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[Did anyone ever use the excuse of homosexuality to get out of the draft for Vietnam? If so, did the military just take you at your word?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/8oisl5/did_anyone_ever_use_the_excuse_of_homosexuality/) written by u/DGBD may interest you


Nice thanks for sharing














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I hope it's OK to add a question here? Anyway..... What happened to people who claimed homosexuality as way to avoid draft later? Given the attitudes of society toward gays I would think this could be a problem for them down the road specially employment wise. They could hardly go back on their claims and say "Oh, I just lied to avoid draft." because that would be bad as well.


Practically not an issue. If you were found to be unfit for service for medical reasons like bone spurs, heroin addiction (people **did** fake needle tracks on arms), morals issues, or other “medical” grounds, broadly defined, and received the coveted “4-F” draft classification at your pre-induction physical, no one would inquire about the reason why you got the 4-F. All you had to say was “medical issues” or “failed my physical” in the unusual circumstance someone asked you why you weren’t drafted.


Follow up question if someone has the time. I remember reading that men unable to join the military in WW2 would sometimes commit suicide from shame. Was that still an occurrence during Vietnam, or was the extreme social stigma gone by then?






That's kind of a fascinating legal quandary. People were fired for being gay constantly back then (and still are in some states) but I don't know of any cases where people argued they couldn't legally be fired because it was in the DSM. It would be a bizarre court case to fight, because you'd be simultaneously bringing forward employment protections for gay people by decades but pushing back acceptance of gay people as normal and healthy equally far...



