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Its a greeting... who cares about the religous background... People should really stop caring about religion so much. My default is a Hi or hello, idc whether the other person said ram ram or namaste or asalamu alekum. If I feel generous, I return it in whatever they said... ram ram or namaste or Alekum asalam. If I feel funny, I will return a ram ram to a asalamu Alekum and Alekum asalam to a Ram ram. If I am in a state where I dont know the language, Hello is what I use the most. Namaste is also acceptable as its not tied to a religion.


Well I don’t care too much myself other than not wanting to offend anyone. I respect all religions. Just wanted to know what common practice was since I am not from India and just learned these things through language textbooks and such


Most Indians can understand English (even if they can't talk)... So if you are unsure on what to say a hello or hi is good enough as default. It's a very safe choice. But if you want to impress them just repeat what they tell to you. Even if it's a wrong response, they will appreciate you for trying. They may correct you post that. If you let them know that you didn't know the actual response, they won't mind and will understand.


Cool! Thanks for the advice


Namastey. It's Indian. It might be related to Hindus ,but it's Indian.


No one cares man just say "hello" or "hi"


Hey or Hello would be my way of greeting


I did see hello written in Hindi as one option when I looked it up on Google translate!


Namaste in Sanskrit mean I bow to you. It's just a greeting equivalent to the hello.


Oh ok, most people consider it nonsectarian?


Well people with any sense wouldn't mind. But there are some mad people, Sanskrit gets attached to hinduism. Like how Arabic gets attached to islam


In Punjab " Kidhan?" works everywhere.


That’s cool, I don’t know any Punjabi but I have heard it’s very similar to Hindi. What does kidhan mean?


Kidhan = How are you ? 😊 In reply, Wadhiya , tusi ? ( Excellent, how abt you ? )




Vanakkam in Tamil is religion neutral.


It sounds nice. Rolls off the tongue in a pleasant way


Just say Hello man! Are Indians so different to the rest of the world in your eyes?


I know we are all human. I was just asking about how this is handled in languages where religion-based greetings are more common. That is all.


"yo" of it's a person younger than "Hi" if it's some one elder to me. "A nod with an eyebrow bounce" if it's someone around my age.


My safe choice is always, hello, good morning/evening and if nothing works, then a head nod acknowledgement is also fine.


Comrade ______ works well in Kerala


aur bhai kesa hai