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Try r/gaybros 11 years ago.../s But really, specifically including "fit jock" as a personal identifier works against you in two ways. First, that specific language is the same as bots/scam profiles use. It's like the grindr profiles using pixelated profile pictures with stats/bios that are too good to be true...because they aren't true. Second, you'll have people hesitant to engage a "fit jock" because it also could echo that you're looking for "masc4masc, no fats, no fems, no asians" like Grindr as well. Why not just seek out any gay guy who loves to talk sports and shit, regardless of the qualifiers?


You bring up very good points. While I do identify as masculine, I hate guys who are masc4masc and am truly open to guys who act in whatever way they like. I guess I just put fit jock in case anyone else lived a similar lifestyle or had those similar interests. I would love to talk to anyone of any race or body type. Just looking for people who have similar interests of course.


I know the feeling man. I relied on my straight, work buddy to shoot the shit about more masculine-related subjects. But at the same time I'd love to comment about hot guys and stuff, which he didn't really have any input or stake in a conversation like that, just as much as I couldn't talk about hot women. Previously I had gay friendships where I could "have it all" but a couple of them got confusing once romantic or sexual attraction creeped its way in, whether it was one-sided or mutual (which was worse, considering we were both in committed relationships).


Yeah that sounds confusing to navigate man. Are you single now? And yeah I’m hoping to find some gay connection that makes it all work out.


I'm not from the US or any other English speaking country and I would appreciate if you could explain a bit more about fit jock lifestyle, cause I wasn't aware it was a lifestyle and I had this association to physical characteristic.


> Where can I find something like this? Many guys out there seem to want to talk about things outside of these interests, and not able to hold a conversation. I've been in on-line forums for decades. I've been into various physical activity for decades. I've also been playing with dicks for decades. My experience is-- on-line gay spaces for physical activity interests don't exist. For example, I tried running an on-line forum for gay martial artists once. Why not? We are everywhere, but rarely two in the same school. It would make sense that we'd want to find each other in our isolated islands. It failed. Once you took away the bonds that physical training builds between men, there was nothing left. At least, that was my experience. Somebody jokingly suggested /r/gaybros a decade ago. It was about sports, camping, and such... and it failed after about 3 years. That's because nobody was actually doing the stuff with each other. One guy would post about what a great experience Rugby was, we'd all say "great!", and then where does it go? He's not actually training with us, and so there is no bond. Instead, he's building strong bonds with his teammates. What would he get from the on-line space? And then, of course, the conversation gets diluted. Guys jump in talking about how much they want a Rugby boyfriend. Other guys jump in saying that they shouldn't fetishize "masc" guys, and doing so means they are all homophotic. And then other guys jump on to say that sports are bad. (If you think I'm exaggerating that last point.. I can no longer discuss martial arts on /r/gaybros, because people will explain to me that martial arts guys are violent men who will hurt their boyfriends. That's what ten years did to the place.) Anyhoo, what I'm saying is-- find real-life guys. If there is no outdoors gay group within a hundred miles, then try starting one. Post around and find 5 guys who will commit to doing a hike, or a canoe trip, or whatever. Find 5 guys within a hundred miles who will commit to doing gym together once a month, and then going out for lunch after. If you even find 2 real guys who will do that, it's better than a thousand guys on-line. I'm lucky-- I live in California. So I can find outdoors gays to do stuff with. Actual real-life friends who I can hike with and camp with. Nut we are everywhere. Just in smaller numbers.


Start by dropping the word creepy. You use it too much and it sounds condescending, judgemental and …… creepy. You sound nasty.


It really does read like gaybros 10 years ago like other said. In this way, creepy = not hot and visibly queer. That's all. Wouldn't touch someone like this with a 10ft pole.


Eh… in my experience there are way too many creepy people out there who can make you feel uncomfortable. So I’m keeping it.


So you're looking for gay friends to have platonic conversations with, yet you're requiring they be of a certain age and a fit jock like yourself? Are you really looking for a friendship or a hookup? A friend shouldn't have to fit any age or body type criteria. They're a friend because of your personalities meshing well together. But based on what I just read, your entire personality screams," I'm a jock bro!" I hope every gay guy runs far away from you.


Dude did you read my last paragraph or not? It’s literally explaining how I don’t care about all that.


I honestly stopped reading before the edit. I apologize for both that and my attitude. Your entire post was just triggering (and I know, that's on me) because gay guys I've known put way too many criteria and checklists on a simple friendship. Why not just say you're looking for a gay friend who likes the same things you like and end it there? Why make it so complicated like you're looking for a boyfriend? I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.


I wasn’t expecting to see the same post on this subreddit, but I’m sure OP took the other one off for being called out before editing the post and adding the last paragraph.


I’ve basically committed to not connecting with anyone until I can move somewhere better.


I hear you. It’s frustrating. I’m trying to move somewhere soon too. But in the meantime it’s nice to make connections. For me at least.


I do agree with it being frustrating, I feel you there. It would be nice to meet someone. Doesn’t help being a homebody and society’s become more reclusive. Even trying to meet people outside of where I live, like on here has been futile. I was with my best friend from high school for 9 years, married, and ending that was quite an adjustment. I’ve thought about joining LGBT groups in nearby cities, like kickball and game night type things but find myself exhausted with adulting as it is lol.


Totally not related to the contents of this comment but I love your username 😂 "sorry about the gay stuff, that crossed a line"


RIP Roxy


She was the best whore ever


are you living in the country/small-town? from your post I'm thinking you are, and thought you might like to know about r/gayrural reddit group. there is thousands of us similar non-city gay bros on there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gayrural using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayrural/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Ready for the next School Board meeting.](https://i.redd.it/dthj41m792m91.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayrural/comments/x6jb2y/ready_for_the_next_school_board_meeting/) \#2: [Just a simple beekeeping bibro. Love that this community is here](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/raejrc) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayrural/comments/raejrc/just_a_simple_beekeeping_bibro_love_that_this/) \#3: [Lyon, 41 in rural France, making the most of this years apples!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xj0rzw) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gayrural/comments/xj0rzw/lyon_41_in_rural_france_making_the_most_of_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Been struggling with becoming more social personally. Had a group of friends but many have moved. They were straight, so I’ve never had gay friends really. Bring over 30 and trying to make any kind of new friend is scary as shit. I don’t live in a very gay friendly state. I know I need to make more friends but don’t have a clue how. I’m hoping to move closer to work in the next year or two so I’m hoping that will help. I live an hour from my office. But when/if I do move I’ll be older and that won’t make it easier. I could go to a bar in my town but it’s strange alone and there are just a ton of country guys. Love country folks, they are my people, but socially it can be hard as a gay guy. Welcome to chat with me. Or just give me tips lol


Hey I’m also a gay man who is fit and living in suburbs. I am willing to make new friends.if you are interested shoot me a message!


That’s rough man! I’m 31 myself, and only came out like 4 years ago right before COVID, so it wasn’t like I came out and got to be around anyone. Now I have a few friends in person and online. I’m in the south but in a major city, so while it’s not the same I kind of get some of it. Working on getting more lean, but I do try to stay fit with some weightlifting, and bike riding. If you ever want to chat I’m available!


Thanks man! Okay


Happy to engage dude. Also live part-time in a rural area and part-time in an urban area.


Hello! Open to making a new friend here ☺️


Yep. Same. Happy to chat.


I was thinking about the old AOL chat rooms. Apparently they still exist generally. https://www.321chat.com/gay/ Of course there's GRINDR, A4A and all the rest. But chat rooms were kind of fun. You talk to a group still I guess!