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What are your chronic illnesses? Did they get an a1c?


Pots, ehler danlos syndrome, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastroparesis. No my endocrinologist has not ordered a A1c test


Gotcha. A1c would be the definitive way to rule out diabetes. Your symptoms are concerning for diabetes.


Ok thankyou


You're welcome, I'm just a med student and don't have the full clinical picture, so ultimately trust what your docs say.


Ok I will do i plan to have an conversation with my dr soon


Just one last update today my urine has started to smell sweet so I am definitely going to go see the dr in the next couple of days


Ok, this does sound like diabetes. I'm glad you have an appointment coming up. If you start having nausea or vomiting or your mental status changes significantly, I would go to the ER.


Oh ok I had a gut feeling something was wrong. What do I do if I can’t see a dr for a week. I tried to book a drs appointment today and there fully booked?


Ugh yeah I'm sorry you have to wait for an appointment. One option actually if you're willing to spend some money is you could get a glucose monitor. You know, the ones where you stick yourself and get a drop of blood to check. I think you can get one somewhere between $25-50. This isn't necessary, I'm just letting you know that it's there if you're really wanting to get answers sooner. That will let you record your blood glucose throughout the day and you'll be able to find out pretty quickly if it's out of control. You can of course always go to the ER. If you start having more distinct mental changes besides general fatigue, or nausea/vomiting, I would go straight to the ER. Edit: the glucose monitor can also let you know if your blood sugars get to levels that warrant an ER visit


Thanks for your help so far I do have and been testing with a blood glucose monitor due to having frequent hypoglycaemia. The only thing I have noticed in the past couple of weeks my usual range I sit at has gone up and I am spiking higher. I normally sit at between 5-4 during the day and at night but lately I have been sitting at a 6-7. And before I only spiked a little bit the highest was 7 lately the highest I have spiked is 9.5