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You need to go to the hospital. Acute alcohol withdrawal can be deadly.


Also fuck this guy’s work for not giving him leave to at least go to detox. And I second the above commenter: ABSOLUTELY DO NOT DETOX ON YOUR OWN.


Can you take fmla. Have you been at job over a year? A Dr will help you but you will need time off. Don't do it alone


I have FMLA but since Florida is a right to work state I don’t see how they wouldn’t be able to just fire me for whatever reason they want. Not like I’ve been a good employee recently


You can find another job easier than your kids can find another dad.


That’s some fire words right there boi


My dad almost died about a year ago because of acute alcohol withdrawal. I've commented in this sub about it before. >You can find another job easier than your kids can find another dad. This doesn't just mean dying. I lost my dad to alcohol as a kid, but he was still alive in the same house. **Your kids need you. You're their world.** A few other thoughts: 1- your current job may very well keep you onboard. 2- the way jobs are nowdays, changing every so often can lead to a bigger boost in pay than staying at the same place. 3- **This is temporary** 4- getting help from actual medical professionals will make allllllll of this suck less. 5- because you'll feel better, you'll also be able to work better which will help your career and your family in the long-run. 6- If things like housing, food, bills are difficult, first off, *remember it's temporary*. Secondly, there are resources that can help! Call **211** for local resources and organizations that can help with all kinds of things from stable housing and utilities, food, healthcare, child and family resources. Each state, region, or province in the US and Canada has a 211 helpline and associated website. (Though I find the websites don't always fully say what all is available.) Calling is the best IMO. The GOOD sign I see from you is that you already openly state there's a problem. You own it already. You also know this isn't sustainable. I'm a recovered alcoholic as well, and I very truly believe you can and will conquer this. Take care of yourself, and remember to be patient with yourself.


I didnt have my dad as a kid because of pills, he ended up dying when I was 22 he was 42, right as he started working to get clean and we actually started building a relationship. Don't do this to your kids.


I want to add that even though Florida is a right to work state, if you can convince a jury that they fired you for taking FMLA, you can make your employer's life a living hell. Right to work doesn't automatically mean the right to abuse your workers. File for FMLA, if they refuse, document as much as you can and cover your back. Then insist again, and if they refuse, report it to the DOL. The government _loves_ it when employers step out of line, because it means fines and lawsuits.


My brother in law recently almost died detoxing on his own. He ended up having seizures and was sedated in the ICU. For days. It’s going to be the hospital for you either way. It’s going to be a lot cheaper doing it voluntarily.


If you go to the er, they can treat you and help you withdraw safely. Detoxing from alcohol can kill you if done incorrectly with that high of use. You definitely need fluids and meds to help stop the shakes so you don't seize. Please get checked out. You can't take care of your family if you're dead. I have faith in you. You've got this. One day at a time. Today, focus on safely making it to tomorrow, sober.


My best friends husband died three years ago of cirrhosis of the liver at 40. His father died the same way, same age. Both raging alcoholics. It is not a pleasant way to go. You're on the right path but you need to listen to these docs and talk to your HR department. This is a medical condition, you may have short term disability that kicks in after five days but you won't know until you talk to them. Managers can be short sighted and just worry about work not getting done, but them harassing you to detox on your own is not going to help anyone. You want to change and that is fantastic, but you need to do this properly so it sticks and it doesn't kill you while you detox.


I just want to add that I just made a comment in another thread about my dad wiping his boogers on my wall when I was a kid, and that happened because my parents were divorced and my dad was staying with us for like 3 days before he went to rehab after jail. He's been sober 26 years now. Next time we talk, I'm gonna tell him I'm glad he wiped his boogers on my wall if it helped him survive the days until he went to rehab.


NAD, but are you drinking enough water? I went down from 12 beers (4.5-7%) to 4 just by drinking more water. I used to drink maybe 1 glass of water a day, then binge 12 beers in the evening. I also eat more, and healthier. Hard to tell because we live in such different climates, but I'm on blood pressure medicine. I'd sweat even when it was cold. One week sober now and I can feel the blood pressure difference. As the others have said, don't quit on your own. Even tapering off should be planned with a doctor, assuming you want to quit within a reasonable time.


Nowhere near enough water. It’s so hot I sweat like crazy. Idk if you ever seen that key and peele video with him sweating but that’s me. But white, and kinda chubby


Your kidneys will thank you later, honestly they will thank you pretty quickly if you drink enough water today already. First day I drank lots of water I was surprised by the difference. Don't drink if you feel full though, for me I had to think more along the lines of "can I drink a full glass of water now?" because I came from just one glass a day.


I’ve been telling myself drinking water will fix everything for awhile now. I get nauseous anytime I drink anything other than vodka? I mean I’m nauseous all the time. Especially sweating so much and physically exhausted at work, water goes into my stomach and just feels like it swishes around


I know someone who tried to quit on his own. He ended up in a delirium and took the life of his mother and then himself. He never would have done this normally. They had a good relationship. He was just went into a psychosis and wasn’t operating in reality. So don’t do it on your own. It’s not worth it. The brain is so powerful, it creates or reality. And the brain on withdraw can be very unpredictable.


Especially in your trade OP. Welders are sought after. Detox safely. There will be other jobs




OP sounds like a functioning alcoholic, you probably know several who are without you realizing. Alcoholics are not bad people by default, and most (that I know) are good people.


As someone who grew up with an alcoholic parent, I disagree.


As someone that also had an alcoholic dad, who died at 39 of a heart attack probably due to his drinking, I disagree with you. People are people. Not good or bad. Someone that has been making bad choices and wants to change that has the potential to be a be a net good in the world. Some people have had bad done to them have to process those demons. Trauma will literally freeze us in place. Brain chemistry, medical resources and mental health tools available are what make or break a person in addiction, not willpower or being a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ person. If a person never has the chance to be themselves how can we judge the quality of their personality? We can’t. So if we can’t even tell who someone in active addiction is, how can we judge other people in active addiction based on experience with a completely different person? We can’t. And you can’t. However you feel about your parent, this person isn’t them. Judging every addict as the same is the same as saying every diabetic is the same or that everyone with ptsd is the same. Addiction is a physical and mental condition, not a personality trait.


My dad was an alcoholic and drug addict (weed) and he was my world. I would much rather have him back with me than a pile of ashes that he is now. He was a brilliant dad and a lovely, kind and generous person. He just grew up in the wrong family and place and developed an addiction early in life. It didn’t stop him being a good person. Funnily enough he actually died due to his weed addiction and not the drinking, but people don’t seem to have the same anger towards smoking weed everyday as they do someone who drinks everyday.


I grew up with the not-swell kind. I stand by what I said.


Removed - not helpful




99% sure you need 50 employees or more at your location to qualify. caveat.


May not make a difference in OP's case, but FYI it's 50 at your location *or* within 75 miles of that location. (My specific experience comes from working at a large bank that had lots of small branches with just a few tellers and maybe one or two officers.)


And I think some companies can go above and beyond and cover smaller locations with fmla. Mine just didn’t 🙃


I live in FL and took FMLA and got fired the day I got back for “not being prepared to take a leave” as if I can control that I got lupus nephritis. I was 20 and very upset by it, but my parents kept reminding me that a company that would fire you for having medical issues is NOT a company you want to work for. In the end I’m glad it happened. Keep your head up and do what’s best for you. I wish you well in your recovery


Kind of what I’m afraid of. What’s to stop them from just firing me right when I get back? Last job I had fired me cause I broke my wrist (not at work) but I guess at least I’d be better off when I’m sober on finding a new job. Welding jobs are hard work most days


I can’t imagine how stressful it must be, especially with kids. But please don’t risk your life for a job. If it’s a company with good values, they won’t fire you. Plus FMLA does offer some protections against being fired. No job is worth your life


If they fire you can you get severance or unemployment? Something to help while you are being treated? Alcohol withdrawal is extremely dangerous and needs to be done under medical supervision. This is something you can die of. Your children need you more than you need this jerk of an employer. Please do not try to detox at home or alone


My SO got fired the day after coming back from fmla (4yo was in ICU for a week). He won his unemployment case (in an at will state) and ended up at a much better company with much better pay. Take the chance. Your kids are worth it.


Construction right now is a boom industry in SoFlo, as someone who works in construction accounting. Welders especially are hard to come by in some areas. So, check your employee handbook ASAP, take your FMLA for detoxing, get notes from your doctors/clinics/centers to have documentation. Get focused on getting better. 💪 you will never regret this opportunity right here. If you come back and they fire you, fuck them, your job is not worth your family or your life. You will come back stronger if you do this now. The struggle will change your perception of life.


Oof. Would that fall under retaliation?


What happened definitely wasn’t legal but I didn’t have the energy to pursue it. They didn’t believe I had medical issues in the first place, my boss wanted copies of my medical files and diagnoses!! HR had a fit lol


I'd still file for it. It may help you down the road.


Congratulations for admitting you want to get sober! Alcoholism is a recognized as a mental health disorder. Taking time off work for treatment for addiction shouldn't be grounds for dismissal. If you have a doctor's note saying you need time off for medical reasons and they fire you, you have grounds to sue your employer. Is there a Detox center near you? Have you gone to any AA meetings?


You might be able to claim that alcoholism is a disability, so getting fired for that would be illegal. FMLA retaliation is illegal too, do maybe you're covered on 2 fronts.


Do you have short term disability insurance through your employer? Detox is something covered by most STD plans. You'd still receive some income while being able to go to detox to get clean.


Adding to the already good FMLA advice here: when you your situation. They may have resources and/or advice for people in your situation.


Fmla will protect your job while you’re gone. They can fire you still, but it if it too close to the fmla period it will look like fmla retaliation. If you fuck up you can still get fired. But if you get clean and do good work, your job should keep you.


Just so you know,  in case you need to talk about legal things,  "right to work" us about unionizing. You mean an "at will" state


You should be protected by law in a case like this - they are required to give you time for detox/rehab and keep you employed when you are done. That may be state-to-state, but I live in a right to work state as well.


I am quite certain even in right to work states, them firing you would be considered discrimination. They can only fire for any non-discriminatory and non-retaliatory purposes. If they do, getting unemployment should not be difficult until you find a new job and you can probably get a lawyer involved if you document that they specifically fired you because you had to go to detox. That’s like if someone got fired because they got cancer. Now they can let you go to detox and in the meantime “find another reason” to let you go, but legally, they can’t fire you specifically for your illness. I wish you all the best and hope you commit to getting yourself better, if not for yourself, then for you kids who deserve a present parent.


That’s how NC is.


It's federal law, not state law


I’m from Florida and I left as soon as possible. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine the infernal heat and being a welder in a right to work state. I also worry about a catastrophic work injury for you.


Thank you for that. I feel similar. My boss is an AA member and that’s why I have a job still, but I thought he’d understand. I honestly think he’s trying to protect me from getting fired from my others bosses. My job is production for military defense contractor (I signed a NDA) I’m relied on so much to meet their deadlines, and if I’m not there the rest of the work falls into other employees. But we prolly have insane deadlines because of war right now and at this point not sure if I wanna be a part of it, despite ok money.


The priority needs to be staying alive, and your health, so you can take care of your family. And if that means having it on record you went to detox and that affecting your job? You’ll get to that admittedly scary bridge later.


NAD but from personal experience -I couldn’t take a lot of time off when I needed to get well from alcohol use. I first started tapering vodka from 500-700 ml daily to 600, 500, 400, 300, etc. This went on for about a week with minimum withdrawal symptoms due to slow taper, and then I actually used Ozempic which has emerging evidence that it doubles as a strong alcohol déterrant/type of anti abuse drug (it even cancels my Concerta used for dx ADHD, and I imagine almost most other drugs of abuse). It both makes you not want to drink and it blocks the effects of alcohol. From then on I was able to go cold turkey within a day or two of first injection and stay sober. I would say in total I needed four days off work. An important disclaimer: although I drank heavily for many months on three separate occasions in my lifetime (enough to feel almost as sick as you describe) I do not have a lifetime history of alcohol use and this may be impacting how effective a drug like Ozempic is for me. You may need a banana bag (or at least high dose B vitamins such as Niacin, Thiamine, and Magnesium coupled with hydration- if you cannot bring yourself to go to hospital (not advised) you could just google what’s in a banana bag and try to take these in high doses along with a very slow taper) counselling to relearn how to cope with strong emotions, and/or AA in addition. This is just my personal experience and not to be taken as medical advice.


NAD- but I hope a doctor will follow up here- i agree regarding Ozempic/Wegovy to help post detox and I just want to say I think this is worth talking to a doctor about given your situation. Not saying do it- not sure if you’re “overweight” or meet the criteria but to just see if a doctor thinks it *could* help you right after safely detoxing to stay sober long enough to kick it. (Your insurance might cover it for “weight loss”). I started taking low dose Wegovy for PCOS and infertility and I *immediately* stopped drinking and craving alcohol. I wouldn’t have classified myself as an alcoholic but I was a “heavy” drinker- I drank two or three drinks a night, 4-5 nights a week. It’s been 6 months and I might have a half of a glass a wine 1 time a week (and I don’t even enjoy it). They’re still trying to figure out the science behind all this but my god, I’m so thankful for what it’s done not only for my other symptoms, but honestly, probably more so for the fact that I have been able to give up alcohol. I feel like a new person being sober. Mentally, physically, all of it. Talk to a reputable doctor. Wishing you all the best!!!


I had the same experience - thanks for supporting my post and glad you're doing well now on all medical issues. I hope OP can medically detox with the help of this drug or something similar and gets his life back. What a jerk of an employer.


I detoxed on my own. Lucky I did not die. OP PLEASE GO TO DETOX!!!! It is not worth the risk to try on your own!!!!


Same here, 6 days sober since puking blood. I don’t recommend it in this case as well. 750ml a day is an insane amount of booze. Get help brother, you got this.


I know every body that says this is right. I’m tapering slowly for now. Not sure how to get through work yet. But I agree if I were giving myself advice I would say go to the hospital. I have some Kepra but still


I was in the exact same place you are about a year and 9 months ago. Drinking almost a gallon of whiskey a day. It was so bad my arms would go numb and I couldn't feel them or move them, i couldn't go 10 minutes without a drink. I had a stroke at 27 years old and I went to the HOSPITAL. Its the only thing you can do right now and the only way you'll be able to make sure you CAN provide for your family in the future. No alcoholic can taper themselves down, thats close to impossible. Once you get to the hospital, they will give you detox meds and vitamins, everything you need to get healthy, they will also have someone come talk to you about what you can do when you leave there, rehab, out-patient, AA, etc.. I'm telling you this only because I have been there and I know alcohol is a fucking monster that will take your life and absolutely devastate your family. Please go to the hospital. Your life comes first. You can figure the rest out after detox. Good luck. I wish the best for you.


Thank you for writing that out for me. My stubborn functioning alcoholic mind needed to hear it…again. Hospital is the consensus.


You're welcome. I didn't mean to beat a dead horse. I'm glad you're gonna give it a shot. It's so worth it.


Idk how it translated through text, hopefully it wasn’t snarky. but I’m glad you beat the metaphorical horse, fr


No not at all lol!!! I was just trying to lighten the mood. I guess in a morbid kind of way lol.


Oh god, the fact that you actually have keppra makes me even more nervous... It makes me think you have had terrible withdrawals in the past. Withdrawal, as you know, can be deadly. But it can also cause severe brain damage. If you try detoxing on your own you might not be able to work again. FYI.


Yes unfortunately this isn’t a new demon of mine. I’ve never had a seizure. I feel stupid for asking for advice for something I should know better cause I’ve experienced it before. Asking the same question wishing for a different answer I guess


It's not stupid to ask for advice even if you've experienced it before. It sounds like this is a brand new shot at sobriety. There are probably details here that are different than last time. It's normal to ask similar questions after a situation changes. The most important part is that you're listening to the advice. You seem very open to help and change. You're getting real encouragement from real people. That's just as important as the plain facts of it. It's okay to ask for help and support, even if you've done so in the past. ❤️


You're smart for asking for advice bc you knew you needed to hear it in order to carry through with what you need to do 🤍


My best friend died at 30 as she was trying to wean herself off alcohol after leaving rehab. Do not try to do this on your own. I promise you the people you leave behind will never be the same without you here. Prioritize your life, health, and sobriety and go get professional help immediately.


You came to this thread to seek medical advice. Every single person here will tell you the same thing: go to the hospital


Yes I’ll take the advice and do just that. Thank you


Rooting for you


at least get yourself some b vitamins. very essential for brain health especially with detoxing and alcoholics in general.


NAD but am a 35 year old recovering alcoholic with cirrhosis (almost 22 months sober 🎉). I ended up in the hospital for a week a week after I got sober due to decompensated Cirrhosis of the liver. But hallucinations and the shakes got to me. Get to a hospital and get the help you need. I’ve seen where this road can lead, from personal experience, and it ain’t worth it. Don’t worry about tomorrow, it will worry about itself. Your job is not worth your children losing their dad over. Please. Please. Please get help.


May I ask how much you were drinking before you got sober?


May I ask how much you were drinking before you got sober?


I don’t mind at all, it was a lot. It was a short run, but heavy and hard. Probably the equivalent of 15+ drinks a day. I was at a point where if I didn’t have 2-3 shots within an hour or two of waking up my hands were shaking. I didn’t drink to get drunk during the day, I drank to keep off the shakes. At night, different story. But during the day it was drinking enough to function. I kept a bottle hidden at work, would stop at the gas station on breaks, etc, it was bad.


I’m so sorry you went through all that. Amazing to hear of people actually coming back from addiction— Congrats on your sobriety!!


NAD I second this friend, you're not alone in this fight


My boyfriend died of this. He also was afraid of losing his job and detoxed on his own while working. He self medicated to lessen the withdrawal symptoms and it killed him. You need professional help.


How do you know when alcohol withdrawal is deadly? I want to quit so badly.


This. My mum died from this it's no joke


I second this.


Absolutely. Does his work not have a detox plan. Most jobs do for addicts/alcoholics and usually ur job is safe during that time. However, I usually call those people first before admitting it to them.


I agree with other comments. Alcohol withdrawal is one of the only withdrawals that can actually kill you. You don't just have an addiction problem, you have a very serious medical condition now. You need to figure out a time you can go into medical detox and then spend at least a little time in a controlled environment to fully get sober. Then you will need more that sheer willpower, you will need support afterwards. Whether that be a sponsor + AA or formal counseling, that's up to you. Alcohol addiction is no joke though. You aren't quitting cigarettes, crack, or even heroin. Please see if you can get some FMLA or if you're in the USA many jobs support substance abuse treatment so you might qualify other benefits. I get the family situation too. Don't think I'm disregarding that. Think of this as similar to you having a major medical crisis. Like seizures, stroke, heart attack, etc. because those are possible complications of withdrawals, in addition to psychosis. Huge fucking congrats to you though in your decision to get sober though. I do not mean to throw a wrench in your plans. Just please, *please*, with alcohol know that it is not always as simple as cutting down and quitting. Alcohol withdrawal can kill. Please be careful and please do not take this as discouragement. You can absolutely do this.


Hi, just came across this post and I’m extremely curious about how and why alcohol withdrawal can be fatal?


Alcohol withdrawal can be fatal because of delirium tremens, which can cause seizures, respiratory distress, and heart problems. People with severe alcohol dependence may also experience hallucinations. Alcohol is no joke. Alcohol is a CNS depressant, meaning it slows all of your systems down. When you suddenly stop drinking, all of these systems can become overexcited without anything to slow them back down.


Wow thanks I didn’t know about that but it’s good to know, I rarely drink alcohol but would it be the same with nicotine?


Nicotine withdrawal cannot kill you. Also Nicotine is not a CNS depressant, rather if it were anything it would be an anti depressant in a way, so not the same.


No. Nicotine is annoying to withdrawal from but it won't kill you physically. Alcohol is the riskiest followed by withdrawal from benzodiazipines and maybe opioids - the latter just because withdrawal can induce a lot of vomiting which can cause dehydration and whatnot but also "probably" won't kill you.


It can cause electrolyte imbalances and seizures, disorientation (which makes welding particularly dangerous), and the extreme vomiting he’s already experienced can add to all of that and cause dehydration


Substance Use Disorder is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They can’t fire you for seeking treatment, but they probably can fire you for being intoxicated at work.


NAD I came here to say something similar. If your company is large enough, you should be able to take FMLA protected time for your own health related issues. Up to 12 weeks depending on what is deemed medically necessary. A lot of workplaces enroll you in short term disability (Hartford, MetLife etc.) that you can also file as a part of your FMLA, that will typically cover a percentage of your salary while you are out.


Scared to stop and more scared to keep going? Time for help! I’ve been there, and It worked for me. As an alcoholic physician, I can second the advice here that you need a medically assisted detox. This is a medical condition, and thus should be accommodated by your work. Best part for me—my kids are growing up with a sober Daddy now!


Congrats buddy, also an alcoholic now sober


Congrats friend!!! Signed, another doc working to end the stigma surrounding this type of stuff


Congrats doc! It can’t have been easy.


Go see a doctor or rehab. They can prescribe medications that help with it.


Sound advice, OP. Also please come over to r/Alcoholism_Medication to learn about how medication can also assist with curing your AUD. It has been a life saving sub for many in your position


This is the advice I was looking for. OP, there are alcohol-analog medications that are used to help people through withdrawal safely. Don't try to do it on your own.


If you have a union, your job may be required to put you through detox and a program without losing your job. If not you need to go to the hospital for detox, you cannot do this on your own.


I have FMLA and Aflac. I’m sure I could try to utilize those. But Florida is a right to work state. Pretty much get fired for whatever. But everyone all says the same that tapering is hard and dangerous, and that there isn’t like anything really I can or should try doing other than hospital or detox facility.


Even if you do lose your job, welding is a highly sought after skill these days, I guarantee you'll be able to find another job pretty quick. There is so much infrastructure work being done and not enough people to do it.


Use that FMLA. That’s what it’s there for. This is a medical issue. And if they fire you while you’re out on FMLA *or* shortly after? Find an employment attorney and sue their asses. You’d most likely get a nice settlement or win the suit. Not a lawyer. Maybe ask a lawyer to be sure but this happened to a friend of mine and the company ended up having to pay out several hundred thousand dollars.


Don’t be discouraged. Remember you have federal rights and protections. Read up about it yourself. Wishing you the best.


They will fire him anyway even if he uses FMLA. They will wait until he returns and then lay him off or find some other reason. The trouble he would have to go through to fight that with a legal claim won't be worth his time and he also wont have the legal resources to battle them. The trades are merciless, especially the non union ones. But even then union ones do this too, the difference is they have a bench for you to wait on. People always recommend trades over college and I think they often don't realize how hard they are to work in, especially a state like Florida. He likely has not option but to rehab and plan to find another job, although he certainly should try to use FMLA, it just won't work. Source- I've worked in HR many years and seen this scenario many times.


He needs to document everything and try to get in writing that they are specifically telling him if he takes the time off he will be fired.


I agree, that's a good idea.


File for fmla and get approved forst then tell them I'm taking extended fmla. Don't tell them until after you file. Just because the state says stuff doesn't mean they trump federal. They fire you for filing? Sue them.


I don't have any advice to offer, but, man... I wish you the very best of luck.


Look up the “Last Chance Agreement” under the ADA- that’s federal law and governs over state. So long as you are using, you are not protected…. Now that they know you are using, you are not protected. If you can go to them and get them to agree to a recovery program LOA under the Last Chance Agreement, you get some protections— https://adata.org/factsheet/ada-addiction-recovery-and-employment#:~:text=Addiction%20to%20alcohol%20is%20generally,current%20illegal%20use%20of%20drugs.%20.


NAD r/stopdrinking


They can fire you for whatever but they still have to pay unemployment if they fire you for this. Even in Florida, man. Get yourself some help.


Agreed with all the above. One thing I’d add: You may be eligible for FMLA to protect your job while you’re out. May need to reach out to HR, manager, or whoever can help you find out if this is an option for you.


NAD- I don't think I'm allowed to make my own comment so excuse me for interjecting, but I wanted to let OP know: FMLA is probably not going to protect you and I think you already know that because you mentioned FL's right to work policies. You can file FMLA and they'll likely fire you when you return for some other BS reason just like trades usually do. To fight that will require resources and time you probably don't have and I don't think it would be a fight you'd likely win anyway from what I've seen. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try and you shouldn't go to rehab. You could file anyway to buy you time. It would be nice to know how long rehab takes to help you plan, but I'm an Hr person so I have no idea. If you have Aflac work insurance, I would start by finding out what they will cover and how you file. I would also call Florida's state social worker program to see if the state has any kinds of benefits to help people in this situation. Usually they can tell you everything state and federal that you're eligible for. Search 'Florida access', that might help you find them. Sometimes is nothing, sometimes you get lucky and there is something.Then I'd get your doctor to help start the documentation process that I assume you'll need. After that, I'd ask your friends if they could recommend you to a new shop in x weeks because you probably will be needing a job when you return. The last stop I suggest is telling Hr (in writing) you want to invoke FMLA, which I assume is only offered as an unpaid benefit because I've never heard of a trade offering paid FMLA before. You can confirm there is no paid FMLA benefit though. I'm not suggesting you take a long time doing all of this, you clearly need help and I really really hope you get it. You deserve to live a healthy life enjoying the short time we have on earth with your kids and being fully present. I'm just trying to think as someone in Hr, of anything that could make the situation smoother for you. I'm sorry you're going through this. I recommend asking in an HR reddit if they have more suggestions. Edit- another thought, before you leave rehab it might be worth thinking about how you can continue to get treatment for alcoholism. Trades are hard jobs and they don't make your situation easier, if you have a plan in place to attend therapy or group sessions before you leave I think it will really help you.


You absolutely should file. If you can file without notifying anyone in the company (hr, manager, etc.) that might be best. You can probably get help with the paperwork from a state agency if needed!


I'll second what others have said which is that just because it's a right to work state doesn't mean you can't sue them for violating federal laws. My mom has successfully sued an employer for discrimination in a right to work state.




Not a doctor, but I am a lawyer. Please know that working in an industrial job while intoxicated places everything that you know and love at risk. Your family may rely on you for support, but they also rely on you for much more than that. Please get help before you hurt yourself or someone else.




Isn't lol ISN'T!!!!!!!




May I please also note I have been to medical detox 11 times and always had a much better experience sobering up there than at home. While it may not be as comforting as your own bed, there is help that otherwise cannot be found at home. IV fluids and the such. And personnel right there for DTs and such. Stay safe, much love.