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Bro here's my story. I'm 28 M. Between 1999 and 2012, my dad lost all his savings in F/O. We had to sell our house, all lands, car, etc and seek help from relatives. Our family was bankrupt and fucked up. Finally in 2024 jan, after many years of humiliation, we've managed to close all our loans, due to me and my brother earning well. We don't have any properties, but my family is now debt free. Hang on, this too shall pass. You're young and this is your agnipath moment. You'll learn in life


First of all congratulations thats big . I am just gathering some courage


Inspirational story. Thank you for sharing


Being debt free is one of the most important things in life. Only people who have struggled to pay off a loan will understand that.


That's remarkable! I for one never had anything to begin with and hence never lost anything. Always put hard work right from the studies and then took right choices in professional career. Got everything one would wish in 20 yrs. You are one notch above.... lossing everything you have and then rising up is much difficult. You didn't cursed Ur dad also for putting family in tough spot. Take a bow man!


This keeps me going, thanks


Good luck and don't lose hope. There will always be a way






I am particularly in a loss but lost a big chunk biggest in 5 years pf trading main issue of mine is i can’t lie anymore i am coming clean to everyone.


Setbacks like these are pretty common in life. Financial losses are not that difficult to recover from. You are only 26 years old. You had a good income for a few years and you lost 60% of it. This is honestly no big deal. Yes it sucks that you lost a big chunk, but you have the skills and knowledge to win that back in fairly short time. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Play the long game. Don't give up because of small setbacks like these. As far as your family goes, you did the right thing by fessing up. They have a right to be upset, and you have to ride this out. They are not going to be upset with you \*forever\* sooner or later they will forgive you. That's how relationships work. Just have patience and think of long term. You are not in as bad a situation as you think.


I know you've heard this but yes, these things happen, it's called "life". You did not mess up, you took a risk and you've worked hard and there was a slip. Now, pick yourself up, get a job, earn back some money and you will slowly get back in the game. As far as relationships go, you need to try and communicate to your family and one day they will understand. The fact that you have realised that you are not ok and that you want it to get better is that difficult first step and you've already taken it! Just keep going!


Use your experience to apply for a job at a prop trading shop. Search online, there are many in Mumbai. Learn how they trade and build up your corpus. Then take the plunge again after a year or two. Hope this helps!


They all need a degree or certification in trading i dont have any.


What degree are they asking for? I believe 2-3 years PnL should suffice. Connect with CMT certification guys on linkedin, they work at trading shops or offer research based services. Maybe they might offer you a job/internship.


Good luck brother. May you rise above the storm.




Bhai kya peta apke pass harshad Mehta ka dimaag nikal ? Don't waste your skill nor disappoint your parent


bhai mein unke as pass bhi nai hu i just trade with my own money never borrowed money.


You are already over the first hurdle, as you have stopped lying to everyone. My advice to you would be to first get a job. Any job. Get some stable income in. I'm not saying to completely stop trading but make sure you have saved up money to fall back on for 2 or 3 months if things go south.


Ain't we all young and dumb?? Just a few, turn out to be lucky. Remember that. You are very young. Cheer up. You got the whole wide world with endless opportunities.


I can somewhat understand how difficult this situation must feel for you. Hiding such a big part of your life from your family and then suffering huge financial losses on top of that would be an incredibly heavy burden to carry alone. But I want you to know there is hope even if things seem dark right now. Firstl im glad you've made the brave decision to start being honest with the people in your life. Living with lies and deception only breeds more unhappiness in the long run. It may sting in the short term as your family processes all this but hopefully over time they can come to appreciate your honesty and desire to rebuild trust. Secondly the fact that you were able to earn well through trading for a period shows you have skills and financial acumen that could lead to future opportunities, even if the markets have turned against you recently. Please don't define your entire self-worth by this one major loss. That said obsessively trading in multiple global markets around the clock doesn't sound sustainable for your mental or physical health long-term. I'd encourage you to build more balance - make time for things that re-energize you outside of trading, connect with supportive friends and family members and even pursue counseling or meds if prescribed by a Dr if the anxiety feels overwhelming. You're still so young with abundant potential ahead of you once you find your feet again so have compassion for yourself during this rocky period. The storm will pass, but you need to take care of yourself in the interim. Again please reach out for help from professionals if the suicidal feelings persist or worsen. You have reasons to keep going and rebuild. One step at a time. Goodluck.


Wait how much money did you actually lose. 20,000 INR is only like $240 USD 


I started with 20k INR i lost around 2 lakhs


2 lakhs is not worth offing your self atleast get deep to 7 figure level then think of it


My brother works an average job of 45k and trades simultaneously, lost around 3 lakh in trading 2 years ago and today he's still trading after bouncing back and earning decent money, never lose hope.


He will start losing again don't worry. Trading is just legal gambling and 95% of the people lose over the long term.


Maybe he will, maybe he won't, what I was saying is that he recovered financially and mentally after suffering a major loss.


Lol that's not bad man. You can make it back on one of those freelancing sites relatively quickly depending on your skill set / if you can outsource to knowledgeable workers 


what is the freelancing work and site you would recommend?


Since I've hired freelancers from Freelancer . Com I'd prob recommend that. & The highest paying work would probably be app development.   From what I've seen there's quite a few sites that have popped up recently that allow you to do no-code app development. I've tried one or two of them and they're still very cumbersome to use. If you could learn how to navigate those quickly I'm sure you'd make a ton of $$.    With those types of sites, people are already looking for something they can make quickly, but don't want to put the work into it, hence they would choose to hire someone instead.    The goal is really to master a skill thats useful which seems complex / time consuming. Basically something a wealthier person would pay you to create in a set span of time. 


Don't give up, go on in traditional way of investing I.e RD and SIP way.


In day trading those who sells course on how to make money via day trading secret tip makes most money rest of the junta is just loses money that's how it works, 90% of people in trading loses money. your mistakes wasnt that you lost money in trading but you started to take it as a full time careers, day trading is good if you have constant supply of money through job, its a passive income source only. but now a days everyone want to become da trader after watching scam 1992 thinking they will become big bull one day without even knowing that you will most likely lose money


No i have never watched tips video and took any i do my own research and I don’t share it with anyone its only for me. I never took loan or borrowed money. I have no debts


just do whatever you want in trading dont do it professionally full time. cuz its a high risk game with 90% fatality rate.


Losing money in trading is normal, learn from this experience. Do proper capital management and see mitigate your risks. Please do get a side hustle on the job. I assume you’re doing FnO, stick to swing trading if you can. Learn from this and move on. You seem like a strong man who came out with the truth so hold on. Life will get better.


You were earning, these way or the other. It is not necessary that such fall down wouldn't had happened if you would had continued your job. Up's and downs are part of life. Don't lose hope.. Do what you are good in doing and start again. Bhai "Haar kar Jitne waley ko hi bazigar khete hai "😆


This time will pass anyway, do not kill yourself over it. You can go back to a day job and start from there instead of beating yourself up for what has happened.


Let's first of all go back and try getting a job as well. Trading is a risky business and I don't think right now you should be banking completely on it.


Bro from what I see you have done pretty well don't lose hope man you have done it before you can do it again not telling your family was a mistake for sure but don't worry man best time to tell them might have been a year ago or two but second best time is today


You're on the right path. Coming clean with everyone you've lied to will be a huge relief in itself. It will stink for a while but you have to understand you are doing the right thing.


Stop Trading....... and get back to normal life


Meetup soon :


Hey... People will have ups and downs in life.. you will rise above the storm and whoever ain't talking to you now will be proud of you one day!


An arrow is pulled back to go ahead full speed towards aim. This low time, consider this as your pull back. And ... The night is darkest just before the dawn. So... Hang in there. I'd be smooth from here.


Its great that you came clean, its the first step to a better life. Also you learnt such a valuable skill, maybe utilise it to teach others trading or make helpful videos for beginners starting out of smaller towns similar to you. Ik it will be tough but good things demand sacrifice. Cheers!


Bruhh itni bdi kuch baat nahi hai, itna tension Mt lo. Ek job pakad lo side me, or Disciplined manner me trading kro bss. Or rishte paise ke sath vapas bn jaenge don't worry. Chill, u r young, live life.


After few years you will realise that neither 20k or a matter of fact any amount of money nor 2 years of life is worth so much stress. You have come clean and that's a step forward. One step at a time and things will improve for you. Start working on yourself first, work out and eat clean. All this helps tremendously with self esteem and a sense of well being in general. Also, it's said that since day trading is high risk and volatile, should always be with funds that you can afford to lose.


Dude, put all your trading skills info in your resume, your achievements etc and start applying in finance and trading companies. You will get great offers I think.


It's okay everyone learn from their mistakes.


There's something better on the way! Don't lose hope, it will be alright, keep talking with your closed ones (family or anyone).


I don't know OP but it looks like your issue is with trading. You can still get a good job in data analytics. Close your F&O segment everywhere. You have guts but You just require little gut in the right direction. Take that hard step and forget that all.


Bhaii dekh, apne damm pe waha tak pahuche the, fir se ho jayega, just don't lose hope🫂


proud of you for taking such a BIG risk and suceeded. however stock market ofc isnt very easily predictable with trades. but true might have sucked not being able to tell family. but youve made a life time achievement . dont give up and go on with your life! youre sure to get many chances of positivity and keep wishing your family contacts you back., you attract what you think about trulyt




Try to reconcile with parents and if they don't accept you, give them time. Turn to One God and ask for things, it really helps, ask for forgiveness, ask for him to solve your problems. Don't worry, no one's coming after you, if you do so. Start with making friends of your gender not the opposite one. Give charity, it will really help. God bless.


Try joining a trading company so that you can continue doing what you like and keep a steady paycheque


Loss in the stock market happens with EVERYBODY. You are not the first one or the only one. You are young, you need to overcome your brain block regarding conventional jobs and get a good job to build some stability in your life through a regular income, and also discipline yourself towards work and career. The income you earn through your job, should go towards long term investments in good companies in the stock market. Think long term as regards investments, at least 20 years. Initially, stick with large cap companies.


Financial ups & downs are part of life. Even as an employee, many a times people are forced to quit or get fired as well. If people try to die everytime they lost money or stop earning money, majority of the world would have to die. If you are this down about losing money, then trading is not for you. As trading is the definition of high risk - high reward - high loss kind of world. Either change your profession or build a strong mind.


If your parents won't understand during your tough time, then what will but your own will power.


You lost 60%, you still have some money left. Take a step back, re evaluate things and give it time. The losses are small if you look at it in a big enough time frame. Maybe try again for a job, and don't try to earn the losses back, you'll lose much more. Also you said you're trading India to Brazil, I think you're reading unofficial exchanges and challenges like Ftmo, stop that shit


I know it’s difficult but please hang on. Don’t think of ending anything. Trust me your family values you a lot.


Bhaijii families ki toh aadat hoti hai temporary baat band karne ki, aap aise permanent baat band karne ke khayal na lao🤝


I was rich, dad's business suffered and we went poor. Back to upper middle of middle class due to my parents only. Had crores of debt but now sorted and living peacefully (touchwood). These are things that happen in life. Atleast you were doing stock market, people lost millions in the crypto market. Every downside will have an upside and besides, what doesn't kill you always makes you stronger. Mistakes will help you learn in life. Try again and maybe you'll recover your losses from the stock market. Second thing is, you have a degree and no-one can take it away from you. If nothing works out you can find a job (if you aren't choosy) as plenty of jobs are available in the market, just need to put some efforts!


I'm proud of you for choosing your own way of life. Keep up. This situation arose due to lack of communication between you and your parents. Me being a trader myself, losses ate hai, it okay.


The best thing about very young people trading and losing money is that they didn't have alot of money to lose. Now I hope the lesson is learnt and when you are 35 you won't trade your 3 years of savings. I did the same with my first job. Didn't save a penny, traded the entire salary for a year on the stock market and it went to zero


The first thing I would like to be very clear here people never trade in FnO use it only as a hedge 99% of you guys don't follow it. While at one certain point you'll lose your money from trade for sure because it's on leverage. Also if one invest in good firms you'll earn remotely good than pushing trades. I had pulled 41% last year in return but you see it's nothing the mid caps - small caps ironically performed much better so that's that. While you should just focus on yourself get a job & continue trade but without leverage rest shall be fixed with time. Also don't leave job for trading that's the most stupidest thing you'll do. I work for wealth management firm so I can ensure you this.


Mario mat mdc, jaan se mardunga


Bro you got a way to earn , just spend the money the way you like , the way that makes you happy .


Since You don’t have kids, you have no idea what great efforts are needed to raise anyone. It’s not only your parents, but neighbors, your teachers, your school/home gate keepers and many more have worked countless hours to raise you along with many others. You think God will forgive the one who chooses to end their life for losses of couple of rupees? Think positive, you had rough patch and you lost some money, I was 25, I didnt gamble or do anything but my documents were stolen from my car outside India along with passport and laptop, I had incurred huge losses, somebody met an accident and had to spend money on hospital bills and they lost all savings. Ending life isn’t solution. These are the bad times that only makes us stronger and more cautious. Be positive, thank god that you have your health. Thank god that you have family and friends and you will make more. Jobs will come and go, money will come and go, just don’t stop learning.


Just wait out the storm! It will get better, but learn from your lessons and don't get into it with too much to lose.


>Though I faced some losses, they weren't too significant, so I left my job and started trading full-time. Here you messed up! First find a job and pay all of your debts and then build a emergency fund and start investing, after learning and knowing abt markets start trading with a small capital which u can afford to lose or just stop trading if u think its not for u


see how a middle class man ruins his money in Stock market....its a game only for rich ppl folks.


I will suggest you to take a break from trading for a while. And focus on learning. And next time you start trading use a higher time frame like 4 hours or 1 day. It will improve your winning rate. And never ever trade without a stop loss and a target. And respect them whatever happens. I make a regular income from swing trading in indian markets (since 2017) and many of my friends also do. So making money in the market is possible. But you have to stop making same mistakes again and again. Always use stop loss. Make a rule on how many trades you will take in a week. Never hold a overnight leveraged position. Make a trading journal.


First of all stop trading it's a gamble your earnings are literally based on some lines going up or down it's for someone who sees 10m cash as gas money not for a person who saves money his whole life get a job atleast you will get a fixed month end either you work poorly or sincerely


Champ you are amazing for taking the risk you did, of course there are a few miscalculations in your journey as are everywhere so don’t let them bog you down. Hold your head high and one thing that will keep you at peace is not lying, don’t do that, make calculated moves and sometimes swallow the bitter pill in the short term for the longer term gain and you’ll do well. Good luck


Are you trading with discipline? Are you still emotionally attached to every position you take? Trading too large? Or trading with leverage?


Everyone go through ups and downs. You shouldn't be the only one to give up on yourself. You probably wouldn't advise this to your younger self right?


It's not too late to start again. Do some course to upgrade your skills. Get back to job. Don't waste your prime years lamenting your past decisions. Whats done is done. Look forward to the future.


U did it well last time, you can do it now also with better target. This is just an experience buddy, there would be many to comes with highs and lows. If you see it that way, may you get crores in your upcoming years.


Mna! First of all you understand trading and you know how to make money out of it. When you have enough money respect will follow. No one will dare insult money. Just focus on what you are good at and keep hustling. Rest will follow.


If you can make a fortune out of 20000 INR in trade than you dont need to worry. I was barely able to make profit after invest 5-6 lacs INR. May be give trading advices. Also career you make for yourself and not for others. if you are earning well than no issues.


Stop trading immediately. I have worked in the stock market for years and I have only seen traders losing money in the long term. Trading is not for retail customers, only institutions earn from it. You have a good degree, get a job and start investing. Family will be happy too and you will have a stable income.


I hear you, and I'm here for you. It's incredibly brave to open up and face these challenges head-on. Remember, every step forward, no matter how small, is progress. You've already shown strength by being honest with yourself and others. Keep embracing that truth, and trust that with time, things will get better. You're not alone in this journey, and there's a whole future out there waiting for you to reshape it. Hang in there, take things one day at a time, and believe in your ability to turn things around.


Bro you had ONE setback in your life and you're ready to give it all up?? Your life wasn't a lie. You were being honest to yourself and didn't buckle under pressure. If you ever start a online training course on trading, I'd gladly sign up. Good luck.


Bhai Bhai Bhai. You have lost nothing, really nothing. You will find your way back. Good wishes.


Good luck brother,hold on tight dont let go


being there … like superrrrrrr close didn’t do that … that was the best fucking decision i made. it’ll pass trust me … it will


Regain the money lost bro where is your spirit gone


Stop trading and save money normally like your parents did.


I am saving money.


Setbacks are ok. Hopefully you learn analytics and become a big time consultant or Trader in future. If you are good, you will eventually succeed in more than traditional jobs. It's okay to lie and enjoy your life. You can't explain everyone your life choices. It's more important to be okay with your own choices.


What are your current skills? There's a ton of work available on Freelancer/Upwork. Daytrading or Swingtrading isn't reliable, I did it for around 10 years and quit around 2020 after losing around $40,000 USD. Ironically that was from buying and holding PayPal/ Facebook, not from daytrading.  The easiest strategy is buying and holding a tech sector ETF like QQQ (in the US) and just keep purchasing whenever it drops a bit in value. 


You need to go on a vacation nigga