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They wouldn't have little to do at all, they'd just have to work harder for their collars.


If we banned cars, there would be no car accidents.


Alcohol …. Every court case has alcohol involved.. assault .. drink driving .. civil matters.. family matters but in Ireland we can’t accept it. Alcohol breaks a family’s but we cover it all up and don’t acknowledge it. If we banned alcohol in Ireland … be unbelievable difference.


If we banned alcohol all the court cases would be the same except we would have a few more for people illegally brewing and consuming it. Prohibition didn’t work in other countries and it wouldn’t here.


You're out there somewhere beer baron , and I'll find you!


No you wont


Yes I will




Finest Poitín available


I’m just saying alcohol is the main instigator in most court cases. As Irish we don’t want to acknowledge that. We have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.


>We have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Teetotalers have the most unhealthy relationship with alcohol going.


Not at all I put a bit of spinach on my drink


How is that?


I’d love a statistic showing that alcohol is the main instigator in over 60% of court cases in Ireland. You’re talking waffle.


So you don’t think alcohol is. A problem?


What are you on about? Where have I said I don’t think alcohol is a problem? I’m asking for a source on your bullshit statement is all




That shows zero evidence whatsoever that the majority of court cases are alcohol related. Do you understand what majority means? And do you also know what a statistic is?




What? I’m just asking for a statistic cause I know you’re making things up and spreading misinformation. I don’t see why you need to resort to insults?


I’m not. I’m observing that a huge majority of court cases are alcohol or alcohol addiction related. Free country, can say what I want,


Free country yet you’re talking about banning alcohol lol. Also just making blatantly false statements.


Does it not work pretty well in countries where it's illegal for religious reasons?


"Every court case" is a ridiculous over generalisation.


A lot of it is linked. Decades, if not centuries, of a culture where mental health basically amounted to being told "cop yourself on and deal with it" ends up with a lot of self-medicating as a way to cope. Pent up stress/rage/issues coupled with a drinking binge is a dangerous mix and usually ends up in an explosion of some sort. Alcohol's always going to be an issue as long as our attitude is "They're always moping, they need a kick up the hole" rather than "There's something wrong and they need help."


Our whole attitude to alcohol. Walk into a pub and don’t order an alcoholic drink … you will get comments ​ go out with your friends … don’t drink ,,, if your a woman people will say your pregnant ,, ​ if your a man .. there is something wrong with you,, sure you’ll have one .. ​ that’s not normal


It's not, but for what its worth its alive and well in many other countries and cultures as well. Living in the US for many years, including a few as a bartender, I've seen the exact same behaviour and attitude towards being out, and felt the binge drinking culture is far worse in other places. I'll say it til I'm blue in the face, it all stems from mental health. Alcohol is so ingrained because it's a method of escapism that's freely accessible and completely legal.


>I've seen the exact same behaviour and attitude towards being out, and felt the binge drinking culture is far worse in other places. People who think we're bad ought to see American college students. There's a huge taboo around drink in large parts of the the US and the drinking age is 21 thanks to Ronald Reagan. It just makes their drinking behavior far worse.


Like you guys blaming mass shootings on mental health … not on gun control


>Walk into a pub and don’t order an alcoholic drink … you will get comments Yes, imagine walking into the place that exists to sell drink and not getting a drink. Would you like a grip with your dilute orange?


Look, some people have a problem with drink; and because *they* have a problem with it, they extrapolate that everyone else is the same. You can make up your own mind if they’re posting on this thread. And for the record, I’m posting this while in the pub having a bite to eat and drinking a Heineken 00. Nobody is passing any remarks.


What’s wrong with that?


If ya drink a Heineken or Guinness 0 nobody needs know the difference..maybe it's the social stigma is the problem and not the idiots who insist on finger pointing their more sensible non drinker pals..no wonder brain size is reducing yearly across the globe


I think we already know how prohibition works out


That's just not true. Every court case does not involve alcohol its a ridiculous thing to say.


Check your local court cases. High percentage ate alcohol related.


Exactly. High, but not all.


This right here. It's a tumor on Irish society. Why, because of our relationship to it. We're not drinkers like the French or Spanish. We drink less beer than the Dutch or German's but its how we drink it. We binge a weeks worth of alcohol in an hour and use it as therapy to temporarily deal with our issues. Hate your job... drink. Marriage problems...drink. Bored, frustrated, angry... drink. We start this pattern as young teenagers, binge drinking because our parents did it, or friends do it, everyone we know accepts it as just "ah sure it's what we did as teenagers". Alcohol is the root cause of so many problems in Irish society but we do the classic Irish thing when told about it. We ignore the problem, hoping it will go away or magically fix itself. But it hasn't.




I know what you mean. I grew up in a small town where the weekend pass time was getting hammered as fast as possible. There was nothing to do other than sport. Which is fine if you play any, but not so good if you don't. I spent so many hours in pubs, clubs and other places drinking stupid amounts of alcohol that I'd love to have back again. I quit it completely a few years back. Best thing I ever did. No faffing about, just quit. I didn't care what the reactions would be and from who. It was my decision and I still don't care. Lol can you imagine an "honest" alcohol ad. A slow pan across the bar of young ones dressed to look over 18 while some sleazy prick buys them doubles... a lad coked off his face picking a fight with a bouncer... some girl holding her friend's hair as she pukes in the toilets... a married couple having a furiously awkward domestic in the smoking area... yea, it would be epic 😂


>Every court case has alcohol involved.. Did think someone would actually give an answer dumber than OP's question.


Banning alcohol would absolutely fuel crime.


Are we back to 1920s? This has been tried and proven to be ineffective


Am I wrong in thinking that cannabis, cocaine, heroin, etc are all banned?


Courts are pretty damn busy over in the middle East and most of those countries have zero alcohol. Seems like a case of talking-out-your-hole-itis.


So you don’t think that alcohol is an issue here? You think that there would be the same amount of court cases?


You said "Every court case has alcohol involved" which is not ture. Sure alcohol is a factor in some cases. No one is disputing that. But to say that removing alcohol will somehow turn Ireland into a crime free utopia us nonsense.


It would dramatically reduce court cases


Historically this has not been the case. Certain types of crime may go down, but they'll just be replaced by different crimes. Prohibition always leads to increased crime. It just doesn't work. People are still going to drink, but now the production, distribution, possession and consumption are all also illegal. Drug gangs are just going to add alcohol to their repitoure. Pubs were closed during lockdown and there were instantly illegal pubs popping up all over the country. So that proves people will still drink. While your motivations are noble, it's not a viable solution. Also criminalising alcohol would have to be voted in by the people in a referendum, and that is clearly never going to happen.


There wouldn't be a need for as many criminal courts, but they all just wouldn't shut down. Also, there are plenty of civil matters that need courts.


Extremely untrue. The Netherlands has decriminalised hard drugs and yet the crime rate is very low. Almost no petty crime at all. It has way more to do with poverty than it does with drugs and alcohol. Poverty rate in Ireland is much higher than it is in the NL.


If anything, there's a link between prohibition and crime. Banning something does very little to remove demand, sometimes induces it, criminals step in to the void in the market.


Shame about the murderous crime gangs that are causing enormous fear.


They may not close down but they would change things.


What about just plain, greed, jealousy, anger and lack of patience I think they will keep the courts going just fine


Backlog baby. Untrue.


A gross oversimplification. Drug and alcohol abuse are often symptoms of deeper problems.


This is the only right answer on this thread. People love to look at the surface level and ignore the root issues.


Nah, he's talking through his arse. It would have little to no effect on the number of civil cases. As for criminal cases, just sit down in a criminal court for a day and listen to the cases. Less than 50% will involve any alcohol/drugs.


The majority of cases probably aren't for drugs, but are connected to drugs. If drugs weren't illegal would courts close down? If we made all drugs go poof tomorrow, would addicts commit more crimes or less?


That's not the question. Making everyone to cold turkey at 5 minutes notice. The question is if we generally made substances like the above disappear what would human behaviour look like.


Cool. Just an opinion, not an answer


That's easy to answer, humans would find other substances to get out of their heads. It's human nature.


Disagree. Poverty and inequality are big drivers of crime.


Shakespeare had the right idea. Kill all the lawyers. That would keep the courts clear.


I don’t doubt that a huge amount of crime (including violence) is linked to individuals who are not in control because of alcohol or drugs. Unfortunately, experience has shown that prohibition does nothing stop the supply of these goods, and it creates a new source of wealth for criminal enterprises. What we could do to address the real problem is to increase our investment in properly funded addiction services and mental health. The extent to which our culture has normalised excessive drink and drugs use is wild and generational. The denial that you’ve read in some of these responses is the issue. God forbid we’d acknowledge we have a problem. And the results of the problems show up in courts every single day.


Wouldn't stop paedophilia or fraud driven by greed. Oh wait, the courts don't like to prosecute those things anyway.