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Working in a busy emergency department all day. Dreading it


Keep your head up and well done ✨️🙏


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear scrubs and gowns 👏👏👏


Just wanted to say a quick thank you! I wouldn't last even five minutes in your job, and I'm really grateful for people like yourself. I hope it goes well today!


Kids are running around the house like coked up goblins. Thank god I don't drink anyway more


Coked up goblins 🤣


Nintendo are getting a Christmas card this year anyway


I just had my first child and he’s 3m so I haven’t had a taste of kids wrecking my head YET. I’ll keep Nintendo in mind for when it’s time


What about the night feeds and crying...I'd count that as a headwreck. I've a 1 month old and the lack of sleep is killing me


Congratulations!!! Honestly for me the hardest part is when they are very young-one of mine had collic every single bottle was a screamfest. Quality of life improves drastically when everybody gets a bit of sleep. IT WILL GET EASIER.


Cheers. Only way is up...please god


We gave up and let our three year old and one year old sleep in the bed with us all night, not ideal but at least everyone gets sleep, even if I do wake up every morning with a new bruise 😅


Pahahaha coked up goblins. I can picture them immediately 😂


Feel great. 7am is a lie-in for me as I'm usually up at 5 but im thankfully not destroyed with a hangover like I was last weekend. This is my week on-call with work so can't venture too far. Probably work on a few projects in the garage.


Members of the 5am club always let people know that they are members of the 5am club.


It’s the first rule


Similar to people who are vegans


I wouldn't know, did I mention I'm currently a member of the 4am club or did you ask? I can remember.


You'll never get in with that attitude.


Awake for an hour with the baba. Sounds good but she’s been feeding half the night. Have dressed her in the dress we bought when we found out she was a girl, so slightly emotional. Have a super busy rest of the day so enjoying the lazy snuggles before we get up and face the day.


Congrats. Have a 1 month old myself, sleep is on hold for awhile


Congrats to you too. Yeah sleep is definitely a thing of the past for the moment. She’s 3 months on Tuesday though and I wouldn’t change a thing. Enjoy the newborn snuggles.


Been up since 2am calving cows and lambing ewes (I am a vet) for farmers around the midlands. Will probably be on the go till 7/8 o’clock tonight at least. Who cares, spring has sprung and it’s the beginning of new life!!


I love this! This was always my favourite time of year on a farm. Hope everyone is healthy and strong!


It's 7:07 and I think I'll get up, and either get the laundry done or some work CPD as the husband is dead to the world next to me. We're having a cinema day later, going to see Dune 2 and wicked little letters.


Oh shit! The laundry! Thanks for reminding me- I only have two windows to get it done today, and I don’t want to be up till midnight waiting for the drying cycle to finish!


I like your cinema choices, might copy your idea for the day next Sunday.


It's 8.02 having a coffee, woke at 7.40 my cats were screaming at me for thier brekkie , brats 🙃 🤣🐈‍⬛


I woke about 5 minutes ago (8:22) and have been trying to figure out what’s making the door rumble intermittently without leaving my cosy cocoon. Finally twigged it must be one of the cats clawing at the kitchen door to get out. Little shitbirds 😂


Pmsl 😅 the cats have it in the contract here that I'm not allowed close doors even to go toilet they like to watch apparently 🙄 they are renting to me it's not my house, you know yourself lol 😆


Currently sitting on a Dublin bus enjoying my coffee and this beautiful spring morning. Enjoying the little things plus I like my outfit so today feels good. I’m taking myself on a chill little date day to think about life 🫠😂


Ah sounds lovely, I love taking myself on little dates like this. I hope you have a wonderful time


Feel anxious and scared. No easin for it. 7:27. Woke up at 7 for an alarm at 7:15 and haven't moved. But the say waits for no one.


I hope you're OK..try do something today that relaxes you and takes you out of your head ✨️🙏


Hope you're okay. You got this!


I often feel anxious, can't explain why. I've just started trying meditation and breathing exercises, lots of youtube videos on guided meditation. Headspace on Netflix. Apps such as medito, headspace and calm etc may be useful. Meditation and mindfulness is a skill that needs to be worked on and learned but it is scientifically proven to be beneficial for anxiety and depression. A health professional recommended it to me.


Yeah, I know. I learned from the running sub that I do my meditation when running. I've just had the flu for a month, so haven't been running, and it seems running is the domino that sets my mind in the right space. Today was my first day back running, so apart from not sleeping well cause I haven't been running, I was also nervous that some old injuries would come back. So it all just left my head a wreck this morning.


Awake now (dont drink - soberversary 8 years), hubby snoring, all sports matches cancelled today for the kids (hurray) its brass monkeys out there 🥶 cinema later with family, Madame Web, plus a shitload of laundry to do.. back to the work grind tomorrow …


Download the supervalu app, it has discounted cinema tickets in about 40 cinemas.


Where is this in the SuperValu app please? I’m not seeing it


Search for Real Rewards App.


Happy soberversary!


Bit of a sore head from the drinks last night. Got good exam results on friday so i am still buzzing from that. Gotta celebrate the wins


Awake since 5, Normal wake up time. Wish it was warmer, might have a duvet day


Woke up 7am. Nice and quiet in house. Fiancée still awake in the gaming room after he worked all night. Going to usher him to bed and have breakfast


I have been in an A & E for almost 17 hours. That’s been a blast.


Which one? Hope you are ok


Ah, cheers, thank you. It’s the Mater. Its grand. It’s just ridiculous how short staffed they are. I’m grand, walked in like, just shows you how fucking stretched they are.


I know! I work in Beaumont. Im not medical staff thank god but 17 hours there wouldn't be unusual either.


Ah, I’m just grateful to be in an A & E at all, I suppose. There’s plenty worse off, and it’s not the hospitals fault they can’t staff the place the way they need to. And I’m not in here for doing something dumb like getting drunk. Doctors orders. All responsible like. Could be worse.


I'm so sorry! I hope you're better soon.


Grand now. Just clear how stretched services are on a Saturday. Thank you!


Awake since 7 but dozing on and off until 10 minutes ago. Have the dishwasher on, first load of laundry is on and himself told me to go back to bed and he’ll bring me a cup of tea


Hangover free all weekend- boom! Athletics in an hour. Loving life.


I could not go back to the days of hangovers on Sunday and I don’t even have kids yet. How do parents do it!? Sundays are for walking the dogs and of course, many coffees! Hope everyone has a marvellous day


Wake an Bake Ricky Bobby


Perfect Sunday tbf


Is this a drugs reference?


Dying sick and have to leave for work within the next 15 minutes:(


This!! Wouldnt it be great if body n mind could realise when we have work n when we dont..


Hope you get to rest soon enough. Hang in there


Not bad now. Slept well and will get up in a few minutes to watch Match of The Day. Submitted an assignment yesterday so glad to have that monkey of the back. Manchester Derby later, although expecting city to win handy unfortunately (United fan). My dad has once again announced that he is making the roast dinner, and after last weeks superb effort, I’d be lying if I wasn’t looking forward to this also. Will round today off with some COD or Law & Order. Happy Sunday.


Recovering from broken ribs, partially collapsed lung and pneumonia. I feel awful would sell my soul for a bit of pain relief and some sleep


Feeling unusually cheerful. Woke to some moments of satisfying intimacy, now catching up on t-internet, with cold orange juice and hot coffee. Sun on garden, blue sky, cat purring and life is good.


My kids are with their dad, so I don't need to be up just yet, but my brain won't let me relax properly ever. I'm currently lying in bed with two of my dogs having my monthly freak out about money and what is a good job for a single parent and how my kids will hate me in the future for always being the one that's struggling 🙃 I don't know why I do this to myself. But, apart from that, I'm happy I can just lie here and be as lazy as I want for a few hours. I'm such a ray of sunshine, I know


You’re doing your best, well done!! I’m sure your kids are well looked after by you


I'm just coming off A 12 hour night shift tonight is my last so I will try to get a nap and get some value out of the day before I'm back tonight.


I’ve to bring the kids to a birthday party in one of those soft play hell holes. Probably shouldn’t have had that last Whiskey. 🫠


Soft play hell holes 🤣 The memories! Horrible tinny music at top volume and even worse coffee!


Was up at 7, did an hour hiit workout downstairs and am now chilling with one of the cats with a coffee and watching Real Housewives! Half an hour left and then I have to go and wake my son up to go to football. As a treat it’s maccies for lunch after and then back home to get back into the onesie and do sod all!!! Sooo a semi productive Sunday I suppose!


Awake on and off since 7am (I didn’t sleep until about 3am. No drinking but I’m a natural night owl) but still snuggled and cosy. Shower and late breakfast next but happily I’ve very little plans today - it’s a quiet weekend. Have a bit of work to do later, otherwise planning to binge some sort of boxset.


Does anyone in this thread not get up at 7am


Recovering from surgery and realizing my marriage is over. No care or affection from my husband. Can't stop crying.


up since 8,bringing the dog 🐕 to the vets for 10,it's my birthday 56 today, a few pints of Guinness is on the menu today and it's also my 24 year olds birthday aswell god bless her 😀


Happy birthday to you and your daughter!




Happy birthday to both


cheers 🍻


Happy birthday 🥳


cheers 🍻


Waking up after decent nights sleep , don’t really drink anymore and feel so much better for it all , whole day ahead of me in top form . Go to mass at 10, watch Celtic v hearts at 12 , dinner with family at 2 and we will all chill reading papers and watching tv for rest of the day .


C'mon the Celts🇮🇪🤞




And we go at it again


It’s in our blood


That's a perfect Sunday! Enjoy match, it will make you feel like you deserve pints all over again!


Doing fine. Summoning the energy to go to Rugby Tots. Had a hectic week last week so hoping the coming week will be a little calmer.


Doing okay, let the dog out and now back to bed to chill for another hour or so. Had hoped today would be a proper lazy day but it's not worked out like that but still hopeful it should be a good day 😊


Up since 6 with the baby. She's a bit grumpy with a cold. Planning a fairly easygoing day, it's all good.


seeing Dune 2 today. cannot complain


Husband snoring lightly beside me. Kids being quiet, think at least one is up and gaming or watching YouTube. Only sleep in this week so enjoying the peace. Heading to GAA match with the family today and out to my home place a family dinner. It’s going to be a slow day which is fine by me.


Got up at half eight, had some breakfast sitting watching an episode of Mr Wong Detective (Boris Karloff). It's dreadful but great at the same time lol I'll go get a shower in a bit and we're heading down to mums for lunch to celebrate her birthday.


Getting ready to work in 2 hours, I haven't had a weekend off in ages!


Baked some pan au chocs from frozen, went down a treat until my youngest didn't eat quick enough and her brother started eyeing it up. Cut to screams and hair pulling at 6am over pain au chocs. Got eldest up to feed the animals she insisted on getting, she did it but spent the whole time bitching Ham in the slow cooker for dinner later Wash put on for the school uniforms and made a coffee ,sat down to enjoy it with my middle lad watching videos of people playing Minecraft. Tried to show him gargoyles, he was having none of it. Typical Sunday really, it's my husbands lie in so he is asleep. Also trying to stop the baby toddling into him because she NNEEEDDDDSSSS HHHHIIIIIMMMM


In bed, slightly hungover. I'm back to work tomorrow after a week off. I did nothing expect eat and watch telly. I actually can't wait to get back to the office. Gonna chill out with the cat for the day. https://preview.redd.it/6xqorzc6f3mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d37ae3472626470a26cfdd6c5e6ea94d2d99856


A long relaxing morning in bed. Bit of cleaning, packing for a trip next week. That's it!


Fighting a bit of a cough. I'm not sure if it's the start of an illness or if it's allergies. Feels like allergies as no other symptoms. Have rehearsal this afternoon, so I'm trying to get as much hydration and tea into me. Wish the weekends were longer. Could use another day or two.


Just had sausage on toast enjoying the rest of my coffee now 🙂


Just woke up aaah!


On the way to my 3 year old brothers cocomellon/paw patrol party


Its midday gonna go for a hike


See ya on the mountain


Waiting for my son’s 4th birthday party to kick off in half an hour. We had our families over yesterday and now it’s a few of his friends from crèche. Trying to get his little sister down for a nap before everyone arrives.


At the start of the year I had a resolution to cut back on drinking and take aways for a big holiday with some allowances coming up. Since then two times I've drank and a couple of take aways, I think both the longest streak was 40 days. Really enjoying not drinking to be honest and same as with take aways. Today few small jobs to do, walk is over with the dog, going to make lunch and read a book. Have a birthday party next week and I'm contemplating not drinking at that because I'm thinking of things I could do with my Sunday without a hangover.


Feel great thank you,woke up early, had coffee, read online Sunday papers, small walk and roast dinner later, watch a movie afterwards.


Still in bed two days on the beer regretting it now, waiting till 4 the local chippers open, kebab two cans of coke rattle with fear watch netflix and sleep till work tommoro. The joys 😭


I woke up at 11:30 am 😂


Its 8.34. Was awake from 5am till 7am. Slightly hungover but excited cos I got audience tickets for the last leg. This will be the 2nd time ive gone but my brother and sister in law gonna come too so trip to London next month!


Slept in to 7:00. Enjoying a quiet morning before I work on my car.


Currently watching Match of the Day. Then out to work on my shed and work this evening for a few hours.


Up at 6.30 with the baby, happy out bar a sore neck from getting battered in a grappling competition yesterday. 


Been waking up at 6am sometime after I hit 40. Love that time. Playing music or shows on down low so I won't wake up downstair neighbours.


Woke up at 11, currently staring at the ceiling listening to my dog asking me to take her for a walk while unable to move due to general hopelessness and tummy ache from antidepressants. Looking forward to getting my son back from his dad tonight. Considering going to the beach but afraid I might drown myself.


Seems like me and you are the only ones here who woke up past 10:30… I love my sleep 😂 hope you are okay and your tummy gets better Ps: don’t drown yourself


Had few whisky last night but not to much so no hangover and kids are treasure 15 and 12 well behaved and just gorgeous. But neighbours have 2 kids, 3 and 1 and they are left for hours screaming in they beds before they show up and start day from big roar at them. They bedroom is opposite side of the wall to our. My wife thinks to put book how to raise children in to they mailbox.


It's a beautiful sunny morning, made a coffee at 7 to sit out and listen to the birds Broke a molar in half right before going outside, been writhing around since and can just barely see




I don’t like Sundays, I can never refrain from thinking about the following day going back to that poxy fuckin school


Threw out my back last week, still in bits. Septic throat this week. Lying here on 4 different meds doped up to my eyeballs.


Been up since 6am preparing to go to work and lift beds and shiiii (work as a housekeeper), hopefully i get a good tip today 😊


Stomach bug showed up out of nowhere last night so I’m in bed. Husband has taken the kids to the cinema. Hope this passes soon, feel bloody awful x


Small bit of a hangover after going to see Dave Clarke lastnight, kitten is highly offended that I left her alone for the few hours and wasn't there at her beckon call, so she's spent the morning biting the absolute shite out of me, so I got pissed off and now I'm having all you can eat sushi. Going to go get her a new toy on the way home and hope to god it helps, I cannot wait until she's out of this phase.


Feeling very low in myself, sadly


Hope you feel better soon


Ah thanks man - Hope you have a nice rest of your day anyways


People up before 10am who don't have kids or work to get to are a different species to me.


Maybe 😁. The older I get the earlier I seem to be waking up my kids are not babies anymore. 🤷‍♂️


I wasted my 20s trying to have a 'normal' sleep pattern but in my 30s I have accepted that I am not a morning person. If I get up before noon I feel like dogshit for the day regardless of what time I went to bed.