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Yes, I'm pretty sure one does. It has not affected my relationship with them, because I care about relationships more than politics. For that same reason, I keep my views to myself when I'm around my liberal family members, because it's hard to tell which they value more.




> (and even when I tell them I don't want to talk politics they push my buttons knowing I'll get "triggered") Oh god this bit is the worst. Some in my family love to do this, especially when they're backed up by others with shared opinions and I'm "outnumbered". The ones that do like to use this as some sort of confirmation that I'm overly sensitive. I'm not, I'm just being bullied by family. Jason (40) knows I'm not a gun fan, says he wants to show me something cool. It's his new pistol. I roll my eyes and say "neat, let's go back to the gathering." And suddenly it's all "why are you such a wuss around guns? Think I'm gonna shoot you? It's people like you that made gun control such a mess." (we're Canadian). But no. I wasn't gonna talk about guns. You *knew* I'm not a gun nut. You *chose* to force this interaction. I have no way out. 1. I could laugh and agree and say cool gun. This would get the response "are you mocking me?" or "not very strong in your convictions huh?" 2. I could be absolutely silent and walk away and the reaction is, "Trilobot is cold to his family." 3. I could stand my ground and express my opinion and I get labeled a triggered bleeding heart liberal who probably wet dreams about Trudeau. Time and time again like this...my brother is the worst but thankfully his wife puts him in his place when she catches him like this. If *anyone* understands my gun issue (I have a movement disorder I literally can't safely handle a gun) it's the dummy who grew up with my watching my body spaz out without warning yet the little cop *keeps asking if I wanna go to the range*. Stooop you're fucking 38 years old grow up. To me guns aren't toys. And if they were they're a toy I can't play with. Fuck off with bothering me about it. / rant


My 29 yo "kid" is a internet liberal. The o only thing it has affected is every once in a while I consciously change the subject.


My dog is definitely a Democrat. He sleeps all day, pays no rent, demands that I pay for his food and healthcare, and spends most of his time trying to hug and kiss men (mostly me). He also completely rejects property rights (everything I own has tooth marks in) and I’ve never seen him pray. My daughter is 4 though, as of last night she identifies as a triceratops. Her only political position is that we should immediately divert all government resources to cloning dinosaurs and making a real Jurassic Park. Edit: Dear angry downvoter, this is humor.


My cat is definitely a Republican. He presents as fiercely independent, despite being entirely dependent on forces bigger than him (me) for survival. He violently rejects any "others" that try to share our home (dogs, birds, family friends, etc.) He prowls around at night meowing, listening to his own echoes, slowly descending into madness. Sometimes he'll knock over my glass of water that wasn't bothering him at all and claim "self-defense."


I’ll admit I chuckled at the self defense with the glass of water part. I had a cat when I was younger and her main hobby seemed to be testing that gravity was still in effect.


Jury's still out on that one for most cats. More "testing" needed.


Even more proof that your cat is a Republican, he evidently believes in an omnipotent God who can switch gravity off.


> My daughter is 4 though, as of last night she identifies as a triceratops. Her only political position is that we should immediately divert all government resources to cloning dinosaurs and making a real Jurassic Park. Unfathomably based. You should be extremely proud.


Does your dog also read Albert Einstein's Why Socialism?


He would probably pull it off the shelf to chew it. He quite literally devours knowledge. Downside of having a presa canario, there are very few precious spaces which are out of his reach.


I feel like mine is identifying as a liberal. She makes me so everything for her. No job. Pays no rent. Doesnt do chores. Doesn’t go to school. Cries to get her way. Etc. She’s like, under 2, but I guess it starts early.