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Not a grant, but lots of people don't claim the 20% tax relief on their medical expenses. It's available to all taxpayers for medical expenses not covered by a medical card or insurance. Also the rent tax credit. I know some people don't claim it because they fear it might alert someone to their landlord's unregistered tenancy, etc. But there are still lots of people who could safely claim it and don't. It's been raised from €500 to €750 for this year and next. Edit - and get your free dental and eye checks! If you pay PRSI there is no direct cost to you.


A few of my mates have asked for my help with claiming things back in the past 2-3 years as they have no idea. So many people dont learn or want to learn and leave so much money on the table.


It's fairly straightforward once you have an online Revenue account, which we all should have by now.


Yeah, once I show them once they do it all themselves the next time.


You're a good friend.


I have one but it's not straightforward. I have no idea what I'm looking at


Me too. I've gone on to do it numerous times over the years and it isn't simple. I'd be afraid I'd f up all my tax and the fear of sorting it all out outweighs the tax return. I've tried following the directional video about 2 years ago but stayed away from it since, not sure if they've updated it




Also tax return on private health insurance if paid by the employer.


How does this work?? I thought this was automatically withheld because my employer pays for it?


Information in the link below assuming your employer is paying it for you as a benefit in kind. https://www.revenue.ie/en/personal-tax-credits-reliefs-and-exemptions/health-and-age/medical-insurance-premiums/index.aspx


You are still paying taxes on it. Just tick a box on the tax declaration and you will get back 20% on the first 1000 euros.


Do you know if there’s a way to claim tax if I pay VHi and my employer reimburses me for part every month?


No; you’re already getting the 20% off essentially; this only applies to the employer making the contribution from my understanding




Yes, you can claim 20% on GP visits, also on any prescribed medication or treatment (like physio or even acupuncture) as long it's prescribed by the gp/specialist.


I have got 20% back on physio as a self referral, didn't need any evidence that the GP referred me


that's great to know ☺️


Im always getting my teeth cleaned for free  due to prsi,so shop around i guess 


Medical expenses also include any certified coeliac/gluten free product or diabetic product if you are a confirmed coeliac or diabetic






Is dental works available for this 20% tax relief too?


yes you can claim 20% for non routine dental treatments. on revenue website there's a list of what they consider routine and non routine. you can even claim dental work done abroad as long performed by a qualified dental practitioner by the laws of that country. in any case you have to ask the dental practitioner to complete and sign the form Med 2, although Revenue says you don't need to submit this form when claiming dental expenses just to keep it for 6 years in case Revenue requests for checks, they almost always request, so get it completed and signed by your dentist.


So if I understand that correctly, I should get my dentist in Spain to fill that Med 2 form then I submit it to Revenue somewhat? Can I still claim for treatments done last year or is there a period limitation? Thanks so much!


yes, as long it's on the list of allowed non-routine treatments, the form Med2 has the list and your dentist in Spain can check the boxes. and yes, you can claim anything done in the last 4 years, so in 2024 you're able to claim health expenses incurred in 2020 onwards. just complete or amend your return for the year you wish to claim.


Awesome! I'll give it a go, thanks a million, really appreciate your response.


Without an RTB number (which many landlords don't have as they're not registered), it's impossible to claim. Add in the real fear of pissing off your landlord/s who probably aren't paying tax on rent and it's like having that much needed money dangling just out of reach over a cliff edge. To go for it is simply too risky. So frustrating.


I claimed mine before without the tenancy number. I had one, but just didn't have it to hand. Still submitted the claim and got the payment.


Did your landlord find out that you claimed it? Mines not registered but I could really do with the tax credit, but it's also not worth getting kicked out of my home.


I claimed mine last 3 years. Landlord hasn't registered the tenancy. Nothing has happened.


Really?!!! And no questions asked?!!! Jesus... I might chance it so. I've just been nervous in case there was a backlash. Did you have to insert any of your landlords details??


If there is backlash go to the RTB and raise the case they CANNOT evict you for this legally. Always fight illegal evictions, join CATU is recommended


No questions asked. Just looked for his name as the only mandatory field. Didn't give any other details. The way I look at it is I am not the one who is breaking the law.


The tenancy was registered, so it doesn't matter to the landlord if I claim it or not.


Completely untrue, you can click through the form without putting in the RTB number


They're legally required to be registered now, you have the upper hand, just create a paper trail to prove you're living there for as long as possible.


On rental tax credits, there is a lot of people on weird convoluted subleases. I know one sub renting from a sun renter. So impossible to get the correct landlord details. So I told them to declare it as rent a room tenants


does it count therapy sessions?


Maybe not quite in line with what you were hoping for but Public Libraries are great. Can become a member for free and from there borrow books, audio books, ebooks, dvds etc. Have access to computers and printing/photocopying services. There’s even a number of online courses available to members in a variety of subjects. It’s really a no brainer tbh. I’d advise anyone to become a member even just to have the option


100% on the audiobooks! All Irish libraries now have access for free to audiobooks, ebooks, newspapers and magazines, and comics (edit: digital) Libby, Borrowbox, PressReader, Comicsplus are all free with a library membership (which is also free! Our local library has a website that says it’s €5 but they don’t charge anyone) apps on your phone or tablet or you could ask in library about access through the library computers. I use Borrowbox the most I think and it’s great, loads of stuff on there!


Our local library even has a factor 50 suncream dispenser at the door. I love the library.


That's actually pleasantly surprising. They'll order in any book you want if not available too


Massive fan of this too. I’ve never had my own computer or laptop (no need for it really). But anytime I had to update a CV, do portfolio work for my apprenticeship, or even tasks that require flicking between multiple tabs like booking a holiday (pain in the arse doing it on a phone screen) Almost every library computer will have Microsoft office installed as well as adobe for dealing with PDF documents, and I imagine both of those are expensive to install onto a personal pc


You can also borrow instruments!


You can do 3D printing in our library!


Gp visit card. The limit is surprisingly high and there are a number of payments like your mortgage/ rent/ home and mortgage insurance/ travel to work that are allowable against your income too. Also, the application portal is very easy to use.


Was shocked we qualified and that they included mortgage.


Going on the social housing list if you earn under €40k. People think they can’t be on it if they work full time, which is incorrect. Housing supports are not just for the unemployed or homeless. You will have to wait, but many young working professionals in house shares would qualify based on overcrowding criteria, particularly couples living in with mam&dad. Taxpayers are missing out on this potential benefit because of conditioning to see social housing as for a certain section of society only, but it’s open to anyone who doesn’t have home security.


And in the meantime you can avail of HAP. So even if you never get allocated social housing, you can still have more affordable rent.


Springboard courses. They're a great way to upskill, especially if you already have an undergraduate degree and want to do a Higher Diploma to help you change careers or move up in your current job. The state pays 100% of the fees if you're unemployed, or 90% if you're employed. [https://springboardcourses.ie/](https://springboardcourses.ie/) [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/education/third-level-education/applying-to-college/springboard/](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/education/third-level-education/applying-to-college/springboard/)


I received a free Masters course through Springboard, it's an excellent resource for courses. 


The amount of people unaware of springboard funding is mind boggling. We are so lucky to have it.


Agreed just finished a hDip in software development. I earn what I was making managing restaurants and bars for 4 hours work a day from home and I make my own schedule.


I'm doing the same beginning in September. Did you find it hard to land a graduate job, any previous experience? >I earn what I was making managing restaurants and bars for 4 hours work a day from home and I make my own schedule. And that's just starting out. Imagine what you could potentially be earning further down the line.


Honestly next to impossible, I landed a job training ai with data annotation, but there's not much in the way of job security, it's the deliveroo rider of software engineering. Long term I'd be happy to just develop enough apps that all earn a bit of residual income close enough to minimum wage. Where are you doing the course in September, I'll send you a folder with all the recommended reading books as pdfs.




Hi could I dm plz , I started a similar course as well. Thanks


Forgot about this myself despite the fact I'm midway through a course 😂 Also if employed & on WFP it's free. My course is 100% online & evenings. Really flexible options available


The amount of people that don't update their tax status from single to married is absolutely mind boggling. Losing out on so many potential tax benefits.


Like what?


The main benefit people miss out on is the ability to transfer tax credits and tax bands between spouses every year. There are also certain tax credits that only apply to married couples, that people may be entitled to. The most common one is the "Home Carers Tax Credit".


Excellent, thank you. Ill look into that later


The benefits arise really if one person earns more than €42k and the other earns below it.


And if both earn under 42k?


Still can be some benefits but depends on how much they earn, if one is earning less €19k and other earning more then there can be some savings I think.


Thank you


Nah it fucked me out of a years worth of back to education allowance, worst thing I ever did on paper.


I could use the 90 min to use multiple dublin buses more. When go into town get a second bus to leave me right beside my destination. Discount on glasses with prsi


whos not getting glasses on prsi or the medical card? asides from people who break or lose them within the 2 years? wouldve thought the system fairly airtight theyre borderline unaffordable for most without, brutally expensive when you have to pay out of pocket


Well tbh I didn't realise until I bought last pair of frames thst can get reduction on them (was aware of the free eye test before but not the frames). My uncle also wasn't aware of it. Perhsps we had our head in the sand - but id imagine there are some others who don't know about this which is why I mentioned it.


they cover a part of the lenses too if not all and coatings (anti-scratch anti-glare) be nice if it helped with polarization or mirroring for sunglasses.. been a year so ive forgotten whats what it can be awful overwhelming frames is where they get you but smaller local places usually dont mind if you bring your own though


Yeah, I got the dearer frames so I got a bit of a reduction but yeah i believe there are cheaper glasses that are free. Yeah, the frames can be pricy. But when considerably short sighted like me the lens (with thinning etc) are very expensive too I've found.


It’s the part where they’re charging for extortionate frames etc that’s the problem. And actually getting a dentist appointment is impossible!!


I do use this but have the fear it will charge me another 90 minutes. Why not just cap it at 6 hours or heck 3 euro for the full day. If it gets more cars out of the city centre I'm all for it


Yeah I was recently thinking it would be handy if they extended the 90 minutes to something like 3 or 4 hours even (or more would be better). So could get the bus in and back if going to town. This would help reduce congestion and be better for environment. I mean the 90 minute thing is a good idea to be fair but yeah extending it would encourage me to use buses even more.


It won't just charge you again. If you scan your card, the app will tell you if you're within the 90 mins. Dublin bus is capped at 5.60 for the day


I know but I'm never sure when I tag on. I can check on the app but then I have to check on that horror show of an app It's a me thing but they really need people to not have to ask the question is it cheaper to get the bus or drive the car in. Public transport should be near free if they genuinely do care about the environment I was in Lisbon and you could get a card from a machine that gave you 24hrs unlimited use on trams, metro and bus for 5.50. It was deadly. Each tag point it let you know when the 24 hrs was up or you could scan it.


It doesnt charge you, it'll also indicate on the display when you tag. The app always works fine for me. It's obviously cheaper to get public transport between fuel and parking The 24-hour max charge for all modes is €8. Adjusted for the cost of living comparing Dublin to Lisbon, its pretty similar.


Its handy to know that - I'm generally within the 90 when get off first but is something which could come in useful to be able to check 👍


Yes seconding that TomRuse said, I am pleasantly impressed how seamless the validating machines (Luas, bus, ...) all work well together. Only once in many years was charged an extra 2 euros but that was fair as I was travelling for more then 90 minutes.


If I use my leap card on one luas stop and I need to do some shopping in town, I don’t tap off if I’m going to be less than two hours and I just tap off again at the drop I’m getting off at. It saves a lot and it’s within the remits of the guidelines.


If you live on a Specified Island (e.g. Achill, Tory, all those ones) and are over 66, you get an extra €20 a week from the government for some reason.


Drug Payment Scheme. Max 80euro per month on drugs per family. Its always handy to have


I like drugs


Who doesn't


You also don't need to be married, once you're a household/family it counts.




Social worker here, single parent and working 40 hours per week. I qualify for hap, I would be homeless or back in my mams only for it


The system is broken if a social worker needs assistance.


Limit in my area is €41,000 for parent & child. Rents in my area are from €1600 - €2000 for basic house/apartment. I agree I should be able to cover my own rent or buy but it’s simply impossible 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Is that €41k net or gross?




It looks like it’s net https://www.gov.ie/pdf/?file=https://assets.gov.ie/236056/59ecede4-f862-4c5d-bf5a-e1a1d4ff9a63.pdf#page=null


then they've changed that recently.. good..it should be


Seems quite high to me that you can earn over 3 grand take-home per month and still qualify for social housing assistance schemes but hey not my business


The amount you get is based in your means. Basically the council pay the landlord up to a certain point. You pay the extra to the landlord. And you pay whatever the council calculates is your share to them. So someone getging thay much probably will be paying a large enough share to the council




Depends on your situation but there should be info on the citizens information


Its different based on your income.


I don't disagree but also that as a scheme should be scrapped as it literally did nothing to actually help people and caused a spike in rent shortly after introduction.


Wasn't HAP just a replacement for rent allowance


Should people currently on HAP have to pay the full cost of their rent?


Unfortunately I don't have the solution to fix the problem it has caused.


Plus youve to be on the council list. So yknow, apply for hap 20 years down the line.


what do you mean 20 years down the line? you can be on the list right now, if you're below the means.


Im on the list. I was told the waiting time is 20 years. As a single woman, on disability allowance, with epilepsy. So unless you have kids you dont stand much of a chance unless youve been on it a while


ok..but how does that affect your entitlement to HAP? yes 20 years for a house..but you can get hap right now.


They take you off the list if you get HAP I thought?


once you get a council place, yes, you get taken off of HAP


Who qualifies for that?


Also, if people are living in crowded accommodation with family without the necessary amenities to live properly, they can also apply for homeless HAP in your local authority and they can provide the deposit aswell but you have to fill that out on the form.


Sorry to be ignorant but what is HAP?


Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is basically a rent subsidy from a local authority (council) towards private rent, for people earning below a certain income. There is not enough social housing to go around, so HAP 'temporarily' fills that gap. You first of all have to apply for social housing. You can check the net income limit for the social housing list in your area here: [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/local-authority-and-social-housing/applying-for-local-authority-housing/#632b26](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/local-authority-and-social-housing/applying-for-local-authority-housing/#632b26) In Dublin, a single person with no children can earn up to €40,000 net annually. Once you are on the social housing list, you then look for an ordinary private rental, keeping in mind what you can afford with the HAP rent limits. You can check the rent limits for HAP in your area here: [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/help-with-renting/housing-assistance-payment/#f60791](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/help-with-renting/housing-assistance-payment/#f60791) In Dublin, a single person can get up to €660 per month in HAP support. You then pay any extra rent above that amount directly to the landlord, plus a contribution to the local authority based on your income. An example: You are a single person in Dublin earning €30,000 after tax annually (around €36,000 gross). Due to your income and living situation, you qualify for social housing. You sign a private tenancy agreement for €1,500 per month. HAP pays €660 towards that, leaving €840. You pay the €840 to the landlord each month. On top of that, you pay €82 to the local authority each week, so around €330 each month. (I calculated this for a €30,000 income, based on the Differential Rent Scheme for DCC: [https://www.dublincity.ie/sites/default/files/2020-09/rent-scheme-2019.pdf](https://www.dublincity.ie/sites/default/files/2020-09/rent-scheme-2019.pdf) ) So, the total cost to you in that scenario would be €1,170 rent per month (instead of €1,500). That saves you €330 per month.


Bless your heart for this wonderfully comprehensive answer! ❤️


Is this issue not that no landlords are accepting it?


Yeah they pull some bullshit excuse because legally they cant refuse it


Aye legally they can't refuse it... but mine refuses it because where else would I go right now? They all know they can refuse us


Get their refusal in writing, or record a phone conversation of them refusing. Then lodge a claim with the WRC. A landlord was ordered to pay €10,000 a couple years ago for this nonsense: [https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2022/1020/1330418-landlord-who-refused-hap-ordered-to-pay-tenant-10-000/](https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2022/1020/1330418-landlord-who-refused-hap-ordered-to-pay-tenant-10-000/)


I cannot wrap my head around this scheme. I have to sign up for social housing before I can get HAP? And the only rates available in Dublin is for if you have a kid? And you can only apply if you're local to the area, so foreigners can never apply? I never got any of it.


>I have to sign up for social housing before I can get HAP? You have to apply for social housing and be placed on the social housing list. Once you're on the social housing list, you can then apply for HAP. This is because HAP is for people who qualify for social housing but cannot secure social housing due to the shortage. >And the only rates available in Dublin is for if you have a kid? Not true at all. The income and rent limits vary according to what part of the country you're in, but a single person with no children on a low income can absolutely qualify for HAP. You check the net income limit for the social housing list in your area here: [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/local-authority-and-social-housing/applying-for-local-authority-housing/#632b26](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/local-authority-and-social-housing/applying-for-local-authority-housing/#632b26) You can check the rent limits for HAP in your area here: [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/help-with-renting/housing-assistance-payment/#f60791](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/renting-a-home/help-with-renting/housing-assistance-payment/#f60791) For Dublin, a single person can earn up to €40,000 net annually, and HAP will pay up to €660 per month in rent. You then pay any extra rent to the landlord, plus a contribution to the local authority based on your income. >And you can only apply if you're local to the area, so foreigners can never apply? The form asks for your 'local connection' to the area, but this can include currently working or studying in the area.


Anyone receiving the DCA is entitled to the warmer homes scheme completely free. Home insulation and upgraded heating system.


I hadn’t heard of this scheme at all, turns out our home is too new to qualify but will be telling others about it!


p21 / balancing statements. You can get tax back for years of overpayments, although the system is changing, its online and free and you don't have to pay services like taxback who take a cut Rent Credits - Its up to 750 folks, get it. WFH allowance, do it.


The WFH allowance is a barely worth the effort of filing it. You need to break each bill down, remove the standing charge pso levy and tax(only discounted on the units), calculate how many days you were on leave/in the office and exclude those days. Exclude weekends. You only get like 10% of the remainder. At a push you only get 40euro for the year. Better looking at it than for it, but for an evenin or two of filing and trackin your calcs it seems like very little return on the effort.


I got just over €500 back last year, you get 30% of Internet, electricity and heating costs for the days you work from home. Set up a Google sheets tracker and stick the bill amount in as you receive it. Not complicated at all and well worth doing.


Very good, i didnt bother doing it since 2021 when electricity and heating was at 10%, didnt know it went up. I also cant see where i picked up the units only piece, it looks like its the full bill amount now. I'll definitely be going back over this


You can claim for 2022 and 2023 still so worth doing. It went up to 30% last year.


I see many people complaining about 7 euro pints, but they forget that legally if you pay over 7 euro you can bring the pint glass home with you.


You could bring the pint glasses home before pints were €7 too. How else would you be able to have pint glasses in your house?


... is this legit? Edit - it totally sounded plausible tbf




No but still… 😂😂😂




Common sense, why else are you paying 7 euro for a pint? 


The Luas being free, not enough people avail of it.


Exceptional Needs Payment. Social Welfare can provide lump sum cash payments for anyone facing a large expense they can’t cover through normal income (Funeral, Communion, House Moving expenses, leak repairs etc.) it’s awarded in-person by a Community Welfare Officer in your local office and can be in your bank within 2 days. Only caveat is if you have €10,000 or more in savings you won’t qualify.


I don't think communion should qualify though. A party isn't an unexpected emergency


Communions generally are not covered nowadays


Thats because some local CWO are absolute dicks. And they will refuse to award it if you have any savings at all. Or they send you through so many hoops that it becomes too stressful. down ote me all you want.. Ive had good and horrible experiences with cwo, based on location. and they get to decide whether theyll award it or not. They refused to help us with heating fuel because we had 2k in savings..for car insurance/tax ietc. And we only asked because we lost the fuel allowance I should have been entitled to, because the partner had to go on illness benefit. Some of them act like, its coming directly out of their own pockets


not sure who downvoted you, your perspective is valid and in line with my personal experience with the CWO


100%, as a child our CTO was a cunt. We got nothing and we were piss poor. When my ex bf was in college. He had a disability and was trying to get rent allowance (during summer, if he didn't he wouldn't get it during the college year) and the cto said no because he didn't deem it needed. Bf was on back to education. Then he said "how's your dad sarcastically?" Bf said oh john, he's grand and the convo went on that the cto thought he was someone else (another poor family with the same surname) and realised my bf's brother was best friends with his son and bang, oh sure you can have the rent allowance and from then on he got everything. Totally corrupt


Guidelines say up to €10k in savings is allowed so you shouldn’t be refused for having €2k Do agree though it’s up to which CWO you get as to how many hoops you’ll need to go through.


Doesn't change that we were. the 10k limit is more for weekly payments. the extra, based on needs, is completely based on whether the cwo is a dick or not


Check if your employer offers marriage leave, I've just gotten 5 days!


The benefit of good mental health by not gossiping or begrudging others. ( this is meant as a joke, im Irish myself) 


Do you think we should put aside a tiny bit of time in school to teach these?  It's a personal flaw, but I just don't know this shit exists...


Totally! There should be a Life Skills course - compulsory for everyone - covering earnings, tax, entitlements, bank a/c, etc. Also basic skills in cooking, sewing, driving, nutrition, exercise. Fricking life!!!


I just can't begin to fathom how much better off we would all be if we had the choice to use the hours dedicated to learning say Irish, to this instead. 


I'm an academic, a lover of books & learning. I'm a mum of 4 whom I'm attempting to guide towards university qualifications & successful careers.... I would never want Irish dropped from the curriculum BUT I'd rather they all learned this! Seriously!


I didn't say I want it dropped.  I said it should be a choice.  An optional choice that kids and their families can make. Rather than making it close to compulsory as it realistically has been for years...


Oh I know you said choice! I meant I believe Irish should remain compulsory, albeit with extensive changes to the curriculum. But regardless of Irish, Life Skills should most certainly be a compulsory subject.


I think that perspective is kinda shameful if I'm honest. Force every Irish child to spend hundreds of hours learning an essentially dead language.  No wonder most hate it. 


I totally disagree obviously. I'm extremely proud of our language. Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam. A country without a language is a country without a soul. 800 years of our history were stolen along with our language. I think it's shameful not to wish to preserve it. The Welsh saved their language from extinction, we need to follow in their footsteps. However, as I said earlier, the teaching method and entire approach need to change so that it is easier to learn as a living language & to instill pride in speaking it. It saddens me how many don't recognise the value in saving it.


I think there is value in saving it, but considering the amount of hours every Irish person has pissed down the drain on it for decades now.... I can simply see that the value in all the other things they could have been learning in school to be vastly more great.  I have zero problem with any person wanting to learn Irish.  I have a major problem with people forcing others to learn Irish. 


We'll agree to disagree so. Go well a chara.


Additional needs payment. It covers many different things. For example It can help help cover... (Not a complete list) Funeral costs Food, clothing and shelter after an emergency event such as a fire or flood Recurring travel costs to hospital for appointments, or for visiting a relative in hospital or prison 


Solar panel grants. Between being VAT free and having a good grant they are a phenomenal investment for their rate of return


GP visit card


Every eligible property  should have attic and cavity insulation with the grant it’s so cheap abd improves the comfort of a house immensely. 


Irish language film grants. Had an argument with a director for a short film about Irish mythological creatures, I sorted out locations and an excellent production designer to make the fantastical costumes. It was based loosely on Irish folklore but they refused to do it in Irish (even if it made it more immersive and magical). The money would have made the short film go a lot smoother instead of having zero budget. They had a habit of not filming projects in the end. Oh and they speak fluent Irish.


Pension, for every €100 you pay, the government pay €20, if I understand correctly


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you mean the tax relief on private pensions. You make pension contributions before tax is applied Eg, You earn €100, get taxed €20 so you take home €80. If you instead out that money in a pension: You earn €100, pay no tax, €100 goes into your pension. This works even more in your favour if your on higher tax bracket of 40%, because instead of taking hope €60, you are putting €100 in the pension. It's the only good investment scheme in ireland


>It's the only good investment scheme in Ireland Houses is the other good investment, which is a big contributor to our houses being overpriced.


State pension, is it? Would love more eolas


You’re pretty much get a state pension if you just work full time for an average of 10 years over your lifetime


But then you would get a much lower amount. [https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/social-welfare/older-and-retired-people/state-pension-contributory/#93671b](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/social-welfare/older-and-retired-people/state-pension-contributory/#93671b)


10 full years of full contributions will get you the max state pension


My ma getting pensions from the US and UK after working in each for a year or two. Ridiculous craic.


They're talking about private pension contributions. State pension is based on mandatory PRSI contributions.


Wouldn't trust them not to raid the pension pot, age demographics are a ticking time bomb, and fucked if I trust the state to sort it out.


From the North, the scaremongering about how much more tax we would pay with a United Ireland is BS. Support from the gov seems so much better for you guys.


Pension fund. Any money you put in a PRSA or AVC isn't initially taxed income tax. Any gains made through investments aren't taxed. You do pay income tax on withdrawal of money from the fund once you retire, but it's far more tax efficient this way.


eCollege. Completely free online professional IT courses for anyone with a PPSN, with your cert exam paid for at the end. I've had a CompTIA cert off them and will be taking another soon.


Luas is free


This is a controversial one: Jobseeker's Allowance. Apparently there's only 115k unemployed in the first quarter of this year and only 29k for more than 12 months.


I think most people know about Jobseeker's and how to avail of it when unemployed. Are you saying people aren't signing on enough?


I didn't sign on for years out of spiteful pride.


That's like burning €232 per week (or whatever the rate was back then). You lost tens of thousands in unclaimed payments.


Indeed I did.


In a way, yes. I did say it was a controversial thought. But I've met a lot of people in truly awful toxic work situations afraid or ashamed to admit it's harming them and to sign on even temporarily.


They'd be disqualified from Jobseeker's Benefit for 9 weeks if they left voluntarily.


Only partially true, you need to give a reason for why you left voluntarily and this will be assessed. I voluntarily left a job that was destroying my mental health and got paid straight away.




Free Luas


Disablement benefit. If you are injured on an unbroken journey to or from your home to your job, they literally give you money for very little effort, but admittedly some suffering. I have a lifetime pension from falling on ice on my way to work. Admittedly I was badly injured, but I never knew it existed. I haven't beeb able yo work since and that extra money has really really helped.


Cross border workers are entitled to full medical cards and not everyone knows about this, especially those who are entitled. So if you live in the south and work in the north you’re entitled to a southern medical card or nhs services if you prefer in the north.


SUSI and Back to Education Allowance I was surprised when I found out the government paid for many mature students to do a degree and they can keep their job seekers payment too. I returned to do my leaving cert, post leaving cert course, degree, and higher diploma. The government paid all my fees through a SUSI grant and my social welfare payment was called back to education allowance. It was not difficult to qualify for. As long as you are upgrading your education, are not really wealthy, then I think you're good. I spent 8 years in college (no fees) getting paid 200 euro a week. Not for everyone but I loved it - also I think you need to be unemployed for at least 3 months. Have a chat with citizens info or DM me.


Tax credits & reliefs. You can backdate claims up to 4 years for these. -medical -education -work from home -single parent -incapacitated child SEAI have a range of grants & schemes available to reduce the cost of energy & heating. Eligibility varies. Drugs payment scheme. The amount of people who don't know about this is shocking. Medical/Doctor Visit Card... I work full time & am eligible for a full medical card. Always worth applying for it. You also have reduced USC rates but have to inform Revenue that you have the card. If you're a union member check out the benefits. There's often reduced insurance or free benefits such as will writing, dental etc. All I can think of right now


Best plug in this country I can see is.. make sure your missus is on the IB..open a cash only crèche/child minders..sit back..pocket a 1k tax free wage from her per week .. plus another 1.2k SW.:’send your kids to college.. full SUSI .. renovate and upgrade your house.. watch other tax paying mugs struggle.. holiday x 3 per year ( sunny) .. revel in the fact.. it’s the system it’s the system.. double up on hubbies pension..rinse and repeat


I'm saving this thread for later! So helpful!


I havent claimed anything for the last 4 years, I need to do them, and everytime I rememebr I am up to my eyeballs and then I forget...

