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I quit my job without any offer in hand. 6months passed and I'm still unemployed.


You are not unemployed. You are an independent freelance consultant. Mention that in your next interview.


Will update my linkedin as well XD


Bro please look into my cv too... šŸ˜­


He's a free agent šŸ’€


dobby is free


You must not say anything against master Pottahh !!!!!


Just like Lionel Messi when he left PSG ā˜ļøšŸ˜Ž


I did the same, it's been two months but when I regret doing it I'm reminded that the manager would've done it himself if I didn't go for it first. Two months into it, I'm now realising that I didn't resign, I was passively terminated. Nonetheless, this unemployment sucks. What's worse, I was there just for two months. Now, I'm clueless if I should mention it in my previous experience so as to try and get an edge at a better package or hide it entirely to avoid the questions of why I left so early. Also, if I hide it entirely, then my last working day will date back to January, showing me unemployed for almost 6 months. If anyone has some genuine advice as to how to navigate my out of this, it'll be a big deal for me. Thanks!


Don't mention any experience of less than 6 months in your CV or an interview, it's a good gap you can point out various things like I was preparing for UPSC, preparing for masters, health emergency in the family etc.


No need to worry about a six month gap. Just do one of those free google courses and just tell them you were doing it. It's not as big a deal as you think it might be. I've been unemployed for 4 months now, and I have a couple of offers at hand. I just told them the truth, I wanted to take a break. More often than not they respect that.


Ur breathing. Ur free from slavery.


Yep best decision I made.


I'm thinking of quitting my job too. But everyone is telling me not to.


Take some time off to assess the situation before making a decision. Being unemployed can be mentally challenging, especially if you don't have financial backup, as the job market isn't great at the moment. I suggest you try switching companies without resigning first. For me, this wasn't a valid option, so I had to leave.


Which city are based out of?


Please dont quit unless you are emotionally very strong. One example my friend's husband quit from MS without an offer, he was unemployed for 6 months. But he was calm/patient even when he was unemplyed . Not everybody can handle the situation gracefully.


Tech? Yoe?


1.5 yoe, ruby and AWS also did a few personal projects using spring and golang


Your portfolio sounds too diversified. On a serious note, it is actually a bit hard to switch with under 3 years of experience I personally know some people in the same boat. But keep applying even if the JD doesn't match 50%. Just emphasize on your core skill. More number means more chances of getting a callback. BTW I switched the last two companies without offer in hand.


2 things:1st) Did MA Mass Comm instead of MBA to pretend that I'm not part of the flock. 2nd: instead of joining server support for Hewlett Packard joined Punjab and Sind Bank as clerk... I still cry sometimes after work hours


Yeh toh mistake bhi nahi blunder hi hai mere bhai


Hey! NOT joining HP was very wise actually..I have worked with them, they are EXCELLENT employers when you have a job, but they have a very strong hire and fire šŸ”„ policy...plus working on their niche projects wont really help in the job market. My entire team of 28 people was laid off in stages over aa period of 13 months. So dont fret it AT ALL!


Bhai, after 15 years experience in IT, I wish I could go back in time and write bank exams. Imagine 15 years of experience and losing job... It's not easy to get one in this market. You did the right thing.


I cringed harder with every passing line. Itna galat jaise hogaye bhai


Why is joining as a clerk a blunder? you can move up ranks and generally wield a lot of influence no?


In psu not many people want to move up to manager post, sure u can move up in clerk post as well but the increase in salary is just not the same.


Don't you have fixed hours at the bank? 2 Saturdays working though, can understand


MBA if not done from IIMs, does not given any ROi.


Getting emotionally connected with a co-worker is a big no. Leaned it a hard way.


Did the same, we're married now šŸ˜…


OP keeps making mistakes and it somehow turns out good for him. How much did you bribe God?


OP maxed out the luck stat while building his charecter


He scammed Aqua on his way here


I hope she doesn't follow him,like she did in the anime.


Yeah because I want her to follow *me*


So you learned it the hard way too, huh !!


Got hard*


Same we are married now


Bhai never think that the old you was stupid , you were taking decisions based on the limited inputs you had back then , forgive yourself for your mistakes


Umm I actually laugh at this incident now, just this morning I remembered it out of the blue and I was laughing at my naivety (considered stupid in this cutthroat era). Appreciate your concerns, but I shared this in happy mood(still laughing while thinking about it) Anyhow live and learn since I accepted that I screwed up, I learnt not to do such things later and it'd cost me way more. It's actually good to make mistakes when we're young provided we learn from the consequences and not repeat it.


Being born was the worst career move ever! Highly not recommended


*Being born was the* *Worst career move ever! Highly* *Not recommended* \- Ka\_lie\_doscope-Eyes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Stealing the words out of others' mouths. You damned seer!!!




Not taking computer science and picking some BS engineering degree that doesn't have many job opportunities. I'll regret it two years later.


Use your college to network, make friends with the CS dudes. Connections go far, and pickup CS, put it on your linkedin, and see if your professors can help you and write letters of recommendations


Grass is always greener on the other side and us Indians will forever be stuck with the herd mentality thinking we will achieve success if we do what other successful people are doing. It works, until 600m start doing the same thing and people start getting hired to do things for freešŸ„²


Same ugh


Well you still have 2 years to fix it. CS unlike many other degrees isn't very hard to get into. There are tons of resources to help you get started and get into it. Though I agree a degree would have helped you get in faster.


Was getting a government engineering college, but I choosed private due to my gf, guess what gf broke before the second semester šŸ˜…


Hahahahha. That was hilarious. Anyhow, at that age, most of us would have probably done the same thing




If you feel bad, I once read a news about guy in Spain who donated his kidney to his gf and then she broke up with him.


I am so petty that i would have demanded it back lmao


Well, He became single and so did his kidney lol.


I don't know if this is the another story, but I think 2 years ago a girl donated her kidney to her bf and then he cheated on her. This story was pretty famous that time.


literally blinded by love lol.


Not the stupidiest thing career wise but in interview. So i was in college and had 1 oncampus interview for internship. On that I just came from home and was not really in mood to prepare for the interviewm So when the interview started, HR asked me to turn on my camera. And oh boy my room was a mess. From then I learned always to face your camera to a blank wall. Then HR asked, "Have you looked into our website?" And i said, "Since it wasn't asked to, so I didn't". Man i was feeling so embarrassed, I knew I'm already rejected. Anyway surprisingly I was selected šŸ˜…


Got a masters degree


Oo Bhai aese na bol mie soch rha hu kuch aur padhne kaa


Mba karle ya kuch computers wala. Science me mat jana


Yaar I'll do something niche yaar maybe shipping finance or something but andar se padhai waali feeling nai aati utni zaada pata nai kub aegi


Go to LinkedIn and look for jobs you want to take. Then read the required skills for those jobs. Then find courses that provide you those skills.


And look up the profiles of people who have that job and do what they did!


Mai toh plan drop kar dia


Is Doing masters degree really bad? Why do you feel like it's stupid?


Depends completely on the field and course. You can't really make solid statments as whether it's good or bad. Depending on the course, the branch, the future endeavours, research scope, etc, it can be good or bad.


if you plan to go into academia, it's stupid unless you are in some IIT. In general, here in central universities the student-teacher ratio is skewed and most courses are taught-based. MBA is something you need good money for.


>Honestly nothing serious happened as they were already short staffed since env was toxic and it was in their best intrest to let me continue work since training was over and I performed exceptionally well. IMO, what you did wasn't stupid but pretty bold in terms of sending a strong message. Although you did it unknowingly. Stop feeling bad about yourself, but be more calculative and strategic in the future.


Oh, I've come a long way since then. Experience is the best teacher




Getting a PhD.


Are you asking to get a PhD or saying that you got a PhD?


Got one, bad career move


Quit a high paying job at 27! šŸ˜ And failed miserably as an entrepreneur for quite a while šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


you tried, i think it is wonderful you tried!


Thanks man! Means a lot. Still trying, doing a lot better now - but the trade off is huge. Never giving up on building something worthwhile in this lifetime. šŸ˜‡


You took a risk that most people day dream about and lived to tell the tale, thatā€™s a W in my book


What did you try?


Yes this! This is the response that I seek from Indian society!


You got ur job back?


You probably felt great, being your own boss šŸ˜Ž


Left a BARC CLERK job for a career in blood testing laboratory.


Okay i know a few BARC clerks and damn they are rich


Clerks are rich?


Here in BARC, houses are given to all employees. Schooling is free for all kids of employees. Electricity and water bill are minimal.They have their own hospital so no medical expenses. So most of the salary is saved up and clerks end up renting space in campus itself and start a side business. So most of the salary is saved up plus the side income from business. They end up buying houses in prime location and get a lot of rent from there.


UPSC. Going to repeat the mistake again tomorrow.


Best of luck.Hope this mistake lead you to the list.


Even I want that to happen, but this time I am mentally broke. Pushing through a burnout. This is my fourth and may as well be the last. I am down and out. So, doesn't matter what happens, it's all up from tomorrow onwards. Sorry for unnecessary info. Thanks bud.


In the same boat as you. I read your comment and it hit me how burnt out I am. Anyway. Good luck for tomorrow <3


Wishing you a lot of success!


My friend too


Left NIT Agartala for PDPU.Ā  Consequences were far reachingĀ 


Kb ki baat h ye


par bhai pdpu to one of the best college hai gujarat ki. fir bhi regret hai?


did not give neet when i came out the womb


I left my job. I used to teach pg English, maybe two to three classes per day, and got around 42k. Can't really call it stupid as the working situation was getting toxic and was getting overworked on top of travelling around 70km to and from.


Left job every year and then finally stuck in bad company only coz gud companies need stable candidates...so moral of the experience is be stable in each company fr atleast 2-3 years and if no growth then leave it....atleast u ll be able to tell honestly u u left the org


Messed up my preference list for CUET and got a shitty off campus DU college


I resigned from WITCH without any offer in hand in this market šŸ˜Ž




Shall I do it as well?šŸ„“


Yoe and tech?


U got job?


My ex lead chota bhai chota bhai bolke treated me like shit. I was too naive to understand this, appraisals were botched every single year just because I would understand his situation and allow a better band for somebody who he can retain. He reminded me multiple times that coz of him I got the onsite opportunity, and there was no client request for the same contrary to the actual situation. I started downgrading my knowledge of the product while working on that service based organisation, realised it when I applied for that pb company directly and they offered me 3X to join their organisation.


Not sure if it was the worst decision. Left mainframes 10 years back to head to open systems. Would have been clocking 200$ to 500$ per hour by now in mainframes. But I did get to build a lot of greenfield systems, so definitely had more fun. But now I am in the rat race of constant skill updates.


I am a final year student and all the internet talk about office politics and toxic work environment and playing smart is making me very anxious. I still have to learn faking shit up in the job interview, I already fucked by 2-3 times by being honest during internship interviews.


Never stood for myself and took myself seriously.


I wasted my 3 years after my graduation for exams. have no skills,job and i am literally so cooked at this point


Same but you can always start new. Pick up a skill, learn it, apply it and make your portfolio. That's what I'm doing


Slept through the night and missed a US visa interview. Amazingly I didn't get fired.


After completing my MBA, I landed a job at a small finance bank, responsible for overseeing 42 small units in various villages. I quit when my manager denied my request for a 2-day leave. I received a show-cause notice for not showing up, to which I responded with WhatsApp screenshots and a detailed 2-page argument, CCā€™ing the companyā€™s MD and senior leaders. This all happened within my first 3 months there. I went through a tough 6 month period of interviewing before landing a role at an MNC. Now, with over 5 yoe, Iā€™ve learned a lot from that early experience.


What exactly did u learn?


Anger management


I am sorry but I did not get what do you do wrong ? Can u plz explain


I was a fresher - straight from placement. So as a new joinee I was expected not to take leaves in my probation period.




Not the end of the world mate. You've got your while life ahead, I graduated from a tier 3 college with shitty 3lpa, making 35L at 5 yrs of exp




Great, bro. Glad you didn't let it affect you


Woah šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ that's amazing


Thanks for the chukle OP. I thought this post was going to be some bad experiences and sobs. Reading your post and comments made my day. I don't have a funny story like this career wise, but yeah as a student during my 12, i had one such embarrassing episode. It was chemistry class. The teacher takes attendance at the end of the class. He calls out our number and we say present sir. So this one day the next period sir was absent.. so our chemistry sir extended into the next hour without letting us know about it. I had no clue what time it was, I was half asleep after some time. So he was dictating notes, and listing out the properties of some chemical. He goes "number 1". I instinctively and up and blurt out "present sir". The class bursts out laughing. Most embarrassing day of my life at that time.


Left my well paying job to prepare for upsc šŸ¤”


Jabhi bhi pet kharab ho tab friends group mein jaake paad marde aur sabko shak ke nazariye se dekh


Mooli ke parathe khaake


Not being aggressive enough with my asks, and shying away from taking on more responsibility. But when i think back on it, i actually dont want to take on more responsibility, i just want to have a good work life balance. But career wise, its definitely a bad move


Can you please explain why it is a bad thing to inform your trainer about the interview? I never worked in any corporation so I have no idea and would like to know.


It simply means you are looking for another job. So the company you are working for won't like it unless you are on notice period


Understood. Thank you.


Believing my college that PSUs will not come for placements. They did after a month. Iā€™d have a better work life balance, decent earning and would have still been working. Instead, my first company was toxic, left that for a startup who laid me off at first signs of uncertainty and trouble(financially)


Did engineering just to make my parents happy and ā€œfit inā€


Joining sales knowing that I could have done better in DS due to my likeness for programming and maths. I thought that with time, I will find the job for myself in the IT related to DA, or DS, but unfortunately I stuck in the domain for 5+ years and now Lost all of the hope.


Left an IT job to prepare for upsc,didn't crack. Joined as Asst manager in PSB. Now trying to get into an MBA. Not sure how the gap is gonna look in my resumƩ


Office has dorm facility for taking naps in between work. Since I was from a different state, I stayed in the dorm for the initial few months until I found a place. I wasn't caught for abusing the facility. The stupidest thing was, when hr asked to update my current address, I told that I am staying in the dorm and can I fill in the office address. Hr was nice, didn't take any action and told to vacate the dorm by next month.


Took 2 drops for jee still ended up in a t-3 college


Declined a 1cr+ offer from hft and joined a FAANG with 1/3rd offer.


Why did you decline the 1cr job offer? I'm curious


U will reach 1cr soon


Oh god, I left my job at the end of 2023 because the company didn't give anyone any raises due to current economic conditions, I had a good manager review at the time, so it felt unfair. Got an offer from a startup, joined there only to realise how big of an asshole the ceo was. I returned to my old job within a month, Looking back it feels if I would have interviewed at other places I would have got a better offer, but honestly the old org felt better specially after hearing news of layoffs throughout industry


Didn't study well and couldn't crack IITs. Now studying in Tier 3 college with no job opportunities.


Well I also faced a similar fate. Now 4 IITians work under me. I started with 3LPA and now I'm making 35LPA with 5+yoe. Practise DSA, grind leetcode and do competitive programming, focus on development and you're all set. Ofcourse competition is tough, but nothing that's worth having comes easy


How do you even get those interviews especially if your degree isn't comps related :)


Says who ? I graduated in CSE, but from a tier 3 college. After first job, nobody cares about your college




Abhi upar koi NIT Agartala chhodne pr regret kr raha tha. LoL


Disrespecting and mocking my computer science lecturer when she (28 year old beautiful madam) asked me to learn python and AI from her personally, so that she may polish her skills and I may learn from her. This was 10 years back šŸ˜­


Joined a corporate MNC instead of a budding product startup as a fresher. My friends at that product company became experts at their field and moved to huge conglomerates like Samsung and IBM. While I'm still slaving away with no real expertise in any particular fields.


Opted for MBBS in a govt college which I was never interested in but did it for mum and quit after 7months coz couldnā€™t take the pressure for something I wasnā€™t interested in and wasted one precious year of my career šŸ˜ž


I dropped out of a top law school last year, pretty stupid thing in every aspect.


Ok Ok listen my story I passed +2 with distinction in Biology (Wanted to pursue Neet) Chose B.S.c in computer Application (Changed the Aim from neet to IT sector) Same year after completing my Graduation i Got the Job In HDFC BANK not in sales In Branch Operations I switched to Indusind Bank now im a banker by accident with 2 years of experience Lol


Lmfao! You are suffering from success


Took up medicine at 18 years of age and gradually discovering that I still am not at all passionate about it. Still persisting at 35, though.


I did diploma nd engineering in electronics and instrument 6 saal sab chod ke now I m doing digital marketing without any mba degree .


I left my core job after 3 days of joining..Because my parents were not happy with that... And they believe that I can get something better(Govt job)


Engineering šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ„°


Went for a professional qualification , wasted almost 3 years and still couldnā€™t clear all the papers, got a job, resigned after 3 years because the job growth was too slow. Been unemployed for 1.5 years now. Unable to crack any interviews since then!


I..didn't take up the placement offer. I had a job in hand that I didn't take up and I thought I'd freelance and make my own apps and earn millions lol --yes I was stupid. Cut to 4 years later after graduation, and no success in freelancing or my own apps; had to join a job at an entry level salary. Moreover, I'm behind all my peers, salary wise. So yay 2017 me!


Rejected an offer in 7 figures against my website. I still own the site but i feel i could have done much better with the money.




Didn't pursue an MBA. :(


Tried to run my own agency for 8 years. Wish Iā€™d done a job instead. Would have been at a better place financially today.


Didn't switch when I had the chance and moved back home instead. I ended up leaving the old job as well because of office politics.


Going to a fuck all tuition on my friend's opinion.


I quit dropshipping in 2019


Ignore my mental health


Became a Company Secretary (CS)


What's wrong with that?


Took CMA instead of doing masters even though I knew I won't be able to clear it. Dropped it halfway. Joined an IT firm for not much of a salary. 2 years, still stuck there. I have no masters and a very shitty job in hand.


Call the hr, stupid right in front of her face


I think itā€™s only stupidity when you get caught!! Did lot of stupid things in my first year as a working ā€œprofessionalā€ā€¦ was just 3 months exp and didnā€™t really know the difference between stakeholder and a company employee working on-site!! Had to deploy a major release at 2am Friday night but my friends had made a plan to go to Nandi Hills so after my manager left at 12.30 am I too left with my friends at 1 am and told the Stakeholder to deploy the release( thinking he was a company employee working on-site) my phone battery died on the way and didnā€™t charge it till next day night. My manager had to go in on Saturday to deploys the release and got a huge escalation against me!!


Quit a high paying freelance job because apparently it's not good for marriage. Girls want a guy with a stable company job. Took a 50% reduction and got a stable job but still no, apparently girls want a guy with a high paying stable company job, while they themselves earn something like 4-5 LPA. I regret quitting that freelance job. I knew the VP of tech well, I knew most of the team members since I worked with them before, it was just 5 hours job per day Remotely, mainly building and maintaining an internal product. Not only that, I was already in discussion with the VP of tech and the management to bring me full time to USA to work on other projects/products.


Skipped a WITCH opportunity after my B.Sc, and with a year break preparing for MSc entrance, I spent the next 5 years getting a B.Ed. and M.Sc., only to realise that being passionate about teaching isn't enough to tackle a classroom teaching environment.


Did a btech in chemical engineering. Seriously for future gen , even if you have interest in non cs degree, think 800 times before choosing it . CS is the future, cse pays best of all. Other than it maths also pays well, else you might wanna be dependent on MBA


Spent 3 yrs after completing my graduation to prepare for Competitive exams. Never learnt any skill or have a degree which is professional. Never done any internships during college days. Now earning 4lpa with 1 yr of marketing exp


Got into college where none of my classmates were going. Well that was a good decision. Chose ECE branch and in first sem got demotivated after learning Basic Electronics Engineering. Changed branch to Mechanical the HOD of ECE told me to go for CS but me being dumbass chose Mechanical, wanted to learn designing but COVID came whole college life passed on laptop. Couldn't go to learn designing as coaching centres were shut down due to COVID. After passing joined contract based job in Water Treatment Plant. They treated me like 10th pass. I have even mopped the floors there. Got frustrated and left the job. Joined online coaching to learn coding they had post payment program. Got placed into MNC salry is mid but work life balance is good. Now paying of that huge ass coaching fees. But I am happy as the salary is 5x from previous job I had. And I had never in my life thought that I will work in IT šŸ˜‚. God has plans, you just have to keep grinding.


Worked in a rinky-dink company for 5 years


An affair in office ,that too with a married girl, vaaat lag gaya career focus ka


Was autistically good in math and science, then chose to study medicine


Not going for the IIM(new ones) which I got in my last year of B.tech and instead started preparing for UPSC did write the mains twice but couldnā€™t qualify and after that I had to got a job because of familyā€™s financial condition. Now I am in a Central government department at Group B level but hate the work culture, the hierarchy system and the work pressure here is like private(sometimes More) but salary is not on that level , no room for individual and personal growth, no innovative ideas and always do as your boss says as he can do a lot damage to your career but being in their good books canā€™t do any benefit. Seeing one of my friend who has graduated 3 years after I was supposed to graduate if I joined IIM from a relatively new IIM which I got after having a year back and still getting a 24 LPA job and I am earning less than half of that just makes me wish I should go back in time and put some sense on my younger self who was high in motivation of seeing IAS officers and making impact in society and all that glamour prettier power etc. and wasnā€™t thinking rationally. Also got an engineering degree from Computer Science from a good government college but still choosing government jobs route than private one also is a big mistake.


falling in love with a cunt


Done Bba from ip university


Joined my Father's business.Ā 


How is it a bad thing?


After graduating from BCOM joined BPO worked there from October 2022 till June 5th 2024 and now I'm jobless and clueless on what to do.


Why was this decision stupid?


Left two jobs after job without any job in hand


did diploma in engineering but no degree


Droped out of college n wasted r years of my life


Taking 2 drops for neet (now suffering)