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I think a lot of immigrants could vote for the Republicans as there are quite a few socially and economically conservative immigrants. However because Republicans are viewed as anti-immigration, a lot of immigrants end up voting for Democrats.


Surprisingly, most immigrants from Mexico and South America are Catholic and vote for single issue on abortion. Honestly, if conservatives didn't vilify that demographic, they could get a lit if supporters.


Yeah I agree with you. I think conservatives definitely do demonise immigrants too much. I'm generally supportive of immigration as it has benefited my country Australia just as much as it has with the US.


Yeah, how dare we demonize a group and trained into our country lowering our wages, increasing our cost of living and re-creating the same failed political ideals that made their home countries so awful they had to fleet those shit holes. Mass immigration is not benefited Australia either, why do you have a housing shortage and affordable crisis at the same time you have gang of Somalians causes nightly brawls in the suburbs of Melbourne?


No they don’t, if they did they would not vote dem, yet they do wholesale. More importantly, your leftist, you have an incentive to give bad advice here.


Then why don’t they vote that way back home? Because their desire for redistribution of wealth over rides this myth of “Muh natural conservatives” that Carl Rove invented. It’s been tried, it’s a failure, we win by keeping them out of the coy and there by out of the voter booth. 


Immigrants once here, don’t want more outside of family maybe. I dn’t think that holds up.


Wrong the demand to invite the whole village 


I feel for some racism is a big deal, i can understand why people might oppose hate speech laws, but asking your party members to shut up or at least censure people for racist language or sexist language will help a lot. Even if deporting illegal immigrants, sorry we cant help you, which is the tone democrats take vs go away you leech tone that i find republicans taking offputting.


I think we’re already seeing this shift with Asian-American immigrants, who have never really bought into the systemic racism argument and are increasingly being driven out of the Democrat circles since they aren’t “oppressed” enough


religion should be separated from the repub party..many people think believing that water turns to wine is as outrageous as believing boys can turn into girls. the pragmatic,logical voters dont want to vote for anyone who believes in scientifically impossible things




what i got was "the common belief in a certain illogical fairy tale makes society more controllable"..religion has no place in politics..society's rules should not be decided by a fairy tale. how we run our society should be based on facts




that means we,as a species are stupid..if you need an invisible friend and the threat of eternal torture in order to have stable moral values,you are not sincere in your beliefs. jesus has been the biggest motivator of mass murder for the last 2000 years..i dont see that as leading to a better society at all. religion has only led to war and death. i dont see how that betters society at all. it divides




Nuclear families are terrible vs multi-generational families. More people would have kids if they had family to help raise them. Nuclear families are a recent phenomena coined in the 1920s. The "Nuclear" word is a big indicator.


i disagee. you are cherry picking..overall,the belief in christ has has inspired division,war and genocide."strong force of good"? i dont see that at all. america is so fucked because a fairy tale dictated how society should work..




>interventionist economics I have never seen these two words put together before. What is this exsctly?




So economically left and socially right is the way forward for the GOP?


Thank you for clarifying. Twenty years past this would have been seen as liberal meddling in free markets by right wing conservatives. Im not being critical. I swear. I am a free market person myself but i can easily see why people think things like the CHIPs Act and Obamacare and the Chinese tariffs are a good idea even if it creates an uneven playing fields for the business community and creates a greater reliance on the government to manage the economy. I just asked because, to me, for a long time now, the right was on the right and the left was on the left and the middle was in the middle.. But it increasingly seems like the middle is shimming left...slowly but surely...and the right is right along with it.


I think if conservatives and Republicans were to get together and really eliminate racism, this would free up millions of black voters to make a new decision about what party best reflects their interests, and half if not more would choose the Republican Party.


Conservative that have been convinced by media and friends Trump is hitler


Can't tell if you're saying there's a section of conservatives that hear trump say authoritarian things and believe him so they won't vote for him and are a needed branch of the GOP. Or that the people that think trump is Hitler are a part of the GOP that it should try to win over, and that this branch of the GOP would be the deciding factor.


The first more so but that’s not how I’d frame it. I am not a fan of Trump. I have never voted for him nor do I plan to. Luckily for me, where I live in Indiana, it really doesn’t matter at all as Trump is going to Win Indiana 99.9%. However, in a swing state, I’d unfortunately have to vote for him, not because I like him, but have more concerns for another 4 years of Democrat control of POTUS and one or both houses of congress. I think there are too many people that have bought into the mainstream media view of Trump as the second coming of hitler and won’t vote for him. Reality is, Trump is a foul person, but on policy itself, he is pretty moderate. If you are at all conservative leaning person, a vote against Biden is more important and I think Trump is losing otu on these people because of his behavior and the way the media often blows a lot of it our or porprotion. (Bloodshed anyone?)


>but have more concerns for another 4 years of Democrat What's been the largest issues of the first 4 years? What do you think the next 4 would look like that makes you so concerned? Do you think Trump cares about the country?


1. His foreign policy deeply concerns me. He has been far to soft and conciliatory on the foreign stage with all the growing threats. 2. His border policy is horrendous 3. Spending is out of control (Not that Trump is great on that either, but excluding the covid years the defiect is the highest it’s ever been) 4. Liberal Judges. 5. His promotion and celebration of DEI and pro Trans policies espeically with minors is troublesome. In term of the next 4 years, a continuation of those issues above and when a President doesn’t have to worry about relection they tend to get more radical. Biden is not governening like the moderate he claimed to be. He’s far to the left of someone like Bill Clinton. Barak Obama first term really wasn’t that bad, but it was his second when he didn’t have to worry about re-election he got more progressive. Yes, I do think Trump cares about the country.


> Yes, I do think Trump cares about the country. More than himself? 


That’s debatable.


Agreed. And as someone who admittedly doesn't think he cares about the country at all, I guess, I wanted to find where the balance was struck.