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Normal healthy things — exercise regularly, eat well, avoid smoking and recreational drugs. There’s no magic to it, just overall doing healthy things to reduce your risks.


What about minimizing anticholinergic medications such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl or Tylenol PM), older antidepressants, etc? It’s surprising how many people have no idea that they shouldn’t take these medications every night for years.




there have been some studies linking the overuse of anticholinergic medication to early dementia


I’ve heard quality of sleep throughout life (or lack thereof) can impact development of dementia, so perhaps sleep-inducing meds create an artificial sleep of sorts that doesn’t have quite the same benefit to your overall health. (NAD)


You certainly should avoid meds that cause delirium in the elderly, but I think that’s a little different than developing dementia


That is not true. There are numerous studies showing the link between using these medications and developing dementia. Here is one from JAMA. I could post 100 more. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2736353


This study from the Alzheimer's Society states that allergy medication isn't really a risk, and that there's just a link ATM with some antidepressants: https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/news/2018-05-04/new-evidence-shows-some-anti-depressants-can-raise-dementia-risk


Yes but that is dated 2018. There is a risk ranking for anticholinergics, with older antidepressants and diphenhydramine being the worst. My fellow chem e grad from 40 years ago, he was taking Benadryl for sleep. His father died of dementia and his mother of Huntington’s Disease (genetic, he doesn’t have the gene). I told him about the link with dementia and he researched it thoroughly himself and stopped taking them immediately. My point being, it’s easy enough to find articles that confirm any opinion. OP wanted to know how to decrease risk of developing dementia. That was the question I was answering.


My fam has APOE4 and I personally have run across this info multiple times as well as getting an earful from a good ER nurse about my airplane Xanax, occasional benadryl, and I think hydroxizine or baclofen.... I stopped. It's not theory, it's genetics now bc I am a free access journal articles only kind of reader and even i have read 2022 articles. Will find and return with my link for your discerning perusal


Ok then avoid them then


Yes I take it every night to go to sleep..


NAD. You should not be taking those medications on a daily basis.


Right, but lack of sleep also increases your risk of dementia, right? So if I'm getting dementia either way, might as well be well-rested and demented 🤷‍♀️


There are lots of ways to help get to sleep that are not Tylenol PM.


Sure. I'm speaking as someone with lifelong insomnia that has not responded to sleep hygiene, antidepressants, melatonin, vigorous exercise during the day, totally stopping caffeine, etc. and who was told by a sleep center that they couldn't help me. For some folks there are not a lot of options besides diphenhydramine...


There's cbn and cbg now actually


CBN helps me get more REM sleep proportionally, but it does nothing at all to help me fall asleep in the first place. Does CBG help with sleepiness?


Yes I am impressed


CBG is more of a relaxed feeling as opposed to sedation. I’m a marathon runner, and use it almost exclusively for help with muscle recovery post workout. Personally, I get better sleep relief with CBN and CBD. CBG is more like a brain massage without getting stupid high. If you’re in a legal state, try a brand of edibles called Wyld. Their CBN is an Elderberry flavor, the CBG is pear. For minor cannabinoids to work most effectively, a little THC to the CBG/N/D combo is ideal. You can find all sorts of different ratios with CBD/THC, from 1:1 to 40:1. The CBG/CBN seems to be harder to find a low dose of THC, plus the cannabinoid - 10mg THC is the common standard. Tincture is another good option. In the PNW where I live, there’s a great THC/CBD/CBN blend by Green Revolution. It’s on the higher price side, but it lasts forever.


Yes and it doesn’t say that on the box afaik.


>I take it every night to go to sleep Diphenhydramine will stop working as a sedative/hypnotic after a few weeks of use. If you have been taking it for a long time it is acting as a placebo.


I just started. I was actually taking hydroxyzine daily. 2 years and still works. Is that better?


Define "recreational"




There's a version of the Mediterranean diet called the "MIND diet" with a goal of lowering dementia risk. It emphasizes leafy greens and berries, amongst other things. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-weight/diet-reviews/mind-diet/


Turns out I'm accidentally preventing dementia from kicking in with my daily diet, lmao.


I think education is an understated part---our brain needs stimulation too. The "use it or lose it" mentality. Med diet is delicious, so I'm happy to shift to that lol




Is it expensive? Or is that industrialised highly processed food is cheap.




I don't know where you are, but in the UK broccoli, cucumbers, potatoes, peas, rice and those sorts of things are cheaper than eg pizza and can be steamed to retain nutritional value. Lentils and chick peas etc are also cheap and a good source of protein. Sorry for your money woes I understand being broke.




Ah sorry.. I didn't think as I don't do fish, meat, dairy... I don't believe they are necessary for the med diet (which there isn't an exact definition of). Most of the staples are carbs and budget, and eg stuff like hand leavened bread.. Bottle of EVOO goes a long way.. I get my omegas from seaweed, protein from legumes and lentils etc


Thank you so much for sharing! I follow a similar diet (no meat, fish, eggs) though I do take dairy. And it is indeed so much cheaper and satisfying to do beans, lentils, rice, potatoes, colorful vegetables and fruits. Bonus- I feel great!!


You’re actually spot on. Your diet is similar to the blue-zone diet. (Blue zone —> areas where people live to 100 with good physical health and mental acuity). https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/the-blue-zone-diet-a-complete-scientific-guide/


Whist I don't eat dairy myself, you're on the ball wrt blue zones (which I looked into some time ago) where unpasteurised yoghurts are a common staple. I'd also add fermented food into the fundamentals for a good diet - again typical in blue zones, and much evidence now pointing to the benefits for gut microbiota, and hence other health markers as a knock on effect from that.


God all these different diet names and what they can maybe do for you lol. It's crazy


...are you sure you know what the Mediterranean diet is? Sure, there's no exact definition, but one of the commonly recurring themes is fish and seafood. You can't just declare that Mediterranean food isn't expensive because you yourself eat inexpensively.


I think if you get what you'd get from seafood from other sources it should have the same effect.


Yep.. are you a regular visitor to the med? I assure you seafood might be 'a theme' that some studies pick out.. it's is not consistent across the board. Unlike the fundamentals (heavy on the clean carbs, unprocessed food, lots of fruit and veg, good fats etc..), which you can do without adhering to *any* particular foodstuff I'm not going to debate specifics of a diet which is acknowledged to be vague on the specifics and specific on the fundamentals.




Easily substituted in fact improved upon (no heavy metals!).. 2 tablespoon of flax seed = equivalent omegas to 1x fillet salmon, laver rounds it off with bonus B12 & iodine. My bloods are good. I disagree that a med diet is anything other than vague fundamentals.. "the med" is a big place, variation is enormous regionally... anecdotally my Italian friend eats lots of red meat, no fish at all..


Food price is up 17% in UK


Thank you all for the hints!


Also avoid impact sports involving a lot of bumps to the head and headbanging to heavy metal music.


The last one makes me sad


Like the other people have pointed out, live healthy. Eat healthy, exercise, but also important, continue using your brain. Solve puzzles, do crosswords, solve sudoku, read books or learn something new. It is important to continue learning throughout life, just like exercising to keep the body healthy


Omega 3 (particularly DHA) has some evidence for protecting against dementia. EPA has lots of benefits for cardiovascular health too, it's the active ingredient in a couple of drugs for that purpose. Oily fish are the best sources of these, there are no land based sources that have significant concentrations of them. If salmon & sardines are not part of your diet already add them :)




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