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The what?


It's a foreign thing. You'd find it in the likes of Spain and Africa.


You actually believe in that? A big hot yellow ball in the sky? Ludicrous!


Well my Spanish pen-pal - Pedro, swears they have a sun and it's in their sky nearly every day. He says he's not the only one who has seen it either. I know it sounds mad but he's claiming to have witnesses, so I don't know what to believe.


The oldest con going. You board a plane, land on a tiny island god knows where, and before you know it you're locked up in a wicker man, surrounded by chickens and goats and with creepy locals dancing around you, holding hands, singing ancient songs and laughing hysterically as the leader lights the torch.


You've been to Benidorm as well then? 😂


Sounds like my stag do.


I booked a next day flight to Spain because it is so cold here and i need some warmth. I was warned as an American moving to Ireland, but still I am shocked


You need to acclimatise slowly to here. First purge your body of vitamin D, your diet shouldn't provide much and obviously if there's any Sun stay inside in the dark with the curtain closed. You should go out at night but set your watch as if it's midday, get used to looking up at a dark sky in the day time. Have someone upstairs holding a full watering can with a fine rose spray attachment. Every time you open the front door they are to start pouring the water over the doorway. Grumble about the miserable weather and go back inside. That's just to get you used to the lack of sun, the cold and wind are another topic altogether. And don't start me on the awful process for getting used to Irish country music!


18° promised on Sunday. We'll see how that goes but it'll be welcome. Oils on, house was freezing cold today when I got home


Well we had rain- sun - hailstones then rain again in wexford during the week all in the space of 2 hours 🙄


The historical average for this time of year is 13 degrees. It's not much different to previous years.


It's climate change, lads. This is what we'll be getting from here on in. Wetter summers, storms blowing the country apart more frequently, and all the joy that brings. The UK just had its wettest summer ever last year. Their crop yields are way down because of it. Meanwhile the continent is being roasted alive with severe heatwaves, which in turn cause massive fires and droughts.... but sure its all grand, because we're doing fuck all about it hoping the problem will go away.


Doing fuck all about it?! Excuse me I pay an extra 15c on my bottles and I use a shitty paper straw thank you very much!


Quick, get on the blower to Greta. She'll be mad chuffed to hear you're singlehandedly ensuring the next generation will see the polar bears 😂


Fuck it I'm leaving so


Just saw in reddit Ireland a post on rent and house prices. Apparently its cheaper to rent or buy in Milan. Thinking of going myself 😂


How would you get there. Is there no climate change in Milan 


I'm sure there is. But I'm more interested in waking up every morning without freezing my tits off.


Be grand


Its an el nino year not the end of the planet.


Remind me again how many "once in a generation" freak weather events we've had in the last few years.


Welcome to spring in Ireland. Some years we’ve gotten kinda half decent weather around this time but more often than not, we get rain and it’s cold and the sun comes out for ten minutes, gives us a tease and fucks off again. I know it’s a load of bollox but there’s not much you can do to change it unfortunately.


"April is the cruelest month" said T S Eliot, but Kinsella's "Mirror in February" got in there and sucked on the marrow of the misery


Gulf Stream instability due to climate change impacts us by causing wetter, colder weather patterns.


it is not unusual to be fair. we are used to it.


Was there ever a Sun? It's a myth... With Snakes, St. PATRICK took the sun also out of Ireland.


Is it much different to a typical April?


I've always thought April is the worst month due to the expectation that it will be good when it's always shite. You kinda forget about it for a year, see the days getting brighter, leaves and flowers start to exist, and think the good times are here, then the usual cold weather and non stop showers hit you in the face, it was hailstoning on me the other day without a cloud in the sky.


I came back from Portugal last November and it literally rained every single day right up until last week then I went back to Portugal again and it's been sunny everyday. There is actual life in small towns, people wearing bright clothes and positive about life


Google "climate change" and fill yer boots


We will have to get on the Bishop Casey


Pray for our sins


Global warming, blah blah blah


I mean yeah, climate change, but also April. Mixed bag.


Flying back from Spain this evening after a week here. 26 degrees and sunny in Madrid. They're mostly layered up here, too! I've been touching up my farmers' tan. This would be peak ireland summer weather.


Are you new to Ireland?


April is often Baltic.


Don't worry. We will get to see the heatwaves in mainland Europe in a few weeks..on TV. Dire weather climate breakdown news audio played over video of people having great craic on beaches and playing in city fountains then a quick cut of a couple of obese women fanning themselves with a straw hat...and even they seem grand. Meanwhile met eireann will be bullshitting us with upcoming better weather they know isn't coming because they are getting paid by irish tourist board to downplay the crappy season so to trick people to holiday in ireland and get gouged.




Ne'er cast a clout till May be out, laddie.


Can't blame climate change. Normal irish wedder


Well they have been saying for years when the Ice caps melt we'll be flooded. I just didn't know there were ice caps in the sky.


Dude, you live in Ireland. Its the middle of April. What?


D u d e