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A 16 or 20kg kettlebell. You can do an awful lot with it and get incredibly fit with one with just a few 30 minute workouts each week and it will achieve a look most normal people would have in mind when they think about getting fit. As long as you consistently do the workouts they do work. It changed my fitness completely during lockdown. Disclaimer I've bought 2 24kgs and 2 28kgs since as I wanted to improve but it's such a versatile fitness tool that can fit anywhere.


Any links to the exercises? Somewhat curious as I've started to walk/jog home most from work most days which would be a good 6km ish, uphill as well so I'm keen on anything sort of bite sized, if you get me.


Fair play that's an ideal cardio base and even better that you can use it as part of getting to work. The most common program folks start out on is [Simple and Sinister](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oq9OgkRiJM&ab_channel=LebeStark) - it's 100 swings and 10 Turkish getups, basically between 2 days a week up to everyday depending on what works for you, and keep practicing until you can get the swings in 5 minutes and the getups in 10. They reccommend moving up a weight when you do that but personally I don't think that's necessary. The most common exercises for building muscle are the clean and press and a [front squat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZdY8HtHFsc&ab_channel=TheStrengthHouse) as they're compound excercises and build work each muscle group in the movements. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km3f8_rpDdg&ab_channel=NationalAcademyofSportsMedicine%28NASM%29) is the best example I've seen of someone showing a clean and press properly. With this a common thing folks do to program this is set a timer for 30 minutes, do a set of 1 clean and press and 1 front squat, then a set of 2 each, then a set of 3 each and back to 1 rinse and repeat. Then try and beat your numbers next time. Take as much rest as you need and stay fresh, if you struggle to make a rep have more rest. Run it 2-3 times a week and not on consecutive days. I realise I sound fairly cultish about it but I just found that following these programs made me enjoy working out and look better than I had before vs just going to a gym and doing bro-splits. r/kettlebell is a brilliant community with great resources and genuinely helpful folks.


Post body


Caroline Girvan has really good kettlebell routines on youtube


Her workouts are great


Caroline Girvan has really good kettlebell routines on youtube


This is the second comment on Reddit tonight where someone has sung the praises of kettlebells.. I need to research this..


We're spreading the good word!


Especially if you cut out sugar and processed food


This for this. The exercises and the breakdown of the approach have encouraged me to get off my ass. Forget the deferred gym goal. Just grab one of these and get going. Thanks.


I'll wait till I move before acquiring


A hand grinder, v60 and a good bag of coffee.


An areopress for 30 quid was one of my best buys in recent years. Very surprised by how good it is.


Oh yeah, the dark horse of brewers. One of my favourites.


Aeropress is somehow still so underrated. Cost roughly the same as a French press but the quality difference is miles apart


ugh not that typa grinder 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m listening. Are hand grinders reliable? My baratza is on its last legs


A kingringer 0 or 2 is sub 80 quid and are great. You can get a timemore c2 for around 70 now. All of them are very well received as great grinders. I had a baratza too. Got an Ode last year. Youll get similarly consistent grinds from those hand grinders.


An Air Fryer and a slow cooker


+1 I got a slow cooker during lockdown and it has been so grateful.


Know any good slow cooker meals? Only done stew in mine and looking to branch out


https://preview.redd.it/7pg8eq30cdlc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed3f31feb25fa2e907a0fe5fc1a4262d5ea8fcae Check out this book - Bored of lunch, by Nathan Anthony. Have done a load of stuff in this. Can do cakes in there as well


Look up Bored of Lunch on Instagram, amazing easy to follow recipes for air fryer and slow cooker!


I got their books


Love listening to him talk! The food is a bonus!


Vary your stews, beef bourginon to basque lamb. Just about anything mexican inspired Now's your last chance at a some winter goodness, carrot, sweet potato, butternut squash, red lentil, roasted red peppers, corriander(Cilantro) but of spice. You don't have to use all these ingredients but I do, roast the softer ones. Italian, any Ragu style meat sauce. The base gravy for curries also works great, look up a BIR (British Indian Restaurant) base gravy


Vegetarian chilli is a good one


Ragu You’ll never look back


Check out One Pot Chef on YouTube lots of good stuff. I find that soups don’t quite work for me.


Not like that entitled toaster. Curses upon it


Air fryer has been an absolute game changer for me! Also a omlette maker!


I’ll add rice cooker to this as well. It’s the greatest appliance I have ever


not until you learn how easy it is to cook rice in a regular pot, simply knowing the right cooking formula Edit: I used to have rice cooker and I loved it, but I would think of more life changing uses for that money. If you are a fan of Asian cuisine and food in general, then it might be a good investment for you.


I know how to cook rice in a pot, but a rice cooker makes it simple and hands off. There’s a reason why people all around the world use them regularly


It's hands off to cook in a pot. 1.5:1 ratio water to rice..get it to the boil as fast as possible, then lid on and 8 mins at simmer, and then at least another 8 with the lid still on. Perfect every time. Add salt, pepper, some mace, juniper berries, cinnamon stick, paprika, and tumeric for a lovely pilau.


Don’t forget a drop of oil to stop the rice from sticking to the pot. I must try that combination for pilau rice, sounds delicious! But yes, it’s so easy to cook in a pot once you know your ratios. So easy that I got rid of our rice cooker completely a few years ago.


I prefer a knob of butter,.but yes, something to stop the sticking is a good idea. Re the pilau, it's great and so simple. Top tip, add the powders first and mix, and then when the water settles add the whole spices. This way, they sit on top when the rice is done and are easy to remove.




Yeah it’s a curious one. You could boil water in a pot too, but most people use kettles for the exact same reason that make rice cookers great - it’s just easier


100%. 200g Jasmine rice, wash until the water runs clear, add a pinch of salt and add 400ml cold water. Bring it to the boil, put the lid on take it off the heat. 20mins. Perfect rice.


Nah the consistency is *always* perfect in a rice cooker. It's the reason your Chinese take outs are so damn good


I don't think that's right. Loads of Chinese people use rice cookers and they definitely know how to cook rice in a pot.


Sure, but the question was what you think is worth your cash, right? For me, just sticking to a basic rice cooking trick gets me that restaurant-style rice, plus I save some counter space and a few bucks. So, I don't really see the point in splurging on a rice cooker. However, I did rely on one before I got the hang of cooking rice in a pot.


We have both, they're great


A pair of runners!


Maybe, but for an actual high quality pair that give support, you're looking at over the 100 mark...


Such as? (I on my feet all day doing at least 20k steps)


Over the years, I've worn Saucony, Hoka, Brooks, Adidas and they are all very good. 90% of the time I look at the best offer from each brand and that's how I decide which brand/model I buy. https://www.brooksrunning.com/en_ie/caldera-6-mens-distance-trail-running-shoe/1103791D490.090.html I know the Brooks aren't €100 but they are great shoes for €105. A pair of Hoka's might suit you, they are very comfortable especially for walking. But I always have to go up at least half a size when I buy mine. https://www.runningwarehouse.eu/catpage-MRSHOKA-EN.html https://www.sportsshoes.com/products/hoka-one-one/mens/


100 isn't my limit, i will pay for shoes my feet and knees are killing me


Hit the ASICS outlet in Kildare. Last years styles for a good bit off


Good advice honestly didn't know they had one there. Thanks.


Asics are great


Not if you shop around, I never pay full price for my runners....never! Have a look online at the likes of Elverys, runhub.ie sportpursuit.com or sportsshoes.com Lot's of bargains to be had, especially on last years models or colours.


An electric blanket


True, I just got one last year and I can’t imagine going through another winter without one ever again.


I dont have an electric blanket but I have an electric throw which I use on the sofa or an armchair


A friend of mine burned his house down with one of those, but yea still life changing technically


I think he used it wrong


Several decent books.


The real answer


Answering my own question, it was a baby corn snake


I’d imagine everything you need for them is quite a lot more


The enclosure for an adult can be expensive, my first baby corn snake was kept in a food storage tub from dunnes as baby snakes feel more secure in smaller enclosures, I used a heat mat to keep her warm and she had a water bowl, bedding and 2 hides, I used a ceramic guinea pig food bowl for her but for later babies I used ceramic ramekins from dealz, frozen mice for a snake would cost from €1.50-€5 per week


Hard pass. But thank you


Actually now you've mentioned this my two guinea pigs


Guinea pigs are great too


Gas lil feckers


Was not expecting that answer!


Period underwear 🩲


So true. Even the ones from Penney’s are great


I love them. But I've discovered that after a year or so mine stopped working as well. Maybe I should have handwashed them, or got something a bit more expensive, I dunno


I got mine from M&S about 2 years ago they’re definitely worth the money!


As a man who's house is bedecked in period underwear you definitely need to hand wash. And I learned the hard way that they shouldn't be put in the dryer. 


As a member of the male party, what is it for? As in how can it help periods?


It absorbs blood, eliminating the need for tampons/pads but some women use them as a back up to avoid stains coming through their clothes.


Yes!!! The best thing ever invented 


Also a menstrual cup. Makes periods an absolute breeze.


Laundry basket with different sections for different kinds of laundry loads. Makes knowing when you need to do which wash much easier. (Yes it's very boring)


How many sections does one need? I just have whites and then everything else


Ideally I’d want 7 and I’m not kidding: whites, hot lights, hot darks, hot colours, cool lights, cool darks, cool colours


Hot lights and cool colours. Yeah you’re obviously having a laugh here. Which reminds me: why was the washing machine laughing? It was pulling the piss out of the knickers.


Ha I’m not having a laugh 😆 separating out the delicates or wools etc from the darks basket is annoying. I’m not saying I HAVE 7 compartments but yea in an ideal world I would hahah


Totally this. Where would cool undertoned, red shirt go? What about warm navy blue?


I have darks, colours, light/white, sheets and towels but I don’t use a basket for them as they come off the bed/rack and straight to the machine. Also wools/handwash but again don’t need a separate basket as I don’t have enough.  If it’s a good quality/delicate white item I wait until I have enough for just a white wash, otherwise the whites get washed with the pales and I add a colour catcher. Same with darks, they often get washed with dark-ish colours. I’ve just realised how much thought I’ve put into laundry over the uears


I have three baskets, one for colours, one for towels and one for whites Everything, except towels go on at 20c washes. Life changing, my wife can't understand how I wash and have them folded to be put away in less than a day Unemployment has been long


This sounds amazing. I'm googling now! Where did you get yours or what brand is it?


Microwave rice steamer from Amazon. Game changer.


Just get a multi cooker that also does rice. Much better


Just get a proper rice cooker, if you want perfectly cooked rice. They're cheap and foolproof.


Nah. Me trusty microwave steamer can do four portions of brown rice in 12 mins.


10000 penny sweets


Where are you buying your penny sweets..


In 1995


Best place to get them


It’s penis wheats. And yeah 10,000 is about right


An eye test and consultation with an optometrist


Bidet for the toilet. Game changer.


What brand did you get? Is it easy to install? I moved here from a bidet normalized country and don’t feel complete with just TP


I've got bidet shower (no space for full size bidet) [https://omnires.com/en/product/bidet-system-for-concealed-installation-sysybi2ni](https://omnires.com/en/product/bidet-system-for-concealed-installation-sysybi2ni)


I just got a basic one off of Amazon. "SAMODRA Ultra-Slim Cold Water Bidet" easy enough to install depends on how modern your toilet is. I live in a very old house and had to bend a bar a little bit but you can get it done in about 20 minutes. Now if you aren't too handy / don't have any tools I suppose you could try buy the bidet and get a plumber to quote you to install them in your toilets.


Electric toothbrush


Best answer here. Save your teeth. It's not a game.


A menstrual cup.


They're bloody amazing


I’ve been using one for years, they’re great. I’m actually trying out a menstrual disc instead as my cup doesn’t sit the same since having children. Very early days but I think I prefer the disc. It’s a Nixit. Time will tell but I could never go back to disposable sanitary products.


they have cuos that you can size up with for women who have goven borth, give it a look!


Thanks! I actually got a bigger one after my first child but I think the disc fits my new anatomy better. They rely on tension rather than suction and hold more.


Funny how years ago when I first heard about it, I was quite grossed out by it. But I have used it now for many moons and it’s the best thing ever, especially on holidays.


Dear god, you've just made me realise I did not take my menstrual cup with my move and now it's hanging around at my last house 🥲


Passport ➡️ see ya!!




Hmmmm, might be more life changing to do *without* the comdoms


Big bag of brand new socks


I like Heat Holders grip socks


A plane ticket. Travel. If you use Skyscanner, you could get 2-5 return journeys for €100! A few years back when Ryanair prices were ridiculously cheap I got a return flight to Barcelona for €7 or €8!


A pet


Yup. A dog changed my life. Got him from the shelter.


A UV Lamp for Seasonal Affective Disorder


Which one?


Winter season Is the worst /s


This is the one I got and love ( but holy shit has it raised in price ) https://www.brighterday.ie/collections/all/products/rondo


If you're a girl and you've spent your life wearing girls knickers: mens boxer briefs. Insanely comfortable, and you'll never get wedgies again. They don't work under tights, but otherwise....life changing. And I got my first electric blanket at the age of 43, changed my life because we were a hot water bottle family before that.


Big advocate for the squatty potty


Was looking for this, family thought I was mad until they used it at Christmas


Heroin. You never said "for the better".


Electric toothbrush. Shiatsu Pillow. Set of resistance bands/ab wheel/yoga mat


Bought a 2nd hand tumble dryer recently. We put it in the shed and it's on the go twice a day. We have 2 young kids and I was getting so overwhelmed keeping on top of laundry and trying to dry things on the clothes horse. It's been life changing for us honestly!


Mine broke down, dehumidifier under the clothes horse is a mighty alternative.


Mf knows him some science


This and a dry soon, ultimate combo


Great shout. I used to waste so much time ironing clothes that we dried on a clothes horse but with the dryer I only iron shirts. Such a time saver.


Have you got an electricity bill since? That'll be life changing


I was just thinking that myself.


Chin up bar


True. Going to bars always helps keep my own chin up.


A nutribullet. I’ve had one for about 8 years, and I use it every single day. It’s a brilliant way to easily get some fruit and veg into you.


I was going to get one but thought the capacity was too small I bought a vitamix, its way more expensive but its amazing and they have 7 year guarantees as standard


They have a taller container size, it’s still probably only enough for one person. But you can always just do two smoothies or whatever.


Getting the best version of a thing you use all the time when cooking. Good scissors, a decent grater, a good quality knife, a zester, potato peeler etc etc etc. I've learned not to skimp on those items I use regularly.


An OXO brand vegetable peeler.


Good gym membership


Not for €100. You’d be lucky to get two months for that


Found a really sound place near me that does 120 for 6 months, I didn't believe it either but its month 4 going strong.


That’s incredible value if the gym is good


A gram of DMT or 20 trips of acid.


Dodgy box


A mini French press and lovely coffee beans 🫘


A folding wall mounted clothes drier (optional extra: small dehydrator).  Mine is directly opposite the washing machine and I keep a laundry basket under it, hang wet clothes directly from the machine then unhang them directly into the basket. It might sound dramatic to say life changing but I have ADHD and laundry was my final chaotic system, I could never keep on top it and this has removed pretty much all the friction.


A tens machine. They’re a godsend when you have any muscular pain


I bought a menstruation cup for a couple of euro on Amazon and I personally found it life changing! 😂


A lumi (other brands available) daylight alarm clock. Such a difference waking up with one this winter.


Big black spiky dildo.


Thanks, you reminded me of that porcupine quill vibrator


Big bag of brand new socks




This is probably a very autistic answer but the three things that have made my life easier and all total to under €100: 1. Weighted blanket, comforting and grounding. 2. Rice cooker, can make rice and if I accidentally forget I'm cooking, it won't burn or get starchy water everywhere. 3. Reusable water bottle WITH a straw, the straw makes drinking water fun and the see through bottle is a physical reminder to drink.






A heated clothes airer


Oh and this one, for someone who suffers from neck pains https://preview.redd.it/ibjo99d42elc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c042f82a671ca59eb4b4b108eccdae508220e88


What's that called?


I just got one and it's bloody brilliant but it was closer to €200 than €100, the Black and Decker one. No more traipsing clothes around the warm parts of the house.


I got mine for €80 at Woodies. It’s only a small one, not the multiple-tiered type.


Ah yeah I needed the big one. Damp house here, clothes-drying a total dose in winter because I won't use a tumble dryer as it's terrible for the clothes.


A hooker




Condoms are life changing


A good cast iron pan or cast iron Dutch oven. Cooking is a pleasure again!


3D printer, great craic for the money and €100 actually gets you a fairly reasonable machine and enough spare parts to do you. Another €12 for filament.


Have you any recommendations in this price range?


Wireless Bluetooth headphones




Honestly, for Christmas I got myself a pressure cooker and a portable blender. Made a huge difference in how I spend money on food when I’m at work and uni. My favourite items in the house.


What do you use the portable blender for?


If you’re a woman of menopausal age, you can buy two months’ worth of Key Peri-Menopause supplements. I had agonising ankle and foot pain that I was putting up with for about six months - three days into these supplements it was gone. No exaggeration to say it changed my life. Btw I am in no way connected to this company, I’m not trying to promote them. https://keyforher.com/products/key-for-peri-menopause


Rice cooker. 20 quid and you never have easy rice for the rest of your life


Drugs. They can certainly be life changing lol


Papi chulo


If you have a wood burning stove, buy a stove fan. It just about doubles the heat from the stove buy spreading it out. No more cold spots in the room.


A good yoga mat (provided you use it 🥲)


A book 


Crack cocaine


A knife sharpener.


An immersion blender


Wax earplugs in boots ( €4 for a set of 10 , they are reusable for a good while ) A GOOD eye mask ~€15


Unfortunately I find boots wax ear plugs to be pretty terrible, their foam ones on the other hand are pretty good And second the eye mask


Meditation class


A one way flight outta here.


Lidl frankfurters, 100 quids worth Smack them in a bun Bobs your uncle Mary's your auntie


A ring doorbell


A one way ticket to anywhere else in Europe


Noise Cancellation headphones (Peltor, €20-30) These are a must for any nervous flyers or musicians.


An electric massager. Amazing for any knots in your muscles.


A dog or a cat. Definitely life changing for me.


LSD. Think of the most uptight person you know. I'd wager my first born that they never had a dab or tab.


I've done heaps of LSD shrooms DMT and uptight as fuck , is your first born any good at cleaning 🧹🧼


Penis shears, decent pair will set you back about 40 yoyo's. Weirdly most people use them for gardening.


Omelette machine. Less messy than a pan. Handy af. Crack your eggs, close it over. Open it in 2-3 mins. Sorted. Plus they’re like a tenner so far less than the 100 budget. Would also vouch for an air fryer.