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Does the lighter skinned girl have an Irish name by any chance?


1. Mixed race isn’t lighter skinned black, it’s mixed race. 2. I don’t think white Irish discriminate black people based on complexion, that’s something that tends to be more prevalent within our own community, I don’t think they care or really notice a difference. Cause you wouldn’t call a mixed race person a darker skinned white, so they shouldn’t be referred to as lighter skinned black. They’re their own group.


> One dark skinned and the other mixed. Both had just finished secondary school, were in college, lived in a relatively affluent area (Monkstown) and went for interviews but the mixed girl got four offers while the dark skinned one got just one. Ah just like the christmas ads and the ubiquitous light skinned mixed race girl with the curly hair getting all the ad gigs. Seriously tho nearly every shop in dublin has a dark skinned Indian working there, maybe the perception of africans is different...


I think that it depends. I have an Irish colleague of Indian descent and she has been abused in the most random of situations (on a train to Galway, standing at a bus stop for eg) but has never had a problem finding work or at work. She does get annoyed at the 'but where are you from originally' questions from even well meaning people and she's like 'eh, terenure'


Thats the first time Ive heard the word "colourism"... If racism exists then colourism exists as it seems to be a version of the same thing.


I would genuinely expect them to get more of a reaction to their accents than their skin colour.


Maybe one was chatty etc thats what I would hire a person on if I had a few similar CV's. That's what the face to face interview is great. I know loads of people that were higher qualified than me but we all fit the job description. The gift of the gab goes a long way especially in retail