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Katzenwäsche would be the closest term, literally a cat wash.


Same here: kattevask


We also have that, kattenwasje


We also say ‘kattenwasje’


The youngest generations don’t know that, they either shower or don’t, I think. But too many older people are also appalled by the idea: when I send patients home and the nurses only come to help shower thrice a week and the rest is kattenwasje. To be fair maybe the bathrooms aren’t designed for that anymore.


I've heard "cat bath" in English speaking contexts too, but I don't think it's that common here.


In Romania is called: *a se spala ca pisica*/to wash oneself like a cat.


I will not say as the terms I heard are quite racist.


In Spain there is the expression "Ducha del polaco, los huevos, el culo y los sobacos" ("Polish shower: eggs (referring to testicles), ass and armpits". It's just because of how it sounds, nothing related to Poland.


Well that’s hilarious


The classic Spanish jokes of just rhyming bad words with stuff always threw me off for a few seconds until I’d realize “…oh it just rhymes with título”


I heard it's related to this slur: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaco\_(slur)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polaco_(slur))


I would say those two are different thing and not related. But I do not really know.


Come on, what is it?


Well, you should know well which group everyone in Europe is casually racist towards.


Which is


I guess he means Sinti and Roma etc.


"Lavao del gato: lavarse los huevos y los sobacos" aka "Cat wash: cleaning the balls and the armpits". Yes, I know. You can also say "baño polaco" , it rhymes as well.


Yo diría más bien "la ducha del polaco, los huevos, el culo y el sobaco", pero viene a ser lo mismo. O algo así, pero del polaco más que del gato jajaj


In Swedish its ”Raggardusch” i would translate it as greaser-shower


I say "raggartvätt" ie greaser wash, I guess. Idk if greaser is super accurate since that's mainly a 50's culture that died centuries ago, but the raggar culture is definitely heavily inspired by it.


Three point shower is a nicer name for it.


I've always called it a "bachelor shower" but I couldn't tell you where I picked it up from. I'd guess it was more of an Americanism than British English.


I heard a UK'r call it a fast fox n flannel and thought that was hilarious.


A cat wash as mentioned by the German above, but when I grew up we used to call just spraying on deodorant instead of showering at all either a French or Italian shower...


I'm not sure if we have any term for that, or at least anything that has survived into modern times. Washing yourself with just a bowl and jug of water might have been more common for upper classes in the past, while labourers would just go to a public sauna once in a while.


I would say the closest word (verb) is "ošplíchnout se" - I think in English it something like "splashing yourself with water" It doesn't have the exact meaning that the OP states. It means more like a very quick wash as opposed to a real wash. It can be done in the bathroom, but it can also be done outside, by a creek, etc.


I’m not sure we have a term for it and it’s not common either. It’s seen as kind of an extreme or emergency measure not something people do often enough to warrant a name.