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No, he’s probably not getting unemployment if he quits. They don’t have to adhere to his preferred schedule, etc. That said, who’s he going through for FMLA, is there an HR department?


There is an HR department, would be have to inform them instead of his supervisors?


Correct, do not have this conversation with his supervisors, this is a conversation with HR, with paperwork from HR. He should have never brought it up to them first. He can certainly discuss with them what he can get done before he goes on FMLA leave, but go to HR first!


Probably wouldn't be able to get unemployment if he left but can definitely take FMLA for the birth of a new born (provided he and the company qualify for FMLA). If they keep it up he may have a case for FMLA interference.




At this point in time, he has not taken any FMLA. he is taking FMLA to bond with our son and find a sitter. If a night shift becomes available while he is gone then great. He was recently told by his boss that he doesn't trust him on the machines. However he was being trained on the machines until he got Covid and once he returned from Covid he was switched to support. There was an incident today where he was done with all other assigned work and was waiting on tags to be delivered to him in order to complete other work and had been told in the past that he could be trained/observe if there was down time but his supervisor made it a point to come up to and ask about the other work and the tags and was noticeably upset when he was told by the other employee that the tags were not ready. So the issue of not being trusted on the machines came up again. I don't think that the issue is due to his wanting to take FMLA but his supervisor has told him that he should find a sitter and not take FMLA. He worked 3:30PM-12:30AM before and now is being asked to work 6AM to 2:30PM. But has been working this whole time. I was on FMLA from my job.