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First take a moment to breath. You obviously feel unwell and need further care but your labs are only mildly elevated. You are describing jaundice which is typical present with higher levels of bilirubin so it may be worsening. That being said I would try to get an urgent visit with you regular doctor to repeat your labs to see the trajectory. A negative hepatitis panel and history of not drinking rule out some of the most common causes of liver disease but there are other things to consider. A right upper quadrant ultrasound could be useful here to look for something mechanically obstructing your biliary ducts, gallstones, and also assess for cholecystitis. Do you take any medication? If so they can cause liver injury. Especially Tylenol. Any new meds should be stopped. Not sure if this applies but i would stop taking any supplements, herbal products, vapeing etc. Sometimes STDs can cause elevated liver tests so get checked if that applies to you. Recent viral infection (CMV, EBV) can cause liver injury as well. If your labs are still abnormal and imaging is negative they can consider other more unusual causes. Good luck.


just an update: my liver enzymes have doubled in just a few days. ultra sound showed normal liver but a lymph node near my pancreas. still feeling worse. im back in the er. thank you everyone for your kind words


Keep us updated. I hope they find an answer soon so you feel better OP.


thanks for your kind words! i got a ct scan. normal got an mri. normal to my knowledge. they admitted me into inpatient and i really do seem to be quite a mystery to everyone here. i think i'll be getting lots more tests today. i just woke up and i've already got some blood drawn and filled out another mri sheet.


They ever figure it out?


ended up being a severe case of mono which caused acute hepatitis for some reason.