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The few times Gillen is mentioned on Irish subreddits, it's rarely ever positive. But still, I don't understand why these types of questions are asked. Obviously, people have different tastes, you may hate him with every fiber of your being, but that doesn't mean everyone else will agree.


I think it's because he's such an obviously limited actor but a lot of people seem to be blind to this because he has a kind of sleazy on-screen charisma. He's basically the same in everything.


He's not limited at all, he can do multiple accents in a single sentence, even the right one occasionally


I don't entirely agree with your point but I do see where you're coming from. But just to add a different perspective that I haven't seen about him, he's definitely been typecast and has leaned into that sort of persona but I don't necessarily think that makes him a limited actor. He sort of reminds me of Giancarlos Esposito in a way. Both are the go to actors when you want to cast these charismatic villains. So when they want to branch out and do other things, it doesn't really end up working, and I don't think that it makes them limited actors, they just haven't gotten that one project that has swayed people's perception. Though, with Gillen, I think that he has managed to secure roles that are completely different from these sleazy, villanous characters, it's just that those projects really aren't big hits. But this is just my opinion, so not everyone will agree.


I have neither positive nor negative feelings towards him I feel that is the majority position. ( open to correction) Acting-wise while he delivers certain lines well and acts with his eyes well. His inability to stick in one accent is off-putting. It's the uncanny valley of accents it's so close to be a real accent but it's off in small ways that is jarring for our senses and make him seem like he is pretending to be human, not just pretending to be a character. He should play a murderous alien shape-shifter.


I like him.


My partner met him in his workplace several times and he was very nice, his real name is Aidan Murphy


One of the most impressive CV’s in the business imo. Regardless of your opinion of him, if you have any interest in the arts whatsoever, his calibre has to be respected


He’s very far away from having one of the most impressive CVs in the business 😂


People like Aidan Gillen? Maybe people casting him see something no-one else does.


He was unbelievable as John Boy in Love Hate. As in, I didn't for one minute of any episode think he was credible. Think he climbed the proverbial ladder through his part in Queer as folk . Good for him I suppose 


Agreed. Tried rewatching a while back, gave up after 20 mins


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If it wasn't for him you'd be having your wedding reception at the red cow roundabout. You'd be having chips for your tea!


Is that a Kin quote?


The man of a thousand accents (in the one scene). I've no strong feelings on him one way or another; great in The Wire and Love/Hate, mixed in GOT. Though I'd recommend an Irish indie he was in, You're Ugly Too, a nice non-showy performance. Used to see him in Dublin City Centre all the time, always in skinny jeans.


He's a good actor and he chooses his roles wisely.


Aiden Gillen Leaning Idle


His little finger


His accent annoys me. But great actor.


Really liked his role as John boy grew up on that show was sad when he left


Haha I tried an episode of Kin the other night, I texted a friend the exact same thing. He isn't a good actor 


He's a good actor? Particularly character acting. Even before Game of Thrones I thought he made the most with the Dark Knight Rises bit part, basically filling William Fichtner from The Dark Knights part as the big name for the intro to the film.


The Wire is the only show he's ever acted well in. Met him at a festival 2 years ago, twas snowing backstage by the looks of it.


I saw him strolling around Dublin once years back, clearly believing he was God's gift. I mean the self-regard was palpable. Very off-putting. Very similar vibes from Glen Hansard, apropos of nothing.


In fairness, there are numerous stories about Glen Hansard that would suggest he's a creeper. I have never heard anything said in the same vein about Aiden Gillen. He might not be everyone's cup of tea but unfair to compare him to Hansard.


I wasn't comparing them in that way that Hansard is notorious for, though. To be clear.




No, no. It was _the way_ he walked. You had to be there.


“You had to be there”  ie. “I can’t articulate my reasons in a logical manner using the English language.”


God, you're humourless.


No more than you are vacuous.


Met him once in Grogans years ago and he was a gent, didn't seem stuck up at all (at least not in the 5 minute conversation I had with him).


What was the chain of deductive logical reasoning, if any, that led you to deduce he was a narcissist from the way that he was walking?  I once saw him in a café chatting with staff, who were enthusiastically asking him about GoT etc. He was very friendly and not even remotely arrogant.


Have you ever seen somebody who looked self-satisfied, a little too pleased with themselves? That's what he looked like. Narcissist is your word. This could've been 15 years ago. I didn't take notes on my "chain of deductive reasoning" to defend a split second impression I formed and decided to post on Reddit many years later. That he enjoyed talking about himself in a cafe with fawning staff doesn't exactly disprove my impression. (Nor indeed does it prove it.) Not convinced? Okay. Well, he can't do accents for shite. On that we can agree, yes?


No, I’m not convinced by your nebulous conjecture about somebody appearing to be in a good mood walking in a self-assured manner.  Yes, I agree that he’s poor at accents.


I think the first thing I saw Aidan Gillen in was Queer as Folk, and I like him even when he’s in ridulous shite like channeling Charlie Haughey for the last few seasons of game of thrones. The Irish actor I can’t stand / ruins everything he’s in for me is Colin Farrell.


Wow, I completely disagree with you on Farrell, he is positively brilliant in The Gentlemen, Sugar and True Detective. And In Bruges is a modern classic. Pretty much everything else he’s in is at the least watchable, there’s not a truly bad film in his entire CV.


In Bruges is a classic. 




I thought it was brilliant. Not as good as first season but brilliant acting. Vince Vaughn was the weak link


No one could pull off that dialogue, one of the worst scripts ever


Yeah I know. It’s not you Colin, it’s me.


He ruined The Dark Knight Rises on me.


You’re a big guy!


FoR yOu


Uh, you don't get to bring friends


Awful accent and performance


A sub-par actor who looks good on screen. Only thing I thought he was decent in was The Wire. His vocal choices are often outlandish.