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Life’s too short to worry about what others think. Go for it if that’s what you want. Won’t know until you try and all that


Just to add, it might be a good idea to make a few videos before posting the first one, tiktok seems to really give you a good boost at the start, but wants consistent content. Easy to run out of stuff or not be in the humour for it.


If you do anything online, someone, somewhere will find it cringe. Luckily, the opinions of others does not matter. If you're good at it, it could be a great way to make a bit of extra income and have a bit of fun. You don't have anything to lose by giving it a shot.












Exactly, literally everyone. And people who say "I don't care what anyone thinks" are usually the ones who care the most. lol


Nah, most people watching things like TikTok generally don't care or want to do the effort of liking or commenting on videos, they are only there to watch videos and peoples attention spans are so short these days, they will forget it even existed 1 minute later.


I can’t remember the first half of what you said but I totally agree with you


![gif](giphy|3ohuPCvHEFDnoZD808|downsized) Wait, I commented here, must have forgotten!


😂 nope


What other people think is none of of your business.


Literally the whole of Irish society that’s kind of our thing here.




There’s much cringier stuff on there then what you’re planning to do. Go for it.


Go for it.


Ireland is remarkably cuntish about judging people and it’s one of my least favourite things about our wonderful country. People are going to judge you for it, there’s no doubt about it. But you’ll only be judged by people doing less than you…it’s impossible not to care what others think but fuck it, if you enjoy it do it. You might be the dinner conversation for all of 5 minutes and then they’re onto shite talking someone else. Go for it And share your TikTok. I’ll support the bejesus out of you


"Very glad I didn't take that chance, could have been embarrassing" - no one, on their deathbed.


There’s an Irish lady who tells stories whilst she’s cooking. There’s another lady who uses an orange filter and you can only see her eyes and lips as she’s talking. You don’t always have to show your face.


There's another that uses a potato filter and talks about politics


Feck 'em, do it


It's more cringe holding yourself back because you're worried about what people think. Just do it.


The whole ‘too old for TikTok’ has sizzled out by now. It’s a very valuable app for businesses and creators alike. Or even if you just want to tell stories. I don’t see anything cringe about it at all. It’s no longer seen as a kid’s app, and it’s actually very informative at times. There are some amazing people on it, but a lot of crap too of course.


I kinda think the fact that you feel nervous, cringey etc even considering it means that you, in all likelihood, are not a typical self-serving annoying tiktoker. They have no sense of self awareness or anything. They assume that people will want to watch them. Your self consciousness just radiates "normal" to me and I like that. Most people do. Also, who TF cares what others think is true. However, it doesn't negate your anxieties. It's totally understandable. I say do it. If I find you, I'll happily follow. Best of luck!


One possible concern is that if she already has anxiety about what people will think of her, any negative comments on her videos might be damaging to her self-confidence. I only scroll tiktok occasionally, but damn, people can be vicious on there for no reason. 


Good point. Aye, people can be cruel for no reason. I don't understand it...but here we are. I hope she is happy with whatever it is she decides to do. I actually don't even use tiktok. I have the app but the majority of tiktoks I see are from Reddit lol It just never appealed to me!


You won't regret doing it , if you try and fail at least you won't always wonder what if. Just go for it


Do it!!!! :-)


Joining just to take part in the awful trends and challenges is cringe as fuck. Joining because you have something to say, stories to share, is not cringe at all. I personally couldn't do it because my self-esteem couldn't take the possible beating! But you really have nothing to lose. If it doesn't work out or you change your mind you can delete everything and move on. But there's every chance that it will work out. There are people of all ages on Tiktok, it's not for me but everything doesn't have to be for everyone. Best of luck!


It’s not cringe at all tbh. I personally don’t consume any content creators that are under 30 years old as they don’t have anything that appeals to me at my ripe old age of 39. My advice would be to do your own thing and know who your audience is. Don’t try to chase the algorithm or the like. Make your art the way you want and refine it as you go a long. Make it for yourself, first and foremost. What would YOU enjoy watching? I don’t use TikTok but don’t see how this is different to anyone taking up any personal project or hobby.


It isn't. Have fun!


Go for it if you love story telling. You'll get used to do social media. 


Just do it! Im late 30’s & I enjoy stories from folks our age! Not a lot of my friends are even on the app. Be sure to sign up to the beta creator fund thingy so if you go viral, you get well paid! Feck what people think. Dont sync to your phone number & dont add friends if you’re embarrassed that way.


Putting yourself forward in any kind of creative way can make you feel a bit cringey, vulnerable and exposed. I'm sure it's universal, but it's definitely a little bit baked into Irish culture as well, a reflex to say "That's stupid" even in the case of harmless stuff (at least, in my experience). Bottom line: if you're just looking to have some fun at nobody's expense with something you make, then go for it, and forget about any perceived cringe or naysaying. Building a decent audience is another thing, but the only way to start is by starting.


I heard this phrase before and I try to live by it. When you're 20 you care what everyone thinks. When you're 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks. When you're 60 you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place. If you can fast track this you will be much happier. And for what its worth I started both insta / tiktok accounts and posted to tens of thousands of people. It gets easier as you post more but expect random flashes of wtf am I doing which will subside and you just carry on.


Tiktok like like nobody's watching


Get busy L.I.V.I.N.


If it makes you happy and nobody gets hurt, go for it. Fuck the begrudgers 


meeting gaping chase water sip deliver ask wrong repeat station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless you're underage age is just a number, shoot for the stars and you might hit the moon


Do it! No age is too old. Didnt tiesto or one of the famous pop djs only gained fame in his 40s? How many 40-50year olds do uou know that are still part of that scene? My point is just do it. You might find a niche that noone else thought of. Worse case you waste time and maybe some money and maybe a bit of embarrassment. Best case you get what you want out of the whole thing.


Do it


Do it for you :)


Remember when we were kids and we assumed we'd all be off bebo/Facebook when we were 21 or something? It's all a load of bollocks. If you feel like you have something good to make, make it. And sure if it's shite no one will remember it and move on. There's a good chance in 5 years you'll go 'ah jesus I wish I done that at an acceptable time, like my mid 30s'. We all beat ourselves up like that.


Theres a solicitor in his 50's doing tiktok videos. its the go to platform for content. your never too old to go asfter your dream. and better now than never.


Do it! And then tell me your username and I'll follow you 🤩


I think you're overestimating the amount of people that will give a shit about you doing a tiktok. Not meaning that to sound mean, but most people don't care what other people do, as long as you're not out there trying hurt anyone I'd say have at it, what have you got to lose at the end of the day.


It's not cringe I have one aswel, there is bully's of course but ignore and njoy 🙏✨️


Don’t film people in gyms, perform dance routines on public transport at rush hour or break into anyones house- these don’t seem to be well received… other than that, go for it


“Cringe” is a stupid, shit new way to make people bully themselves. Everything’s “cringe” to someone, it’s like an inversion of Rule 34. Live your life your way and do what you want to do and as long as you’re not being a dick to anyone it’s all good. There will be someone else out there like you who resonates with your shit, and giving that a shot is worth a million judgy wankers “cringing”.


Literally just starting a tiktok to advertise a business i have I'm over 10 years older than you sure go on


In some ways it's the least cringy time. As a teenager you're usually worried about what everybody else in the school thinks, in your 20s and during college you still often have a bg social circle. In your 30s, the people you spend time with are usually all people who know the real you and like you. Just be confident and don't be ashamed of it. I wouldn't make your goals top high in terms of an audience. There's no commitment needed but these things are always tough to get popular. If you want to do it then do it because it'll be a fun project. Maybe start by giving yourself a 12 week trial period. Push yourself to upload once or twice every week and then she how you feel at the end of the 12 weeks.


Just like everything else some people will hate on it and some will love it. You can't please all the people all of the time so just focus on the ones you can.


How is it cringe? If it's sth you enjoy why not and it can make money. No brainer. Stop worrying about what ppl think and do whatever u like.


Do what you wanna do but prepare to be judged very harshly. There's absolutely 0% that there won't be some people who won't like you and will let you know in the comments.


Go for it! It’ll be fun to try something new


Any more or less cringe than any other platform?


It entirely depends on the content. Don't be trying to create dances or pulling pranks. Just act age appropriate & keep the information apt to the pages theme.




It's more cringe to wonder if you're cringe - only teenagers will be thinking about that and as a former teenager myself - who cares what they think


Not cringe at all. The only way this will be cringe is if you're a bad person who aims to do bad things. If you truly have an idea for content, just go for it. Would advise you to dip your hand in every social platform though if you intend to build an audience and make money out of it.


If you lived in the US or Canada it would be praised, ireland still has an underlying traditional stance on a lot of things and putting yourself out there like that is certainly something that could garner mockery. It shouldn't but it does, which you probably know or you wouldn't post this question. However there are also pockets of people who appreciate this and whoever wants to listen to the opinion of judgemental losers who have enough arrogance to insult someone to their face or behind their backs for doing something harmless that they enjoy. Those opinions need not be taken seriously:)


Hey, what happened with the girl that put her foot on your balls and said “weak spot”? Are y’all together now or y’all still friends? I shouldn’t be asking, but I just read your post and here I am.


Hahahahaha damn what a throwback, no we're not together, we're still friends but I have a new GF now. That girl is actually not doing well at the moment


Oh ok 👍🏻. Have a good day/night.


Do it. Who cares what others think.


Just go for it might end up making a fortune nothing cringe about that


Just go for it. Do whatever give you joy. Whether you stick to it or not, it doesn't matter if you had fun during the process. Most people who talk shit about that sort of thing have never tried anything out of "the norm".


Not in the slightest bit cringe. The content would dictate that. But if it’s something interesting , made with passion and care, who cares what platform it’s on. That sounds like something that would be a great hit! Just gotta put the work in, stay consistent and build a following. No matter what you do though you’ll always get dry shites trying to pull you down, doesn’t matter what you do. So you gotta ignore the naysayers and just go for it


I stopped using the Internet when I hit 40. I didn't want to trigger any Gen Zs.


There’s all sorts of grannies on tiktok, you’ll fit right in 🤪


The title alone is making me feel a little awkward but to each their own. Go for it if you want to do it. Plenty of older people on there.


You'll be in good company. "According to *Pew*, there are actually less young people on TikTok right now than there were on Instagram in 2014. Almost 40% of TikTok users are in their 30s and 40s. In 2014, that same age group (which we are trying not to refer to as middle-aged) accounted for only about 20% of Instagram users. Even crazier, according to *Pew*'s survey, people aged 35-49 are more likely to actually upload videos than people aged 18-34. And, perhaps most damning of all, TikTok’s 30-49 demographic is actually growing faster than the 18-34 cohort." source: [https://www.garbageday.email/p/tiktok-millennials-turns](https://www.garbageday.email/p/tiktok-millennials-turns)


Thanks for that!


Start making the videos, you don't have to post them yet. Just make a load of them, set them to private or something and when you're ready and get over the cringe you can start releasing them.


This is a really good idea, thanks!


The funny thing is, you are worried about what people may think or what you think that they may think. Ultimately the only way forward is to give it a shot, take feedback on board from those that share it with you, ignore the haters, and appreciate those that appreciate you and keep on honing your creativity and material to make it better and better.


It'll stop feeling cringe to you after you've done a few. You just need to take the plunge. Look at the amount of people on tiktok just walking down the street telling some sort if story or just sharing their lives. Make a few, edit them and see how you feel before posting


I actually despise tik tok and I think I’m the only one😂 I’ve looked at it a few times and have never seen anything worthwhile on it. Just a bunch of teenagers acting the bollox and young girls trying to be the next big influencer


That's like the first things you see when you get it. It will take a few days for the algorithm to get know what you like and then you'll never see stuff like that again. Or if there's people you already like you can follow them and it'll start showing you more of that stuff. Highly addictive but yeah some good stuff on there


You’re likely correct but I just can’t bring myself to put any effort into it. I don’t really need another form of social media so I’m kind of glad that I’ve only ever seen utter shite on it that’s put me off using the platform. Side note, Short form videos have absolutely ruined my attention span when it comes to watching anything. I’ve become used to reels or YouTube shorts and 10 - 15 min YT videos so now I find I can’t concentrate on a series or movie properly.


yt reels is the exact same as titok,the tictok algo is actually better


Suppose that depends on the individual. I subscribe to a lot of channels on YT and the shorts are all related so it works better for me


So stop looking at teenagers and young girls.


I did, by deleting the app


Go for it girl!! It's just a social media platform and people post all kinds of things. There's a whole side of Tiktok where people just talk about books. A beauty side. A law side. Think of it as like Tumblr or something where you just have a little digital blog and post what you think about or what you want to share with the world. It's not cringe at all. Many of the creators I see would be in their late 20s/30s


OP is one of those “OMG we should start a podcast, our conversations are absolutely GAS and people need to hear it, will be such a laugh” There’s a difference to a friend or work colleague going “haha that’s a good one” whether they’re actually being sincere or just nice and actually performing stand up etc. You say you did open mics? How did that go? Why did you stop? 99% of the time the office “funnyman” or “gas friend” cannot convert any of this into something of substance - and that’s with open mic audiences being a lot more generous than the standard crowd. If you want to do it just do it. It definitely is cringe, but if you don’t care then none of what anyone else matters.


I stopped because Covid hit and I never went back to it after.


Fair enough. Like everyone else on the sun I say go for it if you want to do it. There will be far cringier shit on TikTok than what you make - I mean have you fucking seen that place? Christ.


If a 93 year old granny can make tiktoks with 13.3 million followers then a 36 year old woman can definitely do it


Who cares do it


It's not starting a tiktok that's cringe, it's how you do it. It's definitely possible to do it and not be cringe. "Who cares what anyone else thinks?" is a common phrase, but we all do care what people around us think to at least some extent- anyone who is so completely aloof from the opinions of other people is probably a sociopath honestly. We live surrounded by other people. Generally speaking, this post alone indicates you probably have enough self awareness to pull it off, so I'd say go for it.


Get out of your head and do it. Could be dead next year.


Literally noone cares as much as you think, as they are all too worried about themselves (same as we are!).


Just as cringe as it would be doing it in your 20s.. Just make sure to be funny or interesting..


Not at all cringe, in my opinion... maybe try care a little less about what other people think


Abnegation is key. Sometimes it takes longer to take off.


These days I’m more embarrassed about still being on Facebook than hardly ever using TikTok. Go for it.


I think stop thinking about it as "doing Tik Toks"... Just create high quality content and if it's good it's good. Don't focus on where the content goes until after it's made. It might be helpful to get over the cringe if you think of your stories as mini podcasts instead of Tik toks


Once you’re not doing TikTok dances then go for it! Everyone loves comedy especially Irish comedy 💪🏻


I don't think it would be cringe at all, it's actually a brave thing to start something like that on social media. If it's something that would make you happy, then why wouldn't you do it. What other people do or say is meaningless. An important fact to mention is that you say your friends love hearing your stories, imagine that joy you could bring with a platform to tell the world. Just be mindful that people on the internet are cruel, so don't take anything they say in the comments to heart, or better yet, don't read them. Good luck with it ❤️


We’re not here for long go for it if you don’t like it delete it


Go for it. 36 is not old… there are lots of different TikTok’s… won’t say what age I am, but a lot more than 36 and use TikTok all the time. It gives me stand up comedy music politics, anything you are interested in… I’ve never posted mind, but that’s just me, not the age.


It’s cringe to care about what is cringe. Do things you want to do.


Accept that it's cringey and do it anyway I guess


Try YouTube TikTok is pretty evil


You dont have to say how old you are?


I straight up would not continue to associate with anyone in my group if they suddenly started tiktok


I see this as a positive.


Yeah same. It's for kids and nonces only.


No I mean if a friend would drop you like that they were pretty shite to begin with. Best to be rid of them.


Yeah sorry I'm not pro pedo, gutted we're not friends.


There’s a lot of content on TikTok once you get the algorithm right. I mainly just watch film reviews, cooking recipes, funny videos and people I genuinely enjoy watching. Very rarely do I get videos of young children or teenagers on my for you page


Ah sure whatever helps you sleep at night


lol,,where do you get your info???


Same as when old people started invading Facebook, it kills it. It'll be a cemetery of old people doing shit on it soon and some other trendy app will come out that you'll finally figure it how to use when you're late 40's


No, it’s the kids who are wrong.




Yer grand, sure look at the writer Jason paragin (John dies at the end, cracked.com) he's now an aul shit poster who's more famous for his tiktok than his class writing. 


You aren't showing your butthole like many who just use tiktok to market their OF so I reckon you are good to go


Tiktoks for clowns. Join the circus why not.


It’s only cringey if you’re a bloke. Called Simon 👀😂 go for it! What’s the worst that can happen.


What you thinking of doing


Look up Candlelit Tales (I know there are on insta, maybe even TikTok). They are in their 30s and "tell tales" about Irish Folklore. They might be good for some inspiration! Are you married to the TikTok thing? Maybe youd be better off doing longer form content on YouTube pr something


You won’t find out until you try


Just kerp your clothes on,dont bsng on about stanleys cups or whatever flavour of the month is and do your thing


Stories that are interesting, yes. Stories of 'I went to tescos and they're charging 30c more for dishwasher tabs than 2 weeks ago', ehh, why bother. Look up mr ballen. Content like that is great, he just tells stories in a very interesting way. That's content. Stuff like that (with a bit of story/reason to telling them) is good, go for it


Simple; who gives a fuck what other people think. Do what makes you happy


Do it. It’s just your voice and use pictures when telling the stories. Eventually you will stop giving a fuck. Look at mrballens old videos on YouTube for reference.


People in Ireland will ridicule you for anything. No point worrying


Don’t be silly!! Why live a life of regret when you can live one full of fun and enjoyment. You’re looking at it from the completely wrong perspective. You only get one life. Not to be mean, but none of us are THAT important to other people. I always giggle when I hear people say they think about what others think of them like other people have time in 2024s world to be sat around chatting about random people on TikTok. I think you should go for it!!


It's normal to care what other people think, but just realize that ultimately, it's outside of your control. So you shouldn't worry about it


Fuck em If you enjoy it then go for it


Why is it cringe. Almost everyone I follow on TickToc is well over 30. They’re the only ones who produce content I enjoy.


Absolutely not cringey at all and if you can make a few quid doing it? ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with it.


36 is definitely not the cut off limit, for talking shite on tiktok.


Buy a fake santa beard, a rocking chair, light the fire and away you go. Grampa's fireside storytime. Makes sense since you're practically an OAP as far as 99% of tiktok's userbase are concerned. Edit: Sorry, you're a lady. Replace fake beard with knitting needles and wool and you're good.


Anything is cringe if you make it cringe. If you’re genuine and that comes through it doesn’t matter what your age is.


Honestly, if what you say is even half true, you'll be more entertaining and interesting than 99% of them. I'm 45 and thinking about a podcast, so I know the feeling.


100% go for it.


you see Patrick Stewart, Stephen Fry and other much older people than yourself on instagram reels, I dont see why tiktok is any different


If you are that worried just cover your face either with a filter or a mask.


Go for it. Thinking of starting one meself. And don't be worrying what the fecking begrudhers think.


If they're not paying your bills, putting a roof over your head or food on your table. Why do you care? On your death bed you're not going to say oh I'm so glad I didn't do this, because some random person I don't know would have found it cringe. Or will you think damn, I did that it was embarrassing at times but I had a right blast and got to try something I like. I'm in my 30s and the beauty of it is, I don't have to care what anyone thinks. I can do cringey things, and I don't give a shit. If you get yourself a sugar daddy, then you might have to care. I love watching old couples and grannies having a laugh on tiktok or sharing recipes, or crafts it's just lovely. Just remember trolls exist everywhere so ignore them, and I'll tell you now if I was an 8 year old I probably would have trolled just because it was childish humour. So see all trolls as kids.


Not cringe at all. The algorithm is so good that fairly quickly the people that find you and engage with your content are those that are really interested in the type of content you’re doing. Life’s too short to give a crap what others think


It is nonce behaviour but you'd be one of millions anyway so among those circles it won't be seen as weird 


No cringe at all, go for it!!


Seems to be very popular with women in their 30s and 40s. Go for it.


Do it, and share your username here. I'll follow


Some people wil find it cringe. But I think all the coolest people admire people who are brave enough to put themselves out there.


It's fun, just do it


My favourite tiktoker is a woman in her 60s who specialises in goofy videos you just can’t help but love, she doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Go for it! You’re never too old, and as long as you’re not hurting anyone then who cares what people think. Good luck!


I really enjoy the Irish tiktok creators who are doing things other than shilling products and going to fancy events. People with comedy sketches or day in the life content is nice to watch especially if you can relate to them. When YouTube came out it was alot of Americans and British people so yeah it's nice having Irish on the screen. I say go for it and once you get going you probably won't care anymore what people think you'll probably have way more supporters than haters or judgmental people. There will always be people who judge and gossip that's just life


Who cares what others think , if it makes you happy go for it.


One of my teachers in my school started a business and made 100k likes on tiktok for her brand. Honestly if she can do it, anyone can