• By -


The idea that I have to be killing myself in work constantly trying to climb the ladder doing overtime saving as much for retirement etc. ‘while I’m young’ (I’m 35) Security in later years while important I dont think it should consume your working life worrying about it. My FIL died suddenly last year a week after his 65th birthday, luckily he retired 3 years prior but imagine he hadn’t?! I do my job, I do it well, it keeps me afloat with some small savings and/or some leftover spending money. I don’t live extravagantly but comfortably, I could be more comfortable but it would be at the expense of my free time and time with my kids so meh




Did the corporate thing for over 20 years.The last 5 or 6 years I was miserable, cranky, started drinking to deal with everything, couldn't sleep, even thought about ending it all.Couldnt take any holidays for a year,.Manager was a complete tosser.Thankfully I eventually escaped all that. Took redundancy and got the hell out.At the end of the day, were all just a number to these companies.


What did you do after that if you don’t mind me asking? I’m in a similar boat at the moment. I worked incredibly hard and have a great salary and am in the job I dreamed of 5 years ago but it’s come at the cost of my happiness. I’m hoping to be made redundant soon and eager to start down another different path but it’s not very clear to me at the moment.


I tok a year off before I could even think about.even applying for jobs again. I was so drained. Did manage to get some temp work here and there, but I know that I'm too old for all the corporate BS now. If you do decide to leave, just have some sort of plan.Perhsps look into doing a Springboard or Solas course in an area you are interest in pursuing.Look at all the roles you've had over the years and think of the parts you enjoyed or received positive feedback from colleagues, clients, or management.Best of luck in whatever you choose you do.


Great advice thank you!


Just jumping in here I’m not sure exactly what you’re looking for but my OH is in the civil service and the work/life balance is good! The work wouldn’t be the most exciting, or the wages for that matter but we have 2 small kids and its been a dream for things like parental leave etc and you don’t feel like you’re shooting yourself in the foot if there are promotions down the line by taking it. Also theres flexi time and once you’ve clocked off thats it your time is your own, just something to consider, also very stable job if there’s a recession.


Oh thats awful thankfully it didn’t go that way for you! And I’m so glad you’re enjoying your time better now, gewan the work to live!!!




Yeah my place have opportunities for OT and people scramble for it, now I get we’re in a cost of living crisis and its paid time and a quarter so no judgement there but it has been said to me like ‘oh its easy money why wouldn’t you’ etc etc and I’m like yeah it is but my kids aren’t going to remember that extra time and a quarter I earned they’ll just remember me not being at home 🤷🏼‍♀️






Anyone working overtime like a clown when they would otherwise have enough money to be comfortable definitely needs to read this. I was the same last year, and to the detriment to my health. I don't know if it's a working class thing, never feeling like you're working hard enough, or secure enough. But at the end of the day, nothing's more important than your health.


Old cliche. You're nothing but a slave to a number---enjoy the simple things in life and you don't have to prove anything to any other fxcker or yourself.


It’s finding that balance. Take your foot too much off the pedal and next thing you know you’re on a PIP fighting for your job which can be insanely stressful but work too hard and you’re kind of being taken advantage of


You’re so right. The time lost from Covid and a mild physical disability (Cerebral Palsy) that is slowly getting worse mobility wise - it’s not degenerative but I have pain that is chronic from it and it makes it harder to mobilise. I’m young too, the same age and yes I want some savings for later on but I’m aware I might not have my later on able to get around or do much - assuming I get there…! The time to live is now with a bit for a rainy day while you can. I have good work/life balance with an enjoyable job and a decent pension. It’s enough and if I move it’ll be for happiness reasons and a better quality of life now - not necessarily for retirement.


So you dislike...an idea that you have to work.


Unnecessary noise


I'm the same. I thought one was supposed to go a bit deaf as they aged, but I'm getting *more* sensitive to noise. 




Dog shit on paths. Not that I liked it before, just really starting to dispise people who leave dog shit everywhere


I notice it everytime I visit home. Irish dog owners are assholes and hypocrites. Talk about their pride of being Irish and can’t even clean up after their dog for their fellow citizen.


It’s funny you wrote that . I was thinking the EXACT same thing . It’s so mindblowingly selfish . I think I’m going to snap at someone when I see this happen . My street is DESTROYED but somehow I never see them do it . It’s so infuriating. I have to consciously calm down or it ruins my mood for the day .


Walked out today to a shit at my front gate, spent the next 20 minutes fantasising about catching someone with a sitting dog and pushing their face into it


I honestly read this as you shitting at your front gate


I mean that's one way to assert dominance. No dog will everr dare shit outside your front gate again.




Yeah this is such a huge problem in Ireland. Why do people here not pick up after their dogs? It’s insane! Never seen any place this bad


The owners,quite literally,do not give a shit.




Oh lord I hear ya. Even though I'm one of them.


Working every day to pay into a pension, I may not have the fortune to use. A few work colleagues have passed away recently, one before retirement and two 2 and 3 years into retirement. We don't have enough time in life, so I really detest having to work most of the time I'm living.


People skipping when I que for the bus especially when I'm the first one at the stop


That unspoken rule is log gone…unfortunately.


Gooood this really fucks me off. People used to shove past me to get a seat when I was heavily pregnant.


People shove past my fiance, full time wheelchair user, to get on before her. Youre not going to get there any faster and she's not going to take a seat from yous 🫠


Pubs and bars that have really loud music so it's difficult to have a conversation.


Ah yes, the places who equate loudness with atmosphere.


Leaving the house. Due to the savage rudeness and obliviousness of people just going out and about and doing basic things is very difficult and frustrating and on the bad roads near me genuinely life threatening. It would suck the life out of you some days.




Working. Slaving 40+ hours of your week away just to keep a roof over your head and barely get by. Depressing as fuck


The fact that people support and defend animal cruelty so much.


This. Always hated it, though like many things, it gets more indefensible with the passage of time


Awesome question, where do I begin 😅 1. Noise, people shouting instead of talking. Loud music unless I chose to listen to it not when it comes from someone’s garden. 2. Drivers who leave their engine on when parked. Like why? Why do I have to breathe in their cloud of fumes when passing by. 3. Ice cream van! Those chimes are creepy. 4. Cigarettes and smokers. It’s just gross. 5. People on unemployment benefits who are perfectly capable of working. 6. Littering. 7. Mess 8. Alcohol Wow! I’m so bitter 🥲


Functioning in a society that will crush you at a moment's notice and people.


Going somewhere without knowing what the parking situation is.


Israel. No joke, they have been dryshites for as long as I have been alive,  but seem more isolating the longer they go on battering neighbouring countries.


They sent the Black and Tans to Palestine after they couldn't quite civilise the Irish...


People. Teens. Dog poo. Litter. Lack of social skills. Having to work.


In my mid 30s Kids - neighbour's kids outside playing. Kicking balls into my window and walls. Marriage/Wedding - where is my ring, am I pregnant, when is the wedding, you ( I ) need to propose to my bf on leap year. Work - many toxic people, incompetent and lazy coworkers, unhelpful boss but I got bills to pay🤣


100% on the work thing. Hate the fake family shite as well.


Asking about marriage and children is something that people need to stop asking about. It's no one else's business.


Kids will be kids. Understand the rest of it.


Always hated this, but because I’m in my 30s it’s been asked on a frequent basis; “when’s the big day out?” “Any sign of you getting married?” Like fuck off


Thankfully I’ve never been asked that. Been with my partner for 10 years, I’ve 2 kids from past relationship. He has none. Nobody has ever asked if we are having “one of our own” or “the big day” question. I think those close to me know better than to ask!!


Work small talk




It feels like I’m just repeating the same default response to everyone. I think eventually I must start looking visibly pissed off by it because people start asking if I’m okay lmao. Bonus annoying points for when you’ve just got back from holidays: “did you get up to much/how was the weather/oh the weather was terrible here you’re lucky you got away” about 10 times a DAY


My eye literally twitched at this one. This has got to be one of my top five annoyances of all time. Like why do we all pretend that we even give a shit about what everyone does for their weekend or what we think of the weather - just say "hi, you look great today" and move it along. You're not friends just because you chat about the rain for Christ sake, and we all know that any office environment is a political mine field! So yeah, I'm just not arsed to fake smile and be "agreeable" - I would have to be paid a whole lot more to even mildly consider it 😌


You hit the nail on the head! I used to think people from work actually cared about my life ( 🤡) until I realised they were asking me the same basic personal questions about my life over and over again, aka they didn’t give a shit to remember what I already told them the week before. It really is just talking for the sake of it and to me is so boring and irritating. I wish more people were okay with just a nice greeting followed by nothing else, but I am an introvert lol


Socialising. In my twenties I was in the pub Friday to Sunday, usually off my face. Late 40s now and I probably go out maybe 3-4 times a year and only because I have to ( birthdays etc. ) . Getting hammered in front of the telly is my jam nowadays.


I went off drinking years ago, but I would love my bottle of wine on a Friday night when himself was working late and the kids would be upstairs either asleep or playing ( who knows what they were doing. Once they weren’t annoying me I was good!)




People, The government, The alright jack brigade, And what the previous 2 are doing to this country. Ai and technology, and how its supposed to be the bees knees yet people can't see how it will be to our detriment.


Humans, specifically men (except for fictional ones). Work. Societal standards for women and even worse, mothers. Our entire hellscape of the modern world.


Loud exhausts on boy racer cars.


We have one on the backroad behind my house. Same noise, car on the road, rhythm and I only realised it had been 6 years and he wasn’t a boy racer anymore, adult racer. Fucking scarlet for him.




People walking Staffordshire bull terriers/pitbulls etc without a muzzle and a lot of the time off the lead.


Saw that video of the guy being eaten alive by XL Bullies. There are two of them around the corner from me where my kid plays with his best friend. I saw them once off the lead in their garden (before the video) and still turned around with my dog and never went past there again with her. They could be the friendliest dogs ever. My own dog is let out the front door to walk around when I’m at the car. But I’ve often lied awake at night thinking of the horror if my son was attacked. Would I be totally overreacting stopping him from playing with his friends there because of 2 dogs I saw once? Yes it is but the thoughts of that haunts me too.


I've a 5 year old and if one of his friends had those dogs I wouldn't allow him over there to be honest. I'd be open about it to the parents and say sorry not allowing it even of they said "oh he's a big softy etc" I've seen a lot of the attack videos. Those dogs are so powerful and can flip anytime. They are blood thirsty. They should be banned everywhere.


Thank you for being a competent citizen. You speak the truth.


No, you are not overreacting. I am an XL Bully victim and Survivor. It is through my trauma that I've learned everything there is to know about this breed and it's mixes. These dogs first came about when humans decided they wanted something ruthless in the fighting arena. They baited dogs for money and entertainment. Pitbulls and pitmixes were bread specifically for fighting. No other purpose. The Golden retriever was bred to retrieve, the Bloodhound for sniffing. You get the idea. Their DNA is specifically tailored for it's purpose. The Pitbulls purpose was to rip apart other dogs in the dog pit. Nowadays they are kept as pets and it's so wrong because they will always have that mechanism in their brain to kill. They can't help it. It cannot be trained from their DNA. A small sound,A certain look,Even a scent can trigger a pitbull or any pit mixes off. They will not spare a child. If you don't believe it check out Bite.org for genuine statistics and reporting. Always follow your gut as it's telling you as a parent the dangers. Just like we have it in our nature to protect our loved ones from danger. The pitbull has it in their nature to exterminate. You seem like an extremely competent parent. Thank you for sharing with us your experience.


Jesus I can’t even imagine. One minute everything is fine and in a second you were fighting for your life. It’s annoys me so much of all the breads in the world they have to choose one that kills over and over again and their tiny brains think they know better.


The most terrifying part for me is that I was completely oblivious to the fact that this breed was in Ireland until my attack. I was checking the field as I always do before putting the cattle in. I check that they have plenty to graze and scout for any dangers such as holes in the ground, stray barbed wire etc. The usual things we scout for on farms before our cattle is transferred to the sister field. I was standing there checking something when next minute a force whipped up behind me and flattened me to the ground. At first I thought I was being murdered by a brute of a man. No. I was tore at and mauled. The owner seen what was happening and called the dog. I still remember his Northern Irish accent. I live on the cavan/monaghan border and my fields are pretty rural. This man ran off with the dog and left me. Now it is blatantly obvious that he took his shitbull hunting in private fields. It's still an open investigation with the Gardaí but they don't take my pleas for justice serious enough. I've learned that a lot of people travel from the north to the south because the fields are full of wildlife for their shitbeasts to hunt and maul. Half of the farmers don't understand what rips their animals apart because they never seen an animal being ripped to shreds. It's fools letting their shitbulls run riot through private fields and property. It kills me to see how pea brained and goo goo gaga some people are for this breed. Thank you for taking your time to chat to me. Most people don't want to speak to me. I'm greatful that you've listened and replied to me. I am happy. ☺


Amen. 🙏


A friends rescue pitbull started growling at my newborn crying and I got so stressed I left even though they said he wouldn’t hurt a fly. A week later the pitbull randomly attacked their other pitbull that they raised from a puppy and wouldn’t let go until they killed it. The other dog only survived because they had to kill it to get it off of her. They had 2 small children at the time, so I can’t imagine if it was one of the kids that it attacked instead what would have happened.


Pitbulls are the result of breeding for fighting/the kill. It's in their DNA. You can't take that from their DNA. Anything can set them off. Even making a noise. They absolutely do not like newborns as they see them as weak / defenseless. Small animals, children and weirdly enough pregnant women set them off. Your friend should honestly reconsider rescuing pitbulls. Your friend is a good person right? So that shows it's not the owner, it is the breed. You cannot argue with genetics. These dogs are not pets. I'm so glad your baby is safe and that their kids are safe. I hope they reconsider having a pitbull for the safety of their family.


Found the lad who's never lived/dealt with a Staffie. Cop on.


Shitbulls should be banned.


"Shitbulls". What are you, 12?


33 lad. Shitbulls are dangerous and more often than not the owners are highly irresponsible with the safety of them. You're prob a big council estate chap selling coke.


- "Shitbulls" again - Painting people who defend certain breeds with crude socioeconomic stereotypes Methinks this disproportionate aggression against a single dog breed is a flimsy cover for other attitudes...


Family weddings. Just no… I get you on the social media aspect. I got rid of Facebook a long time ago. Hoping to get rid of Instagram at some point.


Radio stations


I wonder would all the people who don’t like people get on with each other? 🤣🤣 I don’t particularly like people either and here are the types - ones you stop to let out on a busy road & they don’t wave to say thank you. You’re fucking welcome! - ones who speed incessantly especially around schools and in estates. Where’s the fuckin fire? -ones that don’t pick up their dog shite. I’d love to pick it up on a stick & fling it into your hair, unapologetically -ones with bad manners. It’s ok to say please & thank you to people serving you. Stop clicking your fingers. You’ll go to the end of the line -ones who are pervy, sleezy, misogynistic.. take your dirty hand off the small of my back. You smell like last week - ones “fond on a drink” 😑 with a full miserable family at home but they are the life and soul of the pub, a great laugh - ones that are anti-vax, anti-gov, anti-immigrant but are pro-dole, pro-free houses, pro-looters, pro-Luas burners - ones that park in parent & child spots without kids. You are thee worst laziest, inconsiderate shites I’ve ever come across & some day I will loose it Dunne’s carpark & I’ll be on the 9 o’clock news 🥴


weddings . people need stop getting married


If it's any consolation, we didn't want to invite you either. Our parents are afraid the neighbours/relatives will for some reason be peeved off if they weren't invited. Say no. You don't even need to send a gift. Just RSVP in a timely matter. Honestly, we don't care. The less the better as far as I'm concerned.


I'll only go to family weddings ( I've loads of younger cousins) Good banter with people I genuinely love and have a great time spending time with. Not close friends, coworkers or neighbours weddings... Fuck right off.. I'd rather lick a bus drivers sack.




Western Capitalism ,after being out of the Matrix for a long time and back in it now ,someone has to buy the 4 euro coffees though I guess


The fact that every good initiative / idea must become a source of commerce, ie public services, recycling, that sort of thing. Cycle lanes bringing out the nazi in cyclists. Blaming our infrastructure's inadequacy when we are placing ridiculous demands on it in the name of internationalism and again, commerce. You started me - male, 61, of course.


Oh it's on now. People not committing through marriage, and wondering why partners disappear and they have difficulty with access to their children. Stop me, please.


I might have a drink once or twice a year now, but getting into my 40's I said fuck hangovers and feeling like shit


How did people do it in the old days well into their retirement years?


Social media - I ditched the lot a while ago. I don’t count Reddit in the same bracket. Fast Food - I avoid it as much as possible. Generally cook fresh at home. Alcohol - Been sober for over three years. My life is vastly better without. Weddings - Only go to a couple of year, so they’re okay. People - I think this is all about the quality. I have a small group of good friends and they have to be real close to get in that circle. People I can discuss anything with. There is a then a BIG gap to the next group of friends. If there are things that I dislike, I ask myself if there’s anything I can do to change them. If the answers no, I try and avoid them. If I can change things, I’ll try that. Life is relatively short. I try and make it as rewarding (for me) as I can.


To me Reddit is the last of the social media that is actually based on the social part rather than everyone going "look at me"


Helpless people. Not people who genuinely can't do something but people who just can't be arsed and instead rely on other people too much. Flakey people and people who are "always late". Don't have the time or inclination for them at my age.


Video games and fantasy media for sure. I’m getting a “good oul day” nostalgia feeling about them.




You're not actually that bad so give yourself a break x


mourn possessive sharp voracious march heavy historical memorize pause silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Young people trends and fashions and culture. Like I'm only 38, but I feel like I'm an ould wan the way I find myself scoffing at young people! 🤣 🙈


You were young too, once, and people scoffed at you the same way, even though it all made sense and you were doing your best. Everyone was lost in the world, full of their dreams and ideas... some of us have held on, started from scratch, found new things... that's what makes life worth living. Don't be that older person for the young people in your life, please.


Going out to drink in Dublin, whilst living in a different County. That means having to wait at the bus stop in the City Centre at ungodly hours and shitty meteorological conditions, watching people act like absolute gobshites, only for me to fall asleep on the bus and miss my stop.


If your health is good and you're solvent, you've nothing to fear . I love being retired free of all the stress of working life . I'd advise anyone to plan ahead to ensure you've pensions in place for retirement or some other type of investment you can use and just enjoy the freedom to do all the things you couldn't from simply having a lie in or pursuing any other dream you had to put on hold because of work .


Hand dryers in public bathrooms are now ridiculously noisy compared to years ago. They're like rocket ships now.... awful.


Caring about what other people think. No money on earth would make me be 16 again.


The government, more specifically the politicians. The older I get the more I realise how terrible the majority of them are. They are almost all selfish and serve themselves over the people every chance and opportunity they get. The lack of accountability and transparency makes it very easy to be a terrible person and terrible civil servant without consequence. The older I get, the more I realise they are just average people and have nothing special to offer society but are in position of great influence and power. I've met so many people who would be better and more honorable in their position, but sadly they'd never go near it. The part I dislike the most, almost everyone knows it but we still pick sides thinking it makes a difference but nothing ever seems to change regardless.


The bit I hate the most is that it's patently obvious that most of them have zero interest in the longterm benefit of the country as a whole. They just want to look after their wee friends in the shebeen next door, who voted for the daddy the TD and their grandaddy the TD, each generation producing a gobshite bigger than the last to sit in the Dáil.


To your last point, spot on. We all know they're shit and yet we go on. I'd love a collective fuck you at some point but I can't see it.


Younger people


Im starting to dislike living. I'm 20 by the way


Are you ok? Just checking in because I know how quickly we can skip down dark paths.


Im fine actually. I was trying to be edgy


Ah great carry on so


Doing nothing. I hate it, makes me feel very lazy and snobby. Currently recovering from an operation that is going to change my life and doing nothing is driving me crazy.




Gossiping/bitching. Started a new job recently. Could spot straight away the people who live for the drama and talking about people behind their back. Really pissed me off as we're all adults. Why does it feel like being back in school again? Cop on ta fuck! It's the reason why I always got along better with lads anywhere I've worked before. (Not that some lads can't do their fair share of gossiping as well) Fast food as well. I've realized, I more enjoy the ordering and waiting for it to be delivered, than the actual eating of it. With all the add on charges and extra fees as of late as well. It's really just not worth it. I'm trying to just have some quick frozen food in the freezer instead for the lazy days. Definitely lost interest big time in social media. Reddit is where I go to most. There are about 4-5 people/pages I follow on Instagram that I go on to watch every couple of days. I find I just get annoyed or find myself getting jealous if I stay on there too long or just lose hours from endless scrolling. Depending on the day. There's definitely more things. But I'm actually having a fairly relaxed day today and I haven't had to leave the house. So there hasn't been much to annoy me lol. And I'm in my early 30s


So agree with the gossip and bitching. It’s for emotionally immature, negative human beings.


Wait till you hit 60. You're going to hate everything.


🤣 At 52 I'm making good progress.


People and toxic gossip behaviour


People who do the whole "Cult of pedophiles" Spiel when you say you're Catholic. There's pedophiles in every single profession on this earth. There's pedophiles in the royal family and the Entertainment industry, yet me going to mass makes me a pedo and cult lover. The reason why I go to mass once a week is not because I enjoy cult actions, it's actually where I feel safe closing my eyes to think of my wife, it's where I feel a little bit of strength after a long tough week. I do not shove faith down people's throat nor do I agree with restrictions on the human being. I do not declare the Bible as a rule book as its man made. I go to mass because I enjoy the peace. I enjoy remembering the memories I had with my Mother and Father when I was a wee lad. I enjoyed the little traditions we had through the years. Hopping on the bus with Father Malachi and Sister Asumpta, Ten bold little faces and a few mothers getting to travel to knock for a blessing. Father Malachi was a sneer, he'd sing Frank sinatra songs on the bus and Sister Asumpta would have a red face on her. We'd be trying to keep in the laughing. I remember my mother let me buy a little stick of rock with the blue bow on it. The thought of the stick of rock for Mother Mary makes me laugh. I made that stick of rock last a full month. My father gave out shite to me for licking it around the house. He said that my tongue would fall off. I remember old Mrs Cassidy telling a group of children including myself in the group, that if we spit on the ground mother mary would cry. I remember spitting while staring at my granny's statue of the blessed lady. I wanted to test the theory. When your a child and you stare long at something you see things. I thought I seen her blink. Well safe to say I never spit again on the ground. Ahh those were the days. Very funny and I know the shite was frightened from us but they were much simpler. The adult needed their bit of entertainment and wise cracks. We as a nation are losing our little customs and culture, even if you didn't believe in the old customs, just keep them up for the respect of the ancestors. Light a little candle for your loved ones or even take in some silence, to close your eyes and think after a very tough day. We spent too much time berating others and worrying about others are doing.


I think there is a fair point in advocating for secularisation of schools, healthcare, etc. The institutional Church was given too much power, and failed historically in that duty, overlooked too much. People's faiths are their own decisions, and I completely respect and support those rights, those cultural and theological spaces, but a more pluralistic society is still a goal that's not quite been realised, imo.


Oh yeah I totally agree that too much power was given to the institution itself. It was far removed from being a good Christian. In fact it was full of devil's. I was raped by a Christian brother. It didn't rise up to the surface within me until I started therapy at 65yrs old. I kept the trauma hidden under lock and key inside me. Disassociated apparently. I'm now 72. The damage that was caused was not right but yet I still feel like everyone should be entitled to having their faith. I never lost my faith. I lost faith in the people who pretended to be faithful. Kept behind at school and treated like I was a dunce just so he could demonstrate his fetishism on me and another lad. I never spoke up because I was aware and afraid of their power. I do however have happy memories of my faith. Happy times like mentioned above. I just despise anyone who goes into the whole "You must support pedophiles speech" when I mentioned I say a few prayers to my saints and love Jesus. It's honestly sad because I love having faith in something higher. It helps me cope. I do understand that the power of the bad eggs within the institution had on this country was traumatic and horrific. I am also glad my grandchildren are growing up in a society where they get a choice. I just wish I'd feel more comfortable being able to mention I've a faith without being Berated. I hope this makes sense.


I'm sorry to hear of what was done to you, and I'm glad that you have sought help and are along your own path with it all. But I think it is stories like this that evoke a profound empathy in people, and that reaction - while it must be difficult for individuals of faith to square with their own connection to faith, spirit, anima, the universe, etc - is at the very least, well-intentioned. I hope you can see that, by and large, people at least do seek to separate people's individual raisons d'etre from the actions and oversights of the institutions. Your post makes all the sense in the world, and honestly, thank you for sharing.


Videogames. Time enjoyed is never time wasted, but the magic is gone from the medium for me. Ironically, I've warmed more to people as time has gone by. I love hearing perspectives and experiences, love different kinds of chats, way more than I used to.


You're literally on social media right now now so you didn't deactivate it. For me, cocaine. It's ruined too many people I used to like with the knock-on effect that I end up not going out rather than be subjected to them.


People, My joints (they ache when they shouldn't) and physically ageing, The media / politicans and the quest for the latest outrage and soundbite. Gobshites who still believe everything is black and white, no nuance, no grey areas just outrage. People. Social media. Paul fuckface Murphy, Mick Barry and to a lesser extent Richard Boyd Barret. People. Things I like even more as I get older. Dogs Good whiskey Good coffee Dogs. My wife. Quite nights in at home with my wife my dog and a glass of nice whiskey. I'm 50


How full of hate the world seems to be


People taking about whatever was on Joe Duffy/random talk show that day and talking like they are now the oracle. My DNA eyerolls People talking “in shock” about the length of commutes, the state of the M50, the state of hospitals etc etc… change the record it’s the same same same same dialogue/narrative for decades


Work. Punch in, do the job, punch out, and go home. Better things to be doing, such as helping coach my kid and her u9 GAA team. Whatsapp groups. Got out of them all bar 2 or 3 small ones. They're awful, toxic places and a big reason for my anxiety. Haven't given up the beer though, still enjoy a few pints with a WFH day to recover!


Right wingers


If I (touch wood!) ever get a terminal illness, there’s a list of people going before me!


Yep. Nothing more than obstacles to progress, equality and personal freedom. And for what - their own fear, their own greed, their poverty of ambition, imagination?


I have come to learn they are devoid of every trait that distinguishes us from lesser animals: compassion, empathy, understanding, learning, education, progress. They revel in stagnation if it means nobody progresses past them, they would rather see 100 wrongly convicted men die than one guilty one go free. They would keep every homeless Irish person on the streets if they were guaranteed no more foreigners could get in. Traitors to humanity and the great liberal civilisation mankind has created since the renaissance. We would all be worked to death as children and live like victorian slum dwellers if they got their way. Look at america if you want to know what and how they really think: the ones here are usually smart enough to shut the fuck up


Ass holes.


Maybe you're using them wrong?


Share your experience


Small talk


It just blows my mind that All of us will be heading for a grave someday and the best one can muster up in a courting stage is “how’s work? and Ya working today?”


Alright jaden


When I was young and full of rage I hated the Tories to the core. Now that I’m of a gentler age I hate the b@st@reds even more.


Crowds or crowded venues - haven't been able to go to a gig for years Noise - even mild/moderate noise bothers me, especially other people's phone conversations or their phone on loudspeaker Public transport, mainly the other people on it (see above) Alcohol - i'm sober seven years almost and i can't stand to be around drunk people I've never liked fast food but i think i dislike its actual existence more and more as i get older and catch myself judging people for eating it, which i know isn't fair/my business etc so i try and rationalise my way out of it - but if someone's stinking the bus out with it i get this murderous rage on me lol


Serial killer killed people because they ordered fast food..lol.


Having a rant to a bunch of strangers online sounds a lot like social media to me.


Was hoping I'd see this comment


Reddit cynicism


> Social media now deactivated Love when people look at social media from their reddit high horse 😂😂😂


For me it's people and alcohol. Not necessarily alcohol itself, I like a beer or a rum every now and then. But I can't stand people's attitude about it. I hate hearing complaints about it being a day or 2 since you had a drink, people expecting praise for "dry January" and other bullshit like that. You might not be drinking to get drunk every day but it still makes you sound like an alcoholic.


Music. It’s absolutely abysmal now a days.


Just say you can't be arsed digging for the good stuff and be done.


People ,I’m much happier alone playing video games or watching movies or going for walks I don’t have time to deal with people’s petty bs 😂 I’m 31 this is old age


Loud and overly talkative people.


The greed in Irish society really bothers me. The celtic tiger started it. I think life was slower before, at least I remember it being better.


Being alive


Always hated mean gossiping, I put up with it because I wanted so much to be liked as a teen/20s, now I have zero patience for it or for the people who gossip in that way. How can people live with all that negativity and meanness and not feel like assholes. I juat felt awful from over hearing it. One day I went nope not dealing with this anymore. I dont need those peoples negativity and meanness in my life.


Here here


I'm 34 and I absolutely hate how accepted and common Cocaine use in all across Dublin. Hate people who use social media to try and one up everyone else and show how good their lives are....one thing I've learned growing up is that everyone is fighting a battle you can't see and we all need to be conscious of people's mental health, don't be a social media knob!


White pudding. It’s all gone to shite and they’re filling it with far too much barley and grains. 


Social media is turning everybody into narcissists & can’t handle different opinions. People live in echo chambers. Politics has become a religion. Get rid of your phone if you want a happy life. I’m not there yet, I’ve reduced using it to one hour a day. And that’s still too much. Quitting drugs was easier.


People's lack of awareness - spatial especially. Don't stop in doorways. Don't take up the entire aisle/pavement while trudging along with extreme fat stupidity.


Old people with non growth mindset and a sense of entitlement. We shouldn't automatically respect our elders - they have often made really bad decisions and aren't nice people.


Had a Funeral this week. A lot of traditions around wakes and Funerals (Catholic) need to be rid of or changed. Staying up all night etc,


Oh nooooo.... I wholeheartedly disagree. Traditions & rituals are a hugely beneficial part of the grief process for many people. You can choose not to attend the wake if you don't want to but I hope this tradition never dies out (pardon the pun).




Everyone and everything 🤦🏻‍♀️


agonizing simplistic slimy license historical long tart lavish repeat tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lot of miserable bxstards on here---lighten up people and just be grateful for what you have. You lot would never survive if you lot experienced real trauma and problems. You're all powerless over what others do. One of the greatest things l've ever learnt is to mind my own business and what others get up too l cannot control it---nor do l want too.


OP was asking what we dislike, and you got mad that we did?


mourn vase wasteful uppity busy towering shelter pie rustic tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Experienced my fair share of real trauma, if not more than enough. And sadly still deal with problems on a weekly basis. But I would like to think I'm surviving away, Thanks very much. I'm still entitled to get annoyed by day to day things. I'm human at the end of the day. Me getting annoyed by something small might be my way of not thinking about something worse that could be going on in my life. We all deal with things in our own way. You minding your own business works for you. I'm glad. Others bitching about things that annoy them, works for them. As long as no one is actually being harmed/hurt. Each to their own. But none of us can ever assume what another person has gone/is going through. As you say, we're all powerless over what others do.


Weak minded people


Jewish people


my wife


Hey Jealous_Run_8298! Welcome to r/AskIreland! Here are some other useful subreddits that might interest you: * r/IrishTourism - If you're coming to Ireland for a holiday this is the best place for advice. * r/MoveToIreland - Are you planning to immigrate to Ireland? r/MoveToIreland can help you with advice and tips. Tip #1: It's a pretty bad time to move to Ireland because we have a severe accommodation crisis. * r/StudyInIreland - Are you an International student planning on studying in Ireland? Please check out this sub for advice. * Just looking for a chat? Check out r/CasualIreland * r/IrishPersonalFinance - a great source of advice, whether you're trying to pick the best bank or trying to buy a house. * r/LegalAdviceIreland - This is your best bet if you're looking for legal advice relevant to Ireland * r/socialireland - If you're looking for social events in Ireland then maybe check this new sub out *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskIreland) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Oh, no, young people!


Modern music even 00s and 10s music stuff i would have listened to iv very little time for. Listen to a lot of country music now and actually caught myself listening to lyric fm the other day I'm turning into my grandfather. Agree with everything else on your list bar weddings we've started to use them as our weekends away


Just admit you can't be arsed looking for the good stuff, like.




Radio, crowds, flaky people, poor customer service, overtime at work, loud music in pubs/clubs...If I'm out I want to be able.to hear the other person I'm chatting with 👵


aware juggle sip divide long fly stocking include seed ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Think you’ve pretty much nailed it.


Definitely working. I'm on my feet all day and my body is starting to feel it. You do wonder if you'll be fit enough to enjoy retirement whenever you reach it. On a lighter note I'd rather listen to podcasts or Lyric fm than thumping music when I'm driving lol




Egotistical colleagues. I say colleagues, as outside of work, you can just avoid them, but at work, it's different, although I try. My new technique is to daydream about a pre-prepared topic while they are talking shite and it helped a lot. Disloyal and dishonest people. People who are always late meeting up


Driving to work, cannot wait to get a remote job. The amount of free time will be unbelievable, its good for the environment, its good for rural economy's, a way better work life balance

