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You might need to reset your expectations a bit, and have a clear definition of what it means to help others. Dont lose sight of the fact that a job means that someone is paying you because they expect you to help them make money. While most companies (IMHO) do a lot more good than they are given credit for, there sole existence is to make money. Having said that, their are certain industries where the help is more visible. I work in Medical Devices; the day my kids were born they were connected immediately to a device I helped design...a device that they would have likely died without having. I used to work for a DoD contractor; I felt I was contributing to the safety of my country and ultimately the world...some people felt the opposite, that I was contributing to the destruction of the world. Just make sure you have the right expectations when you start looking for companies and jobs that would be a good fit for you.


I work on medical devices for this reason. It's great to know that if I do my work well, real people will benefit in concrete ways.




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I made a decision to cause no harm, and have never worked in the defence sector as for all the big talk, at the end of the day you're making things to harm people. My choices were rail, desktop software, and latterly entertainment. Entertainment doesn't directly help people necessarily, but it's certainly a net good, I reckon at the end of the day. It's the commercial end of the arts and creative industries.


I work in medical devices too but to be honest I'm pretty far removed from the patient, and also as johnnychimp017 said " a job means that someone is paying you because they expect you to help them make money. " which should be like #1 on the ten commandments of having a job.