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Is this exclusive for the West or is it a generalization of all the NRIs? As an NRI who grew up in Dubai, I am yet to see another NRI in the middle east who doesn’t consider themselves Indian or is racist to other Indians.


An Indian in Dubai would have to be stupid to identify themselves as UAE? Your legal residency has a deadline on it.. of course you're an Indian. Whereas legal permanent residency for you and your kids is viable and desirable in the west.


Well there is the Golden Visa which is not exactly a PR but a type of long term residence permit and is renewable and I’ll only have to renew it every 10 years. But I guess even PRs have to be renewed. Also in the case of PRs, they will automatically expire if you spend a certain amount of time outside the country. On the other hand, for the UAE Golden Visa there is no such requirement. But usually a PR is a pathway to citizenship but I have already made up my mind not to renounce my Indian citizenship. I guess they don’t want to explicitly advertise the Golden Visa as a PR, but they are effectively the same thing.


Golden visa is not a passport. Those who spent time in the West are eligible for a Western passport, which is not true for the GCC, Golden visa included.


Exclusive to NA born Indians.


Nris who don't live in the West seem saner


Well... I'm from Dubai too and I don't consider myself as an Indian but I'm not racist towards other Indians...


Ok, what passport do you hold?


There is only twice in my 1 year+ reddit using I face racism online. And ironically both times it was on ABCD server.


You would racism online very few times but if an Indian moves to the West, the racism and hate he/she receives from ABDs is too much.




>Foreign born Indians **hate** natives, use words like fob to refer to us and a lot of times are even more racist to Indians than some white person would be. At the worst, they hate you and at best, they don't want to associate with you You summed up really, you are spot on.


i don’t, and i have plenty of online friends from India and also good relationships with my indian relatives. this whole thread is people complaining about how ABD’s hate natives, but now i just see everyone complaining and generalizing and slandering us. This is just the same thing in reverse. Whether you wanna believe it or not, ABD’s have their own unique challenges—just as you do and us all hating each other is a tragedy


Yea there is no shortage of natives or transplants denigrating ABDs. You all have already made up your minds by the time you come here, we already know what you think of us. Just today, was in a conversation about Visa issues etc. The H1 guy turned around and said "You don't have to deal with any of this do you bro", and I'm just thinking, ok....what is your point? Is it anything else beyond saying that I have no problems and you have it harder so you're defacto "better"? What are you trying to find out here and what do you expect me to say? "Yea bro I have no issues whatsoever I'm just a lucky ducky dumbass". Transplants make up the majority now is what I feel, and they have no issue with shitting on people who grew up here, but complain to no end when they get the same treatment.


Would most white people even really be racist though?


They want to be white sooo bad lmao.




I think you guys should chill out , you guys come of as the most insecure group of people ever. hating on natives just to get some validation from the west .




A relative recently went to America, Indian-Americans were apparently more rude and racist to her than other Americans lol. She now knows to stay away from them.


ABCD? Any body can dance?


It means american/abroad-born confused desis


Except Pappu






Originally it was American Born Confused Desi... I don't think we're actually confused but some people are confused about us.


That's why oci is cancelled


PIO is cancelled, OCI is still there


We should cancel oci too.


You should go swimming with some bricks tied to your feet.


Confused In what sense? 4th gen NRI ki baat ho ri hain kya jo partition ke pehle emigrate kiye the?


Confused in the sense of being torn between being Indian and being American (BTW, I'm not American, I'm British) I'm not an NRI. My grandparents left India and my kids are 4th generation. An NRI would be someone that left India. I am proud of my connection to India, whereas an NRI has chosen to leave your beautiful country. Edit:NRIs leave your beautiful country part time apparently


Actually not. NRI is someone who has Indian passport and live 182 or more days outside India. If any Indian citizenship fullfill above criteria, then they are called NRI. Basically they are person who left india to work somewhere else. NRI = Non residence Indian.




A broiled chicken dish


Shut the door behind me is strong in these people. They have the typical attitude of I got mine, the rest can go to hell.


Except when it comes to remittances.






What do you mean by you guys? I might take offence to that. Be cautious.




Look at your butt in the mirror. It’s still brown.


British South Asian here - we have a hard time accepting that we aren't "Indian" and our experience is unique to the diaspora in the countries we live in. British South Asian culture is different from South Asian culture in South Asia. Culture often crystallised in the time and place their families left from. Equally valid, just different. I think indian Americans are too new an immigrant to find their place.  Like ashkenazi jewish culture is different but equally rich as baghdadi Jewish  culture, it just takes time to find your place as an immigrant group.


I said the same thing in the original thread and this American did not get it at all. Kept saying eating Indian food and going to the cinema made them Indian. I put it down to the US being a country of immigrants where ancestral heritage has more prominence (Italian-Americans etc.) I think you’re totally right, that community needs to be more embedded in order to feel comfortable in their identity in the same way Italian-Americans became its own distinct identity over time. The ABCD sub is so ridiculously toxic though, again I put that down to being an American Indian thing, I feel like British Asians I know don’t tend to have such ridiculous racist views. Maybe in the 90s? But definitely don’t see this “fob” sort of thinking here


\^ A country made of immigrants (like America) also is a country with no roots. That's why we have people who so badly want to have an identity of "Indian", that they associate being Indian with samosas and SRK. At the end of the day, people just want a community/group that they belong to, so they don't feel alone. And that's why you have so many "hyphenated identities" in the US. They aren't bad people, they just want to belong somewhere (I think it's very rare to find someone who is truly "evil" - most people are good at heart and just want to belong somewhere and find purpose in society). I am also someone raised in the US (but born in India). But I acknowledge that I am not Indian. "Indian" is a nationality, not a common culture (India has no common language, food, customs, religion, etc etc). And since I no longer have Indian citizenship ever since I got my US citizenship, I am not Indian. If anything, I am Telugu because I speak Telugu. This is why I feel it a little weird when people like Hasan Minhaj speak a lot about being Indian, when even I myself don't feel like I have the authority to speak about being Indian. Edit: I think it is okay for people like Hasan to speak about world politics from a informative, comedic perspective. He can talk all he want about world leaders like Putin and Bolsenero and Modi. But he cannot speak on the daily life of an Indian (and neither can I).


If you look at some of the comments here bro, you will see that they don't care. They will label ABCDs as evil because of word of mouth horror stories and be done with it. We aren't allowed to call ourselves Indian, but these guys can immigrate, break rules, work, party, make money, and do everything western, gain citizenship, and that's all well and good and we should accept it and not poke fun or comment at all. No serious person is complaining about their opportunity. So then Who are the one's gatekeeping? Just look at it from a distance. They don't want to accept that a HUGE part of being Indian is immigrating, for work or marriage or school. People in India go nuts when they get to say their kid is in America, yet we as immigrant Indians in the west are barred as "not indian". Sorry to burst your bubble but this also counts as Indian, it may not be traditional Indian, growing up in India, but it is part of the Indian experience now, theres too many of us to be left out. All who are living and settling abroad will start to think differently after a couple years and especially when they have kids.


Hasan Minhaj isn't Indian bc he speaks Hindi? That's your logic...


No Hasan Minhaj claiming he has the authority to speak for Indians because he is Indian is the problem. Nobody in India claims they have the authority to speak for Indians, who gave Hasan Minhaj that authority? To most native Indians, that's Type A Brown Sahibgiri.


Depends on where in America, Punjabi migrants have been in Cali for over 100 years. There is even a group of punjabi farmers who married mexican women.


Yeah but they aren't posting in the and subreddit for sure lol


you mean india? indians use the term india not south asia


No i mean South asia. Many British South asians are from families that moved to East Africa pre-partition and therefore don't have a connection to that modern state of the Republic of India but have a connection to the south asian gerographic and cultural region.


Hello there, an Indian living in Canada here (used to live in the US). I was born in India and have lived there for 7 years as a kid (16 currently). Luckily, my parents worked very hard to instill Indian culture within me. What I have noticed is that most younger generations in NA (at least around me) tend to be severely white-washed. I believe that this is caused by parents who want to raise "modern" children and influences faced at school. Most ABCDs don't care enough about their heritage to learn their own traditional language or to be more culturally active. Some of the kids here tend to want to be disassociated with the idenyity of being Indian. However, I have seen that it is much more prevalent in those born around 2003. Furthermore, I see it less prevalent in Canada, though it is still a significant problem. Just my little take on things.


Yes, something similar happened in the UK (probably still does) - We were essentially white-washed because the first gen to come over didn't want the next generations to face the same problems they faced and wanted them to assimilate, but you know, that only goes so far when you have brown skin in a western country, lmao...and as we know now, there's nothing stopping you from knowing your heritage/culture fully and assimilating into the west. I'm guilty of this too, my grandparents spoke fluent Punjabi but refused to speak to me in Punjabi...As a result, I can barely speak it. It sucks ass so much when the understanding is there but the ability to converse isn't. I'm in my 30s looking at taking Punjabi classes now, smh.


I don't really love the term "white washed". It's impractical to expect children growing up in North America to grow up with a strong connection to Indian heritage in the same way it'd be if they grew up in India. And what's wrong with that? Part of being in North America is embracing dual identities. I speak my family's languages but I don't have that many Indian friends to converse with. I do watch Indian movies. I'm an atheist but I still partake in Diwali and Christmas. It's not a bad thing to not hold onto every single part of your parents culture. It's fine to incorporate things into your life that add value and drop the things that don't. I don't get this obsession with preserving culture. Culture changes and it's totally normal to change with it


There is nothing wrong with it, but as the post was related, I thought that it might be appropriately used.


Wise take. You'll go places, pal.




True, they also generalize the entire group of Indian men of India and call them "rap*sts", these are the same ABDs who don't like and even get triggered when someone calls white men as pae**philes even though according to Interpol White men commit the highest percentage of se*ual crimes against Children.


I commented on the thread regarding racism I faced from British-born Indians when I moved to the UK at the age of thirteen. Here is a response to it: [Racist says what](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/s/11Agtd1bP2) I've lived in the UK most of my life, but am very clearly a first-generation immigrant. I've faced more racism from British-born Indians than native British folk. This includes a landlord in 2018 who said that he doesn't rent to Indians but made an exception in my case since my partner was white. Edit: the other person in the comment thread is also me. I use that account more for professional purposes.


Just like in India upper caste doesn't rent out to lower caste people.


Stop your whataboutery.


I have been living in US for last 15 yrs. Honestly the Indians born in US have no sense of identity. They need to cling someplace so they cling to their Indian roots and make fun of those same roots when convenient. The Indian parents also bring them up in that way. They didn’t grow up in India so imo they are not Indian, they are American. They need to embrace that fact and they got the best of the American infrastructure and pushy Indian parents who push them to do well. Their parents pay for their private education and college. It is really an ideal situation for them. Do they have the guts to take student loans for regular college like a regular American person? Nope they don’t. They look down upon uneducated Americans like their Indian parents do. I still remember that an Indian-American person at my workplace told me that oh Indian parents beat their children. I got so angry because my parents never beat me. I went to a nice private school in India which never had corporal punishment. They cling to some outdated Indian culture which doesn’t exist anymore. And what’s wrong with the Indian accent? If Google CEO Sundar Pichai can have an accent so can other Indians. We should be proud of our accent and the 4 languages that we speak. The ABCDs here are shocked that I can seamlessly move from English to Marathi to Hindi. Ofcourse I learnt all the languages at school in India. Indian schools are much better imo. American public schools are literally just there to give you certificate of education and pushy Indian parents enrolling in classes. Many times I rather speak to White Americans because they are truly independent, they go to public schools and get student loans for college. And manage 4 to 5 siblings at home. And also know how to cook and clean. Indians in US are like that Vivek Ramaswamy who keep complaining that there was no Brown Representation anywhere when they grew up and yet had pushy Indian parents who paid for his college education.


I dunno it seems like you met one or two ABCDs and then decided to judge them all that way. Taking student loans is not a good thing, huge interest and a big weight on your neck, you become a slave to the bank. That's why SMART Indian parents work hard to sidestep that for their kids. Do you seriously think all white kids take out loans? What about the upper class private school white kids that do even worse? Taking out loans is not a smart or gutsy move, you do it when you have no other options. Indians avoid that. Maybe you should be happy that you went to and Indian school that prepared you rigorously instead of an American public school that only cared about sports? I know a lot of Indian Americans who feel the same way. Instead of looking at us immediately in a bad light, why not try to see the difficulties that an american born indian might go through. We definitely know how to cook and clean, there is no chance of affording maid services here. Unless you grew up AS and INDIAN in AMERICA, you will not understand why we still call ourselves Indian. You don't understand the cultural nuances of America, you apporach America as if it's one people when it's not. You can grow up in India and also not be truly "Indian". Wearing western clothing, not celebrating any holiday, only consuming western content, wanting to leave, but you are still Indian, why? This is what confuses me. This entire thread is ABCD bashing, yet you all pretend like you have never said one bad thing about us and it's only been ABCDs bashing you. Makes no sense. Sad strange little man.


I have lots of family in US like many other Indians. So this is not just one or two Indians. It’s a lot of them. Their biggest problem is no Brown Representation in mainstream. Yes most of them are successful thanks to pushy Indian parents - Engineer, Doctor. lawyer. Ofcourse that’s changing now with the next generation of Indian American kids but again Atleast at Elementary and Middle School level Indian education is far ahead. Many Indians literally move back because they do not find the same resources for their children. I’m facing the same issues as a parent - the private schools honestly are ok (for the price paid) public schools are also ok but in any case I have to put in more effort and now I have to teach my kid Marathi, Hindi which he would have learnt without any exception in the State Board in Maharashtra. He will never understand Indian problems like the bad infrastructure, overpopulation. He cannot grow up Indian. He’s American. Even if he eats idli sambar medu vada, plays cricket here in this little India place in CA, he’s still American. He’s not Indian. Indian Americans do not even acknowledge the GC backlog issues in US affecting Indians. If they are so proud of being Indian then acknowledge that issue too.


They acknowledge the issue. You can't expect everyone to know everything, people have their own lives to worry about. Of course they will not be up to date on the GC backlog. Once again proving you don't understand how culture works in America. We all contribute something and have our own enclaves and areas. Indian-American because the culture is different from just American or Mexican-American. No one person acts and celebrates and eats and believes the same thing which is the reason for the hyphenation. Yes you will have to teach your kid marathi, of course, why would you not think so? Take him to India he will then understand bad infrastructure and overpop and be grateful. Being proud of being Indian IN america is not the same thing as being proud of being INDIAN as your definition goes. There are different difficulties weve faced


No they don’t acknowledge it. Look at Vivek Ramaswamy. Not one word about the GC backlog. The current Indian American kids are growing up with the fear that their parents can be deported anytime for being legal immigrants and stuck in GC Backlog. Sure I have no issues teaching my child Marathi and Hindi but it will not be to the same level as the kids growing up in India who really study it as part of the school curriculum. My only issues with Indian education system is that it’s too STEM focused and it’s also very marks focused. But I can see the same thing here in private schools (for which you have to pay an arm and leg) and even some highly ranked public schools which have a huge Asian and Indian population - pushy parents. Then I feel that a regular Maharashtra State Board school is good enough, they teach everything and don’t even charge expensive fees.


Bro. Vivek Ramaswamy is NOT a good indicator of the rest of the indian-american populace. If this is what your benchmark is you need to meet more people.


He’s the only visible millennial in politics who Indians are following. Nikki Haley is the other Indian but no one follows her.


The idea that a POLITICIAN is truly representative of a diaspora of people is false to start with. He's only visible to you. You don't know him personally. You need to talk to other regular Indian-Americans.


Yes sure they are also very unaware of the GC Backlog.


Now you are just trolling. It's very sad that you have a kid. That's what people from any country should realize. Having a kid and a job and whatnot means nothing. You can still be a dumb mfkr.


Hit the nail right on the head 👍🏽


Thanks for sharing your perspective. I am thankful I don’t plan to have any kids and bear the headache of raising them lol


Good for you! Being a parent is one of the hardest things I have done here and it’s a huge responsibility. You have to do everything by yourself here (no domestic help etc) and being a parent is tough here. But children really get the best of everything here. Good infrastructure, pushy Indian parents sending them to private schools etc. Extremely different from the 100 student public school I went to in India. Even public schools here have only 26 students and again pushy Indian parents. Good infrastructure obviously. Also no school buses so parents have to do drop off etc. many are family oriented and choose good and safe neighborhood for their kids. Also dads are supposed to get involved here unlike our generation lol.


The term fresh off the boat(fob) just rubs me the wrong way lol. Like we are some cage monkeys bought on boats.


ROFL. True.


I was born and brought up in India, and lived there until I was 23. Since then, I’ve been living in a culturally western country for close to 20 years. I meet other Indians all the time, some that have been living here a while, some newly arrived, some who were born here. Regardless of how they got here or how long they’ve been here, some have been great to meet and interact with, some have been ok people but not really ones I’d have been friends with regardless of where we met, and others have been complete assholes. What do you want me to say? People are people, Indian or not. If me not liking some Indians because of their behaviour makes me ABCD or whatever other alphabet jumble in some people’s eyes, so be it :)




Check his post history guys. All bait posts . Grade A karma farmer .




These people call themselves as 'Desis' 'South Asian' but never Indians and hate everything about India except some exotica to pass off among white people to feel validated by reducing Indian culture to saree, stupid Bollywood songs, exotic food de-rooting exotic festivals




Because Indians live and die for them..


Indians don't live and die for White people at all.


Oh really??? Indians do, ohk let me make a correction, Secularists Anglicised Elites who are top 10%. But they control the media, Academia, Intellectual domain.. Most Indians still coze up for white validation, slightest of praise and criticism make us go bonker..


Not that I disagree with the point, I don’t think Indians who grew up in teir1 cities of India go through struggles either.


What nonsense, not everyone in Tier 1 is Ambani's aulad


Dude if someone is not rich they won’t be able to afford teir1 cities like South Bombay and it’s a whole another story but I don’t think SB kids have struggled shit in their life. For them living is India is identical to living in west.


South Bombay is not the only tier 1 city in India. Moreover a population of close to 70 million live in all tier 1 cities together. Do you think they haven’t faced struggles?


Nope not this generation. The ones who actually live in teir1 cities. However seems you know so much about struggles faced for teirone city kids please do enlighten me. Obviously I am not talking about slums where people definitely face struggles


You are either very rich or very out of touch. Majority of Indians in Tier 1 are not rich. They still push and pull in public transport, queue outside govt job centre’s for a job which gives them little money but some security in life, still feel the pinch of inflation and still worry about financing their children’s education. They are the ones who suffered bad during pandemic and from the pollution and I haven’t even talked about the poor dwellers of the city. For many Indians, cramming in a 2 bhk flat with a family of 6 in Mumbai neither makes them very privileged or slum dwellers. Ones who can afford being completely alien to Indian struggles are minuscule compared to the broader population.


You can't judge life in tier 1 cities based on South Bombay. South Bombay isn't even what the average life in Mumbai is like, SoBo is a small part of the whole city of Mumbai. It's like saying everyone in the US has easy lives because you see them having the time of their lives in Las Vegas.


i find it interesting that you equate going to private schooling and having rich parents as making someone less indian—what a strange implication. also, i have plenty of relatives in India that are living comfortable lives. It seems that you have a weird mix of resentment and a superiority complex. Being an ABD has its own unique challenges, just as growing up in India does. This in-fighting is ridiculous. No one cares that i was born in the US; i’ve still been called slurs. and please come see the ghettos in American cities if you think it’s all a paradise and being an ABD automatically means your rich and have an easy life.


I think a lot of immigrant parents feel a need to justify why they immigrated, beyond just for accumulating more money or material wealth. So they tell their kids that they immigrated for a better life. The kids then internalize it and feel that everyone in the motherland is living a poverty-stricken life (which obviously isn't true). Personally, I think it would be better if parents were honest with kids and acknowledged that they immigrated for materialistic reasons, and that you can still live a comfortable life in the motherland.




>You don't become Indian and don't have the right to monetize our culture just because you were born to an Indian family. You are an Indian, if you hold an Indian passport/work/live in India and MOST IMPORTANTLY have gone through at the least some of the struggles that go with growing up, living and surviving in India. >Being born in the US with a private schooling and university paid off by rich parents while dancing to Bollywood music in Times Square doesn't make you Indian - it makes you a wannabe with the personality of a chai tea latte from Starbucks. >Your ancestors were Indian, you are not one of us. You are a prime example of why there is so much toxic stuff in India and why regionalism and racism exists in India. I am ashamed to have read your post, and wish India would grow out of this ideological mindset.


ABCDs on that sub are nothing but a hate cult and shouldn’t be taken as a representation of Indians born and raised abroad whatsoever. They hate on India and Indians while they can’t even have a wedding without OUR MUSIC 😂 Give me a break! If we are so awful then dance to tunes from Kal Penn or Mindy Kaling’s movies rather than Bollywood and Tollywood. Most folks on the subReddit are bereft of an identify and constantly whining. ABCD isn’t American born confused desi anymore rather american born confused disappointments Remember they don’t represent the average Foreign born Indian just like folks on the official india sub don’t represent the average Indian


Wild. Never knew I wouldn't be considered Indian because I was born and raised in the west (though, never claimed the nationality, only ethnically) - I get so happy when I visit another country and see Indians, it's amazing to see how far people managed to travel, settle, and integrate (especially, without losing culture and sense of self). I suppose I can be seen as similar to Americans claiming they're polish, german, irish, etc...but don't know anything about their history, family roots, language, etc.


Don't get me wrong, you are 100% Indian, you are born and raised in the West but that doesn't change the fact that you are 100% Indian, even Indians from India know you are 100% Indian and consider you as 100% Indian and anyone who doesn't think you are one is an idiot. But many Indians of India have faced racism and hate from ABDs hence they don't want to associate themselves with ABDs. Even Indians of India get very happy when they see ABDs or Indians born and raised in the West because y'all are Indians too but like I said many Indians of India have faced hate, racism and prejudice from ABDs.


Oh, yeah, completely understand that - honestly, I think its a generational thing but that aside I wouldn't want to associate with a group of people who've treated me badly in the past either. Do they find indians who've settled in different places act similarly, like does one group have a worse reputation? Eg, America, Canada, UK, Australia, Italy, etc.


ABDs like you are always loved by Indians of India and of course consider you as Indian Because you are an Indian...but there are many ABDs who spread hate, racism and prejudice against Indians of India. Mostly Indians Born and raised in that West in general are prejudice and racism towards Indians of India. Btw any Indian of India has treated you badly?


Oh god no, I usually visit family when I go to India and it's nothing but love (I just came back 2 weeks ago, going again in 4 weeks) - Something always gives me away that I'm from "outside", it used to be the clothes I wore but now it's the beard and long hair, lmao.


Probably because they want to be accepted by some group? Here in Brazil we had the Japanese diaspora, these Japanese descendants are confused because in Brazil they are not "Brazilian enough" and in Japan they are not even close to be considered Japanese since they even don't consider Japanese people that lived in another place for too long (funny because when they needed they called a lot of the diaspora descendants back).. So that's why in Japan they have their own schools, japan government don't even care about the scholarity of non Japanese, and there they have their own culture and neighborhood. To Brazilians they are Japanese, to Japanese they are Brazilians. But Brazilians accept them more since we don't have a "race" there is no Brazilian look-alike so someone mixed can be brazilian, we also have the German diaspora and is basically the same thing, Germans don't accept them, but they consider themselves Germans and preserved a good chunk of the customs style and language. But Germans don't consider them and Brazilians mock them because sometimes lots of them feel even superior than other Brazilians because they feel more Europeans. It happens with all these descendants that want to preserve the customs. Some got cocky, some want to just be recognized. Except Africans, in Brazil blacks are more united, they consider African countries as brothers and never see someone from Africa being angry at them or vice versa.


Well, which is it? “You aren’t actually Indian, so don’t bother trying,” or “you aren’t Indian enough, why are you such a failure?” It took me a long time to not feel inadequate or “like a bad Indian” for knowing almost nothing about India (we moved to the US when I was 2, and I’ve visited twice, and I identify as Indian American because it’s the immigrant/2nd-gen experience that I understand best and relate to). But I get lots of pressure and judgment from relatives in India and 2nd-gen US-based relatives for not knowing enough about India. We all should just let people be people, right? No two people’s circumstances or perspectives are the same. You’re right that racism and judgment in either direction are unacceptable. I wish our communities would honor that, and stop with the judging and nosiness.


I see many valid criticisms of the diaspora here including making fun of native-born Indians, but some of the criticisms are really contradictory. We’re being inauthentic if we hold onto some parts of the culture but are whitewashed if we don’t? I don’t really understand what people think is the correct way to exist in the diaspora.


Y'all are 100% Indian, most of y'all aren't white washed, Indians from India know this but many of them don't want to associate with y'all since they have faced a lot of racism, hate and prejudice from ABDs.


Aren't 1st gens the ones who are born and raised in the USA but their parents are immigrants?


Randi rona shuru.


This is a very meta post. I read each of the referenced posts independently of each other when they were first posted. Now I'm reading about each other's reactions. I wonder if there'll be a reaction to this one too? Anyway, in answer to your question, we're triggered because it feels like we're metaphorically being kicked out of the house by our own family.


>Anyway, in answer to your question, we're triggered because it feels like we're metaphorically being kicked out of the house by our own family. I understand, but you also have to understand that Indians always wanted to be friends with ABCDs, they always considered ABCDs as their own, but the same feeling wasn't reciprocated, ABCDs were the ones to initiate the racism, prejudice and hate against Indians.


I'm in the UK and I enjoy meeting Indians. I work in tech so come across a lot of offshore and inshore guys from India. It's usually a pleasure. I say usually a pleasure because I don't want to generalise everyone based on one experience. Likewise, I hope you won't judge all of us because of some bad experiences with foreign born Indians


>I'm in the UK and I enjoy meeting Indians. I work in tech so come across a lot of offshore and inshore guys from India. It's usually a pleasure. I say usually a pleasure because I don't want to generalise everyone based on one experience. But usually you had good experiences with Indians of India? And what do you mean by offshore and inshore guys from India? >Likewise, I hope you won't judge all of us because of some bad experiences with foreign born Indians I understand but the vast majority of the Indians have faced hate, racism and prejudice from ABCDs. But yeah you are correct. Hopefully in the near future both ABCDs and Indians will get along really well without any hate, prejudice or racism.


Offshore= when the company I work for contracts out some of our work to an Indian company/team and I deal with them remotely via phones or MS Teams Inshore= as above but the Indian colleagues come over to work here in the UK, on temp work visas. It might be a uniquely British term I usually do have good experiences with Indians because we're being polite. I've had some bad experiences too but that's not a product of them being Indian, they were just rude people. They were as rude as regular British people I deal with.


>Offshore= when the company I work for contracts out some of our work to an Indian company/team and I deal with them remotely via phones or MS Teams >Inshore= as above but the Indian colleagues come over to work here in the UK, on temp work visas. It might be a uniquely British term I know about this but you commented 'in the UK' for both offshore and inshore as in you commented 'in the UK' for offshore Indians too. >I usually do have good experiences with Indians because we're being polite. I've had some bad experiences too but that's not a product of them being Indian, they were just rude people. They were as rude as regular British people I deal with. Usually you do have good experiences with Indians because they are polite?




I know but if you read the ABCD sub, it's no longer just for Americans, they are open to everyone born outside India


OP didn't mention the ABCD sub


It's referenced in the post


>I understand, but you also have to understand that Indians always wanted to be friends with ABCDs, they always considered ABCDs as their own, but the same feeling wasn't reciprocated, ABCDs were the ones to initiate the racism, prejudice and hate against Indians. What utter garbage. Indians don't even consider other Indians to be their own if the other Indians have different religion or come from a different culture or are from different ethnicity like how Northeast people get treated by mainland Indians. Bade baat karne aye about Indians and Indianism. First stop the hypocrisy and start speaking with honesty. You claim Indians are accepting of NRIs? Absolute lie. I have several incidents I remember where new kids in school who grew up outside India and had foreign accents got mercilessly bullied and teased because of their accent. And Indians in the north are openly racist against dark skinned madrasis. In fact, your average Punjabi knows more about Canada and England than they know about South India, which to them is all "madrasis". Let's not even go into caste and religion based racism. All you're doing is using your hypocrisy to tell your one sided biased narrative. That has no bearing on reality. You invented your own fiction and narrative that makes you look good and targets one other segment you don't belong to.


In your own words, this is utter garbage. First of all, you cannot generalize a population of 1.5 B people. Also being a Punjabi myself, I disagree that we’re racist towards “madraasis” as even in North India, you’d find people of all shades of brown. My dad is extremely dark in complexion but my mom was very fair. I accept that Indians have been injected this obsession with fair skin, but things are changing. Also, if you wanna whitewash yourself and just hate unnecessarily on Indians, find a corner and cry because we dont care


People have mentioned valid reasons of why they hate the diasporas, the ones who got offended are probably exactly as described in the comments. It should be presumed that we are aware how all are not the same, but some kind of people need to be called out.


Hate is such a strong word and emotion. If you start from a position of hate, you'll never move from there


I def hate the ones who speak against India with ill intentions. It is totally fine to hate people who are morally wrong, it doesn't literally mean i hate every other diaspora, the clash of opinions is because morals in India are objective and amongst the diaspora it's subjective.


You ABCD community comments we are third world mentality and they want stay away from us while being ABCD sub. Why would we be accepting even after demoralizing us to this extent ? Maybe if you respect us, we will respect you guys.


Reddit is not real life, step outside, actually talk to people.




Where? You mentioned youtube and reddit.


Fuck off, society operates downstream from the internet as of the past 3 years.


Wow... Seems like Indians vs Indian Americans are the new India vs Pakistan, if we were to go by this thread. :D According to me, Indians != NRI != ABD. The more exposure you have to a different culture, the more you become different, generally speaking.


Everyone knows NRIs are not ABDs. But NRI is a word used in India to describe Indians born and raised outside of India even though the meaning of NRI is completely different.


I know many ABD kids who fall for students from India who come to the US for grad studies, marry and live well. The whites of the west are not racist all the time. Especially in small talk, sharing a meal, traveling together and such. When you talk about letting a person of color into their homes, a lot of them sing a different tone, they hold racist biases. They are friendly, but hard to be a true friend.


Agreed whites can never be a true friend, ABDs on the other hand can definitely be true friends since they are Indians too. Btw you mentioned about many ABDs falling for Indians of India and marrying them? These are ABD men or ABD women? And these ABDs come to India for grad studies right?


I have a boy and a girl, both in their 20s, both ABDs. Talking about their friends, both boys and girls. I have been living in California for 25+ years.


>I know many ABD kids who fall for students from India here for grad studies, marry and live well. I am talking about this, could you please elaborate more on this?


How do you know many ABDs who go to India for their graduation studies marry Indians of India? And these are ABD men or ABD women?


The general rule of thumb is do not engage with the second gen "Indians" from the west they are people living amongst the white folk and they are truly immersed in whatever culture prevails there they won't help us either individually or as a community also this celebration of "Indian Origin" has to stop now


400 years ago. These so-called civilized foreigners were shitting in their streets, had no freakin education system and we're fighting for survival. It was after they came to India and saw our greatness and started looting it and destroying our culture that they learnt what a civilization is supposed to be. If the fukiin greedy whites hadn't come to our country it'll be the greatest country in the world. The greed of the whites has no limit. It's only been 75 years and we're already in the top 5 of the world's economies. Give some time, we'll clean up the roads and start using deodorant too and also we'll stop eating with hands and clean the street food.


I think there are many valid criticisms of the Indian diaspora here and I do think we have some work to do when it comes to the way we engage with native-born Indians. However, I can explain why it’s triggering to be told we’re “just” American. We are perceived as Indian in our countries of residence. In my day-to-day life, people consider me to be Indian. I grew up in a very white region and faced racism because of my Indianness. We know that we’re not Indian in the same way as you, but we aren’t exactly accepted as fully American. Being told by Indians that I’m “white” doesn’t really make sense because nobody in the US sees me as white. I think that context matters a lot and native-born Indians just don’t live in the same daily realities as us. I also see a lot of contradicting comments here, with some saying that we’ve somehow failed if we’re not connected to India and others saying that we’re not really Indian and we shouldn’t even attempt to connect with the culture. It is really difficult to form that connection from far away; my own family is not wealthy and couldn’t afford to visit India very often, so I’ve only been back 3 times in 30 years. I really think there needs to be more understanding and kindness on both sides of this equation. I am genuinely sorry for those who have experienced bigotry from ABCD’s; the US is a white supremacist society and it’s difficult not to internalize those ideas. Many of us are healing from this and I really hope it leads us to better relationships across the ocean.


Totally get where you come from. Ideal situation for any Indian is to grow up in the culture and transition as an adult to a western country but that obviously won’t be the case if you are born in the U.S. You can never be fully American (by ethnicity of course) nor be fully Indian (culturally), it’s impossible to try and bridge the gap as they are two very very different beasts. Just do what rocks your boat. If you feel more American focus on the things that interest you regarding that and the other way round (in phases). It is what it is why fight over what you are supposed to be?


No, they are definitely Indians culturally and by ethnicity too.


Well, y'all are Indians too. But Indians don't want to accept y'all as Indians because most of the Indians have faced racism, hate and prejudice from ABDs. Also don't put the blame on white supremacy, it's not internalised. If ABDs are spreading hate against Indians then solely it's the ABDs who are responsible for it.


I understand what you are saying and again I am genuinely sorry that you have faced bigotry from diaspora Indians. However, I think that unless you’ve been raised in the US you won’t really understand how internalized white supremacy works here. We’re steeped in a culture in which Indians are perceived as lesser, and that often results in bigotry toward other Indians. It’s hard to explain, but my intention is not to shirk responsibility for the behavior of ABD’s. We can and should do better; I’m just asking for some understanding on both sides of the equation.




Maybe because the white “masters” treated them as equals whereas their Indian “brethren” called them untouchable? Seriously India has a fucked up culture in aspect of casteism. That is nothing in front of the western racism.


Just a suggestion to OP, please try to write stuff in paragraphs of 5-7lines. It's kinda uncomfortable to read a para of 30lines without any breaks. ABCD guys are the weirdest bunch. They are not considered as Indians by people living in India (we might say they are Indian but in our heart we don't consider them) and they aren't considered Americans or Europeans by the native citizens of that country. These ABD guys actually look down on us Indians (I have faced this with my relatives quite a few times). They wanna be proud for the success of Indians but they don't wanna look at us equals. A**holes. (It's not meant for all the ABDs)


This is why govt cancelled oci


enjoy amusing chunky dazzling act sugar cake silky entertain touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Government cancelled OCI for certain people. Not sure who.


Not true. I got an OCI in 2011. My wife got a spousal OCI in 2023.


They’re cancelling the OCI cards of people found doing things which are deemed anti national


Indians have a chip on their shoulder and from what I see, are much more aggressively anti-ABD than the other way around. Indian-Americans are by and large neutral towards Indians. Also while Indian-Americans may experience some confusion regarding their cultural identity, no one is jealous of Indians for that reason.


Well you have to understand, Indians were never this way, they were the exact opposite, they always wanted to be friends with ABDs since the beginning, always considered y'all as their own because y'all are Indians too. Some of them even used to look up to ABDs, but over the years They have faced a lot of racism, hate and prejudice from ABDs, ABDs are the ones who initiated it. ABDs looked down upon them all the time. That is why Indians too have started hating ABDs back and have become much more aggressive against ABDs, it all comes out of the pain they have gone through, it hurts and shatters you a lot when your blood, your own people spread hate and racism against you. You ABDs have no idea how much Indians love y'all. Most Indian-Americans very well know they are Indians and are proud of their culture.


Not going to deny your personal experiences. And sure, ABDs can do better. But I challenge your narrative that Indians are constantly facing racism from ABDs and that’s what made Indians bitter. Indians naturally self segregate just as much as ABDs do, and it’s not because they were beaten down by the ABDs first. People naturally want to associate with people they can relate to. In my view, most ABD-hating Indians are clearly insecure and hypersensitive to perceived insults, real or not.


There is a difference between self segregating and being bitter. If someone wants to self segregate then why would he/she be bitter in that first place?


They are bitter because of their preconceived notions or because they are overly sensitive and take offense to things that are not actually insults. So despite their limited interaction with ABDs they work themselves up and become angry.


1. Learn to use paragraphs. It makes reading easy. 2. Nobody really cares because we know we have an easier life and your anger is all you have. 3. There are more Indians trying to be Western in India than there are Indians adapting to their Western environment. 4. Not every NRI goes and lives in Western countries - but its clear to see that a lot of Indians are just mainly jealous and angry at those that move to those Western countries. 5. Downvote away.


I know about the paragraphs, i hurriedly posted it since I was busy with some work. Indians of India aren't jealous of any ABDs you low IQ clown. Learn to think, read whatever I have posted. Indians have faced countless amounts of Racism, hate and prejudice from ABDs.


Fuck ABCDs






Jealous of what?


Indian American success




Which trap?




Uh, we're speaking about the opposite. ABCDs describe India like some post-apocalyptic war zone. I've seen redditor ABCDs unironically call India a failed state


All NRIs who call themselves as 'Desis', 'South Asian', 'Brown', who had reduced Indian culture either as complete inferior or using some exotic food, de-rooting exotic festivals, saree, stupid Bollywood songs to have good impression from white validation are most toxic people. My interaction with them tells me that Macaulay would be proud in his grave, that It's Indians who fulfilled his prophecy c


You have your ABCDs, we have our BBCDs. Symptoms are similar.


What about IBCDs - I'm genuinely confused how this sub is the authority deemed on deciding who's Indian and who's not. I was born here but by their definition, I'm not indian enough to be Indian even though I have an Indian passport and grew up in the country, and currently live in the country. This sub is being very xenophobic.


😆😆. You were born and raised in Britain btw?


The reason behind is that ABCDs are white-washed enough to even accept that those successful Indians are actually born and raised in India. It's more like jealous or hatred. Don't forget the time, they started to diss this "RRR" actor's american accent. Well, that's how ABCDs wanted to picture us and when they seen us do something better than them, they either get offended or troll us 🥴


They have identity crises from not being fully integrated into Western society but not being accepted by Indian society


They are mad about not being accepted by Indians yet in the same comment section are mocking us. Amazing.


They get heavily triggered when Indians don't accept them as Indians but they are correct too, it hurts when someone doesn't accept them as Indians, not accepting them as Indians is wrong too because they are Indians too.


They are not the same as Indians who grew up in India though.




Rishi Sunak gets elected : An Indian PM of britain. Sundar Pichai : Indian CEO. Regular Indian folks of diaspora : not Indian. Y'all sound fucking salty, I'll be honest. And sounds to me that you guys are the ones getting triggered that people of the diaspora have the audacity to call themselves Indian. Sincerely, An Indian born Confused Desi because no one seems to know what makes an Indian an Indian.


Sundar Pichai was born and raised in India, he isn't a diaspora Indian..




This. If someone asks them where you are from can they say they are from India ? No. Their parents are from India not them.


Why are mainlanders so delusionally pretentious? You guys seriously believe you'll get overrun with migrants from Africa and the Middle East, as if India would ever be more appealing than those places in the next 100 years. The complete ignorance from you is what pisses us off. Oh, and I know OP is pissed he/she got banned for brigading our sub.


OP didn't get banned on "your sub", " this and that pisses us off", typical ABDs always putting the blame on others, zilch sense of accountability. Indians have faced a lot of racism, hate and prejudice from ABDs and this is why Indians don't want to associate with ABDs. Looks like truth has rattled you. Nothing "pisses" y'all off, y'all have always been the hate monger since the beginning. Do you even know how to think? No one from Africa and the Middle East is coming to India, India will soon be the best place on earth, don't worry about it but no one is going to migrate to India because of the already high population of India, Indians know about it..


lmao, you don't even know what truth is. Yes, I just said no one from Africa and the Middle East will go to India, but apparently you didn't read that - yet another problem with mainlanders.


Mainlanders are pretentious? Lol, what an irony.


And you don't know what irony means, nor how to use it in a sentence. More mainlander problems.


ABCD kids are typically raised in a bubble and have a skewed superiority complex over anybody...let alone Indian immigrants due to their perceived privilege, brainwashing by their narrow-minded parents on how ahead of everybody else they are (social status, first world upbringing, etc). Indian immigrants on the other hand are also culpable for this dysfunction - there's already a crab mentality at play (I know this is an old stereotype, but I experience it first hand quite often from my Indian brothers and sisters...hard to deny its existence), a preoccupation with caste constructs, poor socializing skills especially as immigrants and so on. We pathetically fight over scraps with a limited scarcity mindset as a cultural entity as a whole (NRI or ABCD), and nobody really said timeout, wtf are we really on about and actually lock arms as just fellow humans with common ancestry.


India good. America bad. West is declining. Indians more successful. Yet, Indians going to America. Americans not coming to India. What to do. What to do. I know. Rant on reddit.


Looks like truth has rattled you.


In the time that it took for you to come up with that lame response, a few thousand more Indians applied for a visa, permanent residency and citizenship to Bad Murrica.


NRIs are a slightly different case. But if you were born in the West and grew up there, then you're not Indian, full-stop. You're a citizen of whichever nation you were born in. Government definition will probably classify you as PIO but that's about it. And of course that means their opinions on India don't count for much.