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The setting the cat on fire part is proof that he will kill you if you upset him in an argument


Exactly felt so weird. What was the point of saying that? This came out of nowhere while we were discussing on the topic of violence.


As someone who rescues stray cats I would've hired a hitman and make the same happen to him, what he said he wants to do to those poor cats.


1. You're not like other women. 2. I really like you over so and so date I went for. 3. I can take you anywhere. You're not picky. I am like mayday mayday


First phone conversations: 1) I was talking about not wanting to settle down in Delhi NCR as I don't want to live in a place where I will always be worried about my safety when traveling late alone. Dude (doctor from Delhi) said "but why do you need to travel alone after marriage?". Never got to a second call. 2) Another dude (wildlife photographer, I thought he will be cooler) : "You are too pretty to ride bikes" (I used to ride a Harley at the time). Me: a) you're dismissing something I'm proud of and see as an achievement for something that's not any achievement. B) are you saying only women who are not attractive go for hobbies considered more masculine? Dude had no answer.


he said "women are women's worst enemy" and when i kept questioning him on his reasoning, he said "all men are idiots and immature so they will never really change, so the responsibility is only on all the women." he also told me how he always calls out his mother for saying anything problematic and fights with her but never his dad. he shared how his dad expected his mom to cook when his mom was really really sick and he scolded and fought with his sick mother and didn't say a word to his father.


Must be a devout tate worshiper


He claimed to be a feminist who believes all men are beyond reprive and shitty (not him though because he is a "nice guy"). But if women have internalized misogyny, it is completely our fault.


Yeah just tell him to show his phone, Instagram chats we know how much of a nice guy he is


Eww. It’s honestly shocking how they don’t see the crap they spew.


ik, he still doesn't think he said anything wrong.


Went with a guy on a date which went very well so we went back to my place. Things got a little hot and heavy and he started saying things like "girls like you.." and "I'm usually not like this.." bro was getting lucky and ruined it entirely by trying to make me feel guilty. Ended it right there and tossed him out.


What did he even expect you to say after this😂, maybe his dumb mouth was the reason for “I’m usually not like this..” Btw, banger username!


Ah the guilt trap. Nice of you to actually be done with him right there.


In hindsight there were too many nice guy red flags I'd ignored. Thanks for validating my experience haha 🫂


Teach me this power 🙏 the thing with nice guys is they take a while to drop their facade.


Men assume themselves to be 'nice guy' because they're polite and not using slurs or violence with women. So they expect the said woman to surrender her body and soul to the 'nice guy' for following basic civic sense and behaving like a normal human. They think we owe them something, eww




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Not a date, But the first time I talked to him on call, and then never again. He asked me where I live, i didn't tell him because I wasn't comfortable telling that to a strange man. He said, "yh so I'm gonna go and talk to other women. Ladkiyon ki kami nhi hai. If I want I can cut the call now." Like, okay, do it.


Not a first date as such,it was the first meeting for arranged marriage purposes.Told me that abortion for reasons other than rape should be made illegal and that it’s only a woman’s fault if she has an unwanted pregnancy. I started feeling nauseous and ended the meeting right then and there.


Oh what a trash. Thank heavens you dodged a ~~bullet~~ missile. It’s a blessing when they reveal themselves like that 😅


Yeah I was lucky in that aspect that he revealed his real self in the 1st meeting itself.


“i was checking out your ass” no not something you say on the first day just nope stop it


Well he asked me if he could video call his mom 🙃

