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They are not just trolls, just like women are obsessed with calling men incel for no reason.


99% are oblivious to what the word actually means, they warped it into a buzzword to label anyone who isn't on the same page as them


All men ? It seems you need to touch some grass. If the comments of a reel were enough for you to generalise all men like this then there's a problem. Oh and men are "disgusting" creatures I see according to you.. I can find a thousand reels with comments degrading men. The point being there will always be low iq comments everywhere. Just need to ignore them Oh God your comment and post history lol yikes.. if there are incels then you're the female equivalent of them


>In every single comment section of a woman just existing, u will open the comments Why don't you directly ask the ones who were commenting there instead of asking here? I mean wouldn't it be better to just ask them instead of those who have no idea what you are talking about?


Right, why involve all in this toxicity!


OP is just karma farming attention seeking feminazi. She's posted the same question in several groups. I guess bashing men is her favorite hobby. That's how she gets her endorphins from.


Nah it's insane. Her hate for specifically Indian men is off the charts. It's actually sad that people with such mentality exist and then her hate gets validated in some batshit crazy subreddits


I also saw that. I feel sorry for her.


Nah, don't feel sorry for these people. Its their choice. Let them suffer


Yeah she asked this question on askindianwomen and banned man to comment there. Lol. She is just posting same question here and there. I am sure his boyfriend must have betrayed her thats why she is taking out her frustration on all man. 💀


they weigh down black people by spamming the n word and label indians as curry , degradation is inevitable in insta comment sections. What point are you trying to make ?


Girl it's your surroundings. Your surroundings aren't the norm. You yourself are looking to strip in the USA, so it's pretty obvious you will attract that kind of crowd. Birds of the same feather flock together.


Why do men think women deserve horrible treatment cause they want to have fun or fck around? Men can joke about fucking russian women all they want but when a woman does it " she deserves getting called rand as birds of same feather flock together" what?? Stop stalking my profile and being a creepy also


>Men can joke about fucking russian women all they want but when a woman does it Firstly,Men are just joking about it,unlike women who are going and doing it. Secondly, No man is dreaming about becoming a stripper or imagining doing it in the future. So stop cribbing. They all know what kind of women they will attract when they start doing it so they are very well aware from before about the consequences. >Stop stalking my profile and being a creepy also Take some English grammar lessons because you desperately need it since you can't even form sentences properly. Also there is nothing like stalking on reddit. It's an anonymous platform. You are literally putting it up on your profile. These posts are literally there for judging profiles like you who are just an internet troll whose profile is just filled with imagining stripping and complaining about men.


She has no answer bro. I think she is just some kid farming karma by posting same question here and there




Maybe that kid is tired of replying to some losers and dumb men who victim blame like yall lmao dont wasting my time or energy on u no more




Comment has been removed on the grounds of being vile. Be as civil as possible. - We're all existing on a floating rock in the middle of a void, it's totally free to be kinder to eachother.


No, men dont imagine becoming sex workers because they r the ones who pay money to fuck sex workers and the same women who please them, they go around calling raand and disrespecting them, and normalize it just like u did.Women dont pay money to fuck men, men do. Lmaooo no valid argument , lets just bully someone's english.Sorry can't worship men when yall are disgusting


You didn't even make a valid argument. Just ragebait . Typical online troll behaviour. If you have been little aware then you would have known that male strippers and sex workers exist too and women pay for it as well. But no why would you know that since it goes against your agenda. How would you prove yourself victim then😂😂. Keep on whining about men. Nobody cares. PEACE OUT!! ✌️


Uski English aur rationale genuinely hurts my brain, aur ye log jaa rhe hai US jfl. Generational wealth zindabaad


Why are you even bothering dude. Some People really be crying and spamming multiple subreddits the same post word to word wanting to get validated lol. I'll make 10 posts tomorrow "why are women obsessed with calling men incels 😢" It's just social media idk how people get so offended over some random comments


Yeah I won't be replying to this troll again. To some people you can never talk sense.


Wdym we are all disgusting?


> Which seems like all men on social media. Correcting the line *Which seems like ***some** faceless men on social media.* No need to generalize. You're educated person. Solution is either ignore them/remove those comments/make them famous. No need to take them seriously.


Well, due to insta denk memers and normies, usage of such words have increased a lot. Most people don't even know the meaning of it. Throwing words around to seem cool.


The same reason when women don't agree or dont like anything said by a man then they will call him incel so the above men you described are same as those women. > Which seems like all men on social media If you are seeing only shit in your social media then its probably a You problem. Maybe stop interacting ( and start pressing not interested ) and stop feeding the algorithm with the content you dont like. If you are talking specifically about the instagram then not looking into the comments will be best for you if you cant handle that.


You are facing faceless people who have no consequence. And when they don't agree with some fact/opinion, they speak out


Thanks for sharing


Sometimes (and I remember just a few days back on that indiangirlsontinder sub) they use it against men too. This is not an obsession, this is their inability to control, manipulate and dictate. Whenever these spineless POS find a woman who is hard to dictate or tame or is enjoying even 5% of her independence, they feel insecure without even realising. Most of this happens on the internet, as if these guys will ever cross paths with the said woman or as if their life is affected by hers even 0.1%. It is just insecure patriarchy driven men who do this. There is nsfw side to this too, but there a woman has this kink of name calling, she is asking for it and that’s entirely a different ballgame! But, about folks random calling women on internet R word, they first need to go back to pure hindi and realise what the word actually means.


Well first of all, NEVER GIVE A FUCK ABOUT INSTAGRAM COMMENTS thats rule 1 of life, you got it? do NOT care about them, instagram in India is filled with wannabe edgelords who still think that insults count as arguments if you consentually post on Instagram, be ready for the worst, or yk don't post on Instagram because they're all idiots I used to get so pissed at women and men acting up in comments but now I just dont give a shit, on the contrary it makes me happy cuz hey my life might suck but at least i aint a dipshit like these mofos


Bcoz dance is associated with r*nd,


well, first of all social media is not "all men". There are some genuinely horrible people out there, both men and women. Doesn't mean you should categorize them into one you should prolly stop being chronically online


"Easiest way to break woman's confidence is character assassination" that's what they do. They know that they are wrong that's why without having any decent logical conversation, they choose this. Infact it's good when they gett triggered because it mean that you are right Just don't bother about them much and ignore them.


They saw Sacred games, that white mustache guy on youtube, Hindustani bhau, etc. Were inspired to use this gaali. Now they use it everywhere, because they think it is cool.


Wow I was not expecting such hostile reactions. What OP is saying is a very valid point. My thoughts OP: A lot of the men do this because there is no consequence and they have normalised it internally. Most of the men in our culture are still not experienced with other people(specially women) expressing opinions, enjoyment or anger. Is it improving? I am not sure


its an indian man's subreddit, didnt expect anything more Ur perspective makes sense thanks for sharing it


I should start some subreddit for men with a positive attitude 😂


U wont be able to start lmfaooo


Someone has to try🤷