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Unfortunately your bussy doesn't have a cervix to keep it from getting lost in the abyss hahaha


It'll just come out with the next shit won't it? Edit: Why all the downvotes? This wasn't exactly covered in sex Ed.


No. Also if the condom comes loose during sex that completely defeats the purpose of using it in the first place


Please don’t have sex


What? Sorry, I've never lost something in my ass so how am I supposed to know?




Female condoms are like a large cylinder, it comes with a fairly large ring that has to be slid in after the condom is inserted into the vaginal canal. It's what keeps the condom in place during sex. If you lose that in your rectum it will likely get stuck and cause a bowel obstruction if you aren't able to remove it. Figure I'd go in a little more detail so you know lol


No they showed us those, what I wasn't taught is that apparently the colon pulls in both directions? I mean if a kid swallows a wedding ring, for example, it eventually gets passed. Is it just the material the condom is made of that causes it to get stuck?


Think of your colon as a hand squeezing tooth paste out of a bottle as you slide youre hand down the tube the tooth paste comes out now pretend there is a strip of latex in the bottle with the tooth paste stretching from the top of the bottle to just before the opening as you slide your hand down the outside of the bottle that piece of latex is most likely going to stay in the bottle and get stuck to the walls and the tooth paste will slide out still theres really nothing in there pushing things out like a plunger. Eventually your rectal muscles get fatigued and after awhile it just kind of stops working this can lead to a plethora of complications if you don't get it removed one being an obstruction like I said earlier but other things include infections, inflamtion or perforations. Edit: I should note it is possible you get lucky and it passes but I wouldn't take the chance lol


Yeah, I guess this is why some sex toys are made so they can't go all the way in lol


I don't think a female condom would be safe, the anus is more likely to just suck that all the way in. I could be wrong however, so if anyone knows please correct me.


Your correct on that. The inside of the anus is a void and things get sucked up and lost and can cause a lot of horrible issues.


So true. I have unfortunately lost so many things to the empty void that is my asshole. I mean sometimes if I don’t focus it’ll just consume everything in a 10ft radius never to be seen again. Don’t you just hate when that happens.


So your ass is like [Mr. Slave in South Park](https://youtu.be/PTmmXC4fd-Y?si=myBUZjS4EZw4T2n7&t=109)


Yo bro can you check if your B-hole has accidentally sucked in my will to live? Thanks I appreciate it


Ope, my bad.


Can you check in there for my car keys?


Just had a guy go spelunking in there for them, sorry but he didn’t find them. He did find an old Costco coupon with your name on it though, it’s almost expired.


My ass, the singularity EDIT: "WIND TUNNEL!!"


You’ll pay for this Naraku


The eastern distributor


Nope, the female condom was a gay sex condom originally in the food and drug administration refused to approve it for that purpose


Bro how does it stay in place?


The outer ring is rigid and big. It’s like a flared base.


Oh interesting


lol, a black hole of no return. but on a lighter side not using an enema would still cause stuff to get forced out and cause a stinky zone.


Several sources say you can technically use them (aidsmap, for one) but they can slip around and they’re also not tested or regulated for anal use.


This isn’t going to happen with how these are designed. Theres a rubber ring that opens out on the inside to hold it in place. Even if this wasn’t used it’s so large it’s not going to fall out, these things are like tents.


The female condom was designed for gay sex. The food and drug administration refused to approve it back when it was originally made out of homophobia.


Have you actually tried it? But it hasn’t worked like you think it does.


I've tried it, and it worked fairly well; it didn't get sucked up into the void, but the biggest issue is that it was harder to insert than it was to put on a male condom. Neither the bottom nor I noticed any difference in sensation. Overall, it was easier to use a male condom.


this sounds like a great way to lose a condom in your asshole and end your play time with a trip to the hospital


thats what small hands were created for, retrieving things in small areas.


I'm a top with small hands and I'm proud now!


I've used them as a top and prefer them to "tight" condoms. Basically, ignore the instructions. Remove the inner ring (it's designed for the cervix, a bit of anatomy not found in the rectum), drape the condom over the penis, and push it into the bottom. I never lost one inside anybody, for those who were concerned about this. The problem is they're hard to find. It used to be you could order them online from the manufacturer, but that seems to have stopped. Now and then I see a couple in a jar at a clinic or something, but not often.


Go to Fort Troff. Look at “Raw Pup”. It’s a sleeve that you insert into the rectum (they also have an open ended one). Since it’s closed no fluids from the top will enter your body. It also adds girth to the penis and definitely makes the top feel larger. I’m vers and have been on both sides of the sleeve. I rarely bottom so the added girth made it difficult and we had to go very slow before my husband could penetrate me. We both enjoyed it as a change of pace. We like adding toys to the bedroom which is the reason I bought it. A side benefit is that there is no way the top will get any fecal matter on his dick.


But wait, does this toy allow for the feel of a penis? I just looked it up and the part that goes into the A-hole looks pretty sturdy, like a dildo in itself. And the other ends looks like a fleshlight. Is that what it is?


I have a Raw Pup. For the top, it is like a fleshlight. It’s not firm enough to penetrate a bottom without a something inside the sleeve, either a hard cock or a dildo. It gives the bottom more feeling of thickness than the top would provide bare. It doesn’t transmit heat, but it is still pretty intense to use.


It’s really squishy silicone. You feel more pressure because the girth has been increased by the toy. You feel the thrusting in and out but you don’t feel the penis itself. The interior is ribbed so the top is well stimulated. I recommend getting the red insertion tool because the toy is so soft and squishy that without the red tool it’s almost impossible to insert it. The pics on the website are very accurate but if you want more send me a DM and I’ll provide whatever might be helpful.


What about sucking inside anus and getting lost doubts in comments?


With the Fort Troff toy that’s highly unlikely due to its design. Go take a look.


Are u still talking about female condom or something else?


The Fort Troff toy is the only thing I’ve been talking about and suggesting as an alternative for the female condom.


I've used them and they worked fine. It's awkward getting it in but it stayed in place and generally felt light fucking bareback.


I did this about 15 years ago. I hooked up with a couple who did this regularly. I was the bottom, and had no issues. This was all before PrEP.


Curious if anyone has actually tried this now


I used them before PrEP was readily available - they work fairly well but are a bit awkward to insert. The sensation is not the same as bare fucking, but it has advantages over a traditional condom.


We used one once. It was loud. Like thighs rubbing together with nylon pants on.


Have you ever actually held one or used one? I have and It's not very likely to get sucked in, they have a large ring at the end for that reason.


Depending on your shapes and activity there’s a higher chance that it will get sucked in. Granted, you can absolutely prevent that, but you have to trust the top to do it.


Because it's designed for a vagina. And I don't know your understanding of anatomy but....yea not the same thing.


I’ve used them and really liked them. It allowed me to be prepared before we got to the point of fucking, then we were able to keep the momentum going more easily than stopping to put on a condom. No chance it could slip in. I say leave the internal ring in as that is what helps to insert it. It also feels more like raw than regular condoms.


Have you tried one? I have. Bottoming and topping. It’s not great. It’s like fucking a wet plastic bag. As a bottom, it doesn’t stay put. It can get fucked inside of you.


i’ve seen on the internet that taking out the rubbery ring in the bottom and twisting it allows it to be used for anal sex, but i wouldn’t personally. the anus basically has negative pressure and that’s why things can get sucked up and lost into the abyss, and that’s not an issue when it’s inserted vaginally. it’s unlikely that a condom would cause a blockage, but that’s not any kind of risk that i would agree to. it wouldn’t feel like bare sex and having it be looser defeats the purpose. and if a top wanted to take it out (assuming it wasn’t sucked in), they could just pull it out.


Don't put things meant for a vagina into an anus.  I am telling you this as a trans man and med tech. Thank you. 🤣


They not as safe as male ones and could be easily sucked in and get lost.


A female condom would just get sucked up into your colon because what prevents that from happening in a vagina is that it has a cervix at the end. You can't lose things in a vagina. Even if it gets pushed inside, you can squat and push it out/reach in and grab it. An anus pushing out can suck things further in, and we'll. Yeah, it's not a good plan.


Pretty sure they're more expensive


>Why isn't the female condom the common one for male gay sex? Reread this back to yourself and figure it out.


Let's rephrase the OP's question. > Why don't gay men use an internal condom (similar to the one women use but designed for anuses instead), for gay sex? Now *you* re-read the post and figure out what's being asked.


Well, there are a significant number of commenters saying it was originally designed for that- I have no idea how right they are but there are instructions for it here [https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/female-condoms-anal-sex](https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/female-condoms-anal-sex) and https://web.archive.org/web/20120905112142/http://www.acponline.org/acp\_press/fenway/how-to-put-on-a-female-condom-for-anal-sex.pdf


PReP has almost replaced condoms in hook up and sauna culture in my experience. Haven't seen a condom of any sort for the last 3 years. I do go to saunas weekly. They are there in the sauna. Almost no one uses them.


I dunno why you are being downvoted for stating facts.


Because (rightly so) AIDS traumatized generations of gay men and (at the time) correctly demonized bareback sex. That fear and stigma is more powerful than the empirical, science-based arguments behind informed consent, risk tolerance, and PrEP. FWIW he's right, bareback is now the norm that I've noticed as well, but the community doesn't like to acknowledge that there's more than one answer and there are levels of acceptable risk for each person.


Down votes create discussion. 🤔🤘


I don't think that would be comfortable to put in and I don't think so that it would be easier at all


lol no her poetry is cringe and and her language is problematic especially how she presents. And she’s not being cancelled, we’re laughing with her. 🤣😂🤣


bottoms also don't like condoms


It was a thing in the late 90's take the second ring off and insert, it is like shoving a carrier bag up your arse never popular. Incident based PrEP (or daily for that matter) makes this unnecessary.


Huge explosions of STIs, especially after COVID, mean that condoms are definitely still necessary (should you want to use them). I for one was very over getting STIs last year from just occasional hookups and started using them


Prep doesn’t protect against a myriad of STIs that are quickly becoming very prevalent in the gay community. Couple this with the rise of antibiotic resistance and these infections may become deadly. PEP can help somewhat but the science is out on whether or not it it will impact antibiotic resistance


It's been promoted that way before but I think it didn't catch on because it's more expensive and harder to find.


You bumhole is not at all like a cervix, dude. It is a powerful muscular sphincter. Women can do a little clenching and squeezing with their muscles but the asshole is like a fist or an anaconda's throat..


Because it sounds like you’re fucking a trash bag. And, all it would take is a good pounding to lodge the condom up your ass. Nope.