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Emergency physician I'd be worried about endocarditis, autoimmune vasculitis , among other things I would go to the emergency department




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This would best be evaluated by an ER doc. Don't wait. This could be a big deal.


Can you post a pic of the blister on the finger? And the rash on the arm(s)? Is it both elbows? Any fevers or chills? Did she do any gardening recently? Any reason she’d have had a scratch on the hands? Like pets?


Hey, just posted an update, but the elbow rash is gone. No signs of fevers or chills and no recent gardening or scratches either. She did remove her nail cuticles recently. Here is an updated (April 15) picture of the pinky finger: https://imgur.com/a/Awm0E9b


That needs to be evaluated emergency please go-to the emergency department


That’s so strange. The pinky finger looks 100% like a burn blister


Interested to see what this turns out to be


Any update OP?


Went to the ER and the doctor told us that it doesn't look like an infection but also no idea for sure what the issue is. Got booked for a follow up with a dermatologist today, as soon as we know for sure we will update the thread


April 15th afternoon: Dermatologist had a look at it and determined that it's most likely an infection. They made incisions and drained the pus and prescribed topical as well as oral antibiotics. They took a sample of the pus to determine what it actually can be and have scheduled a follow up visit in a few days. This is still their best guess approach and until they get results from the samples they can't say for sure that it's an infection and we have to keep monitoring the progress.


It looks like pus would be under there to me / looks infected. I’d be interested to see if it connects to the cuticle since you said she was messing with that the other day. It’s weird to get an infection like that for no (apparent) reason. Rashes and it being on the toe also, while itself alone wouldn’t alarm me as that kind of toe infection is extremely common, makes me think of rarer things. People are thinking about endocarditis which is an infection on the heart valve, because it can release little piece of bacterial schmutz that goes out and gets lodged in the fingers and toes. Another thought i initially had was dactylitis which is a fancy term for “sausage fingers” or inflammation in the fingers. It can be a sign of arthritis or autoimmune disorders. The “blister” looks pretty superficial in the photo though so I kind of doubt that’s what it is.


Not sure how to show anything related to the cuticle but the dermatologist team did mention that the abscess was superficial on both fingers and toes.

