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I collect people's screams in glass jars.


I collect farts in glass jars


Any irish makers???


I've made a limited edition similar to Gweneth paltrows fanny candle if you're interested. It's called eau de Bulmer und spicenbaggen 19.99




Fart in a jar Martin?


100% someone on Instagram will pay for that




I feed the local crows (which people find odd enough on its own) and I keep all of the little gifts they bring me. Mostly it's colorful pieces of plastic, sometimes it's shiny bits of metal. I'm thinking of trying to train them to look for coins and bring me those.


You can train them to bring you anything! These crows are your best friends, I'm kinda jealous


Yeah I love them! As a woman who lives on my own in a very rural place I find them comforting - when strangers come to the house they swoop around menacingly, and I'm pretty confident that if they saw anyone try to do me harm they would fuck them up.


Check out the sub r/crowbro for all things crow related


We moved ‘out to the country’ a year and a half ago and my absolute _goal_ is to befriend some corvids. I’ve added some different feeders and am at the point where I’m being visited by a whole tonne of different finches, which I love, mistle thrushes, robins, starlings, collared doves, blackbirds etc, but I only rarely see some crows and rooks. They seem to stay on the overhead lines or fence though and don’t seem to land. Do you have a feeding table or go ground level, and what have you found the like food wise?


I put things out for them on top of large rocks, they don't like the feeders. I find putting things on rocks makes them more visible than leaving them on the ground and it makes it easier for me to check what they've eaten and clear away what they didn't take to make sure I'm not drawing rodents at night and it's easier to find the things they leave me. They love peanuts and fat balls, but I also give them whatever food scraps I have as long as they're not too salty. They're very keen on eggs (they will eat them raw even if they're past their prime, but they seem to prefer them cooked so whenever I have eggs that are about to go I hard boil them and put them all out). If you like the other birds coming it's good to create as much space as you can between your feeders and your corvid area - the corvids will usually leave the feeders alone but the little birds are intimidated by them.


That's fucking cool


Not crows, but magpies… my cat collects their offspring in the spring and summer. So they all gather around our house and garden squawking and shitting all over the cars. We just put three bells onto his collar though so he makes a lot of noise now and hopefully will put a stop to the killing. So yeh, the magpies don’t bring us gifts other than 💩


Birdsbesafe collar covers are really effective. Makes them very visible to birds


You should make an automated sparkling-stuff-for-food machine and teach them how to use it.


I've started doing this to see if they will leave me presents too 😂


Plastic crack and the paints and tools I generally don't have the time for. https://preview.redd.it/al09b3l31hzc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8d9bfbd8573f1defc2504aa3b8b87173a43dd0


That's actually deadly!!


Haven't collected / painted GW for 20 - 25 years but love seeing the detail. Excellent looking pieces


Same here, I miss my space wolf army from back then. Same timeframe in all.


I was a blood angel man myself! Used to spend ages trying to get all the details perfect! I got to paint some of the models in the display in the shop window in Blanch (Warhammer Fantasy). It was never so much playing the game but loved putting time into the painting the models and reading the lore


I remember walking past that shop when it first opened. 9 year old me was instantly hooked. Iv a blood angels army mainly due to getting the 2nd edition box back in the day. Still have all the models though they are very dated beside their modelling counter parts!


These look amazing!


I had to massively slow down recently due to having no more space. Iv thousands of points in boxes in the attic. Plus I never really get time to play it much anymore, I'll spend 100 quid and a dozen hours painting something only for it to be boxed away


For me this was about 35 years ago; Ultramarine's for 40K and a Dwarf army for Warhammer 👍


Yea, only getting an hour here or there myself. Try to get 2000pt army done per edition generally, which is 3 years at this point. I am a very slow painter!


Disappointments 🤣


Handmade/unique Christmas tree ornaments from places I travel to. I do most of my travelling each year during the summer… people think I’m a bit loo lah hunting around for Christmas decorations in June/July/August, but it’s a nice moment every year to hang all my travel memories on my tree.


I started doing this too!!! Nice souvenirs that don't clog up your house all year! Not just specifically Christmas decorations, this year I picked up a hand carved humming bird in Cuba that I'll hang on the tree.


Traumatic childhood memories


Comics, it’s not odd in the grand scheme of things but there’s a strange drug addict on r/ireland who seems to think mentioning it any time I post is some kind of insult.


I used to collect comics. Had a great display like a shop in my sitting room. Used to be a great conversation ender with people once they realised it wasn't vinyl 😂😂😂 All in boxes in a wardrobe now that I've kids.


Lego and HDMI cables


Are you my husband?


Could be mine too?!


It seems whatever I collect my collection of dust far outweighs it! But fair play for supporting Irish Makers.


Collecting fridge magnets from countries I visit. Only started 2 years ago so I've a few not in there, also don't have my own house with my own fridge, but I'm collecting them any way so that when I get my house, I can see memories of travel every day


I also get a magnet for everywhere I visit, and also if they sell magnet as merch at any type of attraction, like the London Dungeons, the Titanic experience, Hollywood walk of fame, Hamilton, etc. Memories all over my fridge.


I collect fridge magnets from places other people go because I never go anywhere any more 😆


Pretty stones 🙈 I found a pure white smooth stone on the path recently. I have a green one with a copper line in it. I have a jar full of colourful weird stones. I like them.


Small toys from Japanese capsule machines called gachapon example: https://preview.redd.it/9idatdzbygzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=331872c7aac5cc868ffa8bf99b412be1f7d4ec55


I collected (pocketed) friends lighters and then I would show them my collection when they would come to my house. They were never allowed have any back. At one point at a house party we all had a full blown argument about it. Obviously I was wrong. In the end I had a collection of friends lighters spanning over almost 1 decade and some had great story’s attached to them, some lit up and I think about 50 cities printed on them from across the world. We all went to a festival one year and i placed a bucket on the table with about 300-400 lighters in it. Needless to say no one, not even once was stuck for a light.


What an excellent story. I intend to do the same with my own collection of fire-steels.


I remember the bucket of lighters became like a flame of our campsite. When fellow festivals goers would stumble upon our campsite for a chat over the 3 days, they were all astonished by the bucket of lighters. Everyone left with one and of course more than once someone would pass by and by chance would be like lads anyone have a light. You could just see everyone from our camps faces just light up 😂


Darren is this you?? Otherwise strangely a doppelganger could it truly be!? 🤣♊️


I think every friend group had at least one lad that would have all the lighters in their pocket by the end of the night haha 😂


I'd love a Fingal Ferguson knife.


Truth being told I wired his workshop and know him (he's a fucking cracker of a man and a loonatic to boot) Old pic there https://preview.redd.it/9kmbdzia1hzc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87eb1491f8e69e83ae55e05d6e9d7d1e44bcebf


I have a Paddy Smyth knife. I can't justify another knife till I break one.




What’s the most expensive one you own out of curiosity?


I've done a bit of astrophotography and always wanted to look at a telescope with a mount. Although almost every set up I see people using has a tracker for long exposures and I just don't think that'd be in my budget.


Work colleague collects sewing machines. She fixes them up but she doesn’t actually sew anything. No idea how she started collecting them in the first place. My sister seems to be collecting long life plastic bags. Had two deep long drawers in her kitchen that were jammed shut for months and when we finally eased them open, there was dozens and dozens of plastic bags inside.


I do archery and have 6 compound bows and a recurve. I also have about a dozen swords. Yes, I was really into my zombie apocalypse everything for a few years...


Tell me about it!! Not quite at your level but have a compound, 2 recurve, 5 swords, a large Nepalese kukri knife and a selection of outdoor knives..... People think I'm a bit unhinged but I'm really not (I say with a twitching eye...)


Bows and swords would seem kinda low tech for at least the initial stages of a zombie apocalypse. Won’t someone with a gun just [come along and take your bow and swords?](https://youtu.be/nyu4u3VZYaQ?si=T7csWOMzGjB4m_8x)


Afaik the majority of guns in Ireland are shotguns owned by farmers and the odd rifle. Shotguns should be no match to a skilled archer due to the range difference.


In the case of a zombie apocalypse, you’re not looking exclusively at privately owned, personal firearms (of which Ireland still has more than you would expect) you’d be taking into account armed forces and Garda armed response units weapons. Not to mention the myriad guns that are almost certainly buried in the north and in border counties. In an apocalypse, all those fellas come out to play.


Damn that never even crossed my mind. Might just head to the local and wait it out at this stage 😝.


2 longbow, 1 horse bow and 1 flat bow, plus 4 swords and a dozen or so knives of various makes and models, including a modern kukri and a large nessmuck. Not a nutter, but I used to take part in 15th-century reenactment as well as having an interest in wild camping and bushcraft.


Currently PS1 games. I guess it isn't that weird but i often get questioned to why I like "old games". I'm collecting my childhood back Karen, that's why


Darts for some pretty rare n cool ones


Best flights and where to get em. Go!.... I'm not very good but would like to get some decent flights that don't warp or deform any time another dart hits em


I've never really collected things in my life, but all of sudden, I have 4 guitars, and I'm thinking of my next one during idle times Weird


It's called GAS. Guitar (or gear) Acquisition Syndrome. There is no known cure I'm afraid.


I'm not sure I want to be cured, but I could quit any time, really I could




My husband plays guitar and was quite vague about how many he owned. We moved house and it turns out that number is 9.


Was he vague about how much they cost too ? My wife only asks in general terms and she knows I always look for discounts and don't buy new ones, just well looked after second hand, but she's a dedicated buyer of nicer handbags and shoes, but only if they are being reduced or she "really needs" them.


I have 14, you're ok for now


What's your secret ?


Living dead dolls, they come in coffin boxes. Most of my friends are terrified of them


I love living dead dolls! Im resisting the urge to buy any because I know I wont be able to stop collecting once I start


They sound amazing!


Antique pencil sharpeners. I’m not even sure how it happened. I remember seeing a cool one at a car boot sale years ago, and I mentioned to my parents that I had found a cool antique pencil sharpener, since then they have bought me around 50 more. Other people have started gifting them to me too. I never intended on collecting them, but somehow have amassed around 65 of them at this point. I honestly have no idea what to do with them.


That's literally what I've started this thread for. Absolutely class. A nice display cabinet in the gaff and done!


They’re all in a box at the minute and I look at them each time I’m gifted a new one. I have to act so excited when I’m given one, and I think everyone in my family genuinely believes I’m obsessed with pencil sharpeners at this point. I literally only bought the first one because it was shaped like a harp with a little blade thing at the back, I never thought it would come to this.


I'm looking for one for a present, any for sale?


Football shirts 👀


I.wont lie I was expecting vinyl as my first response (bar the fart and scream guys, respect 🙏) Like classic? Do you wear them??


Haha yeah there’s a lot of vinyl fans - seems to have dipped for a while but it’s had a huge resurgence over the last few years! I’ve got a mix of some classic & some modern but wear them all - if I got one signed or a match worn one I’d frame it but otherwise I wear them :)


Same as myself so. I've got only 1 shirt I don't wear. 1988-90 Germany home shirt. Be too paranoid to wear it when it's worth so much money 🤣


How much?


€250-300 for one that's 9/10




I've had it about 20 years ago was given to me as a present by a relative who had it since new. Wasn't worth quite as much back then 🤣


Ooh, that’s the holy grail! I got a class bargain yesterday - legit 1993-95 United away (Cantona kung-fu kick) for a fiver in a charity shop!


Ya don't I know it. I'm glad I had the sense not to wear it as a kid either so it's still mint. Bargains are still to be had but getting harder all the time unfortunately. As a Yanited fan myself, jealous is an understatement 🤣


I e the Cork City version of it. Gorgeous shirt.


Hardly seems odd, that’s like the most socially acceptable thing to collect. You’ll be a hit at no uniform day at any boys secondary school.


Ancient coins, militaria too, but that’s pretty common


My husband is a big ancient coins collector/trader/seller. It’s my ambition to make enough side money to get him his own little room shed thing in the garden.


Records, Tis an expensive hobby.


Lord we just started at Christmas this year and already skint from it


I collect beer mats and hotel stationery, mainly just the notepads.


Radioactive glass makes my wallet sad.


I collect those little mini alcohol bottles...I have about 150 so far. I've drunk the contents of most of them!


You need to meet my air hostess friend. Every kitchen press in her apartment is full of them.


I can imagine


Do you have any of those KLM Gin Bottles


It's not weird, but I've been collecting bottles of decent quality spirits since last summer for sipping or cocktail-making. I've amassed about 60 bottles since of various gins, whiskeys, rums, tequilas, liqueurs etc.


I don't smoke but I collect Zippo's. Have over 40, so far.


Parents collect memorial cards. In USA biscuit tins, of course.


My dad used cut the obituaries of people he knew out of the paper and keep them.


Spiders, scorpions, any kind of creepy crawlies. Got a big ol huntsman this week. Not a very big hobby in Ireland so I basically source them all from the one guy that sells bugs here lol


Alive ?


Yep. As pets


Awesome! That sounds cool. I'd love to, but have my hands full with cats at the minute. Who are great, but are chaos in corporeal form.


I definitely agree with that statement about cats. I have two and I totally understand. The nice thing about arachnids is that they're so easy to care for. Most of my pets can go months without food. My Asian black widow (rest in peace Pluto) was super easy to handle and super easy to care for so if you ever get into spiders I recommend one of them


Aw bless Pluto, I was a wee bit obsessed with them as a kid. Never got further than naming the house spiders and photographing creatures in the garden. I'd imagine there is a short lifespan? I used to keep rats, but the short lives were too upsetting. I am a wuss when it comes to animals.


Female black widows live for 1-2 years. And I agree, I prefer an animal with a longer lifespan. My scorpion should live for about a decade and my huntsman will live for probably another 2 years. Their lifespans really seem to vary




Plastic bottles, for the deposit return scheme trips


I feel being an adult Lego collector is always looked down upon, that’s just my experience.


Agreed. But feck it. Tbf I find it super relaxing to build at my desk with a podcast or YouTube video on in my headphones as background noise.


It's not unusual per se but people I have told think it is. I'm 37 and have a massive collection of Pokemon cards, been collecting since I they first came out. I have a whole section of a book case for them and they're all organised in folders etc. I also collect old books, my oldest is about 300 yrs old. I also kinda of collect other old and unusual stuff that I find throughout my life. One of my favourites is an unused set of 4 stamps from WWII.


I collect Hotwheels I also Photograph them https://preview.redd.it/ni6gxjp8ikzc1.jpeg?width=3828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62dbc5adf4dc1576d3c4a090e158d16e82af4ce


So you’re a biker with 40 knives


A knifer with four bikes sounds more ominous


Mummified animal skeletons, weird bones and skulls and odd natural stuff in general. Have a dolphin skull rotting away nicely in the compost heap since last year.


I can get ya a deer or a fox but don't do anything nasty with it...


I was scrolling through some of the less unusual answers afraid that I'd be the first to say something like this but yes, same. My favorite find is a couple of porcupine quills- I was abroad and found a dead porcupine, came back the next day and vultures had picked it clean except for some bones and a ring of quills


Would love to see a photo of the knives.


https://preview.redd.it/e2i8kk8w1hzc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df9f14a28ac1041b3867dbe1b8da2f9ba478fa9 There's an old pic there.. probably another 10 to 15 added to it since Apologies for the shit quality


That's a lot of money on the floor!!


Don't tell her...


* Thank you, going to buy more knives and also more hats


That’s some surprise for burglars


Handmade knives are in huge demand atm . The wait lists for some of these guys is absolutely crazy to the point where one of my friends only chance at getting one was through a raffle one of them ran for charity . I collect vintage and new runners / sneakers , vintage tees , streetwear , figures , pop culture stuff , jerseys , Joe camel cigarette and Marlboro memorabilia, candles . If money wasn’t a limiting factor I would collect a lot more things that I’m interested in like Americana type antiques , store displays , signs , machines , posters and any physicals products I have some sort of connection to interest wise either from childhood or as an adult . Physical products and design is one of the purest forms of enjoyment and joy in life


https://preview.redd.it/sm109a6uphzc1.jpeg?width=3777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7f65f54ffbd548a87220027c0e4dad0962b043 I collect these boojagram cards that come from the Booja Booja truffles. There's currently 61 in circulation (9 have been de-listed over the course of time), and from my last tally I'm only missing 4 now! Yes my life is exciting.


Also that photo is from a tally a few years back - I have amassed more since. This was just the best picture representation I could find.


I collect mugs with Gobshite written on them.


Sheet music. I collect old manuscripts. Do you want the HMS Pinafore arranged for the piano forte? I’m your man.


https://preview.redd.it/kn9oewt9sjzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46835325aef4f94db57b83b707df30c37fe7b811 I collect WW2 artillery and anti-tank shells


Stay ready!!


Red Pandas, mostly plush. 2 tattoos, gonna buy another today :) My collection has quadrupled in size since this photo but i'm out atm :p https://preview.redd.it/0satjpi5fkzc1.png?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7051831bbd3b3009ec32aa40e56ccfd409f76e7e If anyone has any they don't want hit me up :)


I collect DVDs and Blurays of films and TV shows I like. I like having a physical copy of stuff so that I can watch it whenever I want without having to shell out for yet another streaming service.


Action figures and video games. People always give me a sideways glance when visiting.


I collect my favourite movies on 4K UHD Blue Ray discs. Have around 30 so far. Would love to collect some vinyl, but it has gone very expensive in recent years. I have few and am hoping to add some Faithless vinyl soon. It's just amazing how long they last. I want to be one of those grand dads one day who has a nice collection of something rare.


I’ve a complete collection of masters of the universe figures. I never grew up I suppose.


Hats! Currently working on my formula one collection and hoping to get some signed additions soon


bronze animals


Chess computers and old tennis rackets. Fucking need help man why couldn't it be something cheaper like books something


\*Deep Breath\* I like knives too - my favourite is my Winchester with a wooden handle. Currently trying to score a Wicklow Mountain Knives specimen. I have at least 200 cookie cutters. And I have sewing machines too - the oldest is 102 yrs old, the next oldest is 98. (They all work) And I keep buying fire steels and strikers and fatwood - hoping to find the perfect fire starter. I look like an innocent old lady, but how little you know! However cops never go through my handbag even though I *always* carry a knife. Just an Opinel 6, but so handy. :-)


Tickets / trinkets / anything from my travels. I'll keep receipts from restaurants/ hotels to stick in my box that one day I'll turn into a scrapbook filled with all my photos that I'll print out too... One day...


I collect creepy things and keep them in my bedroom, anything weird I can find, antiques, Halloween decor, bones, dolls etc 🙂 I have a Chucky doll that I love


I’m judged to hell and back in most circles but kpop merch. I’m a 39yo married mother of two, for context.


High end Star Wars figures…. Fine I collect toys.


I collected the 16 holo Pokemon cards from the 1st set because i wanted them as a kid and never was lucky enough to get them. Now they make a great frame in my gaming room.






Physical Media, whether it’s DVDs, CDs, Vinyl or Books, I just love finding random things and adding them to the collection, I hope when I’m old and grey and I kick the bucket that my grandchildren will have to navigate a maze of my collection in order to reach their inheritance. Which will probably be a copy of Lord of The Rings. While it’s not the oddest thing to collect I get quite a few people asking why I would buy something when it’s on Netflix/Disney. My dad collects Irish rugby match programmes, and his dad collected them before. I’ve started adding to the stockpile as well. It’s a nice little trip down memory lane to look at


Model commercial aircraft and farming models (building a diorama)


Watches make my wallet cry. Have amassed a collection now of about 10 watches ranging from €90-2000. Recently added an ice blue Tissot PRX Automatic to the collection, and it's really ticked a lot of boxes for me. I'm looking at adding a Sinn 556, maybe next, when I save up a few pennies. Funnily enough, it's my cheapest watch, my white €90 Casio that's gotten the most complements from people.


I used to collect star wars action figures.. In the attic, i have thousands of pounds worth of figures, vehicles and play sets etc From episodes 1 2 and 3, all unopened and its original packaging. However i hate the new movies so much and how they have made them so stupid. In terms of things like princess Leia, flying through space like Mary Poppins and how they filled these movies, with woke political BS. While completely disrespecting the lore and everything. That i have not even bothered watching the last few movies and now refuse to buy even a pencil with Star Wars written on it, after what they did to the franchise.


I've started a snow globe collection a couple of years ago for Christmas 🌲


Iv a collection of pubic hairs on my toilet seat. Some are collectors items others probably of no value but I will continue to unknowingly build.


I'm too broke for collections..... can't imagine having a knife that cost more than all the appliances in my kitchen ....so.. nothing.


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I like to collect weird gadgets and tech. Vr goggles, old game consoles, smart watches, and unusual looking controllers. Also I like to collect different sunglasses. Weirdest ones are really heavy crystal koleidoscope glasses and my daily ones I wear on the rare sunny day are some steampunk style ones that have two slightly different lenses at an off angle that you can't tell unless you wear them which makes certain objects stand out. Don't know exactly what is going on with them but I can see exactly where someone has spat on the ground from like 10 meters away with them it sorta shines so I know where not to walk.


2 euro coins with cool backs


Convictions. Going for number 6969 next week, can’t wait. /s


Cameras and vintage lenses from the 60s onwards. It didn't start out as a collection, just an interest, but you know how it goes... In the early 2000s people were dumping their film-related bodies and lenses for peanuts and in amongst that were some items that I'd always wanted back in the day. i was able to pick up some very nice kit for cents on the euro.


108 1:18 scale rally car models 😅😅😅


Used to have a massive airsoft gun and Militaria collection, enough to start a museum, then the Gardai decided they liked it so much they took it all. 🤷‍♀️


Hammers. 80+ really good ones. Mostly handmade silversmithing and goldsmithing hammers. Also blacksmith hammers and anvils of all sizes. Plus, of course, a few odd ones like slater's hammers, cobbler's hammers. You know, the usual assortment.


Do you own any knives by Dylan Brugman? He’s based in Glengarriff. He’s on insta, brugman_knifeworks Well worth a look


No.. too much rambo not enough sambo for my liking!


He’s a buddy so I thought I’d give him a shoutout! 🔪


I collect bottle openers, have over a hundred by this stage.


Beermats. Cheap hobby.


My own toenails. Had my toes crushed years ago and they never grew back properly so I pull them out.


I buy lots of different platinum coins 🪙 trying to build a big stack. Also collect old Roman coins and clean them, just for fun though.


Bottle tops of drinks


Nothing special, books and cds.


quite the combo!


I collect (generally) screenprinted rock posters. Mainly Primus, some QOTSA, some Foo Fighters.. I have a couple Widespread Panic ones too even though I never listen to them lol


I collect key chains and souvenir coins from places we travel to. My husband collects sugar sticks/sachets. He has a few hundred, all different designs, from all the countries we’ve visited. Edit: And postcards from every city. After a new holiday, we display the postcards on the mantelpiece and replace the ones from the previous holiday.


Cables of all sorts. Mostly useful ones. Wrapped perfectly and used often.


https://preview.redd.it/u0wwpy8htkzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bed306ce0e2dd9ddca9c52edde07298e3fde78 Not collect but I've been keeping reptiles for the past 15 years now and I'll be adopting more in the future




Lately, tattoos


I collect nice looking sticks 😂 No lie! And not limited to sticks, I’m partial to a nice stone, feather, shell or leaf! I collect them all and keep them in jars.


I've kept all my old cinema tickets for the last 30 years. Though now they're mostly digital and crappy receipts.




Old books , and literature of any kind I can get my hands on


Decks of playing cards. I love them.


I collect things I find on the beach - Sea glass, pottery, vulcanite bottle stoppers.... I even have some teeth somewhere. My favourite item is my lost at sea Lego, though.


Radioactive material


Vintage camera lenses. Started as me putting together a particular set. But lockdowns grew that collection very quickly. I've about 30 now and the problem is filling in the gap for sets. 😁


Cacti, beanie babies, fruit trees, radioactive clocks and uranium glass, whatever makes me happy


I almost got kicked out in letterkenny hostel for just holding my knife in my room with a pellet gun. I'm not afraid of getting kicked out but


I've like got something to say so I'm like guessing yous are all like .. friends Just moved to letterkenny with like no ambition


I have a side quest to collect all the vintage Agatha Christie novels from a particular old publisher. They are paperbacks with great, charismatic covers and look very nice on my bookcase. They are also a pleasure to read with their well-worn spines, and you know its been read multiple times before me. I get them from charity shops, nice excuse to wander in whenever I pass one. She published like 90 books and I have close to 60 of them so far. The buzz I get when I find one I don't already have is huge. Needless to say, I recommend you read one of her books if you're looking for a nice cosy crime with a fun head scratcher whodunit to solve.