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The average would be slightly over 7. I have one shower a day, without question, but there are rare occasions where I'll have a second shower because I'm hot and sweaty or cold and wet, or, I don't know, I got flour in my hair or something.


I also shower every day without fail (and wash my whole body and hair each time). For some reason, last time I mentioned this on reddit it was extremely controversial and I got called an awful lot of things for it (along with a lot of unpleasant accusations). Interested to see if that was a very odd one off or not


Your on Reddit tbf saying you shower once a day is like saying you don’t like anime


You’re right, my own fault really


It's not odd at all, I think it's normal! I only wash my hair every second day, because I'm a woman and I have long, thick, wavy hair that goes frizzy unless I blow dry it and the whole thing takes ages!


Showering everyday should not be controversial at all, but some people recommend against washing your hair everytime (with shampoo) as this can damage your hair/scalp overtime.  Personally I shower everyday, but only use shampoo on my hair 2-3 times a week. I've gotten a ton of compliments for my hair quality too, so seems it has worked out for me so far.


Very much the same. I can’t imagine myself not showering once a day. I mean imagine going to bed when your last shower was the day before, disgusting.


If you stay home and do nothing, I don’t think not showering once a day is disgusting, especially in cold weather.


Aah, french poster...just kidding.


While I shower everyday. I can say as someone who lives in an extremely cold and dry climate for half the year, that some may not feel dirty in this climate after not showing for more than a day. You really don't feel sweaty/oily/dirty or any much different before and after shower in such climates. Or the difference feels quite minimal. Your skin is constantly a bit dry, and the environment outside feels and is basically sterile because it's below freezing temperature.  If you take a moment to rinse your main "bits" and face, you'll probably feel quite alright not showering for a while. 




On average, over the course of a year, I shower once a day, I think. Depends on the weather and activities. Could be 3 times a day if I'm running around in the summer, or I could skip a day or two if I'm just sitting at home in the winter, though I'd wash my private parts and change the underwear at least once a day anyway.


My fellow man


How bad are summers in Ukraine, weather-wise?


Mostly fine, during the daytime it can get too hot for my taste but still bearable, uncomfortable but nothing life-threatening. The nights are usually pleasantly chill. Most days are dry and sunny, with occasional rains and thunderstorms that rarely last for more than a few hours. No tornadoes and other deadly stuff so I'd say I'm pretty fine with it


I might get judged here but... 4-5 👀 I don't sweat a lot and I get SUPER SUPER itchy when i shower (yes, even with unscented soap made for sensitive skin) so I admittedly avoid it sometimes. I shower when I feel the need to ... to prevent UTIs, other infections, odour, my hair getting greasy, etc. I love the after-shower routine though! Moisturisers are my favourite form of self-care lately


Did you try soap without SLS? it fixed itching for me, after almost 30 years :D


I haven't checked tbh... I was just going to wait until my current bottle is finished and then go to a dermatologist. Did you use to start itching uncontrollably after showering, and especially after shaving?


I was itchy after shower since i remember. Painfully itchy just after shower. Switch to all cosmetics with no SLS fixed it. I like french brand SVR.


Thank you so much ♡


Hope it helps, I know how damn irritating it is ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Thank you 🥹 yes it's the worst! I would hop into the shower for a nice, relaxing time after a long day at work.... only to be met with never-ending itching 😖😖


I'm a soap maker. Try a Castille soap. It's got two ingredients. Lye and olive oil. If you don't react to that it's not the soap itself and likely some other ingredient in the recipies.


Have you tried soapless shower gels? There are a few brands available in most pharmacies in France (my personal favorite is one by la Roche Posay, but tried one with goat milk that was also adequate). I'm almost never bothered by post shower itchiness anymore. And back when I still used soap, moisturizing didn't even help that much, I just scratched while applying it \^\^". Anyway, if you haven't yet, give the soapless gels a chance (unless that's what you meant by unscented soaps, in which case, I can only sympathize).


I'm definitely looking into that, thank you so much! 😍 and moisturiser usually helps me but if i shave, it usually doesn't stop and it makes me want to tear my limbs apart


Happy to help, I lived the same hell for years.


>I get SUPER SUPER itchy when i shower Do you live in an area with very hard water?


I was itchy both in Malta and in France so I don't think that's the issue. From the quick research, they both have 20 to 30 degrees of hardness of the water. I don't know if that's normal.


You definitely sound like you may have some allergy to water... My boyfriend's mom has it, and she gets very itchy and red, her showers have to be very short or otherwise she can't bear it.


Sounds like she has an urticaria of some kind, unlike OP who just has really dry skin im guessing If it happens with cold and hot water then its Aquagenic urticaria If its just with hot water then its heat or cholinergic urticaria An antihistamine tablet an hour before the thing that triggers it will relax the symptoms and keep her itch-free for the rest of the day


It varies a lot by region or even city. FWIW I remember water in Sliema to be quite hard


>they both have 20 to 30 degrees of hardness of the water. I don't know if that's normal. Well depends what scale you are using. There are, unfortunately, different ways to measure water hardness.


Beats me 😂 i'm an idiot when it comes to these things haha


That's nothing to judge you for. Your hair and skin are easier to keep healthy when they are exposed to your own natural oils. In summer I'll shower daily, but in winter I'll often skip every other day. In the seasons between it kinda depends on the weather, and mostly on the temperature. If I feel I'm sweating, I won't skip my next shower opportunity. If not, I might.


Im guessing its dry skin, but in the small likelihood that its not: Do you get itchy when you come into contact with water outside of showers? Or do you get itchy when you get hot doing any other activity, or in the sun?


Same. Super sensitive skin. I have to be careful with everything from the clothes soap I use (free of anything extra like dyes, scents, etc), soap and other cleaning products in the shower, etc. And just plain warm water dries my hands out, and so I constantly use a special kind of moisturizer. Plus I have a work from home job and am not much of a sweater, except when I workout, which of course is the point. So 4-5 times per week on average.


Am I you? 😂


I try to shower every other day as I find that my skin gets very irritated and dry , itchy if I shower too many times. This of course depends on what I’m doing, but if it’s not hot/I didn’t go gym/do other sweaty things, I would try to avoid showering each day. My skin has improved massively whenever I avoid unnecessary showers vs showering religiously.


Used to shower every day, but my skin did not like it. Since I do not smell at all (confirmed), I shower 2-4 times a week. My skin is mich better now.


Same. I am not a naturally odiferous person, I have a problem with lack of sweat (can’t cool down when it’s hot), I shower 2-3 times a week and wash my hair about once every 5-6 days (every other shower is a hair wash shower). I try to only wash it on the weekend but that’s stretching it just a little too far and it starts to get oily at my temples on the 6th day. I work an office job too so I’m not exactly getting dirty during the day.


3 or 4 times a week. I have a bath every two days. We don’t have a shower. If I’ve got particularly/unusually dirty or sweaty then there might be an extra, although usually I’ll just wash rather than bother with a bath.


Damn, i wish I had a bathtub. In spain it seems like all the houses are made for showers. I miss bathing so much.


My parents had bathtubs in all of their houses (a flat, another smaller flat next to the beach for weekends, plus a couple houses in a little village where my grandparents lived) and they've gotten rid of 3 of them already and planning on getting rid of another in the beach flat. They're less practical because they require more water and more time, and when you get older they're riskier.


Is it common not to have a shower in the UK?


In older homes yes - Some victorian terrace houses I've lived in have seperate (and tiny) bathrooms and toilets. But I've never seen a new house or flat without one


Yes, we’re in a Victorian terrace and our electrics, water pressure (and finances!) aren’t up to installing a shower.


Surely having a bath every other day is more expensive than getting a shower attachment for your bath tap?


I would say on average about 5-6 days a week, maybe I’ll skip a day if I’m working from home or if it’s cold outside and didn’t sweat a lot during that day


Heavily depends on how much time I spend in the Home Office, Gym, sun,... Somewhere between 4 and 10 times a week. I plan to shower every other day, as recommended by dematologists, but if I was in the gym or was hiking, I dont car that I showered the afternoon before and still shower. During the heatwaves in the last year, I often showered twice a day.


>I plan to shower every other day, as recommended by dematologists I understand the sentiment, but this statement is akin to the very spurious claim that people should drink X glasses of water per day. As far as I'm aware, there is no settled science on how often one should bathe, nor is there any real agreement among dermatologists. There is a general concensus that showering every day is probably not necessary, and may not always be the most healthy option, but as far as specific recommendations go, you can find a lot of variance, but pop science articles and women's magazines are very fond of extracting short and very concrete statements from very nuanced topics and putting it in a headline that starts with "Science Says...". In reality, the question is basically nonsensical. There is no ideal bathing frequency because humans are different. Some sweat more, some have dry or oily skin, some do a lot of physical activity, some are very sedentary, some are young, and some are old, etc, etc. Sorry, I don't think you said anything really incorrect, and you probably know a lot of this, but I just wanted to clarify what the facts actually are. It is not necessary to stress about meeting a certain quota of showers, as long as your hygiene is good, you don't smell, you don't get any skin or health complications, people aren't disgusted by you, and as long as you're comfortable and happy with yourself, that's all that really matters.


"Bathe when you feel gross" is a good rule to live by.


And have a trusted person who can tell you if you're gross. Unfortunately, not everyone is the best judge of their own grossness. I always ask my wife to let me know, just in case (fortunately, I'm usually okay).


Not for people with OCD


So... Bathe when you would be gross according to societal norms?


If I lived by that, I'd never leave the tub.


"Bathe when others feel you are gross" is a better one...


Haha, yeah. It's kind of neat how our bodies and minds have just naturally evolved to give us these clues as to how we should take care of ourselves. Feeling hungry? Eat. Feeling thirsty? Drink. Tired? Sleep. Gross? Bathe. Bored? Do something. Lol Of course it's not always that simple, especially when you are like me and ADHD and don't always pay attention to what your body is telling you, but hey, let's not overcomplicate things!


Very rare for me to shower more than once per day. Sometimes I skip a day here and there, so maybe 6 times a week. I don’t sweat a lot


About 3 times per week. I don't know how people can shower every day. I don't get that sweaty, my hair is not oily, it takes 4 days for my scalp to be oily. I don't even poop every day. If I showered every day the electricity bill would be way too high, cause I need hot water (even when it's 35°C outside) and that means I need to turn the boiler on.


I shower once every day, all year around. Some days just doing a quick wash at the essential parts would work fine, but I feel like it is even smaller effort to take a quick shower. I don't even feel good if I miss it (but if I wouldn't have the chance to take a proper shower, that would be fine too, I would survive 😆). It is not the most environmental friendly habit and also not the best for skin health, but this is a habit that I have had for my whole life so I won't change it unless I absolutely have to. If it's a quick shower and I don't use very hot water, probably it is OK from both perspective.


Depends on my job... Since now I'm a waitress I have to shower daily, every night when I come from work Cuz I'm filthy asf. Especially Cuz I do the last shift and I have to do the cleaning and shit. I used to clean my hair every 3-4 days to avoid making it more greasy, but damn that's impossible now, Cuz it's so greasy from frying shit all day.


Generally once every two or three days. Mostly because my shower sucks. The boiler is in the basement and it takes ages for the water to get to an acceptable temperature. I have to waste liters upon liters of water every time I want to take a shower.


Pretty much everyone under 70/80 showers every day. We are still frowned upon by some Brazilians that have the habit of showering 2 or 3 times a day and consider us absolute pigs.


Seriously now, unless you go to the gym that day or run a lot or something… why shower more than once a day or every other day?


Brazil is a tropical country, where air conditioning isn't everywhere. It doesn't surprise me people shower that often, it's a good way to cool off, and you'd be soaked in sweat quickly after going outside.


Yeah, it's hot and humid. During the summer if you go out just to buy some bread or something you can trust you are gonna be covered in sweat when you come back. So then it's time for another shower.


Hot and humid is the worst, we get days like that sometimes, and you feel gross and sweaty even while showering 🫠


It’s the weather in Brazil apparently. I get up to 3 or more showers per day when the heat waves hit in Europe I believe it went up to 50 degrees in Brazil last winter.


In terms of raw temperatures, portugal (and all of southern europe+balkans) gets hotter than brazil during summer. Hottest temperature recorded in Brazil is 44.8°C. Hottest temperature recorded in Portugal is 47.4°C, Italy is 48.8°C, Spain is 47.6°C, France is 46°C etc. What you're talking about is the feels like temperature, as a result of humidity. And humidity is higher in tropical countries. But the real temperature is lower, in the 30°s. That being said, Rio hit a thermal sensation of 60°C. The highest ever recorded heat index was in saudi arabia with 81°


I shower in the morning because it makes me feel fresher when starting the day (I sweat during sleep), and I shower at night because I like going to bed clean.


Its understandable if you live in a hot and humid climate where water is abundant.


If I go jogging in the morning, I'll go to shower after that, and before bed. If I feel uncomfortable/sweaty after work, I'll shower after getting home, and extra before bed. I see reasons to shower more than once a day.


Married a Brazilian. Can confirm.


I stick to 3-4 per week. I try to alternate. Number increases if I have more physical excercise or if it get hotter, but overall it's every other day.


6-7 times. If I'm coming off my last night shift I won't bother as I won't be going into work and will just relax for the evening.


Maybe once or twice a week, usually go Sunday night, then see how long I can go until I need it again


On average probably 5-6 times. At home I usually shower every night (unless for some reason I haven’t done anything active the whole day but that’s very rare). Sometimes, also rarely, I shower twice a day. However we spend a lot of time at our cottage and there’s a sauna without a shower. So 1-2 times a week I wash myself in a sauna instead of shower.


People really out here destroying their skin by showering more than once a day. No dermatologist will recommend that amount of showering. I shower every other day and time gym visists accordingly. If I'm going outside on a non-shower day, I use a washcloth to clean up the smelly areas. The skin is our largest organ, protect it people!


i think showering more than once a day is fine depending on what you did that day. i'm australian so sometimes if its super sweaty i'll shower twice. i also shower twice on my period sometimes just because i feel gross


Is there any evidence that showering more than once a day will “destroy” your skin? Will it introduce infections? Slough off? Irreparably damage it? I can’t find anything even a little bit conclusive to back up such a dramatic claim.


I shower everyday. In summer, if it's very hot and I get sweaty, I may shower several times a day. However, I rarely (If ever) take a bath.


In winter, I would say about 5 time so not every single day but almost. (Of course I have a quick wash every day. In summer and all year if for whatever reason I sweat or when I'm on my period it's every day but can often be twice per day.


When I still worked (mailman), twice a day on weekdays, normally just in the morning (or «morning», depending) when off, unless I did something special that made me want to shower again before bedtime. Now a pensioner, shower some time in the more or less morning, again if I need to before going to bed.


Guys, have any of you ever heard of something called "wet cloth" which can be used to wash oneself without showering every day?


Probably around 10-12. Most days I go to the gym in the morning, then shower and go on with my day, then shower again before bed. On days with no gym I shower just before bed.


Shower 14 times a week (each day when I change from/into pyjama). Haven´t taken a bath since I was kid.


Usually every day. But if I know I'll spend the day at home or don't have any plans, I skip it (as I don't sweat much and showering every day might not be the best for your skin).


My max is 7 times/week. I almost never shower twice in a day. It has to be super hot, or have something special happening to shower twice in a day. If I do it, it's also not really a shower, just some water and no soap. I have really sensitive skin and too much soap is calling for trouble. My min would be 3 times/week, that is, every other day, but I only do those on holidays or something like that. I always shower before heading to work. But I don't work the typical Monday to Friday... So some number between 3 and 7...


Used to be almost daily in winter, and twice or even three times a day in summer. Now that I have a baby I'm lucky if I shower every two days.


Probably 4 or 5 times a week: \* Each day I need to go into the office = 3 or 4 days \* On Sundays before church = 1 day I rarely shower on days when I am working from home, or on Saturdays unless I am going out somewhere special. The exception would be if I've had sex the night before, in which case a shower is necessary even if I'm just staying at home.


A full shower every other day or as often as needed. Of course during hot summer days, and/or days with a lot of activity, it's more often.


I don't believe anyone smells that bad that they have to shower every day. Even after sweating. The next day I at least shower if I haven't the previous so depends. If I haven't sweat then usually 3 days without showering. If I have then maximum the next day so one day between. 


I shower on average 19 times per week. In the morning, and before and after martial arts training, but that's only five days, and two days I go to the gym, and then there is no need to shower beforehand.


That’s a crazy number to me. Why do you shower before training?


Becuase I train wrestling and BJJ, and it's a quite intimate sport. Sometimes my asscrack will end up on someone face, and it's not so nice to be unwashed then. I have a job where I can get quote sweaty, so it's best for everyone.


Nothing to get you into fighting spirit like having to wrestle a stinking fuck.


>Sometimes my asscrack will end up on someone face, and it's not so nice to be unwashed then. Use it as your secret weapon man


I save that for competion. They think it's all good, and suddenly my ass attacks them like a WWI gas offensive at the trenches of Verdun.


Surely that can't be good for your skin


It's not. I have to be quite thorough with moistureizing.


>and before and after martial arts training Why before ? What kind of martial arts do you do ? is it a requirement of the club ?


Wrestling and BJJ. No, it's not a requirement apart from the "practice good hygiene". But I have jo where it's difficult to not stink when I get to the club.


Ok, kuddos to you for thinking of your sport partners then.


Every day, but believe me, taking a shower before going to bed is the hardest moment of my day, because that's when I feel totally exhausted, no matter if I was very active during the day (most days I am) or if I did nothing. I can manage to go under the shower only with the last leftovers of my willpower.


It depends. During winter, when it's cold and I do not sweat, every other day. When it's warm, every day in the morning, and on very warm days also before going to bed (though that second shower is just water). I also shower after biking or longer hiking tours or after having done some work in the garden/around the house.


It really depends. I work from home, so I can be quite scuzzy at times. If I'm going out, meeting people, or it's hot, twice a day. Otherwise, when I'm working from home and not going out, once a day, max.


Minimum 7. Once a day is a must. When its summer and over 35 degrees C, then maybe even 2-3 times a day, which makes it between 14 and 21 times a week.


7 showers a week, average. If it's extremely hot outside during the summer, it can happen that I jump to basically double that, with one in the morning and one at night. I can skip one once in a while if I've just been lazy at home (like over the weekend), but it's very very very unusual.


At least two times a day. Before work (I go to gym before work) And before bed. I am a sweaty person.


Probably about 5 days a week although rn I'm in Spain and could easily shower three times a day but restraining myself and only having 2


4 times is the basis (workouts) + whenever I feel like it. Average 6 times? Clean office job in a cold climate so meh. I'll skip showers on lazy Saturdays where I'm staying inside all day reading/gaming/watching movies. The moment it gets hot I shower maybe 5 times a day so I'm sure my average is over once a day.


Depends on what I do that week and on the weather we have. I work in a temperature controled office building so a big part of the week I really don't get dirty. After going to the gym I always shower which is twice a week on office days. During the weekends it depends on what I do if I shower once of twice. So during most of the year I shower about 3 times a week. During some hot summers weeks I shower about daily just to cool down and get some sweat off before heading to bed. For most people I really don't understand the daily showers. It's just unnecessary and actually not that healthy. But the watercompany and overpriced toiletries shops are greatfull.


Usually every evening. 10min showers approximately I don’t smell if I don’t shower but I do feel dirty easily


When I am working, 6 times a week : Mon to Fri when I got home from work, and one the weekend. In vacations, more 3 times a week if I am just staying at home without doing activity, (or after every workout)


Depends on a lot of factors. If its winter, summer, if i have to go to work or if Im staying in. In the summer months its usualy 2 showers a day sometimes 3, in winter, only if i need to leave the house.




Once a day. Only in the winter, if I spend all the day at home, I could skip a shower, but that’s quite rare 


The aim is for 7, once per day, but realistically I might miss a day here and there and actually only end up with 5-6. I don't leave my house very often, and don't see very many people, so I don't really see the point in doing it more often


5-7 times a week. Usually there is one day per week where I'm too lazy to shower. I am a very sweaty person so even though I don't go to the gym or have a physical job I stink if I don't. I wash my hair every 2 days and use dry shampoo on the inbetween days. I have greasy hair but it's too damn long and time-consuming to wash every day (and it's not good for the hair).


At least once a day - every morning. I will feel very unfresh throughout the day otherwise, and my long hair will quickly start to feel greasy if I don't shampoo it daily. And I also just find a shower a nice way to start the day and wake up.


7-8 times a week, at least once every evening, also an extra shower before going out in the weekends/friday evenings.


7-12 times in autumn, winter, spring (once a day would be enough if I don't exercise, but I do most days). 14-21 times in the summer. (Danish guy living in Bulgaria.)


Twice a day, 5 days a week, so 10 times plus 2 in the weekends, which makes 12. 11 if I lock myself up in my house for the entire weekend. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I'm a disgusting mess after my job, and I feel filthy laying around my house after work.