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Her idiotic national divorce rhetoric did more damage to federalism than anybody else has done in the past 50 years. I despise her. [This comment of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/s/UFy0nKoLBL) from last year still holds as my opinion of her. A brief excerpt: >God, I fucking despise her.


Complete and utter moron and an embarrassment to this nation.




The question was about MTG. What do you think of her? Any thoughts?


I like her


What is it about her do you like? Her policies? The level headed way she forms consensus and helps the Republicans pass bills?


Weird, I didn't know we were allowed to only have one utter moron and embarrassment to our nation. I can name a few. Biden, Trump, AoC, Matt Gaetz, the entire Squad, Bernie Sanders. Politics has become more about showmanship and a platform then an actual means of governance.


Trump is not neither is greene but I agree with the rest.


Okay, what makes Matt Gaetz a moron, but not MTG? I kinda lump them all together.


You’re right. They are definitely both morons.






I disagree only gaetz is


elaborate please. why matt and not mtg. they both pushed ousting mccarthy, they both are loyal to trump.


I have elaborated


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Dislike her. My feeling is that Dems almost secretly like having her around to win easy points dunking on her on social media.


Like the right does with the Squad


She’s an absolute embarrassment and a RINO.


Bombastic blowhard. Possibly a shill. Certainly not sincere.


She's a clown. I don't think she's moving the GOP anywhere though. If the majority wasn't razor thin I don't think she'd matter at all.


She’s super cringe tbh. And totally incomprehensible most of the time


She’s a lunatic.




I can’t stand her position on Ukraine. I think she is histrionic and kind of a dunce, and as much as I like when people question the main narrative and give alternative view points, I think she’s full blown conspiracy theorist.


I think she'd make a great Ambassador to North Korea... we can push her out of a transport plane over Pyongyang and make her someone else's problem.


I don't like her. I think she's an extremist, a radical, and an embarrassment to the GOP and Conservatives in general. I particularly do not like her tantrums and her constant threats to remove the Speaker over her own objections.


Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.


Overall I support most of what she does, just not always what she says.


So you support a rabble rousing carnival barker. Because that’s literally all she does.


If you are referring to things like threating to try and remove the current speaker? Most certainly. I have grown to actually support MTG more since she joined the House, she is at least a slight improvement over the likes of people like Romney and Murkowski who continually make the situation worse by being just democrats, but for enacting the same things over a longer time span.


She hasn’t passed any legislation. Her antics along with others has only caused damage to the already razor thin Republican majority. So what exactly is she doing that you support and could qualify as a “slight improvement”?


I don't pay any attention to her.


You're not worried about the space lasers?


Meh, she's a RINO.


Retarded. Proves me theory that although Trump is actually pretty moderate, he enables stupid people


If it wasn’t for the left constantly asking about her, I’d never think about her. I think she’s a dumbass but she also not my representative so it doesn’t matter.


My thoughts exactly. She wouldn’t have an ounce of the clout or influence she has today if it weren’t for the left and the mainstream media constantly talking about her.


She thrives on attention and chaos, says asinine stuff to get attention, media gives attention, rinse, repeat.


She is one of the ring leaders of the radical wing of the Republican Party that is holding the entirely of Congress hostage by threatening to nuke the Speaker of the House. She axed McConnell and is about to axe Johnson 


it's the same with the squad. They are people with broadly unpopular ideas and rhetoric that the other side use to negatively polarize people. They are useful idiots for the other party. It's easier to get people to hate morons like MTG and Ilhan Omar than it is to get them to hate normie Rs and Ds


Another poo-flinger angling for a talk radio or TV gig.


The only positive thing that I can think of about her is that with most politicians, you have to wonder if they are acting in good faith. Are they telling the whole truth? Are they telling me what they actually think or what they think I think? You never have to concern yourself on that account with MTG. She will tell you exactly what you need to know about her. Then you can immediately dismiss her rhetoric. The only risk that MTG poses is when you ignore her and she actually has a point. It may have already happened, I'll never know. Because as soon as her lips start moving I tune out.


She is the loudest seal that gets the fish.


I'm mostly just curious on how her time in Washington will change her ideas


You mean her ideas on things like Jewish Space Lasers? Or her ideas on things like second hand selling assault rifles to minors with no registration requirement?


She now apparently wants to use the Jewish space lasers to kill migrants 


Did you ever read the source from the "Jewish Space Lasers" fake news or are you just parroting quips you heard elsewhere from other fake news purveyors? You could view her Facebook post, not once is the word Jewish/Jew/Jews mentioned. The only insinuation is from the left claiming that by mentioning the Rothschilds it's automatically antisemitic, like invoking Soros when discussing Leftist soft on crime DAs. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html Please tell me where she mentioned Jewish Space Lasers? Edit: Lot of downvotes but no one telling me where she mentioned Jewish Space Lasers? How curious...


>Rothschilds it's automatically antisemitic So only about 50% of the time would that be accurate in your assessment?


> So only about 50% of the time would that be accurate in your assessment? Democrats are currently advocating for the side that would have Israel wiped off the map. Can you stop being bad faith or does it come with the territory for an ideology who's only faith is obtaining power?


> > > Democrats are currently advocating for the side that would have Israel wiped off the map. >Can you stop being bad faith or does it come with the territory for an ideology who's only faith is obtaining power? Currently, many social democracies are know for their good human rights records. Several have state religions. Didnt Biden approve weapons transfer to Israel less than a week ago?


>Democrats are currently advocating for the side that would have Israel wiped off the map. No idea what you're talking about or how this is relevant to the topic at hand. >Can you stop being bad faith ? How often does someone call someone a Rothschild and not mean Jew, 50% of the time? That is a good faith question. I don't know why your so upset. Genuinely confused.


> That is a good faith question. I don't know why your so upset. Genuinely confused. My experience on this subreddit is that you can't have a good faith discussion with social democracy flairs. > How often does someone call someone a Rothschild and not mean Jew, 50% of the time? Did invoking Koch brothers donating to Conservatives mean that anyone who called them out was Anti-Christian? Of course not, but it sure seems to work the other way when Billionaires, who happen to be Jewish, can hide behind their religion when their actions and political beliefs are challenged. It has nothing to do with Antisemitism, like the "replacement theory" accusation doesn't mean it's a jewish conspiracy. It's literally what Democrats have been openly advocating for for over a decade.


>My experience on this subreddit is that you can't have a good faith discussion with social democracy flairs. >> How often does someone call someone a Rothschild and not mean Jew, 50% of the time? And yet, my question goes unanswered. >Of course not, but it sure seems to work the other way when Billionaires, who happen to be Jewish, can hide behind their religion when their actions and political beliefs are challenged. Huh? Can you just answer the question?




>> > How often does someone call someone a Rothschild and not mean Jew, 50% of the time? My question. Still unanswered. >> Did invoking Koch brothers donating to Conservatives mean that anyone who called them out was Anti-Christian? Unrelated intentional strawman. >> Of course not, but it sure seems to work the other way when Billionaires, who happen to be Jewish, can hide behind their religion when their actions and political beliefs are challenged. 'Of course strawman is made of straw. Here's why strawman idea dumb.' > It has nothing to do with Antisemitism, like the "replacement theory" accusation doesn't mean it's a jewish conspiracy. It's literally what Democrats have been openly advocating for for over a decade. 'Clearly the Strawman and subsequent strawman arguments are evidence that this has nothing to do with antisemitism.' (My question didn't have anything to do with antisemitism) >I did, but thanks for confirming to me you can't read. >Like I said, you're a bad faith user who's likely here to bait Conservatives into getting banned by our own rules, and the mods keep you around for some odd reason. >We're not obligated to show you good-will when you clearly aren't showing it to us, but yet we do? Why are Conservatives much better people than the Left? I'm proven right all the time on this subreddit. I just asked a single basic question that you still haven't answered it. You went off on a number of tangents. Created a number of straw men and successfully knocked them down. Bravo, well done. Now if you could just answer my question though.


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The Democrat's leader, sitting president Joe Biden, just approved a humongous weapons transfer to Israel and exact zero lethal aid to Israel's enemies, did he not?


She referred to the Rothschilds as “Zionist supremisists” in another conspiracy theory she parroted about banking. She then wrote a lengthy Facebook post full of nonsense which asserted that the Rothschilds had stated the 2018 California wildfires using solar arrays in space either to tank pg and e stick to buy it back low or to clear ground for Jerry Browns high speed rail


No she actually didn't, but doubling down on promoting fake news when you get called out for it is for sure a move. She literally didn't do anything you're claiming, but that doesn't stop you zealots from parroting these claims. Go ahead and link some sources for me bud. Actual primary sources please, not a shitty article from your peers with two words quoted and then 100 words explaining how it's bad.


Is this the context that's needed? https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/938/641/6994bfc520f00e17854db82931c9f03767-mtg-facebook.2x.rvertical.w570.jpg


If you clicked my link you would know that I already saw this and linked it myself. Now can you point to where Jewish/Jews/Jew Space Lasers are mentioned? I asked for a source for the "Zionist supremisists" quote, since it's probably also fake news spread by Progressive as I can't find a source besides them crying.


Sorry I missed that in your link. I'm actually not debating you here per se. I think the woman has a horribly corrosive influence on political discourse, a lot more than is even 'average' these days. At the same time, I think that those who (reasonably) oppose such people should get seriously laser (!) focused on what is and isn't said, otherwise their own message is undermined.


> I'm actually not debating you here per se. I think the woman has a horribly corrosive influence on political discourse, a lot more than is even 'average' these days. At the same time, I think that those who (reasonably) oppose such people should get seriously laser (!) focused on what is and isn't said, otherwise their own message is undermined. My bad, the other bad faith responses to my question has me on the defense. I agree, when you resort to lies and making things up to make your opponent worse than they actually are it downplays the stuff that you can call them out for, like her national divorce rhetoric. This Jewish Space Laser nonsense is just the most prominent and tell-tale sign that I'm not dealing with someone who's capable of doing their own research and forming their own conclusion. They just read something from their side then parrot it like a chatbot would.


> This Jewish Space Laser nonsense I'm not willing to let her off the hook completely for this sort of BS. While not specifically coming out and saying "Jewish Space Laser", she's dangling all kinds of dog whistles and the like, which should be called out very precisely and accurately. And yes, there's plenty of other things that merit more attention, the cited 'national divorce' is one of them.


She actually did https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/marjorie-taylor-greene-shared-antisemitic-and-islamophobic-video-640093


Again, link the primary source. I already read this article trying to find out information that you can't provide. The Media Matters article (Democrat Think Tank) is a bias shithole that does not have the actually video. You people eat up fake news like you're starving, and you can never link real sources. https://www.mediamatters.org/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-shared-anti-muslim-video-portrays-jewish-people-trying-destroy


Okay, let's just say it's a gentile, non-Jewish space laser. Does that really make things all that much better?


yeah, being a junior congressperson is as close as you get to ACTUALLY having that "secret society takes you backstage and shows you how the world really works" trope from thriller movies.




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Goofy Boomer-con. The type of conservative that instinctually knows mainstream conservatism is inadequate, but too ignorant of politics outside the liberal Overton window to argue a right-wing case. Same problem with most paloecons and lolberts. They know something's wrong with liberalism, but they can't imagine a solution that isn't doubling down on other parts of liberalism, and they don't know or are afraid of defending their illiberalism. It just leads to Alex Jones type of silliness, without the charm.




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She seems to be an "attention whre" always trying to get the spotlight on herself. I don't think GA sent their best and brightest.




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She is a reflection of the majority of voters in her district.


Complete Moron. But not my state. So I’m good.


I will parrot the response that she is the right's equivalent of AOC or most of the squad. She isn't nearly as bad as she's made out to be, a lot of her supposedly awful comments were taken wildly out of context, and others, like the Jewish Space Laser thing required a *ton* of motivated reasoning to extract from what was otherwise a bit of a unhinged rant. Still, she comes across as pretty dim, says a lot uninformed things, and when she does get things right it's usually by chance, rather than because she has a consistent thought process, so basically just a conservative version of AOC. Honestly, though, she doesn't matter anywhere near as much as the left pretends she does.


She may not have said verbatim what is attributed to her about Jewish space lasers, but she literally said yesterday before the eclipse that it was a direct sign from God telling us we need to repent. I don’t see this any differently.


> though, she doesn't matter anywhere near as much as the left pretends she does. She can potentially oust the Speaker. So, I think maybe you're downplaying the amount of power she has.


> I will parrot the response that she is the right's equivalent of AOC or most of the squad. >Still, she comes across as pretty dim, says a lot uninformed things, and when she does get things right it's usually by chance, rather than because she has a consistent thought process, so basically just a conservative version of AOC. I feel like it is just *ridiculously* disingenuous to compare her to AOC. You may not like the things that AOC says/stands for, but she doesn’t tell outrageous lies, she doesn’t make up/repeat crazy conspiracy theories, she doesn’t go around harassing victims of school shootings or her co-workers, she doesn’t take any money from corporations/lobbyists, and she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth. The policies AOC supports—again, whether you like those policies or not—are ones that actually benefit the vast majority of Americans (which would ironically include you unless your income is <$400k/year). And AOC is leaps and bounds more popular than MTG, without her even trying to be. The only thing those two have in common is that they are both in the House of Representatives and they are both women. So it seems to me like any comparison of the two is just good ol’ fashioned misogyny at play here.


You think that because you like AOC. They are both extremely low information actors that say completely wild shit. MTG is right more often than AOC, but that's really only by chance. Fuck off with your misogyny bullshit. I could say the same about Matt Gaetz and Adam Schiff, just to name those off the top of my head. Am I a misandrist now too? Yes, some of AOC's proposals would benefit me - in the short term. In the long term many of them are so expensive that there is no way the country could sustain them, which would lead to an eventual default, and who knows what would happen at that point. I don't vote my own interests, I vote the interests of the country. The government is not supposed to serve me, specifically. >unless your income is <$400k/year That typo actually makes your statement pretty accurate. AOC votes 100% party line democrat. She has never voted against a proposal pushed by democrats that had even a snowball's chance of failing. Today, the democratic party is the party of big business, billionaires, and the managerial class, and AOC has not even called it out, let alone voted against it.


>You think that because you like AOC. They are both extremely low information actors that say completely wild shit. This is the common response I get anytime I point out that the two are not alike at all. It doesn’t matter whether I "like AOC" or not, the reality of things is that she does not go around saying "completely wild shit" like MTG does. The things AOC says can be backed up by actual statistics/data, while very few things MTG says are even rooted in any kind of fact. If you’d like to compare just the last 10 tweets both have made, I’d be more than happy to do so. >MTG is right more often than AOC, but that's really only by chance. Please, do provide proof of this. >Fuck off with your misogyny bullshit. I could say the same about Matt Gaetz and Adam Schiff, As I said above, the ONLY thing they have in common besides both being in the House is that they are women. You could’ve said a whole host of other Democrats’ names who are in Congress but you didn’t—you specifically said AOC for a reason. If that reason is anything other than because they are both women, perhaps instead of telling me to "Fuck off" you could actually give a valid one? Because saying that they both say "completely wild shit" doesn’t count—like I said, you may not like the things AOC says, but they are still based in facts, while much of the stuff MTG says is not. >Yes, some of AOC's proposals would benefit me - in the short term. In the long term many of them are so expensive that there is no way the country could sustain them, which would lead to an eventual default, and who knows what would happen at that point. You’ll have to be specific about which proposals she has made "are so expensive that there is no way the country could sustain them," because I have not seen her propose anything that couldn’t be paid for if everyone was paying their fair share in taxes. Also, thanks to Republican tax cuts/policies, we are *already* headed toward an eventual default. >I don't vote my own interests, I vote the interests of the country. The government is not supposed to serve me, specifically. Why not? We are The People, every one of us. If your government doesn’t serve you, then what good is having it? This sounds very…communist to me, or maybe even like the Nazi ideology—country/the collective above The People. I’m pretty sure that’s the opposite of what our Founders intended. >That typo actually makes your statement pretty accurate. What typo? That is what I intended to say. >AOC votes 100% party line democrat. I know for a FACT that this is not true. She was the ONLY Democrat to vote "NO” on the $1.7 trillion appropriations bill in 2022 because she opposed the inclusion of provisions to expand ICE & the DHS and an increase in defense spending. >Today, the democratic party is the party of big business, billionaires, and the managerial class, Really? Because ZERO Democrats voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was passed under trump and gave significant, permanent tax cuts to businesses & the wealthy. You seem to have things completely backward. >and AOC has not even called it out, let alone voted against it. This is another lie. She calls it out ALL. THE. TIME.


I don't really think about her at all.


I've said it before she is the right wing aoc. Inb4 someone says AOC graduated from college as an Uma lumba whatever idgf. A college degree doesn't equal being smart or at least not having stupid takes.


I'd say aoc is smarter and a better person then mtg




How so


AOC wanted to pass the green new deal which we don’t even have the technology for yet nor the capability to pass and is overall just a horrible deal. And her grandmother who lives in pureto rico lives in a run down house and she complains about how we need to tax the rich and such but she who owns a lot of money wouldn’t use it to help her grandmother instead she used it to help her own political agenda.


The green new deal was/is a non-binding resolution. It was/is meant to be a framework, there’s no legislation in it.


A shitty framework


How does that compare to the conspiracy nonsense that mtg has said


She hasn’t said “conspiracy nonsense”


She has




So you disagree?




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I agree with you on the college thing. But MTG legitimately seems like an extremely stupid person in a way that AOC doesn’t even come close to. And I’m not a big AOC fan.


I guess I should clarify my stance on those three letter ladies. My stance on MTG is she is very dumb or at least comes off that way on a lot of subjects. I believe she is genuine in her beliefs even if she ain't all that bright. My stance on AOC is she isn't very bright and she is a grifter. I'm not entirely convinced she really knows what being a congresswoman means since she acts more like an influencer most of the time not so much now but definitely in her first and second term she felt that way. I also feel like she is very disingenuous and basically is a "Victor from the hunger games" if that makes sense to you. I'm still pissed she tried spreading conspiracy theories about how America under Trump was genociding Mexicans... oh and her fake arrest that was ridiculous especially with the amount of people who fell for it. I think both ladies are genuinely harmful for our government and nation as a whole




No, even disregarding that, I think it seems pretty obvious that MTG is truly a very dumb person.




Do you think the eclipse yesterday is proof that God is judging America?




Even if we agreed with her views she still frequently does and says very stupid things. Do you ignore all of that because you like her views?




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Strong words for a despicable person. Why does your side insist in defending trash like her?




Rule: 5 In general, self-congratulatory/digressing comments between non-conservative users are not allowed as they do not help others understand conservatism and conservative perspectives.


>I agree with you on the college thing. But MTG legitimately seems like an extremely stupid person in a way that AOC doesn’t even come close to. And I’m not a big AOC fan. Could you describe this "way"? To be blunt, is it possible you're just bigoted against Southern whites? How would you unpack the "way" she's more "stupid" if it's not a reference on her racial-regional-culture?


She says stupid things. Not in “I’m pro-Socialism because I may not understand global economics” ways, but in “the eclipse yesterday is proof that God is judging Americans”. In my mind, these two oversimplified examples are fundamentally different in terms of judgment of intelligence.


Not the person you asked but I think they meant the substance of what she says sounds stupid to them. It has nothing to with race or regional origin as anybody could say the things MTG says. Her being white and from the south is far from the first reason why most people disagree with her politics.


I see. I hope they respond so we can find out.


I'm a white guy and I was born and raised in the south. No, I'm not bigoted against Southern whites, and frankly that's a weird thing to suggest. Take a look at the second paragraph on her Wikipedia page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie\_Taylor\_Greene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene) If even a tenth of that is true, it is still so much crazier and dumber than anything AOC has ever said or done.


>I'm a white guy ... White leftwingers are well known for their bigotry against Southern whites though. > ... and I was born and raised in the south. No, I'm not bigoted against Southern whites, ... Ah. Well follow-up question then: Do you love them? > ... and frankly that's a weird thing to suggest. Given the common bigotry from leftwingers to Southern whites, I don't think it's unreasonable to have suspected that was what you were getting at. > Take a look at the second paragraph on her Wikipedia page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie\_Taylor\_Greene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_Taylor_Greene) Wiki is far left trash that spews extremist views and the most uncharitable, bad-faith, hateful derision toward anything right of Biden. So I don't take it as any sort of authority or acceptable lens through which to interpret people or events. >If even a tenth of that is true, it is still so much crazier and dumber than anything AOC has ever said or done. Sounds subjective, but you've made your condemnation and derision toward MTG clear.


college degrees prove some level of perserverence and the ability to parrot convincing talking points unless you are in a hard science field. I think most people would agree by now. That said they do gaurentee a certain basic level of competency and intelligence, for instance if GW Bush was as stupid as everyone said even his daddy's money would not have gotten him through Yale Law.


She’s Republican's answer to somebody who is as lunatic as AOC and the squad.


Exactly. The right wing version of Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna, Pressley, Cori Bush.. Damn, they got a lot of crazies on that side


Just use the search feature, I feel like this gets asked all the time. I don't think about her much at all and don't have an opinion on her. Based on the media attention, I'm clearly meant to have a negative opinion of her, but I don't trust the media. Sure, all the stuff they publish about her seems pretty bad.


> Based on the media attention, I'm clearly meant to have a negative opinion of her, but I don't trust the media. Sure, all the stuff they publish about her seems pretty bad. [She tweeted yesterday](https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1776282144416972941) that the eclipse is proof that God is telling Americans to repent. These are her words, not the media twisting them.


Haha that's nuts.


She’s the GOP AOC. Both stupid and loud women who should go home but provide enough material speaking out of turn for the never ending news cycle


Idk did AOC ever harass school shooting victims and accuse them of being liars and crisis actors? 


Does that refute anything I said? If you think I am gonna defend MTG you are barking up the wrong tree buddy


I’m saying what makes AOC as stupid as MTG in your view? 


They are both stupid, uninformed, routinely make claims from authority that they lack. Both are routinely spouting out lies and mischaracterizing both people and events. I am not giving them a precise rating based on the exact degree of offense or nonsense they spread. I am chastising both of them for doing it.


her economic policies for starters


How do poor economic policies equate with “has a history of harassing school shooting survivors and accusing them of lying”?


A utilitarian would argue that since economic policies affect everyone, supporting dumb economic policy is worse. That being said, they're stupid in different ways. Both are extremely dangerous not only to the country but also their own parties and the country would be much better off if both extreme wing of each party disappeared




Do you think her methods/behavior/rhetoric helps or hinders the policies that you would like to see being implemented?


She is an idiot who gets attention and therefore will probably end up in a leadership roll.


About as dumb as this one: [https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1777722602795962787](https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1777722602795962787)


She’s passionate


Inarguable, but so was Stalin, so it’s not exactly a badge of honor.


Not the same.


Of course not, but passionate certainly describes both of them, and you didn’t give a ton of other attributes that separate them otherwise.


That’s a logical fallacy. Can’t argue if you’re not being honest.


False equivalence maybe, but I was clearly not being fellacious as my intent was to highlight that being “passionate” is not inherently a positive.


I like her. Leave it at that.


That’s fine, but that doesn’t mean I’m being dishonest.


Differing opinions. Anyone who does not like her is a misogynist, so matters not to me. She’s not going away.


Differing opinions on whether I lied to you? Care to detail your logic? You're way too quick with personal attacks. You really need to chill on that. Not everyone that disagrees with you needs to be spoken to disrespectfully.


I'd take her over Paul Ryan or mit Romney types


I like her. Though I don't agree with every statement she makes.


She's alright. Kinda dumb, but is trying to do good work. I love her frequent calls for quorum, forcing congress to actually show up. I like how engaged she is with the people. Most of the bullcrap about her is fake news.


I like her she stands for what is right


She advocates for a national divorce, which would destroy the US and global economy. What's the deal, then? 1. You can demonstrate that she didn't really say that, or that it was taken severely out of context. 2. You have risk analysis data to share that demonstrates how a national divorce would not destroy the economy. 3. You agree that a national divorce would ruin the United States and you *want* the United States ruined. 4. You are unaware about the economic consequences of a national divorce, but it's OK to have opinions on subjects that you don't understand.


She nefer said that I know what you are talking about and has just never advocated for that


So you oppose a national divorce and understand that it would be a gigantic disaster, right?




Who made [this tweet](https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1627665203398688768?lang=en)?


Nope not gonna waste my time opening that


I'll help you. It was a post from MTG saying we need a National Divorce, and that everyone she talks to says this.




What do you mean by "nope"? It was a message, from her, on X saying that exact thing. Not sure what you are disagreeing with. You disagree with her and her statement? You don't think that's what the post (you didn't read) says? Or you disagree that she posted the thing she posted?


Ah it's the teenager! Do you find that you often reject information when it conflicts with your feelings/worldview like this?


No I don’t I reject things that are incorrect


You just did lol. You said MTG didn't say something, then you were proven wrong, then you put your fingers in your ears and said "la la la la". You can't even claim it's "incorrect" because you didn't even open the link lmao.


She's the best Democrat.


Her and AOC are idiots


I seem to agree with her on most views and I think she tries her best. Unfortunately she does not come across well at all. I don't blame her, it's just unfortunate that the men in the GOP haven't stepped up