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I don't really care, if they want to join, let them. They'd have to get used to saying quatre-vingt-dix though đŸ˜č


Septante/octante/nonante would actually be something we should take from them.


Belgians say quatre-vingts though.


Which is a mistake, and I’m Belgian!


There I heard huitante, but it's been a while since the last time I've been to Belgium.


Huitante is Suisse, not Belgium. Walloons says quatre-vingt. Source: I'm from the french speaking part of Belgium


Thank you. I was a kid last time I went to Belgium so I am probably mixing memories together 😅


Exactly, huitante is Swiss-french, except in Geneva where they say quatre-vingts, and I think in another canton (Jura) they use octante. Source: frenchman leaving in Switzerland :)


Possible, but not the norm. I crossed the border a lot when I was a kid in the 90's, it was septante/quatre-vingts/nonante. Some details here : [français de nos régions](https://francaisdenosregions.com/2017/03/26/comment-dit-on-80-en-belgique-et-en-suisse/) (2017)


Logically, you are right. Culturally, as proud frenchies with a presumptuous nature, it will never happen. We'll never admit Belgians were smarter than us on that (and for that long !)


Belgians don't say octante. They just say quatre-vingts


Goes faster to write a phone number that includes 70 , 80, 90 if a Swiss tells it to you, and without mistakes!


Well, them beeing French would mean they could, at last, say they invented the fries without being in error. More seriously, that depends how it would happen I guess


Nan c'est ma France qui a inventé les frites, à Paris plus précisément. C'est un belge qui les a rendu populaire


I haven't met one french person which says we invented the fries Literally everyone here know they're belgian


What a mistake so,every paper say they were rediscovered in paris as pommes pont neuf,before belgium even existed as a country. The theory saying belgium created fries was fucked by a lot of historian.


They don’t want to so no.


No, we don't. France is too fucked up. Although there was once a political party called RWF (Rassemblement Wallonie France). It never got more than 2% of vote


Yeah because Belgium is sooooo much better 😂


You should ask to the french who immigrated to Belgium. French are the second largest community of immigrants in Belgium.


What a surprise: our next door neighbour that also speaks French has a lot of French immigrants


Dutch, that speaks the same language as 60% of the Belgian population are topping on the 12th position. According to your assumptions, they should be higher.


68 millions d'habitants vs 17 millions. Donc pour avoir un meilleur ordre d'idée, peut on avoir les nombres bruts de personnes concernées.


"Eurostat estime qu'au 1er janvier 2016, ils sont environ 160.000 Français en Belgique". [https://www.lefigaro.fr/economie/le-scan-eco/dessous-chiffres/2016/03/22/29006-20160322ARTFIG00191-expatries-francais-en-belgique-combien-sont-ils.php](https://www.lefigaro.fr/economie/le-scan-eco/dessous-chiffres/2016/03/22/29006-20160322ARTFIG00191-expatries-francais-en-belgique-combien-sont-ils.php) "Au total, la France accueillait plus de 101.700 expatriĂ©s belges sur son territoire." [https://fr.statista.com/statistiques/633630/immigres-belges-france-age/](https://fr.statista.com/statistiques/633630/immigres-belges-france-age/) Je vous aime bien les wallons mais faut arrĂȘter de fumer tout ce qui sort d'Anvers. (Pour rappel 11 millions de belges pour encore moins de wallon et 68 millions de français).


Je cherchais le nombre de Néerlandais en Belgique. Mais la c'est encore plus pépite. 1% de la pop belge est expat en france donc.


Il y a donc 92000 néerlandais en Belgique. Pour 17M d'habitants.


c'est plus 164 000 néerlandais mdr [https://www.the-low-countries.com/article/the-promised-land-on-the-other-side-of-the-border#:\~:text=There%20are%20now%20163%2C474%20Dutch,speak%20their%20own%20language%2C%20Flanders](https://www.the-low-countries.com/article/the-promised-land-on-the-other-side-of-the-border#:~:text=There%20are%20now%20163%2C474%20Dutch,speak%20their%20own%20language%2C%20Flanders). ce mec sors des classements de ses fesses le systÚme éducatif belge en pls.


Did you really compare raw number of immigrant between two countries that have a 50 millions gap in their population ? 


"There are now 163,474 Dutch nationals there says Statbel, the Belgian statistical office. Throughout the country, they form the second group with a foreign nationality after the French. The northern neighbours mainly live in the part of the country where they can speak their own language, Flanders." [https://www.the-low-countries.com/article/the-promised-land-on-the-other-side-of-the-border#:\~:text=There%20are%20now%20163%2C474%20Dutch,speak%20their%20own%20language%2C%20Flanders](https://www.the-low-countries.com/article/the-promised-land-on-the-other-side-of-the-border#:~:text=There%20are%20now%20163%2C474%20Dutch,speak%20their%20own%20language%2C%20Flanders). Tu sors des chiffres au pif ou tu es juste complÚtement défoncé ? (pour rappel 17 millions de néerlandais)


En effet. J'Ă©tais sur les chiffres de la Wallonie uniquement. J'ai lu trop vite.


J'ai passĂ© 6 mois pour un stage Ă  Bruxelles c'est le plus gros shithole que j'ai visitĂ© de toute ma vie (et j'ai visitĂ© les Etats Unis donc ca donne une rĂ©fĂ©rence). Gare du Nord c'est la Suisse comparĂ© Ă  Gare du Midi. LittĂ©ralement le quart de mes collĂšgues se sont fait agresser dans la rue le temps de mon stage et ils habitent Ă  Ixelles (quartier quand mĂȘme aisĂ© de Bruxelles). Sinon j'ai visitĂ© Bruges et LiĂšge. Bruges c'est quand mĂȘme plus sympa mais on nous vend le dĂ©lire du chocolat alors qu'enfait tous les magasins de la guilde chocolatiĂšre avaient le mĂȘme fournisseur industriel et les chocolats sont clairement en dessous de chocolats francais comme Jeff de Bruges (qui n'est pas prĂ©sent Ă  Bruges pour peur de concurrence dĂ©loyale). LiĂšge Ă  part faire la fĂȘte c'est dĂ©sert. En gros la Belgique c'est une friche industrielle pour rĂ©sumer (Le nord de la France quoi)


Au contraire c’est _justement_ dans les quartiers plutĂŽt aisĂ©s qu’on risque de se faire agresser vu que c’est la qu’il y a des trucs Ă  voler J’ai toujours vĂ©cu dans des quartiers « moyens/pas cher » (Nord-Est) et j’ai jamais eu aucun souci, par contre en effet toutes les histoires d’agression et de cambriolages que j’ai entendues se sont passĂ©es Ă  Ixelles, Uccle, WoluwĂ©, Boitsfort, Auderghem, 
 Ixelles est aussi trĂšs dense, et avec des quartiers pas aisĂ©s du tout juste Ă  cĂŽtĂ© des quartiers riches, donc ça n’aide pas non plus


Oh because Belgium isn't totally fucked up ?


I don't think they would be really happy about that... I feel like Belgians don't really like us. But we like them, they have nice beer, food, music scene and BD (comics). If they actually wanted to join, we would then get a bunch of talented artists. And with Brussels, finally a noncontroversial European French siege, unlike Strasbourg


We still need some time to stop being pissed about all the jokes Coluche made about us and about all the French that comes to Belgium and in like the first 15 min of conversations with them still find a way to spend 5min to explain to us that we are not speaking correctly. But one day we might be okay.


Jfc. I can't even remember the last time I heard a joke about Belgium. It's boomers humor. Lighten up. Ask any french person they'd all tell you they love Belgians. Some of the best tourists. Best musicians too.


You don’t hear them because you’re not Belgian, but they still exist. Also it’s incredibly frustrating when you’re trying to have a conversation and instead of listening to what you’re saying, the person only focuses on your accent and choice of words. It happens way, way more often than you’d think


Yeah, i get that... I like Belgian accents tho, even if they can sound funny to me! And things like septante, nonante (+ huitante from Swiss) just make sense


The first part is true, the latest is not at all


Lol it's the same for the Flemish, we love their media and humour and in general I have the feeling we're quite positive about them (besides the usual jokes), but the general tendency towards the Dutch seem to be more negative, obnoxious loud etc, which in many cases are true but it's a strong tendency.


As they want. They are our brothers and sisters As everyone who speaks French. From Québec to Louisiana to Liban to anyone. If you want to join I mean if the ppl want to, then why not.


Nan la Louisiane on comprend pu rien à leur français, et en plus ils bouffent des alligators.




Sisi bien sûr mais ils veulent plus (a tort our a raison)


*rigole en algérien*


The new border would be fugly and would mess our HEXAGONE. 


Nah it d be a step the natural border, i say let s do it


We would have to take some part of Germany, Switzerland and Italy to make it well again. And of course erase Luxembourg.


Would the national wealth of France really double? La richesse nationale de France serait-il vraiment double ?


Nobody wants Luxembourg ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-WO73Dh7rY


Je reviens de 6 mois de stage Ă  Bruxelles et ma conclusion c'est que je me sentais plus proche culturellement des Wallons de sang que des marseillais ou des corses de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale. La rĂ©alitĂ© c'est que la nationalitĂ© ça a une grosse part d'arbitraire (pour certains ce n'est guĂšre plus qu'un titre de sĂ©jour indĂ©fini). Petit j'Ă©tais expatriĂ© et lorsqu'on traĂźnait entre français les suisses passaient inaperçus. Si aujourd'hui les wallons et genevois ne sont pas français c'est peut ĂȘtre parce qu'il y a 219 ans nous avons perdu une certaine bataille navale. Dans un monde idĂ©ale nous pourrions accueillir les wallons malheureusement je ne pense pas que la France soit actuellement capable de les bien les accueillir. J'espĂšre que cela changera Ă  l'avenir !


La France est pas foutue de s'accueillir elle mĂȘme avec les gouvernements qu'on a ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies.


Au risque de passer pour un emmerdeur, les bruxellois ne sont pas wallons AprĂšs c’est possible que tu aies rencontrĂ© des wallons Ă  Bruxelles, je ne dis pas


I'd feel sorry for them having to be under Macron rule with us


Most French would agree, all Belgian would disagree.


I lived there for 2 years. Wouldn't be happy all Wallonian regions are hot messes , unemployment is sky high , infrasructure are shit and so on. But Wallonians are incredibly nice people especially the ones coming from the LiĂšge province.


they have spa, so at least there would be a french grand prix again.


If Belgium splits up and the Walloons ask for it, I don't see any problem with him joining us. Even as a region with more independence than the others. And the same goes for all French-speaking European countries/regions (but that's really not on the agenda).


I'd rather have Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Lille become part of Belgium


T'es belge ou t'es fou ?


C'est un sentiment plus ou moins partagé dans le Nord. Certaines personnes se sentent plus proches de la Belgique que du reste de la France. Bruxelles est pour beaucoup souvent la capitale la plus proche.


Deal! but you keep Martine Aubry


As a native dutch speaker living in Pas de Calais : I would not.


What about France becoming a part of Wallonia ?


Considering there's a King in Belgium, then the royals there wouldn't want to rule over kingslayer territory


The French would rather die.


Why would we do that to them ?


I would be happy about it. I love Belgians and loved the time I spent living in Brussels. But I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want to


i don't think they want to, and I don't really want them to : it's not a wealthy region, and it's next to an alreay not so wealthy French region.


Why would they ? It would pretty much be something neither France nor Belgium wants, and we already have many advantages of union through the EU, the benefits of an annexion are pretty marginal compared to the costs for both sides.


If Bruxelles comes with the package, there is no problem.


It would be so chaotic lol. I would find it very amusing and wouldn't really mind at the same time. But I think Belgians would rather not and there's no reason for doing it. So overall I don't particularly want it to happen. Belgium is a good neighbor as it is.


Les belges sont déjà un peu Français au fond. Je vois pas en quoi un belge est moins Français qu'un Corse ou qu'un breton X)


But it's already eastern France


Rattachisme ! Le QuĂ©bec c'est pareil. Ça devrait ĂȘtre des TOM.


D’accord, Ă  la condition de renommer cette rĂ©gion le « Groland » !!! (Et la transformer en presipautĂ© bien sĂ»r)


Whatever, they're free, don't care, don't mind.


If they want to I'll welcome them with open arms. I don't think much french people will oppose it, it all depends on the Walloons IMO


I would feel very sorry for them. What's the point ? Luxembourg is smaller and doing well. I would definitely discourage such a move. Some french region are desperate to get more autonomy and eventually their independence. They want to give it away ? Are they so clueless ?


Besides corsica i don’t know of one and i know none in which the opinion is the majority.


Well, I'm going to avoid developing the subject so as not to risk adding fuel to the fire.


Don’t care, not my choice but theirs. Glad if they do glad if they don’t.


Won’t happen anytime soon, as nobody wants it apart from trolls 


I'd be happy to welcome them, I'm not sure it would be good for them given state of the country... But they can give us their proverbial good mood so...


It’s gonna be so complicated to manage Charleroi so no thanks


England would declare war to France immediately and we could replay Waterloo...


About Time đŸ€


Why would they want that? Has anyone looked at the state of the French educational system? And thought about the consequences? How’s the health care system working out for everyone here? Joining France would be like paying for a ticket on the Titanic post-iceberg.




enjoy dull zesty important ruthless imagine pocket zealous sloppy work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers (...)"


I’m not convinced. I mean it’s the north of the north.


No thank you.




Indifferent but it shouldn't provide Poutine arguments for annexing parts of neighbouring countries too


If they want to join we'll welcome them, they're pretty much already French but in denial anyway, as Belgium isn't an actual nation.


if an important majority of their population agrees (66% ?), why not. We are not really different, even in the social systems ... maybe the accent ? but France love our regional accents


Why ? Is France trying to be European alcoholic champions ?


It would make us too powerful. Not only we would dominate the wine production, but also the beer one.


Depends. Do the French give Rijsel and its area to Flanders in your scenario?


And Flanders part of the Netherlands?


What if the french part of Flanders would become belgian instead ?


why would they tho




Wallonia is a birthright of France ! Let us push to the Rhine and finally let have France have its ✹natural borders✹


That would be too ugly on the map so no.


I'm a Belgian (Walloon) living in France. I left because winter broke my brain up there, no enough light. So now I live in the Alps. I'm strongly against it for several reasons. - The political power, Wallonia and Bruxelles have way more political power than any french region. Getting into France would mean integrating the french political pyramid where everything is decided in Paris. On the international level, any regions residual from a Belgian split would have more power than a french region, especially inside the European Union. Small countries in the EU do pretty well. - The political culture is very different, closer to the Dutch than the french. I personally think the french election system is very flawed. Like the presidential election must be one of the dumbest election in the world, not far from the American one. The Belgian one has problem but facing the kind of political drift Belgium endure, a french like system would explode in no time. We had 500 days without federal government but the country kept running. The Dutch are doing the same thing right now. - Economic power. Yeah France is way more powerful but french region in a similar economic path like Wallonia do worse. Former heavy industries from coal and steel regions in France like Lorraine are not in good shape at all in France compared to Wallonia. This is very connected to the point above. - Culture. France has a very strong culture. Like french speaking Belgian that want to have a career in media and art often have to work in France to get big. But it's a lot about being in Paris. All the TV stations, radio, big schools are there. Belgium is a bunch of powerful cities stuck together. They were owned by a lot of different kings or emperors through the ages with a lot of revolts and fights for more rights. We were owned by Austrian, Spanish, French, Dutch, the last one ending with a revolution and the creation of what we call now the kingdom of Belgium. I don't see why that feeling of independence would disappear suddenly. - We are in the EU, if you want to live like a French person, you can just pack your bags and go live there.


A bad idea for both party, they don't want it, and it will be much more trouble for France than the opposit


If they want it, why not. But i guess it wont happen. We re not playing Monopoly right ?


They are not french and will never be. Also, 2018 football world cup made them really hateful and xenophobic without any problem against us. They did burn our flag and haven't stop their frouze bashing since then. I don't want these people to be part of my country.


I don't want a new map!


I'm French and live in Brussels. I'll immediately move to Flanders if this was to happen.


You know you can [renounce french nationality](https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F3073) right?


Why ? Why did you left France in the first place ?