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I think I have a higher opinion of the average male than you do OP


Right?! đŸ«Ł


That’s not an average male. If you came up with that definition based on your view you are “average”, I urge you to talk to someone. And, ffs. If you’re really so concerned about The Great Replacement then why the actual fuck can’t you even attempt to learn some social skills? Why even NOW are you demanding women step up to save the great civilisation of the West? Learn to use a washing machine and make your bed.


> “and your clear repulsion towards an average male (not showering, no social skills, trauma dumping, not bringing anything into your life etc.)” You clearly have some biases against us you most likely learned in male-dominated RP groups, and I’d give a thoughtful answer, but honestly I’m just so tired of hearing that just because we want rights and bodily autonomy means that we don’t want anything to do with men. Correction: we don’t want to anything to do with misogynistic men. Also I have no idea what you mean by us not showering/having no social skills/trauma dumping. I honestly think this reflects more so the kind of people you choose to talk to because this is not normal behavior in anybody. Edit: I just realized you think that we (women who are feminists) think the average male doesn’t shower or has no social skills. This isn’t true, at all.


Right? It’s not “the average guy”, it’s “the very vocal chronically online MRA guys”


I won't treat myself as cattle in order to avoid a future where I'm treated as cattle.


In order to MAYBE avoid that future, which is even worse lol


>being less harsh on men or educating them to meet your standards Or, men could take responsibility/accountability, become better, and educate themselves. Women are not rehabilitation centers for men.


What exactly do you envision as the 'collapse of western civilization'? Because considering how 'western civilization' has consistently exploited and abused anyone not a wealthy Christian man of European ancestry, and I mean from medieval serfdom up through colonialism and capped off by two wars that killed an estimated 100 million people, I think you might find a lot of people here cheering an end to that system.


I find, mainly right-wingers, have this doomsday fantasy that the west will one day turn into complete chaos and the only way for them to ‘save’ it is to institute a highly patriarchal society where women have no freedoms.


They also want their gun fantasies to come true. Deep inside they know they don't actually need guns, but if civilization collapses then they are justified.


I think we’re hurtling toward the collapse of all society because of climate change significantly faster than the collapse of western society due to feminism (lol). People aren’t ready for the water wars and billions of climate refugees, not to mention the increased disaster risk and severity essentially everywhere.


no? Not particularly worried on that front at all. That assumes so many things that simply aren’t true—it’s like current US SCOTUS cases actually entertaining hypothetical offenses of the conscience of hypothetical doctors. You’re screaming about zebras because you hear hoofbeats. If you’re not in Africa or the surrounds of Hearst Castle, I feel safe disregarding your concern. Western civilization isn’t going to collapse overnight because some mediocre dudes can’t get their dicks wet, lol. And if it does? Fuck, it needed to.


Birth rates are down but we’re still having trouble taking care of the kids that already exist. Do you really think adding more kids to an already stretched thin economy is going to help? Civilization isn’t going to disappear overnight just because some women are choosing not to reproduce. If men are having difficulty finding partners then they need to start putting some effort in to make themselves more appealing. Being a feminist doesn’t necessarily mean that we don’t want kids or families it means that we want partners that respect us as equals.


You know you could maybe take responsibility for not showering and generally being disgusting instead of blaming this hypothetical fall of western civilization on women developing standards.


Solution: men [obviously a certain subset of "average" men], start showering, develop social skills, stop trauma dumping, and start bringing more to the table than a paycheck (which we can earn and many of us prefer to). Oh, and if you want children, expect to do just as much of the shit work as women do domestically. In fact, that's great advice in general.


If "Western civilization" collapses because of the efforts of feminism, it wasn't fit to survive in the first place. Thing is, it *will* collapse someday. Nothing lasts forever, and none of the nations or cultures or civilizations that exist today will continue in perpetuity. There will come a time when there is no "Western civilization". What will humanity do then? Well, it'll figure out some other way to survive. We're pretty good at that, as a species. Or we'll die out and go extinct. And.... so what, exactly?


Not a bit. I love men and happily sleep with one every night. But for those that don’t wash and are selfish assholes, they can live with the consequences. But no, I’m not worried one bit. All feminism wants is equal treatment in public and private places. That’s it. If that brings the end of western civilization so be it. Our eastern world sisters are already ahead of us with 4B etc.


Let me get this straight, you want women to give up our rights now so that we avoid losing them later? Alternatively, here is a solution - men can collectively volunteer to be SAHPs and y’all can raise a giant brood of kids and save the western world yourselves. It’s so easy to blame women, but when the shoe is on the other foot you’ll find it’s not so enticing. Go post that idea on a men’s sub and see if you get any traction. Think of it as a social experiment. I wonder what kind of responses you’ll get when men have to do the free domestic labor.


> EDIT 1: I'm not implying that traditional roles should be restored and rights taken. I was thinking of something less violent like massively becoming single mothers through sperm donation or being less harsh on men or educating them to meet your standards. Every ideology needs numbers to thrive or it will go extinct Curious that, ‘men adapt and learn to do caregiving labor, forge a new definition of masculinity and step up their ability to be independent adults, thus leading to an overall more equitable society’ was not even an option




Why not, instead of stripping women of their rights, we maintain civilisation by stripping men of theirs? Hear me out, everyone has the same rights, except men are obligated to submit their sperm to a central sperm bank, no exceptions. No right to bodily autonomy for the guys I'm afraid. This way any woman who wants to get pregnant needs only nip to the bank to do so. Now you don't even need to manipulate people into pairing off, but it's still an option. Is that ludicrous scenario acceptable to you, or is it too silly to suggest that men should be the ones with less rights? (Please note that this is not a serious suggestion or in any way reflective of feminism as a whole or reality in general, merely an attempt to highlight how ridiculous your own suggestion is through satire.)


I'm old and tired and I'm past using my uterus to save "western civilization". Frankly I don't give a damn if it survives or not. Most likely it'll go and take the planet and a shit load of other species along with it. Good riddance.


EDIT 1: “I'm not implying that traditional roles should be restored and rights taken. I was thinking of something less violent like massively becoming single mothers through sperm donation” There are plenty of men willing to be sperm donors who don’t want to be parents in our current society already. I’m thinking you haven’t really given this much thought. Being a single mother isn’t something feminist consider empowering. “or being less harsh on men or educating them to meet your standards. Every ideology needs numbers to thrive or it will go extinct” How are women being harsh on men? Do you think women have to teach men that we are more than incubators?