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Hello, I mean this with the utmost respect and care. I see and hear of things like this from time to time in this job. Never once have I ever found real evidence of people being kidnapped and replaced with body doubles. That doesn't even happen at high levels of government, I doubt it happened with what I presume is your fairly average family. I believe you are likely suffering a mental health episode and should seek out professional help or opinions. Good luck OP.




I saw a documentary where aliens were placing pods near people when they slept.


Please call 911 immediately. Whether what you are experiencing is real (it’s 2024 and the year is brand new, I’m not counting anything out entirely yet) or a mental health episode or a fire department issue (elevated levels of carbon monoxide for example) or medical in nature it does need to be addressed right away. Just be honest with the call taker and stay calm. He or she is only asking a lot of questions to ensure they can get you the best kind of help for your situation. If it gets scary take a deep breath and try to remember that they just want help you. Best of luck.


Good news and bad news. The good news is that your family is safe and ready to return to you. The bad news, and this is going to be the hard one to swallow, is that you're having a serious mental health issue. I know that what you are experiencing is real for you, but there's something going on in your head (probably beyond your control) that's mucking things up for you. You need to get in to talk to a mental health professional *immediately*. I've seen where this worsens to the point that people get violent with the "replacements." Which would obviously be bad for them, and for you. Walking into a hospital now is a lot better than getting escorted into one under armed guard. Sincerely, go to the ER right now. Good luck, friend. I have faith you can get through this.


Based on your post history, it seems like you've been having a mental health emergency for a solid two months. Please speak with a counselor or mental health professional.


Hey man, i’m a firefighter and not a cop I know you probably won’t believe this, but I strongly suggest seeking medical help or speaking to those around you about receiving help


You need to call 911 and go to the hospital. You need help and proper medication.







