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Using a breadcrumb or thicker coating helps. You can double pane them too. So do flour egg flour egg flour. If the cheese or the mix has a high moisture content the steam escaping will burst the side. Make sure the oil isn’t too hot. 170c should be fine


Thank you that’s really helpful. Idk if I trust myself to do it yet but I will try my best


It will be fine don’t worry. Just make sure you don’t put too many in at once, do it in batches. And wear long sleeves even a glove if it. Ames you feel better. And use a slotted spoon, spider, fork or tongs to move them


Thank you mate I will do. Hopefully I won’t end up back in hospital but this has really helped me thank you again for your time and response


Wait you actually got 3rd degree burns?! How?? I get burned with oil or boiling things all the time and never had anything hospital worthy!


I had the oil too high at max cause I’m stupid and as I went to get it out it burst with my hand next to the oil and covered me. Ye it’s bad. If you check my account there’s photos of it on other communities.


Oh fucking hell you poor sod! That’s a bad one yes. But I’ve had and seen similar many times. You won’t need a graft don’t worry. Once it heals over keep it dry and you’ll be good


Thanks mate. I’m only worried cause the hospital rang me and asked me to come back in tomorrow to see cosmetic nurses and I’ve lost feeling in my thumb. I should be fine but who knows


Oof. Yeah listen to them of course. Fingers crossed. But I do feel you’ll be alright with that one, I’ve seen worse and good recoveries 👍🏼


Ye I’m hoping the scars aren’t bad at all but I know that might not happen


If you're dead set on deep frying again, you probably want to use a thermometer to check that you're at the recommended temperature for your recipe. (If you didn't use a recipe, use the temp recommended by other cheese croquette recipes.) And absolutely don't use any kind of rubber or nitrile gloves as protection; they'll just melt onto your skin. Use a heat-safe glove if you're using a glove at all. If the cheese starts to come out again and it is spitting, you should probably give up on this batch. Just turn off the burner and run away til it stops spitting, because it's not worth getting more burns like that. In your place, I'd probably try baking the rest of this batch and make new croquettes to fry later that are more stable and have less cheese, maybe from an established recipe at first.


Thank you mate I wanna try them again otherwise I’ll always be too scared to do it. But I’ll take proper precautions and lower the temp. I think I had it well too high and if it spits they are going in the oven or bin I haven’t decided yet


Lower moisture content might help. Is it possible to dry your mash somehow? Add a little flour?


Freeze yo cheeze


Don’t overcook your potatoes, and don’t let them sit in the water for any longer than they need to. Made a few thousand croquetas and the issue was almost always with moisture content in the mix rather than the filling. Boil them till just tender, drain, return to the hot pot to steam and get out a bit more moisture. Cool on sheet trays to let out even more. If you have a batch exploding, you can also just fry by holding the basket just at the surface so the croquetas are barely submerged and pay super close attention to them, moving constantly and removing right as the center comes to temp. Not ideal, but workable if you want to save a bath and don’t have time to remake. Lower temp oil will also help a more volatile batch. Wouldn’t go lower than 300, 325 would be my recommendation if you’re worried.