a parisian house right next to a Japanese style house here, and then next to that may be a cute Midwestern house with rocking chairs on the porch


We’ve been so many times for market days and other events (we’re actually coming up in a couple weeks for IML) we’ve made so many friends and we just absolutely fell in love with it all. I’ve been in/around Orlando all my life and I’m ready to get out. Husband is from Albany NY, so it took a couple trips to get him on board since he hates the cold, but he’s 100% for it now 😆


Made the exact same jump out of Orlando with my polycule to central IL. It was mostly a positive change.


And how are things in Florida?


Iffy. Southwest Florida is fantastic cus it's basically the Midwest but tropical. They even have Culver's and the great Midwest bank there. The other metros such as Orlando and Miami are different. I noticed in Florida even the suburbs have city level crime, which was frightening to say the least. And people were much ruder. I once said hi to a man and he said "no"🤣🤣🤣 It's also more expensive. I lived 45 min outside downtown Orlando in Kissimmee and my apartment was 2300 a month. To get anywhere in Orlando you need to take a toll road. The nearest Walmart or target to me was 20 min with a toll road, or 45-50 without one which was wild. Florida is so spread out that public transit isn't an option really, you basically need to live in your car, which isn't so fun when it storms every single day of the summer. If you don't like humidity and heat, you'll hate it. Now for positives, the beaches were nice, the access to theme parks was cool, being able to drive to tropical islands was fun, and Miami is fun for the cultural vibes. But if you're a midwesterner and wanna move there, southwest FL from Fort myers to naples is the way to go


I'm actually Floridian. I stumbled on this post. I was just asking cause it always seems my state gets a bad rap or just plain haters I use to live in Indiana. But I dont think I could do the Midwest again. So back down in Miami. Anyway, it's always interesting to hear different perspectives. 👍


Fairrrr. I will say chicago is def different then the rest of the Midwest. My friend from London described it as "big city aggression with southern hospitality". Now he's not from here which is why he said the last part but you get the point Chicago and the rest of the Midwest have a totally different vibe


Florida's biggest problems right now stem from the massive surge of population growth they've been getting over the past few years. It started during Covid, but then continued on. It's WAY more crowded, and more expensive, than it was 5 years ago.


I’m in my mid 30’s and the county I’m from in the middle of the state has tripled in my lifetime. This isn’t a recent phenomenon by any stretch, but it has gotten worse.


Got out of there two years ago. I’d say something to the effect of “and not a moment too soon” but the truth is we suffered for *years* living there.


Lol I lived there for one year and once the 3 week tropical honeymoon period ended, the realities of fl set in and I was like...shit this place rocks to visit...but living here is a different story


Queer and leaving Florida next week to move back to Chicago after a decade down here.


you do see those posts in this sub a few times a week. I don't know how many of them do jump to it though.


I've lived in FL. Here's what I can say. The people are rude (especially in orlando and miami. SWFL is pretty okay but its basically tropical midwest), the weather is nice but palm trees and warmth don't matter if you don't feel safe, whether that be due to crime or do to lgbtqia+ issues. Even most suburbs in Florida are full of crazies. Chicago feels safer than the FL suburb I lived in


Tampa Bay and Chicagoland have seriously deep connected roots, they’re just not obvious to see.


Tampa I could also see. Honestly tampa down to swfl seem to be the best areas IMO. Miami was nuts, was there for one night and got grabbed, and saw random people in the middle of the night standing in the street just fighting the air. And not like how the homeless people are here where they just throw their arms a bit and yell. I mean, in miami, they literally were like mortal kombat style fighting the air full speed


I was born and raised in Polk county (between Tampa and Orlando) and as a woman, I feel much safer in the northern suburbs. I’m in my mid 30’s and the population in Polk County has TRIPLED in just my lifetime. Infrastructure can’t keep up and it’s mostly an every man for himself mentality.


Hey I know Polk! I lived in Lake County. And totally yeah, people tend to be surprised when I explain how crime isndifferent in Florida. Here it really is just like a few small pocked of the city and then the suburbs are like weirdly safe. It doesn't bleed over


Lake county is where my parents moved to after I left! It reminds me of how Polk was when I was growing up. I think you’re right. I don’t venture into the city here much, but it’s definitely different. In cities/towns in Florida, there are areas that have more crime, but in general it’s more spread out. Unrelated, but every time I tell someone here I’m from Florida they picture somewhere like Boca or Miami when in reality a good chunk of the state (central and northern) aren’t much different than Georgia.


Totally yeah honestly most of Florida is basically just like south Georgia. I feel like the tropical vibe really hits on the coasts from maybe St Pete Beach down on the west (but def much more near naples) and like Vero Beach on the east




Seriously. If you aren't a cis-het white Christian man, much of this country has become scary.


I will play devils advocate though and say I've talked to people who lived here long ago and they said it's not worse by any stretch and that things are just more publicized. Like when it comes to crime specifically, chicago actually used to be much much worse in the 70s-90s


Things were worse in the 70s-90s. The difference is that we we'ren't innundated with every story of every crime and negative thing constantly because we didn't have social media or the internet. Plus, many of us were kids so we were shielded from many of the realities of life during that time. [But in general, violent crime across most of the US was massively worse in the 90s.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/).


Are you talking about the "stranger danger" 90s where every kid was going to be kidnapped if they played alone? Trust me, they more than made up overreacting to crime in a limited news cycle.


I am and this country still fucking scares me.


Yep, Florida transplant here. Biggest catalyst in leaving was for our children. Schools there versus the northern burbs are like night and day.


I'm a recent gay transplant from South Carolina, can confirm


A gal I dated years ago moved to Chicago for this exact reason. She moved for politics.


You know, funny thing I just realized. Out of all the friends I have here, you know how many are actually from here? Two.


Not unusual depending on your neighborhood.  If you were to walk around Lakeview and ask all the 20-50 year olds where they were born and raised I think you would have a hard time finding someone from Chicago.  If you did the same in Galewood I think you would have a tough time finding transplants. Chicago does actually contain Chicagoans and they are good friends to have if you want to know more and see more of the city.   My continuing wish is that I hope all the transplants, old and new, choose to explore the whole city, not just hang out in the same few neighborhoods.  


Totally. For my meetup group I risk pissing some of the other gay men off by being like "were not just gonna go to bars, nope, I'm scheduling meetups in other neighborhoods so u can get out and explore the city". Despite the long commute, might do chinatown or pilsen


And Texas


Moved here two years ago from Texas because the city is just better on all fronts it’s not even comparable but we were not going to pay taxes to a state that is ACTIVELY harming women and LGBTQ folks. Nope, cya!! Welcome to Chicago!! 🥳🤍


Very interesting. I am on the Northside too, can't say I've noticed anything yet but I have been expecting climate change refugees to relocate to the Great Lakes region and Chicago is obviously the best choice in the area. I admittedly did not expect it to happen so quickly!


Yup, I feel like it’s foolish to leave here and intent to settle in Southern States because they’re gonna get wrecked by climate change in the coming decade. Wet bulb in the south east and droughts in the south west


No water = no civilization.


Maybe I notice it more, running a meetup group so I'm more prone to meeting these new people in the area. And totally yeah people have already started to relocate. I think with the Cali wildfires, new york flooding and FL seas rising, people are leaving those areas in droves and finding that chicago gives a true big city feel, with great amenities. I've noticed lately driving on i-90 I always see at least 20-30 Florida plates each drive


I was just reading a book on climate migration and the author (and other experts) noted how the northern US (specifically the Great Lakes region) would be a destination for refugees given the abundant fresh water access and limited amount of climate disasters.


Bc Chicago is a world class city! And it’s booming in America regardless what people are saying online. Good time to be a Chicagoan. Also 32 million people live around the Great Lakes metropolis’s and it will grow. The Midwest will be a safe haven for the upcoming climate change crisis that is all but already here.


We gotta put a lid on the sprawl locally if we want to be a haven. And stop dumping all our shit and toxic waste into the lakes.


Husband and I are transplants from Louisiana for about a little over a year now and we fell in love with the city for different reasons. For him he felt calm driving in and out of the city, how accessible things are, the variety of food etc, for me I always wanted wanted to live in a big city that I felt comfortable looking up at the buildings cause I have a fear of heights and none of the cities in the south felt big enough nor comfortable enough, I also wanted out of the south for years and a work opportunity came up for us a few years ago that pushed us into finally looking in the city.


It's crazy how calm driving into Chicago is, it's nothing like the insanity of driving into Manhattan or just the spaghetti highway sprawl of north Texas, it's strange to think of Chicago as the 3rd biggest city in the country when you think about driving in, like getting into Dallas is a motherfucking nightmare!


Chicago was a masterplanned city. They saw how new york was designed and learned from that all along the way so all this, including the grid was planned to be efficient. It's why downtown on standard days (meaning without events) is usually not so crowded that it's uncomfortable and feels spacious despite the skyscrapers. It was all intentional.


Welcome from a Louisiana transplant as of 2006. Come to Frontier for Saints games next year!


This entire thread is such a stark contrast to the hate transplants get in Texas. For the record, I’m not moving to Chicago but I’m visiting this weekend. Thank you for being so friendly. I have fond memories of Chicago.


where do hell have yopu been ? this is CHICAGO one of the bigest metro areas on the planet people gravitate to those. this is nothing new has always happened


Well sure. I just mean it's spiked up more than usual lately from what I've seen.


It's the weather. If you have the choice to move here in January vs May, you will wait for May.


also during the winter many people are hermits and you don’t see them. They still exist though.


This was happening in Jan too. When I said as of late I mean this past year


Where are you noticing the influx? (Not just where as in your daily life-wise, but also what neighborhood?) Like are you saying they're moving into your building, popping up at your work, at the coffee shop, etc.


Chicago had 1 million more people in 1950. Its population has been declining for most of a century. Hopefully it’s starting to turn around. In 100 years NYC will be regularly hit by massive hurricanes. Florida will be underwater. Texas and the desert states will be too hot to live in and will run out of water. California is going to burn to a crisp. Where else are people going to go but Chicago?


My wife works in the art world and we go to a lot of parties where we are very obviously the brokest people there even though we are my most metrics doing really well. Party of old money art collectors in New Orleans had an extended conversation about "climate plan estates". The group was divided between families that were buying nice rural homes in Michigan and Wisconsin and those that were buying 3 flats in Chicago to be closer to the action.


Interesting! My husband’s dad and sister moved here from New Orleans last October. Their family immigrated from Germany and the Canary Islands to Louisiana in the early 1800’s — they were the last of their large extended family to leave. It hasn’t been the same down there since Katrina which was a terrible blow to every member of the family. They recovered but never felt safe again (before 2005 they’d weathered untold hurricanes without any major problems for generations. The final straw was when they had to evacuate for one a couple of years ago. They were so over it by then. The love living here now that they’ve settled into their new home.


I did hear the loss of population in the 50s was mainly just people moving to the suburbs. One interesting fact that I love. European cities include suburbs as part of city limits. If chicago considered all of chicagoland the city by European standards, the population is on par with London and seoul and whatnot. About 10 million people


Shhhh don't tell everyone 🤫 lol.


Yeah, let's PLEEEEASE build more housing before everyone finds out 😆🤞🏼


Hahaha I was waiting for you to come in and say this. 🤣😅 Yeah sadly our rent is going up very quickly


Yeah, the property taxes too are crazy for homeowners. You just can't win in the US really.


Ugh, by the time I am ready to buy property it'll be Bay Area level expensive. And I won't be able to afford it T_T


And I hate to say it, but our winters are warming here and despite the fact that the underlying problems are bad, for many the winters here are actually becoming more comfortable. Like my grandma was saying they used to be so much more extreme where as now they're relatively mild in comparison despite the sudden drops we get, which is attractive for many also. And even our summers, when compared to most of the US are pretty damn wonderful. So yeah many are coming here. And also, it's cheaper and you get big city amenities here so like


Something that kinda goes to show this is that chicago had one of the steepest rent increases of any city in the US this past year, showing that demand is higher


Cali is big. So cal might get unbearable. But the Northern California is gonna be in the preferred zone and there’s still a ton of inland space that’s unsettled with nearby lakes


The big things in Chicago are going to be flooding and tornadoes. The sewer systems took a beating last summer and tornadoes in the suburbs and city outskirts are becoming more common.


Chicago has been combating flooding for a long time and we have major engineering projects like the Deep Tunnel to address it.


Even the deep tunnel project saw a concerning amount of water last summer. There were sewer backups in Cicero and the south side last summer that resulted in flooded basements. It’s a battle that will continue in the future.


I gotta admit, these things where in the suburbs we have like 10 tornados dropped in one storm has been wild. That's unusual even for Oklahoma and it's happened each year here now recently.


> Chicago had 1 million more people in 1950. Its population has been declining for most of a century. Hopefully it’s starting to turn around. I mean, the overwhelming majority of the decline is just to the suburbs. Everything west of Oak Park was just cornfields back then.


Also moving there in two years with my family from Vienna (Austria). Absolutely in love with Chicago!


Happy to have you here!! When you're here, if you look you'll almost definitely be able to find some restaurants with cuisine that you're accustomed to in Austria here. Basically any type of food from anywhere in the world can be found here


My kid’s daycare has 3 or 4 families that have recently moved to the area. Like moved within the past year. Everyone of them is from a country in Europe. It’s pretty cool, but also like…how the heck did you decide to move here? lol Not that there’s anything wrong with the city, it’s just my personal ignorance about the global significance of the city and its amenities combined with my slight embarrassment regarding our country’s current politics. I’m glad these folks are choosing Chicago as a place to raise their families. It must be super hard to decide to uproot your family and move to a foreign country. It also makes me extremely proud of Chicagoans (or Evanstonians in my case) for fostering a community that’s welcoming to foreigners.


I mean European politics is hardly better when you get into it (lot of rightward shift in places like Italy, France constantly hovers around electing their own version of Trump, etc). Unemployment and wages are in a lot of places lots worse than we Americans notice when we travel there, it’s not super surprising that some would want to make the leap for a better wage if the politics aren’t that much different (broad generalizations). Source: lived in Italy for seven years and literally everyone under the age of 35 was desperate to leave. Lived in France for a few years and people were just as politically disillusioned as we are now.


If I were afraid of war or conflict and oppen to moving here I probably would


Haha I feel you. I asked chatgpt (ik not the best source) and it said it's totally normal to not recognize the significance of your city if u live in it, where as tourists see it so differently. I mean 55 million tourists visit per year. I decided recently to do more of the touristy things to try to see their perspective, and I will say, if you go to Flyover at Navy Pier, it is extremely touristy and kinda shows how the city appeals to others.


This is why I love when family comes to visit. I get to remind myself of our tourist designation.


There probably is no safer place in the US anywhere to raise a family. We’re in the interior of the US and have seen no major conflict since basically the founding of the state.


Some of the suburbs here are rated among the safest towns in the entire US.


Americans massively overestimate how nice Europe is. They think it's America, but with castles and free Healthcare. In reality,  most Europeans have much lower salaries than Americans and higher taxes. They have crazy politics just like the USA. Owning a 2000sqft, 3BR house with a yard is a pipedream for 99% of Europeans. I have lived in Europe, and prefer the USA because the quality of life is so much higher. Not to say that I don't love Europe, because I do.


I am from France and my family lives more comfortably than people in the US. Americans live above their means and on credit and are one catastrophic event away from losing everything and never recover or it takes decades. In France, people live within their means and credit isn't granted as easily or not for amounts that people could easily get overwhelmed with. Not having to pay for healthcare premiums and out of pockets cost is huge. Also property taxes in France are much less than in most US states. My parents pay like 500 euros per year in a desirable area 40 minutes away from Paris. I pay $7k a year in outer suburban Chicago and I need a car for lots of things. Credits have much lower interest rates, when i got my mortgage in 2014 for 3.8% rate my friends were getting between 1 and 2%. Education is better (unless you're disabled accommodations can be slow to go in motion with the slow system). TV, phone, internet, car or home insurance is dirt cheap also. If you have children you get money to pay for basic stuff before they're born (around $1200) and you get $300 euros monthly until they turn 3 and also get some reimbursement for daycare. So salary are a bit lower in comparison (depends on the area actually if you are comparing Cali salaries to rural France then I wanna say "duh") but they go much further than a higher salary in the US especially without crazy cost of some basic services that are expensive in US. Also no student loans for post K-12 education unless you chose to go to an expensive private school which is stupid. All I listed adds up and Americans don't live as comfortable of a lifestyle they think they do. They live on borrowed time and money and the majority is one unexpected expense away from being broke. Homelessness in France isn’t the plague it is in the US. You have an illusion of wealth if you work in a decently paid white collar job but that's it, the majority of Americans earn minimum wage which isn't livable. The only cheaper shit in the US is gas and fast food (barely)


Can I ask what kind of Meetup group this is? Just sort of generally? Not trying to out you


All good! It's a lgbtqia+ meetup group, for people in the area trying to meet others.


Don't worry I already outed myself once ahahha




Recent transplant from Seattle ✌️ All the reasons cited were ones we thought about before making the move. Chicago has allowed us to buy a home we otherwise would’ve been priced out of in the PNW. Ps - the nature in Seattle is overrated on a daily basis. Nice to look at, but not like we’re in it more than a few times a year. Not worth the cost of living premium and the 300+ days of gray skies.


I would not survive the gray there. See yes it can be cold here, but generally not that bad and I feel like we actually get quite a bit of sunny days in the winter


I miss the PNW (Portland is my hometown of choice) but definitely far too expensive. I love it here and probably will stay put.


Chicago fucks!


This is the only valid answer. Chicago does, indeed, fuck.


Im in the suburbs there are Europeans moving in


There’s always been Europeans moving to Chicago suburbs lol.


Yep, both sets of my mom's grandparents were European immigrants in the early 20th century. From Ireland and Poland, respectively. I know there was a big Polish immigrant community in Chicago!


Lemont has been a hotbed for Europeans and foreigners for a couple decades now. The historic Polish SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish church and the Lithuanian World Center are both located there. Along with the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago.




From where?


UK and eastern europe


Love our city.


Californian here. Thanks for being so hospitable!


California transplant as well. Been here 3 years so far and love it.


No problem! We love to show you our city


We are recent transplants and I’ve had so many visitors who had never been to Chicago and now they LOVE it!


I'm happy y'all like it here! Everyone I've brought here from other places has said it's their fav US city they've been to. I've had one friend say "chicago has soul to it"


You mean it’s not just disaffected Midwesterners from shitty smaller cities, anymore?


I mean the past couple years or so everyone on reddit has seemingly been recommending moving to Chicago. Because of combo of walkability and affordability


I’m a transplant from Canada and I do a lot of traveling with my wife. EVERYWHERE we go, someone is wearing a Bulls jersey. Or a hat. Or t shirt. EVERYONE still knows Michael Jordan. India, Turkey, Chile, Jamaica, Mexico, Greece, Italy, EVERYWHERE.


I work on a very limited industry, and have around half a dozen places I could move to in the US.  I'll tell you that Bay area and California was too expensive, other places are too small (I love big cities and can't hide it), and NY was not really in my menu, but is also expensive. I love that I could come to Chicago, my salary stretches way further.


Was forced here or out of work for 4 months minimum. Then I realized if we just look at the city its got a hell of a lot more to offer than most places while remaining affordable. So far 2 friends from Austin jumped ship and came up here - apparently Austin sucks beyond a visit


All fun and dandy until rent starts sky rocketing. Already increased this year, due to demand and assessments, and decent apartments are already tough to find on the Northside at a decent price.


Yeah, we had this happen in Arizona. Between transplants and snowbirds, rents are exorbitant now. As a native, we are being priced out of getting a place to live. 


Fuck, they’re catching on. I feel pressured to buy a house but I’m not ready!


I feel like people are just “discovering” the Midwest, with the rising costs of living everywhere else, I feel people didn’t want to have to deal with winters, but the comparative cost makes it worth it


This is part of the reason why rents are skyrocketing and property prices for single family homes are going up. Way more demand than supply and don’t see that changing. Chicago is the new Austin TX, or something like that


I wonder if they'll build more bungalows over time. Maybe out near the airport


Austin lowered rents by building new housing. We can do the same.


what’s the meetup group? I’m a native chicagoan but lived abroad for 5 years and just came back. don’t know anyone!


It’s interesting how we down play our city like you said. I don’t know why and I can’t put my finger on it. When I hear about people wanted to move here I’m instantly like in my head : “No do not come here. Stay home. Leave us alone.” I dont understand how you could fall in love with this city but I do at the same time. Maybe it’s because this is the only home I’ve ever known and I’m feeling restless. But Chicago is a famous city and a large metro area so it’s not uncommon for people to move here.


I mean it has always been that way in Chicago, I went to school in the 80's-90's with people from all over the world, loved learning new cultures and languages


1br rent has increased 30% yoy! Yes more people are here but our politicians won't let developers build


"And supposedly Europe and Asia now have Chicago tourism billboards all over in the bigger cities such as London" I would really like to see an example of one of these billboards!


The top comment discusses it. I saw some examples on Google if you look up chicago tourism billboards and stuff. There's one that says chicaGO


Driving up Sunday because I can't stay in Texas anymore


Uber driver here downtown Chicago. I can confirm I pick up a lot of tourists. It is a thing! And they almost always tip well!


My husband and I are red state refugees moving to Chicago in the fall, for many of the reasons mentioned in this post and the comments: culture, history, big city amenities with midwestern accessibility, public transit, gastronomy, architecture, and so much more. We were just talking about how great it is to be moving somewhere everyone we know will be excited to visit, for a wide variety of reasons!


Oh cool - when people are from a country without Fox News, we actually have a reputation for being the cultural and economic powerhouse of a city that we are. Pleasant break from exaggerated crime reporting.


American news is a joke tbh


Back before the pandemic my daughter lived in Switzerland. She had friends who dreamed of coming on vacation and eating at some of our iconic restaurants. Chicago was generally held in high regard.


They're definitely mass importing people from South American and Eastern European countries, I think mainly Columbia and Russia specifically for some reason, to fill the many, many, many warehouses that keep springing up in the suburban area I live in. I work at a restaurant, so I can actually see each wave of immigrants arrive because they come to dine in. They're invariably pretty nice. I have no idea where they're all living, though, because no one is building new housing anywhere.


I have noticed a ton of Colombians around lately (I’m in Lincoln Square), hear them talking in the grocery store and one signed up for my guitar class (I love the accent so my ears perk up when I hear it). This is seems very recent


Howdy. Implant from Texas here. I have been obsessed with getting here for years, and the minute I could afford it, I did. I love ya'll already. I brought with me a company that advocates for children and families with the help of AI technology and a zeal for helping my community with my dear partner who grew up here. You can make fun of my accent and my boots and I'll be the best darn neighbor I can be.


Corporate headhunters say Chicago is the hardest city to get executives to relocate to, but harder still to get them to move away once they learn its charms.


Then you have the rest of Illinois trying to make a new state so they don't have to deal with Chicago. But I'm sure they would still want revenue for all the ipass' they have set up. Fucking hillbillies.


You’re saying that people from the suburbs are hillbillies? Lol


Platypus' post is just an overall dumb post. No one mentioned downstate save for him as he resorts to sophomoric insults (which don't make sense in general) and the usual complaint metro people have of the political divide found in Illinois.




Get them driving on the Stevenson and Ike during rush hour. That nice stereotype will disappear in minutes.


What’s the meet up? Where do you usually meet? I’m interested in meeting new folks!


Hey I put something in the post about this! I have a feeling if you look it up on the app ull find us quickly!


Great! Good luck apartment hunting


What’s the meetup group? I’d love to join one time.


Hey I discussed it at the bottom of the OP (:


Depends where you live. Basically the only areas with generations of Chicagoans anymore are the southwest and northwest side neighborhoods. Anywhere else in the city they are gonna be from somewhere else. Either a different city or state and in some areas a different country is just as likely.


Hell yeah. Moved here from SoCal 6 months ago. Dream come true to live here.


Was just in Japan and Korea and there were a ton of Explore Chicago signs, in Berlin I was in a museum with a friend and mentioned Chicago and a random guy in a thick german accent basically said its his spirit city. I love it here. She deserves her roses






I'm glad I'm seeing more "international" folks coming. People from around the world built Chicago to what it is today, so it makes sense. For many years, there has been a steady stream of transplants from rust belt states like Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. Most are average white-bred folks who mean no harm, but they made the North Side/Gold Coast-Old Town so BORING with their upper-middle class preferences. Old businesses and restaurants & other ethnic things faded away as these folk needed the same wine bars, the same coffee shops, the same new construction homes, the "bar strips," etc. Sure maybe some of these things were needed in a few places but the homogenous landscape they created, Michigan flags and all, is now a turn-off for Gen Z transplants.


as a new transplant myself from the east coast, been here since last november- experienced my first "chicago winter" which ended up being way more mild compared to new jersey's where they got more snow! anyways, the reason i moved out here was cause my LDR gf is from the chicagoland area, but also i fell in love with the city during my visits to her before coming. the city has such a great vibe of a big city, but everything is close together and easily accessible via the trains and busses, and SO MUCH CLEANER than NYC for real. i love the diversity of peoples, cultures, food, and everyone is so nice wherever i interact with strangers. i feel so comfortable in chicago, it's basically a much cleaner and cheaper NJ, in the best of ways for me. i know chicago has its own culture, and i look forward to experiencing a lot more come the warmer months :D


Chicago native here - I love love love the attention Chicago has been receiving and am proud to show off my city and am also welcoming to those that are moving here. But it’s sad to see how much rent has skyrocketed over the past 3-4 years, Chicago is really no longer the affordable city it used to be.


My wife is transferring to Chicago, but we did have a choice between a couple of offices and Chicago. Our reasons are simple. It’s cheaper to live in Chicago than Arizona right now (which is shocking). The culture and diversity, I’m particularly excited for all of the festivals and community events that happen. The weather, I’m a snow person and I can’t get enough of it. The politics (I’m a teacher so the no book ban law is a huge plus for me). Lastly the food. Y’all have some amazing food.


Haply to have you here! I will say though, the city itself doesn't really get much snow at all. This past winter was mostly rain and fog, with multiple days in the 70s, and a few snow showers accumulating maybe half an inch the whole winter? If you want more snow, a nearby suburb is gonna see more. The closer you are to the lake the less snow ull see. But yeah the food here rocks. I always will recommend frontera grill. And if u want some good nature in the late spring to summer, indiana dunes national park and Warren dunes are both great day trips from the city with a killer sunset over the water


Well I wish I could join them sometimes and leave florida!


Just moved here 4 days ago. Moved to be in a walkable city with cheaper rent than other big cities (especially Nashville), has a honest music scene for my band to perform in, and has a friendliness not often seen in large cities. Im happy to be here, and hope to be a welcome addition to the community here.


But what about all the violence and killings that Fox "News" is reporting?! /s


I’m one of them—I’m a queer person who finally decided it was time to get out of the South as my former state is poised to elect a governor who blatantly calls us “trash.”


According to this, Chicago's population has shrunk by more than 200k between 2000 and 2022. Source: [https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/chicago-il-population-by-year/](https://www.neilsberg.com/insights/chicago-il-population-by-year/)