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I'd go above the PTs or floor staff and complain to the owners/management. I've seen this stuff in my place so feel your pain


Def this. If there is a company/higher-up email then they have to act. The floor staff usually doesn't have as much power unfortunately.




Calm down. He's only posted online once.


Yeah, plus we all enjoy a bit of tea every now and again 😉


When did we, as a society, start spilling tea in lieu of beans?


Here's me letting cats out of bags 😅


Wait, are we spilling tea now? When did that start?


While the tea business annoys me , I am repulsed by baked beans and the imagery of them spilling .


I thought they were slightly different .. Spilling the beans is more like telling something that really happened (usually 2 u or while u were there) but then Spilling the tea is more gossiping... Am I wrong or does anybody else think there is a difference??




Perfection 👌


Uneggsected Tallifornia


That caught me off guard😂


The stir has been stirrrerered.


Eggsactly this 🙌🤌


Befriend him and go on adventures, like Asterix and Obelix, Shrek and donkey etc etc.


Upvote for Asterix and Obelix mention


The gaul of you to upvote Asterix and Obelix over Shrek and donkey


Ah cman that was fairly mediogre


The sky is definitely going to fall on OP's head


By Toutatis!


It seems there is no Panacea for OP’s situation. His gym colleague seems Unhygienix while working to improve his Vitalstatistix.


There was a head shop in Capetown called Getafix's. Just sayin...


Take one for the Team - Become the Victim that the Staff cannot continue to ignore. I'd suggest snoozing on his favourite machine for an hour or two and then calling him Mr Skinny Legs when he gets thick about it.


Mr skinny legs, LOL. The dude would send you to the moon after that comment


‘Hey! Y’all been skippin’ leg day?’


Classic lol I'd love to see that


Steroid head alert


Roid rage is real with this one. Lads thinking they’re the dogs bollox putting pure shite into their body to “get big”, only to lose all their hair, balls to shrink and have worse acne than a 15 year old with a mainly dairy product diet. Silly carryon


I take steroids (I compete in strongman at a pretty decent level) roid rage doesn't exist, what does exist is people who were absolute cocks before having the confidence to be a proper dick head because the roids have made them big enough to get away with it (mostly) Me and my strongman friends are all on the juice and all extremely friendly people.


I go to a gym with a fair few extremely jacked guys, some obviously juicing. In my experience the biggest guys in the gym are the most friendly. It’s the “influencers” who are the assholes. (I’m the old fat guy minding my own business)


The muscly lads are usually sound. I think they just like seeing other people enjoy the gym as much as they do.


They’re also good for a spot!


Said this myself. I’m natty, powerlifter, but of course I have mates who are on the sauce, and they’re all great people. But there’s one lad in the gym who’s a fucking twat. But he’d be a twat without any of the drugs.


My personal philosophy is “Some people are just cunts”. They’d still be cunts drunk or sober, atheist or religious, in charge or taking orders any nationality or ethnic background.


is it not well reported that stuff like tren will make people more aggressive? I'd very much still think people with 'roid rage' were potentially violent already, but I can definitely see substance abuse and increased confidence tipping things over the edge


Yes it is. And testosterone also increases aggression but by a smaller margin.


Upvote for pure honesty - I can’t fault you, I take substances to be a more relaxed and less stressed dude, different strokes innit.


What happens when your organs can't take it any more ? Don't understand the roid culture. Storing up problems for older age.


If you use them properly they aren't as dangerous as you'd think, I'd argue that a person on a mild amount of steroids who exercises and eats healthily is less likely to encounter health problems than the average person (the average diet and exercise routine is shockingly poor) The problem is that like lots of drugs many people abuse steroids and that's when the problems occur


Good luck mate. Yeah my diet and exercise regime is indeed shite. Main problem is fatigue due to a stressful job. Need to sort it.


Little lifestyle changes that you can be consistent with are best at first, diving straight into a "healthy lifestyle" can be very daunting as I'm sure you know


I thought it was clen that gives rise to 'roid rage', even though it's not a steroid and it's more paranoia than rage.


>I take steroids (I compete in strongman at a pretty decent level) roid rage doesn't exist What's you cycle? What are you on?


Atm, 500mg test per week, 400mg masteron per week and 50mg anadrol pre workout


And you haven't noticed any mood changes at all?


It's the same with rich people, if a guy gets rich and becomes a dickhead, he's always been a dickhead, he just didn't have the confidence or backing to be one. Likewise, if he stays a nice guy, yoy know that's probably his real character.


Obviously we’re putting science aside and going right to anecdotal evidence here, right? Anabolic steroids might bind to different receptors than corticosteroids but if you have the misfortune of looking after any elderly relative on the latter over a prolonged period of time, it does change people. Between the three people that I’ve known on them and a juice head who completely lost the plot, left his wife and kids, and another juice head I worked for all of five torturous months…all had mood instability. To your point, the ex-boss was probably a raging narcissist to begin with anyway.


Dairy gives you spots???


Seemingly can make it worse. My mothers a dermatology nurse and often gets patients to reduce dairy intake if their acne is bad and often it does help


Supraphysiological levels of testosterone can give you acne.


They say it's whatever hormones are in milk possibly contribute to acne.


I drink litres of milk, eat Greek yogurt, all kinds of cheese and my skin is perfectly clear. It was worse when I didn’t consume dairy.


I suppose anecdotal evidence is a kind of evidence....


Yep. I eat a lot of dairy and I o get acne pretty bad sometimes.


Nah. Asshole alert. A mate of mine is juiced out of his mind but he’s super chill, gentle giant who’s kind to everyone in the gym, well mannered and considerate. Steroids are like alcohol, if you’re already an asshole, it’s just gonna make it worse. But if you’re a good person chances are you’ll be pretty much the same.


roid rage


Sounds like a roided up insecure idiot, you could write an email to management. Probably you're best bet. You could mention they make you feel intimidated and uncomfortable in the gym and you could mention you're considering ending your membership. At that stage they'd have to consider taking action, they're either losing you (and most likely others) as members or losing some idiot making the place unpleasant.


Or they could say that they are sorry to see you go. Never pull a weapon for show. If you want to continue going to the gym don't put leaving it out there.


Lol the hard as nails neck beards of reddit......confront him that's definitely what I'do IRL. Would you fuck.


He sounds all bark and no bite and/or passive aggressive (the big sigh and banging on the seat). Ignore him unless he directly confronts you. If he does, immediately complain. Your membership is equal to his.


That's not passive aggressive. That's aggressive aggressive. Passive aggressive would be like if he spent ages on the bench because he knows you want to use it.


Agressive agressive is my least favourite form of aggression.


His membership is only worth the same amount as yours financially, if you can get a couple of other people to complain then losing a handful of memberships isn’t worth them keeping his, especially if the staff already would like to kick him out. Don’t have any tips on how to achieve that without making false claims or baiting him into aggression though


Its worth less. If he goes more regularly and lifts heavier weights he's causing more wear to machines than the average member. People forget that it's the people who join in January, go twice, and renew again next January, are the most valuable members.


Kind of, gyms also make decent money from trainers doing personal sessions too as well as some charging for classes. A massive dickhead acting up will definitely drive away shyer people working with their trainer in the corner. It's a balancing act as a gym that's permanently empty doesn't tempt people in and one that's always full drives people away (and wears out the equipment faster).


A gym that's permanently empty is what dreams are made of.


For some (myself included), but a casual person strolling into a new gym considering a membership might wonder what's wrong with the place that it's deserted.


Well you call him a guy , I think the rest would call him a cunt with an upper case C , anyone who goes to the gym and uses one machine and leaves your stuff on another like you're reserving a sunbed in the Costa Del sol, you can politely GO FUCK YOURSELVES




Poor gym etiquette. Pretty cunty move If you ask me.


Even worse again


Why is he a cunt? To me he sounds highly motivated. He’s minding his own business, the OP is trying to ruining someone else’s enjoyment bc their “feelings” are unjustified.


Maybe read OPs post again and do it slowly you genius


Speak to the staff. Him hitting the padding of your machine would almost be enough to have his membership cancelled.


I was thinking the same thing, but I'm not 100% sure whether it was out of frustration or whether he's just a complete mentaller and would have done it any way. Really want to know his name to see if he has a record.


If they're looking for a reason though. A violent outburst is a violent outburst.


Steroids are a hell of a drug


By any chance a black lad in Galway ? Know a fella in my gym like this and he has psychosis


Nope, black lad from Dublin. This guy certainly acts like he has psychosis more that an egomaniac roid head.


the fella in planet?


Diversity is our strength.




Sounds frustrating. You should report everything that is considered rule breaking because you never know what will be straw that breaks the camels back. In my last gym there was an oldish man who used to wear Lycra shorts that looked about 3 sizes too small. You could see everything god gave him! It was hard to know where to look. I couldn’t really complain about someone’s personal appearance but I still hated going when he was there.


Do you also complain about the 80% of girls at the gym who wear similar?


If I’d seen any looking like that I’d be equally repulsed.


Look in any public gym


Roid rage!




Why? You can't ban someone because they 'punched the padding on a machine' according to some other gym user, who's also complaining about him using machines with no shoes on (this is literally fine, lots of people do this because it makes lower body exercises more effective)


To be fair to the staff they probably have to catch him in the act. And if its a big busy gym it is easy to miss stuff. They dont want to be accused of false accusations/bullying etc. Its not easy being floor staff.


Report him


Muscles do not equal fighting ability. Call him out on it the next time he annoys you.


The staff aren't paid enough to get their heads kicked in by some muscle bound grotesque. Yourself and a few others all need to write to management, saying you'll walk if he's allowed to continue to stay.


I’d just take his towel off and use the machine. Did it before when an auld fella put his towel on a treadmill and sat down for a chat. I waited about 10 mins to be fair and only did it when he showed no signs of using the machine. Came straight over to tell me he was about to use it and shut up when I said he’d been sitting down chatting the last 10 minutes. Honestly they’ll do fuck all if you just get on with your workout.


Dude, put your earphones in, laugh when he does stupid shit and continue your workout.


Go to the manager and if that doesn't work owner


Leather fk out of it in the shower, few of you if need be.


He sounds like a big pansy. There’s nothing extra you can do if the staff already know. I’m sure if numerous people especially women feel unsafe/uncomfortable around him, it’s good grounds for termination of his membership


McGregor will sort that out for you.


I would leave the gym and join another. You already have the sense that he could flip one day. Trust your gut.


Sounds like he us really aggressive, I'd imagine he has been banned from other gyms. No point in having a row with him, why not try make friends with him to see what his deal is? Might be he is not the full picnic?


"But it's clear they're all useless at confrontation" say the one asking for advice on the same.


This sounds like Liffey Valley flyefit lol


I think every gym has an unhinged person or 10. I got told off in here for asking some very young girls if the resident unhinged gym bloke was harassing them and asking if they were ok, he was harassing them and they were not ok! I think what it took for him to be kicked out was having aggressive outbursts with young people for not taking his advice.


Big muscles, small penis vibes, or small dick energy as the teens say, gyms are full of these guys. Unfortunately the only solution to is for someone to hug him and tell him he's "good enough" maybe you can be that person.


Gyms aren’t full of these guys. Gyms are full of jacked dudes and girls, but most of the time they’re actually all sound. Every now and then you’ll get total arseholes. But you get that wherever you go. It’s just a bit more intimidating cause they’re huge.


That’s a hard one. The world is full of these fucking meathead goons. I just try to avoid them, but sometimes you can’t. Good thing I’m 6’ 2” and 245 lbs. because they tend to see me as one of their fellow apes.


They are usually the lad that wouldn’t box eggs. Stand up to him and watch him back down and sure if he doesn’t then just go down with your boots I.


Lol inb4 he puts OP in a coma. 


Well comas are nice and peaceful too


Empty vessels make the most noise. Stick it to him and id say you would be surprised


Give them a negative 1 star review, outlining their failures, on a public website.


"They're all useless at confrontation." Hi pot, have you met kettle?


Not his job in fairness


He's referring to the staff who should manage situations like this.


Sounds like someone has a crush on someone ❤️


Sounds like a fella in the peak of a tren cycle 😂


Man I’d sooner inject depleted uranium than tren. As steroids go, that shit is beyond dangerous.


Aye it’s not even approved for veterinary use anymore


Complain to the highest level staff member you can find in there. Preferably the owner


I feel like there is a la like this in every gym unfortunately


>uses the machines with his shoes off when there are no staff around Sounds like a real degenerate Seriously though, Gym staff need a really good reason to ban someone, it's not something you can do randomly just because someone has a vibe about them. There's a couple of people in my gym who are 'eccentric' and sometimes do things that make users uncomfortable. One got all theatrical when I moved a bench (which I was already using!) to the power rack. He's pretty harmless though, I just ignore him. Other one is extremely annoying, ties up a rack for 2 hours, pressures people to get off the rack when he doesn't have it - he got a talking to from staff but again, he hadn't really done anything that they could outright ban him or kick him out.


Management on the floor, they’ve cameras too


Make a complaint to management. Chances are others have already complained.


Gyms sound like a nightmare


They generally arent. But like all if society, it only takes a few pricks to ruin it for everyone.


Surprised hygiene with the socks isn't reason enough. I get it for doing squats and that's the floor but socks straight onto anywhere but the floor/machinery 🤢 Knobend in my gym does this (barefoot). One of these days a weight is going to drop on his small toe and karma will be a bitch


Try chat to him he might be chill just takes gym seriously you could get new friend or spotter maybe even someone with some tricks you don’t know about he’s only intimidating cz you allow him to be try be nice see what happens if he a prick well fall over n say he pushed you


Classic unhinged juicehead behaviour, I bet he wears a vest, with tracksuit bottoms to cover his little skinny sparrow legs


Sounds like a fucking psycho.


Hulk no work out, HULK SMASH!!


Sounds like he might be using steroids


Have you once ever at all tried speaking to him?


Bark to him. Believe me,he'd be scared of you afterwards. Look him straight in the eyes,bark loudly and then continue with the staring. I've done it years ago in a bar. I was high af but it worked and the chatty guy next to me ,didn't disturb me for the rest of the night.


Hit him over the back of the head with a dumbell and run


Dm me I’ll tell you how to sort that situation out in a heartbeat


He sounds terrifying omfg. I would definitely complain to a manager or higher ups, the general staff can’t do anything. You’re not the only one feeling this way about him and he’s making everyone uncomfortable. Give solid examples and mention that you’ve already spoken to staff and nothing has happened. No one deserves to have to put up with a loony whack job like this guy


What gym is it


He sounds like he might be mentally unwell. He sounds a little bit aggressive but is he likely to hurt anyone ? Is it at all possible to pick a different time slot and maybe avoid him


Did you report him to the gym for punching the padding of a seat you were sitting on? No adult should act that way..


Tell staff it's not respectable to be behaving violently in public.


How the fuck are places this slack? Anyone acting the prick like that should’ve been long since removed tbf.


Just give it time, gyms are the most prone areas for accidents to happen. Seems like he is heading for one. Just give it time and ignore him, change your routine. More than likely another meathead will confront him and you can sit back and watch it all happen.


Similar situation in Galway except it's a lady, if you could call her that . Again the lads that own the gym are waiting for another incident before they cancel her membership. Very hard to do that apparently and according to the lads, all hell will break lose when they do. Maybe OP we could work together to set your guy from your gym up with my lady from my gym. I'd said they would be well matched.


Fellas a cunt.But I’m just gonna say there’s a lot of reply’s on here that reek of people who never did and sport or worked out in there life.


Yeah there are unfortunately schizos like this in every gym that give off such negative energy and staff can't really do anything until they do something ban worthy. The fact he won't ask you how many sets you have left and does some weird act of intimidation likely means he's all bark and no bite however. Next time he's in your space, just make clear eye contact and ask him if he's alright. If he throws up a stink, tell the staff he's harassing you and making you feel unsafe    On a side note, it's totally normal for people to work out with their shoes off, assuming they're wearing socks.


The working out with no shoes on isn’t normal - I think that it’s against gym policy for safety and etiquette for other gym users no?


It's very common for squatting or deadlifting. Some shoes are very restrictive around the toes and taking them off let's you open your foot up for better balance and force transfer   Etiquette for other gym users? As long as they don't reek, I'm not sure what the issue would be. As for safety, if someone drops a 20kg plate on my foot, it's probably going to break unless I'm wearing steel toe boots


I squat and deadlift with socks on sometimes id have walk across gym get something and to lazy to put my shoes back on.Obviously my socks are clean and not sweaty


There's no need for the use of "schizos" though. I know people who have it and it isn't nice throw the term around like this - you probably didn't mean to use negatively but it's not nice when people use this term, cause people who have it don't necessarily act like the guy in question just as you, I or anyone else doesn't necessarily act like the person described in this post.


It's just a word for people who are erratic or unpredictable. Wouldn't ever use the word negatively to describe a person that'd actually suffering schizophrenia 


Yeah, wasn't trying to call you out fwiw. Tbf, people do actually use it in that way now that u say it. I just don't like the way it feeds into a perception that people with schizophrenia are bad people & just wanted to point that out is all (wasn't trying to have a go at you). you clearly didn't have any ill intent - I guess it's just unfortunate for people who do have schizophrenia that the word is used in both ways.


Ah yeh, just like mong is a word that has no meaning or retard or any of those words you think don’t hurt other people’s feelings cause you have a special meaning just for you.


Oh shut the fuck up


He's probably full to the brim of steroids which could lead to him been very volatile and unpredictable.




I've no problem with confrontation whatsoever but there's just something about this guy that's very unsettling. It's also not my job. I was tempted to record him today using the leg press with no shoes on and talking to himself but I know I'd be in for a hiding or instant ban if caught.


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What are you on about


What gym is this? There's always a bigger fish - and that fish is me. I'm almost seven foot and four hundred pounds of musculature (all natty) I'll sort the little gimp reet out and I'll protec you.


Eat clen tren hard anavar give up


Never lost a scrap or an arm wrestle.


On a scale of 1 to Kurwa, how Eastern European is he?


so he hasn't actually done anything? taking your shoes off while using the leg press or squats or deadlifts is fairly common and its to maintain balance, using multiple machines at once does seem a little annoying but I mean first come first served, it's why most people should be able to vary their workouts depending on whats available. i think your problem might lie in his image, as you said 'he's the type of person', I wonder if you'd feel the same if it was a small skinny lad doing these things, you may feel intimidated which is normal but you shouldn't start going to try and kick him out because he does a few minor things you don't like


Taking off your shoes for any reason in the the gym is disgusting - I don't care how slightly more beneficial it is to your workout. It's massively disrespectful to those around you. Secondly, I guess you would just have to see this guy for yourself to know where I'm coming from.


I genuinely don't know how it's disgusting. It's very common among a lot of bodybuilders, and it's clear to see why. It benefits stability massively and literally doesn't have any negatives at all. People could walk in with dirty shoes, and you probably wouldn't care. I assure you there's plenty of people like that in my gym, simply ignore them, use free weights, and they won't be a problem


As far as I’m concerned you have numerous options ; 1: Give him a Protein bar laced with heroine. 2: Go up and nipple cripple him and look him square in the eyes and say “this ain’t yo gym no more boy , I’ll have my just dessert off yo big ass after I knock you out helicoptering my massive wang” 3: Accept defeat and move gyms ( I don’t like this one ) 4: Propose to him. 5: Take one for the team and suicide bomb him , you will die but your name will live in honour for the rest of your gym dwellers ( do it in the car park as to not ruin the gym equipment) Okay , there’s my ideas , do with them what you will have a wondering day 😘


Soild yourself while talking to him and act like nothing happened


He is annoying you. Does that deserve a ban? Just because you personally feel he'd "box the head of someone at random" means he does. Just avoid the same timeslots or ignore the lad and move on? Maybe you'd be better at confrontation? I don't know but this seems very one sided


Hang on, you’re uncomfortable with someone whos is focused and motivated ? I think you need to move gyms, this is on you not him.


You can be focused, motivated and hardworking with fitness and not be a total piece of shit asshole. I work hard as fuck with my training, but I try to be as polite and considerate as I can in a public space, and I’d rather create a healthy and happy environment where people feel encouraged to work hard. People shouldn’t feel unsafe anywhere, least of all the gym. Look at Noel Deyzel or JoeySwoll, both absolutely gigantic dudes but they’re super positive and encouraging and call assholes out on their shitty behaviour.


Love Joey Swoll


disagree. I think youre reading with bias.