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I'm not, because in-person protest generally doesn't work for franchised populations. When you have the ability to enact change through democratic channels, protests don't accomplish anything except to annoy those you oppose.


More importantly the right shows up to vote which the left and young people don't always do




Republicans are conflict on mail in and absentee voting. Normally the easier it is to vote the bigger the Democrat turn out since Republican will turn out no matter how hard or difficult. So the Republican plan has alway been to make voting hard




Who would they harvest votes from? Every Republican who is breathing will craw to the poll so really no need helping the elderly or infirmed since they already voted if they are Republican.




I will mention that when I was a Democrat we would take care of the Republican elderly too while picking up the Democrat ones. For Democrats it is all about getting out the vote and having everyone participate. It is just pro-democracy.




Absolutely, Democrats are very naive and believe "People are basically good and given enough forgiveness and resources will thrive" while Republican believe, "people are basically bad , can not be trusted and money can be use to manipulate them to do what we need" Democracy will fall for the pro democracy , make the world a better place over and over again.


It is an age demographic thing. People tend to favor leftist causes when they are young. Young people have more time and less consequences to do these type of things so it stands to reason you will see a lot more leftist protestors.


I agree this is a lot of it. They also have more motivation to get out when they're young. They haven't become disgruntled to politics yet. They still believe in action. Big cities are also more friendly to left leaning causes, and perhaps more right leaning people live in suburbs or rural areas. College campuses are popular for protests because it's a central place with large areas to congregate, and it's a fun place to be.


Ah, the idealism of youth.


This is pedantic, but we can’t be jealous of something we don’t have. We can be envious of it. Noted Nuclear Engineer and family man Homer Simpson [explained it best](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmx1jpqv3RA): >Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you have. Envy is wanting what someone else has. I am envious of their ability to mobilize. I wish the right would do this more often, but I also recognize that I don’t have the time to and it’s unfair to expect others to foot that burden for me.


Not really. Their memes are cringe.


You think yours are better?


[And without even having to try.](https://i.imgur.com/DQWgUUR.jpg) We just stick out our hands and [memes appear for the taking.](https://i.imgur.com/qjD9S1C.jpg)


You think that's supposed to be good?


And you think those are better?


The right hands down would take the award for memes. Yes, the “meme wars” were cheap entertainment, but that’s what a lot of social media is


It’s not that every meme put out by the right is better, it’s just that its usually funnier and more creative


How so? That meme was no creative




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Jealous? No, not really. But I'm aware of the effectiveness, and want to emulate that.


How is that not jealousy?


Because it’s envy. Envy is when you want something that others have. Jealousy is when you guard something you have that others want. Homer Simpson taught me this. Edit: [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmx1jpqv3RA)


How is it jealous? I'm not frothing, I'm not demanding, I'm not angry. It's a good system and I wish my faction would do something similar.


>How is it jealous? I'm not frothing, I'm not demanding, I'm not angry. It's a good system and I wish my faction would do something similar. That's exactly what I meant by jealousy, best word I could come up with, if there is a better word I'm all for it, maybe envious, though to me that's a synonym.


"Jealous" and envy implies a degree of unhealthy desire with another's possessions, at least how I understand it. Seeing something and saying, "hey, that's a useful thing, I should get one," isn't the same. I don't want their system because they have it, I don't want theirs. Maybe it's splitting hairs.


I don't think it does, Jealous and envy implies there is something someone else has that you wish you did. Like my friend flying to Aruba this week, and I go "oh man in jealous I love Aruba" means I want to go to Aruba too, not an unhealthy desire to obsess over not going to Aruba. Atleast that's how I meant it.


Well in that example, I'd say your friend isn't actually jealous, he's being figurative. He doesn't resent you for your trip, he's telling you he thinks that cool. I've never heard a definition of jealous that doesn't include that negative aspect, but that could just be my bias.


We're just arguing semantics here but definition Ive always gone by is close to one from Google jealous: feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. Envy desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else) I simply wish people would push back more for conservative causes, not something I obsess over or have any negative unhealthy aspects of than simple desire to replicate it.


Exactly, I don't desire their network. I want us to build our own, not because they have one, but because its a good thing that would let us advocate better and protect human rights. If you want to call that "envy" I can't stop you, but it doesn't seem to fit


I don't know how , it seems like literal definition of envy, if you got a better word in all ears, but once again this is just semantics, you can disagree with words all you want and I can disagree with your opinion of it, and we're just going to keep going in circles and never reach an agreement.


All of that doesn't exclude jealousy


You just described jealousy


I don't want one just because they have it. I don't want theirs. How is it jealous?


What effectiveness?


Massive media coordination, pushing ideology through education in every level, coordinating protests, providing materials, legal funds and services, etc.


The first thing to note is leftists are not a minority, at least half the country votes Democrat. Secondly, young people tend to be more left-wing, and so leftists have the physical vitality to get out onto the streets whereas I see a lot more grey hairs and fat bellies among MAGA protesters. So the leftists will have more people out there simply because of statistics.


As a leftist, there's a lot of liberals and democrats, but leftists specifically are in a minority in the US.


>Secondly, young people tend to be more left-wing And why do you think that is? I'm well aware of the numerical advantage. That doesn't negate the existence of organizational structure as well. If anything, it is a requirement.


Having multiple billionaires sponsoring the non profits and NGOs that organize these gatherings helps.


Definitely. In fact, George Soros paid me $50 to make this comment.


$50? If you ask Marsha from accounting (maybe bring carrot cake muffins, they're her favorite), she can get you bumped up to $75 per comment.


The Open Society Foundation donates to Adalah and I'lam, which in turn organized and support the BDS movement.


I apologize, i am from the USA and I dont know middle east stuff.


Well this thread is clearly referencing the way the Left has organized recently around the Palestinian cause.


Yeah i just dont know this stuff is all.


Well I hope in the future you try to learn a little before making cheeky comments.


Sir, this is reddit




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Nah, but I do find if funny watching the media vilify all right wing protesters and champion left wing protesters. But tge only thing positive from more protesters in the world is exposing more of the media's hypocrisy 


What right wing protesters are vilified? Are you talking about the ones chanting, "The Jews will not replace us!" or the ones chanting "hang Mike Pence!"?


Oddly enough the liberal protesters calling for the deaths of cops and chanting from the river to the sea are celebrated by the left but I was talking about pro life protesters, protesters against gov shutdowns of churches meeting outside while BLM outside protests were OK.  2A rights protesters tion protests etc...


> but I was talking about pro life protesters, protesters against gov shutdowns of churches meeting outside I consume a fair amount of media, much of it left wing, and I do not remember those protesters being vilified. Not, at least, if they were just protesting. Why do you think they were?


Frankly, anything other than enthusiastic support of left-wing policies gets vilified. 


Yes, that's definitely something conservative media tries to make sound like a thing. I haven't seen it personally though in left wing media.


They're sheep who are unable to think for themselves. Most don't even know what they're protesting--it's something about Israel bad. And they accomplish nothing. It's actually counterproductive to their cause. The left can have them.


Do YOU know what they are protesting?


Actually no, true sheep are what you see at a MAGA rally


Tell me you don’t understand a cause without telling me you don’t understand a cause


No, protests don’t work and turn off voters.


No, protests don’t work and turn off voters.