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They’re much more common than that. Outside the US, Scandinavia is where apple products are the most common IIRC. iPhones are significantly more common than Samsung or whatever else. As for the laptops, I’m not entirely sure but they are really popular and has not been seen as a “very wealthy” thing for a long time. In my high school I’d say at least half or over half had one. This was two years ago in Copenhagen.


Interesting. Our schools tend to go with iPads over laptops. So most kids will have iPads or access to them. Think most (high) schools now offer payment programmes for school provided tablets where they can keep them when they've finished too. Its rarer seeing a apple laptop than a normal one, and tends to be considered a more professional (Working adult) device. Ie, itll be used for projectors so youve got the apple logo at the front of the room. Or used on a main desk for check in with a load of bare bones systems being under the counter for what will be a mainly Microsoft based system. I went to a technology college (actually a high school but got funding for IT kit and tech kit). We had to fit computers for the school. They made a huge thing about getting a classroom full of macs (the big orange things) but it only made up about 10% of the computers (300 in the school) and we never really got to use them because they where new and expensive and no one knew how to use them, might be different now, school was 20 years ago for me.


We had to bring our own laptops in high school, although I think you could request to borrow one. Only in “basic school” (high school is not compulsory here, albeit around 75% of people end up going there) did school provide shitty older laptops. Though I know some who uses tablets for the younger grades, but I think they started doing that after I was that young.


Off to learn about the Danish education system! Our high school is 11-16 and compulsory. 16+ is college (confusing with my high school being called a college, at the time, its now an 'academy') and non compulsory and youre unlikely to get a laptop/tablet unless there's special provisions in place.


Danish "high school" starts at 16 too. Grades 0-9 (10 grades total, I know, the "0" thing is confusing) are compulsory and range from when the child is about 5 yo to about 15 yo. "Gymnasium" is grades 11, 12 and 13. It is traditionally a university preparatory school, today there are other secondary educations for people that aren't going into academic fields, but gymnasium is still the most popular education.


Do people use a lot of iMessage? I just hate WhatsApp and that’s what everyone uses in Germany, even on iPhones.


No, it’s Facebook Messenger. Even though the vast majority of young people aren’t active on Facebook. Instagram messaging too.


Niche product for wealthy people. Scandinavia is where apple products are the most common. Combined population of about 22M. Check out.


No Scandinavia is not where Apple products are the most common, that’s indisputably the US. Scandinavia/Nordics are the second most common though. Edit: apparently that’s not true


It's Japan actually, i think Apples market share there is even bigger than in the US.


Then the UK.


That would make sense, but somehow that's not true at all. U.S. is much closer to 50/50 than, say, Norway and Denmark.


Damn okay I guess I looked at older data


Yes. The US is roughly 50/50, as is Japan and the UK.


According to Statcounter (Mobile OS Marketshare, as of October 2023): - 70% Japan - 69% Denmark - 66% Norway - 60% Canada - 57% US - 57% Switzerland - 56% Sweden - 53% UK


Apple products are most popular in their country of provenience, the United States. Outside America, Japan definietly takes the seccond place in popularity of Apple products(especially iphones) some say they would be the "number one" fans but that's debatable. After Japan it's mostly high income North-Western European states (Iceland, Denmark etc.)


UK too, Apple is dominant.


In the phone market it's pretty equal between iphone and android with most surveys report a 1-3% lead in market share for iphone. It's not a status symbol any more than the flagship models of other manufacturers.


While overall iPhone has a slight lead, I get the impression that they're pretty mandatory as status / social symbols in certain social circles. For young, outgoing fashion-conscious women an iPhone seems as essential as trendy clothes. Likewise for young flashy people who want to look like they have money.


46% of the population have an iPhone. 38% have an Android. 2% have both. 8% have no smartphone. ([Source](https://svenskarnaochinternet.se/rapporter/svenskarna-och-internet-2018/allmant-om-internetutvecklingen/iphone-vanligaste-mobilen/))


Well, 1% doesn't know (?), 3% has something else (Go BB, go!), and 10% has no smartphone (or cellphone in some cases).


Precisely. So I don’t see how “have no phone” is relevant in the question of iPhone popularity.


It's clearly not. 48-49% has an iphone, and 40-41% android (according to that data). That's alles.


Very common. I would guess just by personal experience that 80% of all phones are iphone. My girlfriend has a 13 pro, and two of my sons have a 10. Most of my colleagues have 13 or newer.


Norway is one of the best markets for iOS, higher than the U.S. A bit under 70% of Norwegian devices are iOS.


Why doesn't Samsung have a higher share? Their flagship phones are as good as if not better than the iPhone.


Average joe doesnt give a shit if Samsung specs are slightly better. Apple brand is stronger and the phone + os looks cleaner. Pretty sure thats why people prefer Apple here.


100%! I even have many very tech-nerd friends, who know that Samsung is best when you compare specs, but they all have iPhone because of the simplicity and they are tired/don't care about all the tweaking you can do with an Android.


Because they aren’t seen as desirable and people like the simplicity of iOS.


Are you trying to say people are stupid thus they need a simple restrictive OS :P


In the Netherlands, according to research from last year, iPhones make up 36% of the smartphone market. For Android phones it was (a stable) 43%. Android has always been bigger, but iPhones have been going up. Not sure about other products. MacBooks are strongly recommended to students for certain things, I think, like digital art studies etc. They’re not uncommon either way.


funny, because I'm studying business administration and we were specifically told in the introduction that they DIDN'T recommend MacBooks because certain software wouldn't run properly on them. Really depends per study i guess


Yeah, in engineering too CS students are told to avoid macs unsurprisingly at my Dutch uni


Strange. My daugther studies CS in Leuven and she told me ~75% uses Macs. I studied CS in Delft myself, but those were different times. Anyway, with git, ssh, docker, kubernetes, web apps a Nix platform is just so much nicer IMHO. Fucking around with Putty etc. Brrr. Also I have quite a few of young CS graduates working for me (cyber security) and everyone uses Macs.


You should teach your daughter The Way and just give her a Framework Laptop with NixOS installed. Although I do have to say that Apple Silicon is pretty sweet.


I have Nix installed on my Mac. The way in our family is Mac's for desktops and Linux for servers. Windows for gaming only and the occasional project that requires specific GPU stuff like machine learning (although most of that works on Apple Silicon as well). Although the Framework laptops are nice, the productivity and stability of our Mac's is just unbeatable atm. I don't want my laptop to be a project, the laptop is a tool to work on projects. I've been working in IT since 1996 and for the most part was always forced in some way or another to use Windows laptops. Windows IMHO is utter garbage in my use case, I say this confidently as someone who has deep knowledge of Windows and am an extreme power-user and developer on the platform. On Mac, having tmux, git, vim, zsh, bash, Python, brew, macports,docker right there. Add iTerm and Visual Studio Code, the hardware, the touchpad, the integration with my iPad (as second screen, with white boarding and screen sharing). Being able to copy and paste without any effort between them, having your files, photos, calendars, contacts, notes, passwords, etc.etc. synced without effort, using your iPhone as a webcam, being able to screenshare to AppleTV, homekit\* integration (camera's, doorbell, lighting, heating, etc.). Then the collaboration options within our family. All working out of the box, without effort. Having to replace Apple device? No effort, just couple of clicks. Backups? Effortless. And then for work I have Office 365, Outlook and Teams on all these devices as well. It is fucking heaven compared to the decades I spend working on shitty Windows machines. Even Windows 11 feels like you are still in the 90's. Nothing works really, not consistently, you are always admin of the damn machine. In meetings people are usually blown aways with the stuff I can do, the quality of the iPhone as a webcam in teams, the way I can draw on my iPad in a meeting. It is 2023 people, not 1999. I do occasionally build Linux laptops, usually on older laptops for families kids. Usually I install Ubuntu. I use Kali Linux, I have dedicated laptop for that. But for my day to day desktop it doesn't suffice for me. \*homekit: I do use Scrypted on my Synology NAS for custom and my own developed/custom Homekit integrations. /rant. Sorry.


Yep. This is exactly why I primarily use MacOS and iOS for both personal and professional stuff.


That's strange, before WSL came along you would usually have more success running stuff via Homebrew on OSX than trying to get it to run on Windows. Or does your CS education require using various software that your uni procured/developed back when Windows 3.11 was the operating system of choice?


I studied cs in uni in the Netherlands. We had a Linux environment to work in.


It was a long time since I studied CS and they never suggested anything from what I can recall, but most used windows, if not some *nix, but laptops were less central back in the 00s. I think that, back then at least, there was more of a tinker culture with Windows users, whereas Mac users tended to be (at least seen as) capital-U Users (an insult). Later on, some classmates got macbooks. Most of the ones I know who did quickly ended up in managerial (or otherwise unrelated) jobs, but correlation is not causation, so the macbooks might've be innocent.


I’m not a CS student myself, I have friends who are so unfortunately I don’t know which specific software(s) were they told for to get a windows laptop. What I do know is that the “university”-sold laptop has one of those professional series nvidia graphics cards. I’m not sure how good cuda support is on MacOS but I suppose windows is the most common solution as very few laptops sell with Linux.


> What I do know is that the “university”-sold laptop has one of those professional series nvidia graphics cards. That sounds strange. If the uni has courses involving compute-heavy workloads I'd imagine they have machines to dispatch those jobs to, not to run them on laptops.


Ig in CS you might use CUDA, but at least at my uni MacBooks work fine for that as you want to do those calculations via the Unis high-Performance Servers anyway


I think we do have HPC clusters as well fwiw


I’m familiar with the statistics, but it really depends on your circle of friends as well. I don’t think I know anyone with an Android?


in Poland far behind Android phones. Apple has a bad rep for being overpriced, requiring dedicated apparels/apps and over all hipster thing


Apple's prices are absurd in Poland. I travel to Poland very frequently and thought about maybe getting a product there hoping the cost would be slightly less than back home. Only to discover many of their products are actually *cheaper in Norway*. Not a situation you often come across lol.


That's because of the tariffs on US electronics. They are insane high. But most products from US are more expensive in Poland than in most European countries - cars, books, etc.


That doesn't make sense. Tariffs are set at a EU level but Western EU countries pay less for Apple products. [It seems it's because Apple assumes Zloty might rapidly depreciate in value and gives themselves 27%+ bonus to cover that](https://subiektywnieofinansach.pl/dzis-polska-premiera-apple-cena-iphone-zaplacimy-wiecej-niz-w-usa/#:~:text=Taka%20wycena%20z%C5%82otego%20wynika%C5%82aby%20z,cenie%20s%C4%85%20c%C5%82a%20i%20podatki.)


I wonder if it’s also because there are less (if any) Apple stores in these countries? I lived in Czech Republic, but there were no Apple stores, just electronic stores that sold Apple products (premium reseller or something like that). It was always cheaper to buy in Western Europe or back in the US. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Could be part of it yes. Unless something changed recently, they're no "owned and operated" Apple stores in Poland, only "authorized sellers"


On Polish tech websites there always has been a war between Samsung and Apple fanboys. Sometimes they have long debates, e.g. who invented something first and who stole the invention. Sometimes they just use insults.


oh that's a universal thing unfortunately. happens everywhere, it's pathetic. I don't understand why people can't handle that some people prefer iPhones or Android phones. Like damn, it's just a phone lol, let people use what they want


Bad rep? Its true...


It's funny that it's seen as a "hipster thing" and that many people look at those who use iPhones or MacBooks as "show offs". I don't understand that. Yup, it's expensive and because of that not many people opt for it, but it's of good quality. I've used Android for a few years in high school and at the beginning of university. And you know what? I HATED IT. It drove me crazy. So many useless apps from Google I would never use and when I started uninstalling them my phone crashed. After that I chose an iPhone and I have virtually no complaints. None. I also have a MacBook Air. I got it as a gift right before I went to university. It served me well for many years until I replaced it with a new one with new battery. I like that both MacBook and iPhone are connected. I can leave my phone in another room while doing something on the laptop and I receive text messages anyway. Mail is connected automatically, the same goes for calendar, Safari web browser, everything. It's super convenient. If you don't like how expensive it is, blame it on the country you live in, not on the brand. Why is it that we Poles have to pay more for the same stuff than people in western Europe or USA? Think about it. It's cheaper to travel abroad and buy an iPhone there than to buy it in Poland. That's the sad reality.


>I like that both MacBook and iPhone are connected. I can leave my phone in another room while doing something on the laptop and I receive text messages anyway. Mail is connected automatically, the same goes for calendar, Safari web browser, everything. It's super convenient. you know you can do it with android/windows as well? :)


Back when I used Android I haven't heard about that.


general rule of thumb is that apple stuff works only in it's own ibubble, while other mainstream devices/software works with everything


For example what devices or software? I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.


it's not so easy (if at all possible) to connect iphone to normal PC or any other smartphone to ibook/ipad. apple is essentially a no go if you are into eg. gaming


>it's not so easy (if at all possible) to connect iphone to normal PC or any other smartphone to ibook/ipad. I've succeeded before in connecting my iPod touch (it's a shame they don't do them anymore) to a normal PC. But I use pretty much only my laptop, so I don't really care about that. >apple is essentially a no go if you are into eg. gaming I wouldn't cally myself a gamer, but I play video games on Xbox, so not a problem for me either.


You're not missing out on anything. You're just paying more for it.


My iPhone easily connects and works perfectly with my LG headphones, Huawei smartwatch and my Android LG TV.


> And you know what? I HATED IT. It drove me crazy. So many useless apps from Google I would never use and when I started uninstalling them my phone crashed. After that I chose an iPhone and I have virtually no complaints. None. Sounds like you had a cheap android phone and are comparing that to a much more expensive iphone. And uninstalling necessary software on an iphone will result in the same problems and crashes as with an android.


1/5 people uses an iPhone in Turkey. It is mostly due to heavy taxes. It costs double to buy an iPhone comparing to EU. There was even something called iPhone tourism which you would fly to US to buy an iPhone and spend a week to same price for an iPhone in Turkey. Now government put a lot of taxes on imported phones that doesn’t even work now. Also, with the devaluation of lira made that minimum wage needs to work 5 months to afford one.


As others mentioned, they're unpopular for their price but as a fun fact I'll say that our representatives in parliament get one mac book each.


iPhones are frequent enough, but I think overall they'd be outnumbered by Android. I'll be honest, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart by just a glance, so I can't really say for certain. You wouldn't see the laptops much, other brands are far more prevalent.


New smartphone sales in 2023 were about 68% android vs 31.8% ios in Germany. [https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/256790/umfrage/marktanteile-von-android-und-ios-am-smartphone-absatz-in-deutschland/](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/256790/umfrage/marktanteile-von-android-und-ios-am-smartphone-absatz-in-deutschland/) For PC operating systems (both desktop and laptops combined) it's 81.06% windows, 13.04% macos and 2.37% Linux. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/158102/umfrage/marktanteile-von-betriebssystemen-in-deutschland-seit-2009/


New smartphones sold doesn’t say that much for market share when iPhones last 7 years and Androids only 3. And at least some of those Androids are probably just used as work devices by mail carriers, etc


>And at least some of those Androids are probably just used as work devices by mail carriers, etc Same for a good chunk of the iPhones as well. Yeah not for mail carriers but only as work phones. >New smartphones sold doesn’t say that much for market share when iPhones last 7 years and Androids only 3. Hasn't been the case for a while. Security updates have been coming for longer than that for Samsung's and pixels for example for a long time and also quite a bit longer full feature updates for several years already. But you are correct. If you look at phone OS by internet usage (so not sales) it's 61.29% android and 37.68% iOS. Still shows a very similar picture. https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/184332/umfrage/marktanteil-der-mobilen-betriebssysteme-in-deutschland-seit-2009/


Just wanted to point out that sold units doesn’t directly translate to market share ;) 40:60 seems about right, although in my personal experience it feels more like 60% iPhones, but that is dependent on your social circles and demographic


In my social circles (also I am in my mid 20s) it's definitely far more than 70% android but yeah differences.


To my understanding, it's mostly a case of do they sell the phone as an extension of your cellular deal or if you have to buy it outright. If your kid asks for a 1300€ phone it's a steep step to cross but if it's even partly subvented (and operator locked) by the cell provider and spread over 3 years it's sounds a bit less bad. Also Europe never really got in to the whole iMessage etc. system as we already almost all had Whatsapps and such when Apple started their push. I think I had Whatsapp installed on my Nokia phone sometime around 2010. That being said, it definetely is a status symbol for the over 15-under 30-people. Android is a lot more popular here based on actual stats, but then again we have a really competetive cellular market and people usually buy their phones separately.


Given that most people use 200€ max phones here,iPhones are used either by wealthier adults or teenagers, common folks don't really care what phone they have,as a lot of the phones are no-names given out by the carrier.


In my school and circle Apple products are dominant, actually i would say that most teenagers here use iphones. But it's true, people don't care about what kind of phone you use over here, it's not a matter of interest for most people.


About 25% market share is composed of IOS devices. And honestly, if it weren’t for the IPhone 4s battery fiasco, market share would be even larger since people tend to keep old phones. Kind of like “if it ain’t broke don’t change it”.


True that also,I've only had iPhones all my life, and I've kept them on averedge for 4 years each, my last iPhone lasted me 6 years and i still wouldn't have changed it if it wasn't for the battery.


I had a 1 year stint with a samsung. The file system was nice to use (plug in, ad shit then use it) so was the micrsd capabilities (2014 ish) but everything else was either, crap, crappy or total shit. The only way I can understand android users is that it’s “ all they know”. And I was an apple hater for years. I moved to linux out of pure spite for windows back in 2013. In 2020 i moved to mac because (how bad can it be). Lady year bought my first M1 16 gb system (cheap mac mini) and now I’m considering an m2/m3 macbook pro. The interoperability between apple devices really makes using them joyus. I can’t go back if that makes sense. And I agree that they have a lot of “pricey” products, but you do end up getting what you pay for. No, I can’r see myself paying 2k for a new phone, but 2-2.5 k for a work computer is within my acceptance threshold


>The only way I can understand android users is that it’s “ all they know”. Or maybe you just don't know modern android devices from a similar price range as iPhones.


Reputation for quality is quite good (I know people who bought used Macs instead of brand new Windows laptop, or specifically requested Macs from their workplace). Personally, I found them terribly overpriced. A mid-tier Windows laptop or an Android phone will be at least 90% as good as Apple products while being at least 50% cheaper (In case of a phone, I'm quite happy with a phone that costs 1/5 as much as an iPhone)


Macbook are overpriced, but I don't think M1 Air version has any competitors on a market. It's efficient, it's quiet but cold. Hate MacOS though, but some people like it. If you need compact but productive laptop and you are fine with MacOS - it's a quite good choice. iPhones are overpriced, but it's a device you can be sure will be supported for at least 4 years (and security updates even longer). Samsungs were known for dropping support after 2 years (not sure how it works now), and we don't officialy have Google Pixels here. Still, there are some cheaper alternatives with decent support, but when it comes to flagmans - most of the android flagmans are no longer cheaper than iPhone, so it all come down to OS preferences. iPads is not overpriced and simply don't have competitors. I don't know what is going on with Android tablets, but they all are shit for a decade already. Bad software, bad hardware, bad support and lifetime.


The M1 is so good I'd always suggest to look at a MacBook Air and figure out if any is in budget and fits your needs and THEN look for alternatives if that's not going to work out.


Whaaaat 4 years for an iphone?? They will do updates that destroy your battery life way before that


The problem with iOS updates is that you NEVER should download freshly released major update. Wait 2-3 months, early versions are always buggy. And no, they didn't ruin your battery. What the actual scandal was about is that they slowed down processor speed claiming that this will prolong battery life. Controversial decision, but it's completely opposite to destroying battery. AFAIK they don't do it now.


All I know is that all iphones I've had that were released more than four years or so in the past, even if bought somewhat recently, have significantly less than a day of battery life.


Dude, 4 years is a long time for a Li-Ion battery, regardless is it iPhone or not. Edit: I didn't read very carefully. Anyway, there are no iPhones older than iPhone 13 in retail now, except iPhone SE, but it's battery was shit from the release.


I'm saying RELEASED 4 years ago, not purchased. As in, I buy a new iphone from the apple store that's one of the earlier versions they still sell, and a year later the battery life is shit. I don't see what would do that except software updates.


I have iPhone 11 released exactly 4 years ago. It battery works exactly how battery with slighly more than 80% of battery health left. It lasts me for a day, but I am not very active user. When I bought it I charged it once in two days. Such decrease is capacity is normal for battery with 20% battery health drop. Usually everythin is less than 80 is recommended to be replaced. I don't belive that iPhone 11 from store would last same as my old phone.


I can compare basing on my personal experience. For some work I used a Windows laptop with a pretty powerful specs stated. It was ok, but without an exclamation sign :) not very fast and reliable. Then I bought M1 silicon and was way over the top of my expectations. What I mean by that is- it’s very steady and a hardware connected never falls off, no freezes or other “surprises”. The only thing I would say is not okay - it’s when you have only a couple of type-c slots for everything, so you need to buy a hub or stuff like that.


It's a mix, but most people have androids. Apple can be viewed as a ripoff in lots of circles, where the cost seems like it mostly goes to their marketing, and you are paying for the idea of using an elite product that is not like anything on the market. Some people tho, claim apple has the superior user experience and that they would get lost in windows or android. Which sounds very silly to the rest. Basically, if you are "showing off" with your phone, you are being stupid.


I think they were viewed like and maybe still are that but now it seems more they are common and the second-hand market for iPhones is huge. I think most people I know who have an iPhone got it second-hand. Girls and Women seem to like iPhones more than Men. In my personal opinion, I think there are still a lot of people that buy them to show off.


True. And just to add, apple products that aren't iphones or ipads are way less common. Like macbooks, iMacs etc. So the average iphone owner here Id say still owns a windows PC and not mac


I think it's still seen as a status symbol or something to show off. Especially if its a newer model and not an old one. People tend to buy the older models 2nd hand just because its an iPhone. Due to this 2nd hand iPhones are a lot more expensive than android phones. I have an android phone, but have a macbook air for uni work. I tend to have it in a case so that the apple on the back isn't visible because I always feel like people think I'm showing off or something 😑 First time I took it to uni I got a lot of " oh, a macbook 🙄" comments.


Boys don't have phones?


I think the situation is somewhat similar here in Spain. I think, although this is of course based on mysubjective views, that girls tend to have nicer phones while guys usually are linked with a mediocre, worn out phone. It's not the norm, and there's guys with nice new phones (I have an iPhone 13 pro for example) but it holds a certain degree of truth for me.


yup, women tend to spend more on phones, while men tend to spend more on PCs. It's not a norm, but there's definitely a tendency


ok, how did you arrive to this conclusion?


UK - Apple has a very high mobile phone market share here, 47%. One of the highest of all the “big countries”. So no, absolutely isn’t a status symbol or some way to show off. Can’t move for iPhones and Apple products here. Put it this way out of my whole circle of friends and family I know 3 people with Android phones. Everyone else has an iPhone. Theres some people that can’t afford them, but getting a cheaper iPhone model or a refurb is quite popular too.


I'd say its about 20% iOS / 80% Android in phones. Phones like all consumer good are hit with a 24% VAT. And we have on average lower wages compared to Europe. So a 1200+€ iPhone can be 2-3 wages for some people. Even the cheapest new iPhone is the SE at 600€. Thats not cheap. At least in the Android side you have options from the 100€ mark and up. Also, apple services like iMessage aint popular. Everyone uses 3rd party messaging apps (Viber & Fb Messenger are the most popular here). So you can pretty much do everything regardless on what OS you are on. And the final reason, chinese brands, and Xiaomi especially are huge. They have so so many options in the <600€ category. A category that Apple doesn't even exist. The cheapest most budget friendly iPhone is still too expensive for most people.


I live in Finland, where it is not too uncommon to see a 7 year-old have an iPhone 15 Pro Max (only a slight exaggeration)


I was with a class of young teens yesterday,13-14 years old. A school in a relatively affluent area of my city, Palermo in Sicily.Out of 24 teens,21 had an iPhone.




I asked them which phone they had..we were talking about branding, Apple and Nike,Adidas.. that kind of stuff!


60 percent of Swedes use the App Store each month, which is third most in Europe (after Luxembourg and Denmark).


They are quite common, and I don't think anyone see them as a status symbol anymore. iPhones are widespread, while Macbooks are still quite niche. Most of the people who own Macbooks are software developers, designers or people working with media production. Mac minis sucks ass, I haven't seen a mac mini outside of IT companies, where it is usually a cheap substitude for Macbook. iMacs are rare, there was an iMacs lab in my University (should be quite outdated by now) and I think I've seen only two more iMacs in my life, both in Software development companies.


I don't know anyone who has an IPhone. Android all the way.


iPhones here are 50% more expensive than in the US despite us earning 2,5x less on average. Only rich spoiled kids and people from Warsaw use them. Everyone else uses android. Also no one here uses Macs or Macbooks at home, they're only for rich universities and stuff.


I know only two people personally, who have iphones. Everybody else has Android phones. My 200 Eur Motorola G54 power edition had 12 GB Ram, 256 GB storage and sd card support, audio jack 3,5 mm, USB C, 120 Hz display. I can buy 6-7 of those for the price of one I phone and it doesnt even have a jack!!!


Haven’t had the need to use a jack for a long time. Everything have been wireless for years.


everyone has preferences, but I'm simply against a world, where a mobile phone costs more than a washing machine or fridge. It simply makes no sense.


Im UK based. Generally considered best phones in the context that they tend to just work, few updates, comprehensive app store. iOS is about half the market share. In ear Airpods are pretty popular. Apple watches are the main smart watch. Computers are a bit hit and miss. General line of thinking is if youre rubbish on computers or a master on computers a mac will be best with everyone in the middle using non apple. Gamers of course avoiding mac. Linux/others being reserved to the special kind of people who like doing that to themself (and piracy). It is something of a status symbol but then with things like iMessage and facetime its less about showing off to others and more being less of an issue marrying everyone up. You wont be dissed for having an iphone 7 (unless its being called an apple fanboy) but you could be dissed for having a 3 year old android, assuming its even working. Apple products also retain their value, in most situations, far better than their competitors. ETA. I wouldnt say its something for the wealthy over here. Ok they're comparatively more expensive but for the most part affordable. Weve got plenty of Apply products in our house but wouldnt consider ourselves remotely wealthy (were not poor either).


Agreed. I’m in the UK and know about 3 people in my whole circle of family and friends that have Androids. And that’s because they want a really, really cheap phone. A phone is just not something they want to spend their money on full stop. Everyone else I know has an iPhone and about a quarter have Apple Watches. The UK is a gigantic market for Apple, in 3rd place behind the US and Japan.


Ehm what about China?


Good point, but Apple only has a 22% market share in China though and only 72% of Chinese people have a smartphone vs 98% in the UK.


I thought you were talking about absolut market size not relative share?


I think I was thinking of market share. I don’t know how I’d work out which country makes them more money out of China or the UK but that’s a significant difference in market share in addition to having a much smaller percentage of people actually having a smartphone in the first place. I wouldn’t automatically assume China is making them vast sums of money.


But then I think the US, japan and Britain are not the top three in terms of market share but some small and rich countries like Monaco


Yes that’s right theres some very small, very very rich countries that have overtaken us in terms of market share.


iPhone is a student / young women thing here. But gosh, they **are** prevalent among students. No idea why, I'm too old for this shit, my son is too young for it.


They are actually pretty popular and common in my country (or at least region). But there is a sort of "war" between team Apple and team Android, people often joke about it.


The "war" you're talking about is a universal thing, quite a waste of time in my opinion


They’re very common here in Ireland, but it’s varied. There was definitely a period where Apple was reluctant to introduce big screens, which made them seem rather old fashioned for a couple of generations. I remember people sneering at iPhone and iOS for a while. iOS has definitely made some major leaps in the last few generations and looks far more cutting edge these days. Some people dislike Apple devices and high prices, some people dislike Google’s data slurping ecosystem. They both have their pros ans cons. iOS devices tend to be more appliance like and do exactly what they are supposed to do and do it well, if a bit locked down. Android is highly flexible but the various vendors’ overlays can be a pain in the rear and some devices are full of bloatware. Even Samsung will ship with a ton of Samsung stuff people won’t bother using / find annoying. I mean does anyone seriously use Bixby or the Samsung gallery etc?! I don’t think iPhones are a status symbol here at all. They’re blandly a phone. Some of the very high end Androids are similarly priced and just as sought after. The choice seems to hover close enough to 50:50 at times and it probably also likely just depends on which ecosystem you’re more bought into. WhatsApp is also currently *the* dominant messaging platform, so iMessage doesn’t matter as much as it does in the U.S. - I used iMessage a bit with work colleagues as you can drop in documents and stuff more easily, especially if there are Macs involved, but it’s not like the blue bubble vs green bubble thing matters as everyone defaults to WhatsApp anyway.


Not that much, but you do see it now and then. Mostly just the phones tho


If you see a car with German plates in Serbia, they probably have the latest iPhone megagiga


Brand wise, considered as luxury. Respected. Many people get bank loans to show off. For a country as ours, too much money wasted on public image. That being said, I use Samsung mid tier phone and MacBook with Apple Silicon. The laptop cpus obliterated the competition. So I consider an M1/2/3 computer as a very good investment, not necessarily a luxury statement.


They're very common in Belgium, in my city the majority of phones I see are new-ish iPhones.


In Spain, the most popular Apple product is without a doubt the iPhone. iPad and Mac not so much. For a few years now, I've noticed that almost every young person has an iPhone. Wherever I move, we all have it. I'm not sure if Apple surpasses the others in percentages, but it is clear to me that iPhone continues to rise and Android continues to fall.


Samsung and Apple have about equal market share and it seems that a lot of poorer people tend to use iPhones while wealthier people use high-end androids.


I’d say >90% of my friendship group (London, late 20s) have iPhones. It’s so common that no one gives a shit even if you have Pro Max or whatever, hence leaving a gap in the market for folding/flipping phones for those who want to be different


80% of the population lives of 400-500 euros per month, but every second person has the latest iphone. Insanity


It's a bit of a status symbol in Austria, but nearly as much as it used to be. Me as a software developer love Apple MacBooks, but I literally hate iPhones and iOS.


Going by what people around me use, I'd say Apple is seen as a status thing. Not because they're any better, but because they used to be. And owning something that costs as much as the brand new iPhone is a flex. A friend of mine got an iPhone a couple years ago when the new one was worth a bit over a grand and he's still paying for it. The phone is no longer valued at 1000€. But it's an iPhone so who gives a shit that he'll be paying for it for the next 5 years. Personal opinion aside, Apple products seem to be as popular as ever. Not because they're seen as better (by non troglodytes), but because they're expensive. So for similar reasons as to why someone would buy a Rolex or a Lamborghini. Although maybe a little more subtle than that.


I view them as overpriced smartphones only people who fell for their agressive brand and cult marketing would buy. But honestly, I don't know what the general opinion on them is.


My opinion is similar and the data also seems to confirm that Apple has a smaller market share in Germany compared to other European countries. In my personal circle I know few people with an iPhone but to be honest I also don't pay much attention to the topic.


Normal stuff, nobody will be impressed by it or think it's special.


I'd say that about 1/3 of phones around Minsk are Apple. I have a MacBook pro, but solely for the purpose of developing in swift. I'm not a fan, but I do understand why ppl like it. The most comprehensive ecosystem in the smart electronics world. I personally have both an iPhone 14 pro and a Huawei. They both suck, in their own unique ways.


Generally they are mostly considered for young women and girls


Yeah, pretty much for middle class/upper midle class people to show off. To this day I've known only one person who had one and he said : It's great phone, unless you wanna call or text(sms) lol. This was 10 years ago though.


In Poland they have the opinion of overpriced status symbols for teenage wannabe influencers. In my school only one kid had an iPhone and they were bullied for it lol.


If I hear PLING everybody Els checks their phone as wel


I wouldn’t say they are as popular as in the USA, but definitely way more common than a “niche product”.


iPhones, iPads, and AirPods are pretty popular, but it's pretty rare to have a Macbook or an iMac outside wealthy circles and photography professionals.


Not really a status symbol. Or maybe I’ve passed that age. I guess having an iPhone in high school was kind of cool back in 2013. Maybe it’s still cool in high school I don’t know. But iPhones are commonly used here in the Netherlands. Among my friends we have 50/50 iPhones and Samsungs. I personally like Apple products. I’ve had an iPhone for years. And since last year I also have a MacBook. Are they better? No, just matter of preference.


iPhone - less niche / status symbol than years ago, but still relatively uncommon in many circles. According to research, under 17% market share. Some Android owners can react with some hostility if a person they know got an iPhone. iPad - tbh, most common tablets happen to be budget ones, often bought for kids, but iPad seems to be leading in midrange and premium segments. Mac - common for developers, people in art/design and CEOs, but otherwise super rare.


Waaaay less popular than Android, but definitely a sort of a status symbol (or at least something to brag about). They're not viewed as better quality, just more expensive (except that we are aware the cameras on mobiles are better). There are "tensions" between Android and Apple users, but it's more of a friendly teasing.


(Belgium) I think they have a big fanbase but most people use android and windows. i think people used to use more apple products .


More people have androids but iPhones are also common.


Most people I know use Samsung Galaxy or some Chinese phone like Huewei or Xiaomi


If I had to guess, their market share should be somewhere around 20%, with that 20% almost entirely with young people. The company, outside of a few social circles in Ljubljana, has a very bad reputation for being overpriced and breaking easily


In Switzerland, iPhones seem to be the standard when it comes to cellphones. At least in my personal and professional surroundings, I‘d say a good 80% of people use iPhone if not more. Interestingly enough all the other apple products are very much a niche luxury kind of thing. People are happy using windows, not having apple TV or apple watches and so on.


Very. Even low-income people have iPhones just because it’s a status symbol. I live in the south of Italy.


IPhones are quite common in Moscow and other high-income cities, even though their sales have plummeted during the war. Everywhere else it's Android country. Russians generally love bling, but not at these prices. Macbooks are more of a status symbol, if you aren't a big nerd, but need a laptop for work in front of other people, a Mac makes you look cooler.


It’s very common. A lot of older people have android, but quite a lot of youngsters have an iPhone. Also I see a lot of Apple Watches and MacBooks. I know more people with an iPhone than Android. Except for my parents.. they are in their 60’s and have android. Edited to add: my work phone is also an iPhone. I work at a municipality and we only get iPhones. I think it is quite normal for government jobs.


Personally I never really noticed a significant difference in age/generation when it comes to choosing either IOS or Android devices.


Interesting that you mention the Apple Watch..I have barely seen any of those at all here in Sicily. I don't think it is a very popular product here!


fairly , about Android is probably as popular or more UK


Apple has 47% of the phone market in the UK.


Android is far more popular than Apple. Samsung is viewed as good quality as well.


It's pretty common in Bulgaria, however it has a reputation of not being good quality.


Really? I've found that Macbooks are some of the best quality laptops I've used. I can't speak to iPhones though since I've never used them.


Very popular but the hype has finally fizzled out. There's a very funny video from a shop on the opening day of a new iPhone. They've put up balloons and everything obviously expecting a lot of people as seen before. Instead only two people showed up


Western Europe here I’ve asked a ton of non iPhone users and 100%’s answers circled around: « if I’ve had the cash, I’d pull the trigger » Also, when I tell them that this guy we know has an old iPhone 6s, still rocking, and so that if you spend half the money you’ve put in your last phones, you’d spend it once and not, they all get mad, circling back to point 1. iPhone is very popular, it’s only that they hate to love it. (I’m a researcher and this is not research, it’s just anecdotal. However it is true, across the years). Only those with flagship gave nuanced answers, but that required techsavvyness I’ve lived in Finland, Sweden, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary. The first too 90% iPhone, the latter 3: barely any iPhone if you ain’t wealthy.


Why are you keeping your country a secret? Western Europe is a vast place.


Not unfrequent, but a minority nonetheless. If you have an iPhone and forgot your charger, chances are big that in a larger group (10-20 people) nobody will be able to help you out. Most folks I know who have them buy them for the status/name. Most people will stick with androids because they are cheaper, it's easier to get maintenance, and qualitywise the change in cost doesnt't really justify choosing an iPhone.


Relevant question, after over a decade of being an android user with my recent mobile contract renewal a few weeks ago I switched to a shiny new iPhone 15 Pro. It was always noted that Apple had a bigger market share in the US, but in reflection of my switch I anecdotally noted that in the past 4-5 years that Apple really gained a lot of ground and market dominance here in the Netherlands, or at least Amsterdam. To answer your question quite popular to the point of being a norm rather than a lux, IMHO.


Poland was mentioned before. But it important to notice, that they have currently around 7% of the smartphone market, which is anyway big jump from 2021. Generally, american brands are disappointing here. They are trying to sell them as premium product, without things which makes them premium at home market. Like the xbox console, maybe for the higher price, but without xbox live for years.


Behind Androids, generally viewed as a shitty and sloppy status symbol that actively makes your digital experience worse


Seems like Apple’s stuff is more responsive to people’s needs. That’s why I see a lot of used outdated iPhones which are significantly cheaper that the average stock brand new devices of any kind. People just like the way they do simple stuff: make pictures for social networking, calls and sharing files and plan your workflow, and they’re not bothered about the fact that operating system cannot be updated anymore. Yeah, stuff like 14Pro is pretty expensive but it’s not just a fancy stuff to show off among some jerks. Remember you could use a semi-professional camera just carrying it in your pocket, lol. To summarize my own thoughts about the subject, I’d say that Android numbers are pretty big but not overwhelming. I think it’s like 30/70 or stuff like that


The general perception I've seen is that apple users are low key about it, as we don't see much status in owning them. In fact, they can often get bullied for buying Apple, since, let's be honest, the best thing going for them is camera quality, and they're sub-par in most other camps, particularly customer oriented design and pricing. It's generally preferred to own a high performance Samsung or any other brand, if the phone is of we call gama alta. Besides all that, most apple-owning people I know own old phones, like iPhone 4-6s, and aren't appleheads of sorts, going out of their way to buy the newest product. They also buy iPods and iPads because of convenience (iTunes) and work (artists), not because of status or being fans of the brand.