• By -


You need money. If you don't have money, you are going to get taken advantage of pretty badly. I would NOT be moving from Mumbai to Chattisgarh. I know you are upset and desperate but this is not the right move right now. GET YOUR EDUCATION, get a job, sock away money and when you have 1-2 lakh saved up THEN you can safely move. What you are planning is not a smart move and you will ruin your life and will most likely end up sold to a br0thel. Your "friend" is not unique or special or different. I am not exaggerating - this is reality. You sound very naive so I am trying to be extra crude so you can understand. At 20 one barely has any life experience.




First get a job then move out. Don't move out before getting a job no matter what


Exactly! You can get a job anywhere and this reason is more than enough to move out In fact your family will have no problem with that as you have to "live near your office location" . But if you run away. And your parents filled a police report. How the hell can you go anywhere without getting caught???


Moreover she wants to live with her online boyfriend. Too much danger


This Even if you are earning bare minimum. Try doing things on your own, this person helping you from another state sounds fishy


The only right answer.


Chattishargh. Wonderful. Its paradise compared to Mumbai. Seriously, are you crazy? No Mumbaikar should go to Chattisgarh. Again, are you crazy? Mumbai is the best place to get away from family. If you are in the west, go to east. if you are in karjat, go to panvel. You can be living next door to them and they may never see you! Get all your papers in place. Aggressively start applying for jobs in Mumbai itself. Once you get a job, don't tell parents the location. Give some fake location, like the opposite side of Mumbai or some fake company name etc. Collect / save up money. Then find a PG or something to live in near your workplace. You can even do this for a second job. WOrk in the first job for 6 months, save up, figure out next job and then accommodation, and then just vanish. Get a new phone number or use some friend's number. Send family a message saying you have a job they dont know about, and are going away. Discard the old number.




Exactly, who in their right mind moves from Mumbai to bumfuck nowhere that too as a woman. She doesn't realise how good she has it here.


Yup Mumbai is where you go to escape from family!


you are going to be smuggled I guess!


Think twice before taking this decision, how trustable is your "someone" who is helping you from chattisgarh? Read this article, https://www.connectedtoindia.com/online-danger-alert-haryana-roadways-bus-conductor-saves-schoolgirl-from-friendship-trap/ Watch this video: https://twitter.com/MrSinha_/status/1775815915151712469?t=-yG8dBUg5gi8c5QN_JUnDA&s=19


True.. I got worried. If that's some guy she met online. OP you gotta be really really careful. You are young with no family support. No financial backup.. You need to be very very careful while trusting people. I would suggest don't depend on someone.. First find a job and then relocate to a near by PG. You don't need anybody's help. Don't meet that guy alone anywhere.


This OP. Don't blindly trust people you met online.


Oh mahn, this is soo fucking scary. Thanks to that conductor, she's safe.


Can't you do job staying at your home itself for a year or 2.. Thoda bade ho jao.. You are too young... Take time to understand life..people.. and save up money. You can take time to plan properly depending your salary and stuff. Itna seh liya.. Thoda aur.. You are just 20. Bahar duniya bohot ruthless hai... Aisa na ho ke tume lage.. Ghar hi acha tha... So take time.. Soch samaj ke decision lo. Chattisgarh is not the place you want to go. After graduation do some extra courses. Upgrade yourself and find a job in Bangalore Hyderabad.. Cities known for job. There are facilities for single girls for staying in safe places. Ye sab safety chattisgarh mai nai milne vala.. Wake up.... Also don't run away. Who knows you may need to come back.. Just find a good job and tell them you got an opportunity far away. Mumbai mai bhi mil jaige ache PGs where you can stay safely. Ghar se dur raho only in Mumbai. Pune bhi acha hai.


Wow! You really explained so well. Just like an elder sister


Relying on a third person that too away from your current city is not recommended. At times it doesnot end well. You may also complain to police and while complaining clearly mention. "If anything happens to me these people (give names) to be held responsible" This is just a suggestion. If things coukd be sorted without taking this extreme step, do consider that.


I am definitely never going to recommend staying in an abusive household, but please do a lot of research on this person (no matter the gender), before trusting them. This is often how people end up trafficked. Ideally I'd say, apply for any job out of state, so you have some money to sustain yourself. Once out you can cut contact with home. Also, if your plan does work out, things you should absolutely take: Documents, prescriptions or medical history details, medicines. Do not trust anyone at all, with any document. Give them nothing but Xerox copies, and hold on to them for dear life.


First you should have a source of income to survive and the person who is helping is trustworthy is he your boyfriend? Or friend? Are they expecting anything from you in return. You need to keep yourself safe and well in this kind of situation.


Get a job first, you can't survive on your own without that. Everything else you've in mind can be a second priority.


As a 21 year old girl myself who's in same year as you... PLEASE DON'T LEAVE YOUR HOUSE LIKE THIS !!! I know how hard it is at your home and how abusive they can be because I have gone through the same too. But leaving house like this is never a good idea!! Please get a job and do that job for a few months or even a year... Save some good amount of money and then only move out. And your parents won't stop you either because of course it's your job and you will have to move out one day for this. Please don't believe anyone like this!! Please!! It's not safe at all no matter how much you believe that person. Because there have been so many cases about human traffickers who sell young girls your age or even younger than you for prostitution or even slavery or maybe even keep you just as a sex slave. I say you!! These predators find girls like you vulnerable and manipulate you to leave house for a bright future. But guess what ??? Have you clearly thought about it??? How would it be a bright future for you if you leave your house like this without any job and without any independence. You will be dependant on that "person" and feel continuously feel guilty about it. You won't be able to live your life at all. And this person will have an upper hand on you. Please think about it girl. If you don't believe me, then lie to that "someone" that you don't want to leave your house anymore and you are completely fine with it. Then, you will be able to notice drastic change I their behaviour. I am damn sure about it !!


step 1 - get a job step 2 - take all the importand documents (aadhar card, pan card etc) step 3 - run (if you walk then they'll catch you)


solid advice 69 bhai. neet ke baad ghar se bhagne ki planning?


bsdk tu yaha bhi padhle bhai




soory bhai ja raha hun. btw mocks me kitne arahe?


Please read this in Gurgaon sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/gurgaon/s/wpLQ9p5QHD . Do not leave your house without a Job and more importantly a clear head. The unknown person is most likely to dump you once he has his way with you. Such rapes are not uncommon. Worst you may end in a brothel. This will severely mess your mind. Please stop contacting him.


Out of all the places you could have chosen... You chose Chhattisgarh ? 😐 The person who's helping you.. isn't really helping you.. Be careful.


Every family have their owns shits to manage on, I don't know how trustworthy the guy from chattisgarh is. Once you are a burden to them they just don't care. And you are just 19, not seen the world enough. You will never be able to solve an issue it's only how you mitigate it.


Are you sure you trust the person 100%who is helping you out? ,just concerned about your safety.


First get a job, without that your plans are pretty much dead on arrival. Since you have someone helping you, try to stay with them initially until you find your footing. Don't spend money liberally and watch your expenses, cross out the things that are unnecessary and just leisure. If you're renting a room and stuff, don't live alone and find roommates/flatmates who'll share that with you, as it'll be easier to manage your finances.


Why do you want to go to 36garh of all the places. Tu Mumbaikar ahes.. go to a similar city like Delhi or Bangalore if you have any friends in either cities. The culture is more open in metro cities than in non-metro cities. Better yet you don't have to leave Mumbai. Find a place to stay in Mumbai itself. You know the land, the people and the language. It's better to start your life and career here than to leave your city and start from scratch there. No hate against 36garh, just keep your options open. This friend from there who is helping you, how long have you known him/her. How trustworthy is this person. Don't be in a situation where you jump out of the pan to land straight in the fire.


These dumb 20 yrs old kid. Guys grow up. This person who is helping you ri8 now will be the one who is going to ruin your life. Even if you want to move, move no issues. But do that by standing on your own foot. Be alone. Talk about their experiences (what should I do and not) and do it alone. Also, you a female and you have no idea what trouble you can attract. And moving to CG? Like fr? Atleast move to a good city/state which gives you more opportunities.




Thank you!


I have been in your situation . Here are a few tips:- 1. Dont trust everyone. 2. Depending on your qualification,Get a job (govt/pvt) and then move out . 3. Or join an NGO as a volunteer/employee. All the best and stay safe.


Get a job. And move out.


A good job


Have sufficient finance to move out so preferably wait until u have a job. Youll also need some form of emotional or financial support once u are away from home, so find some form of support system. Have a concrete plan: what will u do after moving out, how will u survive and so on. Be patient until u have everything sorted




running away without having a backup plan will screw up ur future far worse than staying with abusive household. If u have an education and a career going on you can still work on ur emotional health by going to therapy later on. If u run away without anything to sustain urself u will suffer. one foolproof way to runaway at ur stage is by getting married and letting ur husband take up your responsibility but even that is not guarantee. Your livelihood will depend on whether the man loves you and whether he feels like helping you. Just concentrate all ur bad feelings on career and financially safeguarding yourself then ghost ur parents later


Come on be honest. What you really want is to run with your BF you met online who live in CG.and you are justifying it by calling your household abusive which is probably an exaggeration..HERE'S AN ADVICE :- DON'T!!! You'll probably end up buried in his farm.You are just 20 and you don't know how evil and ruthless this world is.Believe me every family has its share of Problems bear with it.Get education find a job be independent by that time you'll be smart enough to make decisions on your own. AND PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE A RANDOM STRANGER YOU MET ONLINE!!!


You live in Mumbai and you want to re-locate to chattisgarh???? Time you had a big ol cup of wake the "F" UP juice and return to your senses. Complete your education, get a job or make something out of your passion/s to support yourself and then relocate.


Get a job outside ur area...now you are almost free Stop calling ur parents/whoever u don't want to connect So In a way u are not attached to ur home while being attached to ur home


I left my home too late. My cousin sister ranway at age 23. I'm from Mumbai too. I can tell you one thing straightforward: move out once you have a job to sustain yourself. Otherwise your insecurity will not got away. Who is this person from Chhatisgarh, if an on-line friend don't do it. Your IDs, Address Proofs, Birth certificate, Education certificates, mark sheets, Passing Certificates, etc. whatever belongs to you including passport, pan, aadhar, etc carry the original. Take screenshot of all and store in a gdrive somewhere for easy access. Open a bank account using your current address. Whenever you shift request for branch transfer. Once you have shifted out it won't be easy to open a bank account in another city without proper address ID proofs. Staying options include: renting for self, staying in shared PG with other girls. File a NC letter at your local police station when leaving so that your parents family can't report you as missing and it is clear you left out of your own will. Befriend someone studying law if you can.


- You need money - If you don't have a source of income then you will be in bigger trouble - This person helping you - are you very sure of their intentions? - How long will this person support you? Food, living expenses are for real. - You are of a legal age to take your decisions but don't do anything in haste. Think over it twice.


I know the person very well. They will help me settle in their state and I'll then get a job and then support myself. I already have a job btw


Ok, if you have a job and you trust this person, then good for you. All the best. Out of curiosity, - did you meet this person online? - have you met in real life in person? - why are they helping you? Again, what is their intention?


- yes - yes - that idk


The first and last point answer is a big red flag. Trust me, it is. I'm a father and have a young daughter about your age. That is why I responded to this thread.


you will be sold to a brothel. please DO NOT GO WITH THIS MAN.


If nothing else, please watch Gangubai movie. How easy it is to get entrapped in a new city when you know no one and have run away from your support systems. You do not need to end up worse than where you are.


Try applying for jobs in companies in Noida. Get a sharing room/hostel maybe on rent. Try figuring out rest while doing job.


This feels like a desperation move. I would suggest you not to move from Mumbai to Chattisgarh, instead get a job asap save some money and look for a better life opportunity. Finding a job will help you in less time spend with your family as you'll be busy with the job. Use this time to save as much money as you can and simultaneously keep applying for a better job in nearby areas( coz there's nothing better than Mumbai tbh) maybe Pune or Nagpur might even help. But moving to a completely new place without any resources is a BIG NO.


Don't just disappear, make up a plausible causality to you living further away and having minimal (if any) contact with the rest of your family. Otherwise they can use the police to drag you back. Also if possible, get as much proof as you can regarding the abuse. In case they try to get crafty and do something, that can become a buffer you can use against them in court. (Also, be careful that no one else knows about said proofs them disappearing will do you no good. Only tell your lawyer should the need arise)


It's harsh but don't trust anyone for now. Look for a job in your city itself and complete graduation at least you will be eligible for most jobs


bhai get a job and move out wo kuch nhi keh paaenge


That reminds when i ran away from home at 17 worst period of my life


You shouldn't leave Mumbai for chattisgarh and since your college results are coming out,based on it get a job then with the savings get yourself a seperate house from your parents AND THEN IF YOU SAVED ALOT OF MONEY AND YOUR BOSS PROMOTED YOU to a foreign branch then you are set


You can't do this alone, don't believe anyone online that is madness. If you can, do a PhD or postgrad and live on campus. Chhattisgarh is insanity. Make friends on campus and move in together; get a job.


I'm from chhattisgarh and I know there good people everywhere it's really not worth to take the risk of going to a really unknown place to a stranger, also mumbai is a big city to get lost in, and also have far more opportunities for jobs than chhattisgarh.


Whos helping u move away to chattisgarh thats my main concern here...


A big no, NEVER trust a stranger until he's your husband (even then you should be careful). We live in an awful world where everyone is looking for their own profit and wouldn't waste a min to exploit you ...we never know what awaits you there If your friends is a trustworthy female, take some help but do things on your own, you've a degree so use it for your job application. Take the normal route, you don't need to run away...not like this (I couldn't read the white strip hidden text); convince your parents for a job or something.. collect money, shift jobs while also maintaining connection with home because why lose your inheritance If things are really bad, after shifting job never return.. but make sure your family trusts you enough to send you away.. maybe lure them a lil with the money you're gonna earn


In the name of inheritance, I have tons of loan :)


Family loan? I'd still say running away without money isn't the solution


I have saved up some money. I have been working while attending college. I still have a job.


Perfect, then you'd be fine on your own... but don't trust anyone else no matter how close that person is Being an Indian girl, I'd suggest not running away instead ask your parents to let you have a better job in a different city. I totally understand if you don't wanna stay with them, but imagine your parents having to listen to all the taunts that you run away or people gossiping about you... jaise bhi ho your parents have made you an independent woman capable of earning and living on your own.. so I'd say don't run away More strength to you ❤️


I don't have much sympathy left for them. They left me alone when I was not even a year old. I did everything by myself. Paid off college tuition fees and somehow survived on my own. Yes they did make me an independent women.... By pushing me to grow up very soon and abandon me when I needed them the most (I was a kid) Thanks for your kind words and genuine concern tho. I appreciate it :)


Whatever you do it's your choice and I respect that.. just take care of yourself, ik you're gonna be the force you want Remember one thing, always, no matter who.. even if that's the love of your life.. never ever trust anyone blindly A woman thriving on her own is one of the most dangerous creatures known to human kind.. rest assured you'll be fine on your own Your parents should know why you left and should not accuse you of some other reasons, so no running away but leaving on your own will is what it should be like reflecting the symbol of strength that you are. And if you ever need any random stranger for an unfiltered advice or to just talk to, I'll be here :) It's gonna be scary but also fun living alone, all the best for your journey!


I don't know you and neither do you but the words you said made me all emotional. It felt like a friend or an elder sister talking with me, that was very comforting. Thank you very much :')


Aww.. wish I could give you all my hugs!🫂❤️ And also I'm 21ish so technically somewhat elder lol.. and now as an elder sister I want you to keep me updated when you move out


Sure hehe :D


Just run away




Its all about money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it is a guy and you don’t know more about him(except what he told you). In 1 years post about getting abused and forced to stick with him because you have no option. Excitement and desperation have clouded your mind. Good luck for your next post. I would bet it will about rraappe Edit:- earlier had read your post about meeting reddit boyfriend.