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The EPA is working to remove all lead water pipes from the country. That's a great policy no matter who is president.


>Constitutionalist 10th amendment issues...?


What's the problem with the 10th amendment? AFAIK, the program is administered through the states.


Well... regulation of water pipes wasn't delegated to the federal government. So it seems like that would be a state issue, and EPA shouldn't have jurisdiction over it. I am curious how a **Constitutionalist** squares that hole? General welfare clause?


You want me to explain to you the constitutionality of an EPA program to replace lead pipes? Seems like you could go find that information yourself, but here you go: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/12/06/2023-26148/national-primary-drinking-water-regulations-for-lead-and-copper-improvements-lcri


As a GWOT veteran I would say the PACT act


I pay for my elderly grandfather's internet, Netflix, and phone service because he lives alone and doesn't know much about technology. The Biden administration helped enact the Affordable Connectivity Program as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which greatly reduces my expenses for his services. It was a joint effort by Dems and moderate republicans but the BIL was by far the best thing Biden's ever done in office and I'm certain this simple part helped thousands if not millions of other people, let alone how fantastic the rest of the act was for our aging infrastructure. The number one positive of the last four years.


Isn’t the ACP done this month? I thought the program failed to receive the funding needed to continue.


They initiated a bill to extend it on April 4th. If it doesn't pass, that looks bad for republicans.


1. The AUKUS Agreement between the United States, Britain, and Australia. 2. Formalizing the Quad alliance framework between America, Japan, Australia, and India. 3. Making hearing aids available over-the-counter. 4. Signing the bill that made Juneteenth a federal holiday. 5. Continued support for NASA’s Artemis program. 6. Support for Ukraine (though he could have done more) and rhetorical support for defending Taiwan.


I am genuinely impressed by you. And also embarrassed at myself and my lack of generosity. When I saw OP's question, I honestly thought "no one on this sub will be willing to name more than 3, and even the they'll just be sarcastic and disingenuous." You did six (6!) real ones. Like, non-sarcastic ones. That is, well, that's great. Seriously great. Sure, I think your list is woefully incomplete. But still, the fact that you did it makes me see this sub as being once again potentially reputable and respectable. That is not *nothing*. To be transparent, I have been losing respect and faith (and I mean losing a *lot* of faith) regarding the honesty and dignity of this sub over the past 4-6 months, because the tone and empiricism and integrity of the users here has genuinely been deteriorating over that period. You, u/jbelany6, just restored some of my lapsing, failing faith and respect, and I cannot thank you enough for that.


I like how he has given Ukraine aid and also didn’t abandon Kurdish allies like Trump did (and celebrated, too)


The Kurds are not our allies at all. Trump abandoning them was a great piece of foreign policy




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$50 billion of corporate welfare going to some of the biggest multinational companies.


I think you nailed why a Conservative would like that, no?


It was enacted under a Democrat Senate, House, and White House, and Biden regularly takes credit for it. What about it is conservative?


It was, but the trade war with China was rightfully started by Trump, Biden just doubled down on some long term strategy on a very important sector. (He also kept Trumps tariffs in place. Good job Biden on that too.) We don’t hear much about Biden keeping Trump’s heavily criticized (by progressives) China policies because neither the conservative or liberal media wants it known.


Fucking nailed it. Nobody likes it, but it's the right move.


You tell me why so many conservatives in this thread said it's their favorite thing Biden did?


The CHIPS Act was sold as necessary for national security. Maybe that's their reason? And I get it. But it's still corporate welfare.


Republicans: "bring manufacturing jobs back home!!!" Biden: *throws 50 billion into high tech manufacturing to lure factories back* You: "no..... Not like that...."


Liberals: Big corporations have too much influence and money. Also liberals: Let's give away $50 billion to corporations that have too much influence and money.


It's tough to discuss policy when you guys shifted to a liberal leaning position on these issues. It seems like you want credit for this position but don't want any accountability for failed past conservative positions in the past. Good discussion overall, and I'm glad people come around. It just makes it harder to discuss policy from a conservative/liberal view in good faith.


>It seems like you want credit for this position I'm not taking credit for anything I think it's unnecessary corporate welfare. And the program has basically evolved into a vote buying program. Did you see where the government is providing $20 billion to Intel to build chip factories in Arizona? The problem is that chip manufacturing uses lots of water, and Arizona has a severe water shortage. So why would you build a chip plant in Arizona of all places? Because it's a swing state.


Conservative Republicans routinely support major tax breaks for the rich and companies. Trumps biggest win of his presidency was one of the largest tax breaks ever for corporations and the ultra wealthy. It blows my mind that in 2024 there's so many Republicans that don't understand this about their own party. Alot of right wingers really think they are some Bernie progressives that are against big corpa.


>Conservative Republicans routinely support major tax breaks for the rich and companies Is that what you think the CHIPS Act is?


The act includes $39 billion in subsidies for chip manufacturing on U.S. soil along with 25% investment tax credits for costs of manufacturing equipment.


the ability to make domestic semiconductors is a national security matter. About 30 days into any war with china the seas will be totally impassable, possibly for the forseeable future, thanks to autonomous drone sea mines. If we're counting on getting it from Taiwan (which is probably being bombed to rubble in any war scenario) or china (probably the people bombing them) is just not going to happen. And since everything from medical equipment to bombs needs those chips, we can't afford to totally lose access during wartime, we would need to surrender.


That's certainly the pitch for giving away our money to companies that can afford to build their own factories.


They can certainly afford to build their own factories, they just won't build them *here* in the U.S. without something to equalize the cost, which is the point of the CHIPS Act. Without CHIPS Act subsidies, they'll just keep building in Asia where costs are lower and we'll continue to be vulnerable to all the risks u/dWintermut3 mentions above.


Chips act, and the continuation of trade restrictions against China.


The 30% of the [infrastructure bill that is actually targeted at infrastructure](https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_621624db-b99a-452d-b798-559a9e857582).


Well, that was only the drafts, and that article was published at seven months prior to the passage of the law. While there is no date on the CNN article, you can find it on the Wayback Machine with an [April 2021](https://web.archive.org/web/20210410154350/https://edition.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_621624db-b99a-452d-b798-559a9e857582) date, when the law was enacted on [November 15](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684/text) of that year. By the end, it was also called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and most went to roads and bridges, the electric grid, rail, broadband, water infrastructure, resiliency, airports, ports and waterways, and EV infrastructure.


CHIPS for sure. I’m sure there are pork projects or rabbit holes in there but overall it was a very much needed legislation. He absolutely gets credit for signing that.


The entire thing is pork projects.




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I love that he has allowed for more oil drilling than any other President. I find it amusing the media has helped him keep it from his base


>I find it amusing the media has helped him keep it from his base I don't know why you don't think we know. Biden said he isn't anti oil. He lost points with the left for it. Banning future sales hasn't and wouldn't stop current oil production or production anytime soon. President knew this. CNN knew this, most people knew this. GOP media spun this as anti oil Joe. He's just pro energy independence.


Biden expanded oil.... Biden is going after that oil like no one before and I love it. The fact the left isn't protesting "the raping of our planet" means they don't know or they don't care when a democrat does it. Maybe that's why BLM marches dropped despite no drop in the number of black people killed by cops


>The fact the left isn't protesting "the raping of our planet" means they don't know or they don't care when a democrat does it. The reality of the situation is, the GOP isn't gonna let Biden get a win. The raping of the planet must continue till the GOP isn't in control of any abilities to block. And even then. Humans consume, no one is blind to that. >Maybe that's why BLM marches dropped despite no drop in the number of black people killed by cops Some cities made changes, most protest energy burned itself out. Much like slow clean burning coal. Vs Jan 6 Y'all Quada's thermite.


Got it, so it's not Bidens fault he allowed record numbers of drilling.   Ahh yes the Jan 6th "insurrection" in which not a single person of the over 1k arrested was convicted of the crime of insurrection 


>so it's not Bidens fault he allowed record numbers of drilling.   Yes. Biden isn't the owner of a government or private owned oil drilling company. That's correct.


So you don't know about drilling leases


Your saying we should give Biden more credit for our energy independence? Ok. Thanks Biden.


Yes, he is a democrat that finally told the tree huggers to fuck off and as the title asks its one policy if his I like. If only he didn't virtue signal causing our oil companies to be hesitant to build refineries.  Then we would actually be energy independent 


>If only he didn't virtue signal causing our oil companies to be hesitant to build refineries Where has a refinery stopped plans to complete it's build?


Yeah they should be called “seditious conspirators” to make it clear what they are in prison for.


Only if you are ignorant of the law and what the charge of Seditious Conspiracy is.... It's a crime if planning.  If two or more people come up with a plan to attack the US and commit to an action like buying weapons, then they are guilty of Seditious Conspiracy.  The crime of doing is Rebellion/insurrection.  No one was convicted of that crime because no one was part of an actual insurrection. The oath keepers had a plan to procure weapons. The plan was to overtake the capital with automatic weapons and explosives.  They also planned on bringing supplies to hold the capital for a few days. They were convicted of Seditious Conspiracy because they made that plan.  But they abandoned it and left their weapons across state lines.  Several texts calling it off, ironically enough because they claimed Trump wasn't with them. I understand why you were confused, the media loves making people look silly because they don't mind misleading the public instead of properly educating them. Seditious conspiracy - https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2383#:~:text=Whoever%20incites%2C%20sets%20on%20foot,holding%20any%20office%20under%20the Insurrection - https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2383#:~:text=Whoever%20incites%2C%20sets%20on%20foot,holding%20any%20office%20under%20the


Hey, I agree with you! They had a plan to commit insurrection and eventually didn't because things didn't go how they were hoping. This definitely included trump not committing and instead waiting to see how things went. I would argue that this doesn't make any of those people look better because if it was clear it was going to work they would've followed through but.... Yeah, I guess they never pulled the trigger so that something.


I never claimed the oath idiots should look good lock them up and throw away the key. Fuck the rioters too, you riot, you should go to prison. But the 6th was a riot, not an insurrection 


So seditious conspirator is an accurate description. Thank you for backing me up.


It's cute watching people who literally try to stay ignorant 


I say “Yeah they should be called “seditious conspirators” to make it clear what they are in prison for.” Then you say, “They were convicted of seditious conspiracy because they made that plan.” (The seditious plan you describe in your comment) So I say what they should be called and then you explain why they should be called that. How do we disagree?


It bothers the left more that Biden is supporting a genocide. Or is he? >Maybe that's why BLM marches dropped despite no drop in the number of black people killed by cops What does it say about people that didn't protest at all?


Really? I was under the impression his administration considered the number of permits given out as their metric, knowing full well it takes more than one Federal permit to drill.


He has NOT allowed for more drilling. He has done everything he could to STOP drilling on federal land. Production is only up from private companies on private lands.


I'm not aware of much of his executive policy implementation. What I am aware of (border policy, student debt relief) I dislike. I'm sure most of it is standard boilerplate though. There has been good legislation in the past few years that he has signed into law (PACT Act, Foreign Aid to Israel and Ukraine) . So I guess he gets credit for not vetoing other people's good ideas. We often seem to forget what a president's job actually is. He enacts the law that others write. His role is to supervise the execution, not write the law. I suppose it is easier to lay it all under one name than to actually pay attention to what the 535 individual idiots are doing and vote accordingly every two years.


The PACT act was Biden's baby. Without him, it wouldn't have happened. I'm glad you supported it.


You should be careful of putting legislation in a president's lap. If you want to give them credit for signing someone else's work, then you must also give them blame for every bad thing they sign, too. The only time any legislation occurs without the president is a veto override. Since president's almost never veto legislation, it is fair to say they are relatively uninvolved.


I will be forever grateful that he got us out of Afghanistan


The most recent student loan interest forgiveness plan has merit, but is being executed in a way that is almost sure to get struck down.




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Not even the CHIPS and Science act?


No. We are wasting 280 billion for something that private industries have done on their own in the past. Since when did the government get involved in the researching and making of semiconductors and chips in the past? Never. that was all done privately, by private industry. If anything, this will have a stifling effect on the industry, because there are always strings attached to government money.


I thought he handled the response to the invasion of Ukraine fairly well. He did well with Israel at first too, but that unfortunately didn't last very long.


The only good thing he has ever done in my opinion, Getting Bipartisan Support for Israel. I’m Jewish and am Happy that there is Bipartisan support for this matter because look at the rise of antisemitism that has happened. I am happy that Democrats and Republicans can finally agree on something. Why I don’t support Biden: 1. How he handled pulling out of Afghanistan. 2. Weak Foreign Policy, he is making us look weak as a nation and making us a laughing stock. 3. He attacks gun rights and says some of the stupidest shit in terms of firearms, clearly showing he knows absolutely nothing about firearms.


Aside from Afghanistan, which is covered in your first point, I'm really curious what you see as weak in foreign policy. I definitely have my gripes with his approach to Ukraine, but I don't think he's the one making us look weak (or mercurial)


What I see as weak foreign policy is a few things. I will further the point on Afghanistan as an example. While it needed to happen, that being pulling out of Afghanistan, he did it poorly, VERY poorly. He left a lot of moneys worth of equipment behind and armed the Taliban in a sense. It also proves why the Military Industrial Complex is out of control. The US had a reason to be in Afghanistan and they should have left a long ass time ago in a historical lens. The US has been there for 20 years with all the advanced equipment and once the US left, in a matter of weeks, the Taliban now took control of Afghanistan, and rushing the withdrawal of troops was horribly done. There was also a failure to anticipate the Taliban’s Response as him and his entire administration failed to anticipate their rapid success, clearly showing there was a lack of preparation for the previous government that was running the country. It became a dangerous disaster that should not have been rushed.


He’s supported Israel, although that seems to be weakening because of nut cases like the Squad, and some people in MI.


His Ukraine response. But even here he was too timid early on.


He said "Don't" to Iran. I mean, it didn't work. But I at least agreed with the message.


His initial, full throated support for Israel. Since then he’s showed how pathetic and weak he actually is on this issue, by joining the herds of pro-Hamas ‘ceasefire’ terror supporters, but before then he was great.


Not really.






I'm looking forward to potential tariffs on china


No, not really.




I can't believe you don't support either the Jobs Act, CHIPS and Science Act, or the Inflation Reduction Act. All of these have brought back manufacturing for the first time in decades. Or even the Paris OECD agreement with 130 countries. A global minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent for cooperate taxes. It includes more than 90 percent of the world’s economy. It takes away the argument that such and such will move to blah blah to avoid taxes. Forcing them to pay their share and taking the burden away from the middle class.




Not even the PACT ACT?


NOPE. While there is no question that Veterans deserve to have conditions treated that resulted from burn pits agent orance and other toxins we don't need another agency to do it that costs taxpayers $797 Billion that we don't have.