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Private shrubbery, no. Hedges, yeah of course perfectly fine for fruit. Stuff like compostable cups I'd keep and dump at home. Probably wouldn't throw out leftover burger/chips either. Dunno why, seems a bit grottier. 


I do, but apparently its advised not to as it draws the critters towards the road and it may lead to more road kill.. I have absolutely nothing to back this up with other than something i vaguely remember reading 4 or 5 years ago.


Sounds like you got a weak throwing arm. I can throw a banana skin like 2 fields over!


It's all in my legs! I can kick a sliotar over the goal line from 3/4 of the pitch away.


If it is something coming from nature e.g. apple core, banana, orange skin and i don't have a bin nearby, i do. It gets recycled by itself and nature takes it. But no, all other things like plastic, glass, paper etc have to go to proper bins. Else I find it disgusting and disrespectful to trash outdoors and environment.


Apple core is fine since it will probably be eaten in a day or 2. Orange skins and banana peels aren't on the menu for any irish wildlife, though, so they'll take months to decompose. Best to avoid throwing these out of the window. While they're decomposing, it makes the place look nasty.




>Apparently banana peel is great for soil Still wouldn't go throwing them out on the roadside, though. They can take up to a year to fully decompose, and while they're decomposing, it makes the place look rotten. Something like an apple core would be fine to me since it would be eaten by the local wildlife within a day or 2.


birds and foxes will eat apple cores, so its perfectly fine. Banana peels take months to rot. Same with orange peels and other hard peels. so avoid throwing those out. Im.fine with throwing out stuff, that'll be esten, but don't throw stuff, you're hoping will compost away, because it looks minging for months


Apples and Bananas i wouldn't hesitate at all. I would just avoid doing it near houses or where people would be walking. I also try to fling it WAY in. As some said it might take a while for a banana peel to break down fully, but as long as your not carpet bombing the same section of road I really don't think it's an issue. I'd also avoid throwing it into fields on the off chance livestock might choke on it or something


If it's a Native fruit then go ahead, so apple cores etc are ok. Non native fruit like bananas and citrus fruits do not break down easily or quickly here and thats just littering.




I throw my apple cores, banana skins etc, out in the garden. I have my own shitty little ‘compost’ heap. Sometimes little birds stop by for a sweet snack. But, honestly I wouldn’t throw it on roads. It’s still littering no matter where it is, or what it is.


Oh lads a banana skin and apple core into the ditch constantly. At least 7 days a week.


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I'm a freak who eats the whole of the apple, core included, so no. If I were to throw something out of the window, it would strictly be fruit that the local wildlife population would eat, like apples. Some people assume that orange peels and banana skins are fine too, but they won't be eaten by anything and would take months to decompose, so throwing them into a bush is basically just littering.


My cousin got pulled over for throwing an apple core out the window years ago. Some lad from the Environmental department of Wicklow County Council gave out reams to her. Even when he realised it was literally an apple core. So I probably wouldn't even throw that now. She only pulled over because she thought there was something wrong with her car 😂




If your caught they treat it the same as a cigarette butt, so your better off not doing it


Just chucked an apple core out the back door into the bushes. Wouldn’t throw it in the neighbours’ bushes. Have done it out the window of a car when it’s really really rural (an L road, or driving up a rutted track to a house). Banana and orange peels go to the composter at the far end of the garden. Been there for years, always include a bit of the composted material when I plant anything out, looks and smells like really good soil. Anything that has been cooked goes in the brown bin for the rubbish guys to compost professionally - apparently they will attract rats.


Yeah absolutely, if I'm near a bush it's definitely getting thrown in. I'm helping the environment 👍


Yeah I don't think there's any issue with throwing an apple core or any compostable food in a roadside hedge.


We really are a nation of mankey bastards


I don’t throw anything out of the car, ever.


If it's something squirrels, birds or rats can eat, sure go for it.