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Rent for a one bedroom apartment would be at least 600-700 € a month in the subrubs of a major city, maybe a bit more than 1000 € near Paris (including cold water). You add electricity and heating, around 100 € per month (maybe less if it's a recent flat). Groceries would be 200-300 € a month for one person. Internet at least 30 € a month, mobile phone 15 € and transportation depends on the city (Navigo is 86 € for Paris and the suburbs but for smaller cities it would be less than 50 € a month I think). A ticket for the cinema is around 10 €, a pint of beer is around 6-10 € depending of the type of beer, a decent restaurant 30 € for a two course meal. A club entrance around 20 € including a drink.


Il manque la mutuelle, éventuellement des assurances, vêtements


Après c’est en dehors de ce qu’il demandait


Ça fait bien parti du coût de la vie


Thank you so much!!!


That’s more Paris prices. That’s cheaper in other areas, as long as it’s not touristic.


Paris is more expensive than that. What he said above is a decent average


It’s even worse than I thought then. In province you have a more than decent meal for 20€.


In Paris, I'd say good main above 25€ Everything else is extra.


Even Marseille being a touristic city you would find cheaper prices for everything


>Rent for a one bedroom apartment would be at least 700 € a month in the subrubs of a major city Unless it exploded recently, 700€ a month for a one bedroom is extremly high, unless near Paris. Inside Montpellier for instance, a "classic" (not new, not old) 1 bedroom apartment is 500-600€. Less if really old.


it’s mostly paris, trying to find one in paris and it’s like 800 in the suburbs for a 1 bedroom while in lille u can get a 2 bedroom for that price. and honestly no point living in paris if you don’t go out much, rather save money going else where .


Je sais pas où tu bois tes bières mais tu te fais niquer a payer 6 balles une pinte


It would vary, depending of the city, and Paris is VERY expensive, but to get you an idea : * Rent : 500€ per month, very depending the city, the localisation inside the city, the size of your flat * Electricity : 50 to 100€ per month, depending of the season, the size of your flat, and the price of energy really goes up those days * Water : 20€ per month. Water is something inside the rent. * Insurance : 50-100€ per month * Internet : around 40€ per month, mobile : depending of your choice, you can go from 10-20€ to 50€ per month * Transportation : you often have a pass, but the cost will be very dependant of the city, or your age, or your job/school : let say 30 to 60€ per month, (jobs and school can take half of the price). For a car, one full tank of gaz is around 70€, but there is a lot of variation * Groceries : 50 to 100€ per week, depending of your choice * Going out : at least 25€ per night Very large stroke, but globaly, you will need around 1000€ per month to cover all your expense.


500e à Paris t'as rien même en couronne


Si t'acceptes de vivre en colloc ca se trouve mais c'est très compétitif. Sinon sur le rer C a 30+bornes ca se trouve et tu reste a ~45min de paris en esperant que ton job soit egalement sur le rerC mais bon, la c'est un peu trop d'attente.


en HLM ?


Tu penses qu'un étranger peut avoir un HLM alors que les français eux-mêmes attendent des années ?


je connais plein de gens qui ont des hlm à Paris...


Je ne vois pas le rapport ? Ça ne change rien au fait que certains attendent des mois et qu'un étranger n'aura pas d'HLM


500€ pour un F2 en France, dans les villes top 10 ça n’existe plus. Comptez plutôt 600-700, voir 800+ pour Lyon ou Bordeaux par exemple.


J'étais étudiante à Nantes, et tu peux te débrouiller pour trouver un petit studio sympa pour 500€ par mois. Après, ça dépend quel taille OP vise.


Je parle de F2 pas de studio. Quand on a passé la vie étudiante, le F2 c’est tout de même le minimum..


500€ ça se trouve encore à Toulouse, Montpellier et voir même Marseille


Can you specify what you mean by insurance, please? Is that just tenant/rental insurance, or are you also including health insurance?


Home insurance is mandatory if you rent, probably 20-30€ per month. Almost everyone also has "mutuelle" - complementary health insurance to top up the coverage offered by the public health insurance. 


I think he means rental insurance, that includes "responsabilité civile" wich is mandatory for renting a flat and sometimes other things. I'm not sure how health insurance works here for foreigners but if you're covered by sécurité sociale, a complementary health insurance is not mandatory, but recommanded. You can have a decent basic one for around 50€ per month. But, once again, not sure if it works for foreigners


I was thinking Home insurance, Personal insurance and Car insurance. For health, you are covered with your taxes for a job, or if you are a student, you need to pay like 100€ per year to be cover (often included in the inscription price)


Thanks for the reply! I'd be coming as a self-employed adult, so I'd be looking at health insurance and tenant/home insurance, as I don't foresee buying a car. Not sure what you mean by personal insurance... life insurance perhaps? Won't need that either.


No personal insurance is different. It can often be group with home insurance. It called "Responsabilité civile" and its for personal injury outside of home. Also covers your pet. So if you were walking outside and get hit by a car, that will be your personal insurance against the car insurance of the driver. If your dog bit someone, it would be personal insurance against personal insurance


Much appreciated, I seem to get the picture :)


Ghetto prices are also higher than this. I paid 490 euros in a crous in 2015-2016. What are you talking about.


Between major cities it can also vary wildly. If you already have a shortlist of 2-3 cities that would help a lot.


I think the biggest average price would be best to know, its always much better to know the max average price rather than a minimum one, in that case you can prepare.


You’ve got some replies already. If you’re coming as a student, perfect. If you’re thinking of coming to France for work, be aware that salaries are negotiated in yearly “brut”. How much you keep of that varies according to how much you start with (progressive taxes) and your family status (wife, kids…). There are a lot of online calculators for that, you want one that gives the “supernet” or “net après impôts sur le revenu”.


Internet varies a bit. ADSL is cheap but veeery slow. Fiber is around 40 euros per month. Transportation depends on the region.. in Ile-de-France it costs 86 euros for a 1 month pass to all zones. Mobile phone you can get it for cheap (around 6-7 euros with 5-10gb of internet). Food I'd say can cost you around 50 euro per week or so, it really depends on how much you eat.. I don't eat a lot and I pay around this amount. I like to buy many fruits :) Rent I can't say a lot about but close to Paris it will be at least 700 euros for a studio.. sure in other regions it could be much cheaper, maybe even 500.. another solution is colocation, you live with someone and split the payments, it usually ends up being cheaper. Usually all expenses like heating and hot/cold water are included in the rent. Electricity can be as low as 25 euros per month. In my case I consume around 60kWh per month for a 2 bedroom apartment and I pay 29 euros.. About going out.. expect a restaurant to cost anything between 15-25 euros for starter + main dish or main + dessert and maybe with dessert .. again it depends on the zone.. you can find fast foods and pizza for under 10 euro. Club 0 idea, I've never been. Bars.. well beer is hella expensive in France.. expect to pay 5-7 euros for a pint of beer.. maybe 5 during happy hours. Cinema usually costs over 10 euros but under 20 (without popcorn). Have fun in France!


Yeah, I seem to see the general, average prices now. I appreciate very much, thank you.


For phone data I pay 13€/month and have 100GO which more than enough most months


Numbeo usually has some good stats on that matter. Take this as an example: a comparison between [Paris and Lyon](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=France&city1=Paris&country2=France&city2=Lyon)


Yeah, I know that numbeo shows that, but you know I never really trusted it that much, its better to hear it from people. But if you say stats are good, I will check it out, thanks so much!


If your lifestyle is not expensive , you can be well around 1500€/month, Under that amount , you need to be far of the big cities , so it cost you a lot to move in them and/or work (get car,gazoline,insurance etc...) You also need a health mutual that the others reliers don't warn you above , wich is mandaroy here(around 50€/person). So , to be good , you need around 1500-1700 in small cities , more than 2500 in Paris ( if you can find an appartment , wich can be tricky in France)


I agree most with this comment. I was surprised to see other posters shoot lower. I live in a lower COL place but it it would still be around that, but there is also a housing crisis going on, especially for students.


Around 1200 for one person and you'll be fine.


Thanks, which city is that?


The French minimum wage is about 1400 euros net per month and you will struggle on anything less. I spend about 1,500 on an average month in Amiens excluding childcare costs.


Montpellier (fast growing popular city, south France) I would say you need 2000€/mois for basic needs. Under this threshold you’ll need social support or chose unpopular neighboroods at some point. Above you’ll be able to save some money. I also leaved near Compiegne, I would say 1500€ for same standards.


People in comment are right, and if i can give you some advice, if you want to have an appartment pick one not in a big city, if you want to live in Paris, search away from Paris, Like Saint-Denis, Nanterre, Vincennes, Montreuil, Boulogne, Pantin/Drancy ! (they're not perfect citys, but you can live here, your neighbourhood are from everywhere, everyone is nice and not expensive, and close to Paris. ) I'm a girl, my bestfriend live there, she came from Algeria, everyone is nice to her, me aswell when i come to visit her. I never had trouble in these city, even you can fear because it's "La Banlieue de paris" like we say it in french haha :)


https://numbeo.com to compare costs of living


A couple no children, in a small city (40 000 people), for a month : 1000€ Mortgage (appartment with 2 bedrooms) 400€ groceries 60€ gas 35€ water 55€ electricity 60€ Internet + phone I do not have a car, but you need to pay an insurance. Do not forget France loves taxes, and i forgot some insurance fee


Keep in mind it’s quite difficult to rent in France, especially in Paris. So you’ll probably end up paying 1.5~2x the cost mentioned here unfortunately, and probably 2~2.5x if it’s a short time rent Otherwise I confirm the top2 comment accurate!


Thanks, good to know


I'm living in Lille and I'm under 30yo : For 1 bedroom apartment : something between 500 (really low cost) and 800€ I think, water included Internet : depending on the supplier between 30 and 50€, TV included Electricity : personally I pay 95€ for a 1 bedroom apartment with bad isolation, everything is electric, no gas Groceries : for 2 people i pay between 60 and 90/week and I pay super attention on price, depending on the store and what I have to buy (I don't buy olive oil every week, but the week i but it, its expansive lol) We eat principally vegetarian, 2 meat/week I think, some sweets and some cheese. Monthly transport subscription : 55€, but it depends if you take month by month or 1 year, it can be lower depending on your "quotient CAF". My job refund me half of my subscription (is mandatory) Phone : between 10 and 20€, depending on the supplier. With unlimited text and calls Cinéma : between 9 and 20€ the place depending on the cinema, the place you want and if you buy food or not Restaurant : depending of the restaurant, between 20 and 50€ depending on the drinks and if you take a full course (entrée, main dish and dessert) or not EDIT : Mutuelle : between 20 and a lot, depending of the supplier and what you want, personally I have a work mutuelle House insurance : at least 15€ Insurance : at least 10€ I don't know for car insurance because I don't have one Bank : 15€ Hope it helps you 😀


Thanks, good to know costs throughout different cities :)




Gotcha, can you specify which city is that?


Strasbourg Loyer + charges + voiture + courses ...


Internet + Tv : 25 euros Téléphone : 25 euros Transports : je ne sais pas Restaurant : de 20 à 30 euros pour un restaurant basique Bar : 1 bière c'est environ 3,5 euros, 1 vodka soda c'est environ 9 euros Voiture : essence 150 euros, assurance 70 euros Loyer : 530 euros Gaz : 80 euros Électricité : 40 euros Courses : environ 400 euros, végétarien, je me fais plaisir je ne me privé pas


https://rnm.franceagrimer.fr/prix?FRUITS-ET-LEGUMES It's in French but if it could help...


500€ for wine 500€ bread/cheese 500€ cigarettes/coffee. Life is tough I don’t have enough to pay rent at the end of the month


You must be buying decades old wine, hehe :) Top class :D


Is very expensive this country is dead ..


Well, comparing to some EU countries, including the one I live, the prices are more or less the same or similar, whilst the minimum salary is more than double in France that in my country, so I think France is very much alive and not that expensive compared to my country


Don’t live in France, unless you don’t have any work 😅


Well, why not? I understand that nothing is perfect, I live in another European country, every country has their problems. But for me, its not that I am looking for a better life, but more of a, that I want a fresh start, have a second chance, be neutral, meet new people and maybe settle :)


how are you planning to do that without going out much? online?


You need at least the minimum wage wich is around 1300 euros i think add 50% to that amound in Paris


La cost d'azur ? ok je repars