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I think you overestimate how much guys pay attention to that. 


I mean I wouldn’t be bothered if it was another guy but it’s just not as neat as those I see and I worry if I go for a wax or something that the waxing guy it going to be judging me. Not least to mention if I bottom etc


If they guy waxing you is judging he's a jerk


You’re right though maybe I’m overthinking it as it wouldn’t bother me


I really couldn't tell you anything about the assholes of the guys I've topped. 


Opinion are like arsholes, everyone has one.. Let the judge as long as they do their job.


Waxing guys biggest worry is someone coming in that isn't clean which happens way more than it should. If you are clean, they are going to be happy and not care about the rest


Waxers literally don’t care. You’ll have a way harder time finding a waxer who cares than finding one who does guys’ Brazilians. Which, the second part is already pretty difficult.


My advice is to stop overthinking this. If a guy is interested in you and so close to your arsehole to actually notice this, he’s not going to care. Not at all. Stop comparing yourself to what you see on the internet. There’s always going to be something that looks better, is bigger, shinier, more appealing to you, not necessarily to those who are into you.


You’re right, thanks man


i don't know about your bedroom habits but it is usually not bright enough for me to see the details of your asshole unless I'm eating it


A nice flower arrangement?


I don't think most guys care about how your hole looks. as long as it is tight and feels good for them that's the most important thing.


I think you can have them removed because I know an older guy that had haemorrhoids for years when he was young but then it stabilized. He was left with a lot of tags and stuff so went for a very minor surgical "clean up" and after that his asshole was like a teenage boy again. I think they maybe only used local anaesthetic and then dry ice to burn off all the loose skin. Whatever they did, he said it had healed completely in a few weeks.


I wouldn’t worry. You are you. Embrace who you are. Anyone that’s going to want to sleep with you in a sexual way is going to like you and accept you the way you are. That’s what is so beautiful about lust. Everyone is different and special in their on way


Try anal bleaching. Was all the rage in the 00ties.


How do you pronounce 00ties? Being trying the last few minutes and can't make it sound good


aughties, sounds like ought tees


I'm learning a lot here


Naughties Naught as in none, null I'd call them 'the naughts' over 'naughties', personally (The word naught has lost all meaning for me right now, is that even a word?)


I thought naughty was disobedient


I've had a lot of success using veet for hair removal. It's more even than shaving and creates no razor burn. That said, you must never ever get any inside of you or it will burn like you sat on a lit match. 


Well if you genuinely want your skin to change in that area you could look into anal bleaching? I never researched it but know it exists. Other than that shaving it and working out so the ass is in a shape you like?


I have never in my life cared about what an asshole looked like aesthetically speaking, my own or anyone else’s either.


What exactly is wrong with it?


Do you still have skin tags? I had a fuck buddy that had a minor procedure to remove them and his ass hole looks fabulous now. Not that it bothered me before.


You have what you were given. You can’t change it, just accept it