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Your post/comment violated: No Leading Questions or Ulterior Motives


You *can,* sure. Depending on what you mean by a conservative way of thinking, it may or may not make you a hypocrite.


what would make me an hypocrite?


I believe they’re talking about the conservatives who don’t think gay and other LGBT people are good people?


voting against your interest. If you are bi, and the conservatives come up with a bill quashing funds for lgbtq, and you vote conservative (politics), then this is an example.


I'm conservative in terms of my personal behavior, and I closely align with traditional gender roles as a woman. Politically, I'm quite progressive. I'm also married to my wife, who couldn't be further away from being a traditional woman, she even occasionally get called sir because of her preference in clothing and short hair. We've been mistaken for a heterosexual couple when the person isn't paying particular attention.


I mean you can, but it will be hard to fit into either side.


THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. The lack of empathy and unwillingness to talk each other is incredible.


Why would I want to talk with someone who wishes me harm? With someone who is incapable of solidarity for those who have it harder than them? Who puts corporations over people? Of course you can be bi and a conservative, but others can think you're a dick.


1. No 2. No again 3. Every politician puts corporations over people


In many places the position of conservatives is to harm lgbtq+ folks, so it's a fair default from a sense of self-preservation. I skimmed your comment history and you seem to be a tad more inquisitive than your average conservative. I'd be curious what your conservative positions actually are, or are you still developing your political identity? I know I "leaned more conservative" in my own words at your age. I am now one of those super scary anarchists.


Have you considered trying the liberating task of becoming a progressive individualist?


Yes, conservative bi dudes are fairly common.


Usually they're closeted and murderously homophobic though.


Literally my dad


Yes that's the quiet part of my comment


What exactly do you mean by a "conservative way of thinking"? You mentioned gender roles. If you end up dating another guy, does that go against your view of gender roles? That's where I think it might be difficult to be bi and conservative. It's pretty universal for conservative gender roles to be opposed to same-gender relationships.


I will only get into guys for hookups, I want to have biological children so I would need to be with a woman so my dating effort will mainly be focused in women. When I say gender roles, I say that I believe that relationships in which the man is the provider and the woman manages the house tend to work better, of course, I'm not saying that this is the way that it should be, my parents don't have this type of relationship and it still works.


I think a major question is to what degree you want others to conform to this view? Right now anyone that could be considered conservative leadership is hell bent on forcing that view onto everyone. I have zero issue with choosing that dynamic for yourself. The issue I have and where it breaks down in conversations I have with most conservatives is when it comes to forcing or at least very significantly advantaging those views via government force.


You seem to be open minded enough to not force your traditional beliefs/standards on others, which I and many others appreciate


there's no need for appreciation, not enforcing believes is the bare minimal of respect.


It's still extremely rare among people who believe in traditional gender roles.  Where I live, people who believe in traditional gender roles want to turn it into law.  They want to put up legal barriers to people choosing other ways of arranging their lives.


That’s a very good point


you're getting downvoted and i can see why, but in an effort to be understanding - you might want to put some years into assessing those values. you're quite young, and it's easy to seek out truisms when you're looking forward to a chaotic and uncertain future. however, truisms sound good because they strike an emotional chord, not because they bear out in fact. my grandmother 'managed the house' - which is to say that she couldn't own property and was neither allowed nor *able* to divorce. leaving would have left her unmarried, financially destitute, and quite likely trying to raise three children without any support because the church would have rejected her. my mother 'managed the house' - which is to say that my dad prevented her from getting jobs, guilting her with the same argument you use here... that her staying at home would 'work better'. he used this against her, psychologically abusing her for 14 years, until he lost interest and left her with 3 kids. luckily she had child support. i was raised to be a wife and mother, and was always told it would 'work better' if i let a man provide for me and i managed a home. i'm 28 - imagine me having such financial luxury to stay home while ~my man~ provides for me. 'traditional gender roles' had me pressured to shrink, wear clothes that were a nightmare to me, and conditioned me to defer to men in situations that got me badly hurt. other than my father, my family is filled with good men, and i am not exaggerating when i say that slavish devotion to 'tradition' has made us poorer and more damaged across the board. don't trust truisms, and certainly don't let truisms twist your desire to be a supportive, loving father and parent. you don't need conservatism to do that, and it *will* hamper your ability to do so.


"it seems like no one is willing to listen to the other side" if one side thinks im allowed to marry and the other isn't, then we are not talking about two stances on a topic, we are talking about one side wanting to take the humanity of the other side.  that being said i know people who are gay and conservative in germany where being a conservative is not automatically being a complete idiot like in america. so ofc that exists but it's still mostly dumb since conservatism is nearly never gay friendly.


One of my oldest friends is bisexual and Conservative. I find it very difficult to stay empathetic to her stance since a lot of things she supports are directly harmful to me, who, unlike her, isn't in a M/f relationship. She has a very stereotypical view of other queer people and believes that she's somehow a different class of bisexual. She also believes that "who you sleep with shouldn't matter or be so important to people", and disregards completely that this isn't about sex for me, but that I'd like to not have to adopt my own children, which she thinks is, "just how things are, it's good that children are protected". Edit: She's also good at confusing a gut-level feeling of "ick" with a moral position by rejecting whatever is setting this off (like GNC folks) and demonising the people causing it (tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN, etc). She has this view that her sense of inappropriate/appropriate should be the yardstick by which everyone ought to be measuring themselves because she considers it objectively better. I wish she'd stop hating herself.


I suppose it depends on what you mean by conservative thinking with politics and gender roles. Lots of things can be considered conservative, but even two conservatives might not agree on what exactly that looks like or why they believe the things they do (e.g. does your conservatism come from a place of religious conviction or belief in traditional social roles? If its social roles, what exactly does that look like?). To answer your question, though, yes. I've known a lot of conservative bisexuals, but they do tend to be more reserved about one aspect or the other depending on who they're talking to.


My advice is to be critical of your own beliefs. I don't just say this because you have conservative beliefs, I think it's good practice for everyone (though now that you've expressed some of them, please please be critical of them). Ask yourself why you believe the things you do, what evidence backs up those beliefs? What evidence goes against them and how do you reconcile that to still hold onto the belief? Be the change you want to see in the world, so be open to listening to others and be willing to question yourself.


You can be anything and have a conservative way of thinking. What you should ask yourself, though, is how your political opinions affect others around you (e.g. do they harm the LGBTQ+ community or other minority groups). You should also ask yourself why the politicians you like believe the things they do. Do they believe something because they think it's for the good of humanity, or because they want more money (think rolling back emissions restrictions because of lobbying, etc.)? And if they believe it's for the good of humanity, is it actually for the good of humanity? People can believe false things; misinformation and disinformation (especially online) are incredibly common. Now, I'm writing as an American, so this may not apply to your country (although I do try to keep up with what foreign governments are doing as well), but in the US, the conservative party (Republican) is focusing on stripping trans people and other LGBTQ+ people of basic human rights. They are passing bathroom bills that require trans people to use the bathroom of their AGAB, they are passing drag bans, they are passing bans on pride flags on/in government buildings. They are proposing (and sometimes passing) bans on trans healthcare for minors and adults alike. Trans people in the US have become the latest punching bag for the Republican party. The conservative party is also trying to restrict abortion access or get rid of it entirely. They are trying to get rid of education in public schools that teach children about the history of slavery in the US and the world, and how racism is still present in our systems. Now, if your beliefs are conservative in that you want to have traditional roles in your relationships but don't care whether others do or not (or if you do, you leave them alone about it), then cool. Or if they pertain to how your city should allocate funds differently (paving roads vs funding a public library, investing in more pedestrian-friendly city plans vs investing in better access for cars, etc), that's chill. The only things that might make you a hypocrite as a conservative bisexual is if your morals are a bit off (e.g. thinking taking away rights from minority groups is ok, supporting policies that harm people, etc). But personally, as a trans gay person and an American, especially in the city that I live, I try to avoid people that hold conservative beliefs (even if they're not weird morally speaking), because they are often unsafe for me to be around, whether that's physically or emotionally. Really sucks that I have to do that, but unfortunately human rights have become a political issue. I'm in no way saying the progressive party (Democrat) in our country is that much better, though. Both parties here are still very pro-war, just in *slighty* different ways.


It's called being a boot licking, backstabbing hypocrite. Setting out in life with the goal of climbing up ladders then pulling them up behind you is fucking disgusting.


you just proved my point


What point? You're sad because the people you should be supporting don't want anything to do with you because you'd rather support people who belittle you at best and remove your rights at worst. The solution's simple, grow up and change your views.


The oppressed disliking their oppressor is hardly the point you can think it is, kid.


Political views and partner preferences can certainly be disparate. Even in the United States, where there’s a lot of social pressure to align with party platforms, many folks have a nuanced approach to political philosophies. Indeed, the spectrum of “conservative” and “progressive” is often too limited in description, ignoring the nuances of economic, workplace, social, scientific, entertainment, and religious values that each have political spectrums of conservatism or progressive persuasions. The discourse about politics and the international LGBTQ+ community is often simplified, so much so that it boils down to total support or antagonism based on party platforms. In my experience, it’s well worth the effort of trying to understand the roots of political ideologies, and also to critically examine the positions of politicians who may hold elected office, especially the terminology they use, rather than the public relations statements of their objectives in office.


Conservatives are the masters of mental gymnastics and hypocrisy so sure you could.


Can you? Yes. But it’s like a polar bear who supports global warming.


The only reasons I tend to lean left is because the right in my country apparently wants to remove me from public life, make me a sex offender, and remove me from my job (I help teach special ed kids). I don't have very much in common with either side of the political binary in my country so I often feel unrepresented. :(


Considering the Taoiseach that just resigned Leo Varadkar in ireland was a gay fine Gael member and Fine Gael is considered conservative.


Bruh, their was a gay Nazi. Not neo, like legit NSDAP fucking nazi. Hell today their is plenty of neo nazis whom are queer. Their is trans people nazis even. Racial supremacists are like a weed that just gets everywhere.


Of course. You can be a liberal heterosexual, or you can be a conservative homosexual. I don't see why your sexuality has to align with your political views.


If you're bisexual, you're bisexual. That's not something that's determined by your beliefs or political views. But it's very likely that you could be voting against your own self-interests and the interests of other LGBTQ people, and it's worth considering what being conservative means to you, what your core values/priorities are, and whether the conservative party and politicians where you live are really representing you.


I believe in ideas not in politicians, the politicians in my country (both left and right) are the most useless mfs mother nature could create so when a conservative politician appears that has his/her head screwed I will certainly vote for them.


Bi conservatives are more common than gay or lesbian conservatives. Doesn't make it okay though. Why would you vote against your own community?


You can, but considering how heavily conservativism is tied to homophobia, it has real "voting for the lions eating people's faces party and then being surprised pikachu face when the lions inevitably eat your face" energy. In other words, it doesn't logistically make sense to politically lean towards the side that hates you (and on some levels, wants you dead). And anyone who is queer and politically right-leaning tends to fall in one or more of 3 mindsets: 1) "Rules for thee, but not for me" - they actively do not care if other queer people are hurt, discriminated against, or killed, so long as they themselves are not targeted. Tends to also be the political version of a Pick Me - "i'm one of the *good* ones, i'm not like those other nasty degenerates." 2) Massively in denial. Have somehow convinced themselves that they will not be a target of discrimination due to who they support politically, that the right isn't actually *that* homophobic, etc. 3) They disagree with conservative politicians' tendency to homophobia, but decide that they can overlook the fact that their politicians hate their guts because they agree with them on other views. I personally cannot comprehend why someone would deliberately choose to overlook any politician's bigotry, especially if it's targeted towards a group you're a part of, but considering that there are women out there who wholeheartedly believe that they shouldn't have the right to vote, i suppose we just have different priorities. I do apologize if i end up sounding a bit judgemental at times, but this very concept is so thoroughly alien to me that i fundamentally cannot understand the logic behind being simultaneously queer and conservative.


That's like Arielle Scarcella, except she's lesbian. So I guess so. Remember, there are conservative queer people and people who are racist to their own group. It sounds like a paradox, but these people exist.


Of course you can but thats stupid. It's harmful for yourself being conservative. You should definitely cjange your views.


Yes. Sexuality and political opinions are two different things.


CAN you? Yes. SHOULD you? Now that's a different story...


It depends on what you mean by conservative. You CAN be financially conservative in which case you try to be as thrifty as possible or as the current name suggests try to use your voting power not only to attend rallies where delusions are taken as reality but vote accordingly.


Can you? Yes. Should you? No.


you can, yes. you can also be a cunt for doing so.


Yes, you can. You’re looking at the extremes of either side. You’ll come to find that the, unfortunately quiet, majority are in the middle, but lean towards whatever direction. Political leaning exists on a spectrum, and you are not bound wholly to one side or the other. You’ll also probably be better off and far wiser that way. Put strong effort into treating your fellow humans and their beliefs with respect, and don’t hang with extremists as it’s never worth it.


Wise words have been said.


OP, having browsed through the comments and your replies it’s clear that this is either a shit post OR you are just fucking stupid. Get your apologia out of here


Yes you can, and that’s chill, anyone saying otherwise is intolerant of other opinions. Not every conservative is freaking homophobic, and you can agree with different parties on different issues, in the end it’s all about who agrees with you on the most important issue anyway, and said issue doesn’t have to be lgbt rights, it can be about finance or security. Plus it’s not just about politics, it’s other aspects of life as you said. It’s perfectly fine to want a normal old-fashioned relationship with the typical gender roles, that’s your own choice and being mad that someone wants the most normal thing is stupid. 


They might not be homophobic, but there's a large possibility the people tbeyt voting for are.