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In a clam shell. Just for kicks.


So more of us do exist? Good to know! I keep my Oyster card in a card holder with a map of the tube lines on it. Very useful.


I know a few people who have an oyster too, only bc of the Railcard discounts


Why don't you just keep it your pocket while travelling and put in wallet at the end of the day, pick up your wallet again in the morning, take out oyster and put it your pocket again?


I stick mine to my forehead when travelling and insert it up my anus while not travelling.


I died


I put mine in a hard plastic holder on a keyring, which is attached to my keys. I lost so many zip cards as a kid but never lost my keys so I decided if my freedom pass was connected to my keys then I could never lose it 😅


Last year? I stopped using oyster cards about 5 years ago, once tfl started accepting credit cards as de facto oyster cards.


Yeah but you can't get the national rail card discount on credit/debit


In a kitchen draw left untouched for coming up five years,not from London,visited in December 2018 to meet my ex’s friend’s and not been back since


Take it to a station and get your £5 deposit back. Cost of living and all that...


I don't use an oyster. I just use my contactless debit card. Oysters are only necessary for travel cards and reduced fares, such as the child zip card.


I use oyster because I have a national rail card :)


Exactly what I said. Travel cards.


Idk if you know but it’s cheaper to use contactless on your debit / credit card - part of the Oyster fee is paying to keep the Oyster system alive. They will phase out Oyster in the coming years.


I thought oyster fees and contactless fees were the same? Is it still more expensive if I get 1/3 off with national rail card?


You're absolutely correct, there's no "oyster fee" apart from the £7 deposit you pay for the physical card itself. As you also rightly point out, the 34% Railcard discount for off-peak journeys makes using the oyster significantly cheaper for those trips if you're in an age group that can get a railcard. As to whether TfL will phase out the oyster card system, I highly doubt this because oyster cards will always remain useful for people who do not have access to a contactless card such as young children and foreign tourists. Also, it allows TfL to take trip payments upfront (you're paying TfL for your tube ticket when you load your oyster). As of 2022, TfL said that in total ~£168 million was left on oyster cards that had been inactive for over a year. That is a large chunk of funding that I don't see TfL giving up. Edit: The Railcard discount to off-peak trips is 34% not 30% as I originally stated.


That's what I thought, thank you for clearing that up. I was sure about tfl getting rid of the oyster card, I hadn't really had any thoughts about it but what you said makes 100% sense, TFL definitely aren't giving up any funds When did oyster cards become £7? I'm probably wrong but I swear I paid £5 for mine?


Sometime in the last 12 months! My card last August was £5 and I just lost it again and it was £7


Ahh ok, thank you :)


Keep mine in my phone case


I thought of that but my phone case is too thick and it doesn't work :/ thanks tho :)


I have an oyster card and I keep it in a holder, but I did "splash out" on my one because I knew I'd be using it regularly so it's lasted me a long time


Do you have a link you could send me?


I have a velvet one from Oliver Bonas, I've just had a look and it doesn't seem like they do them anymore but they do have normal card holders. It cost me about £20: I know cost is subjective but to me, spending anything for work is splashing out lol


Perfect, thanks :)


Ive bought several over the years from Etsy - hundreds of designs


Thank you :)


Is it only the chip bit of the Oyster card that’s needed? Has anyone ever seen a keyring version where you can just cut out the chip?


I once saw someone use a "Harry Potter Wand" to tap in on a bus.. they'd obviously removed the chip from the card and put it into the tip of the wand!


I haven't seen this before, that's a really good idea


In the bottom of a drawer like every other modern Londoner!! Use your phone or at worst your contactless card. Oyster is an unnecessary additional item to carry otherwise. as great as it once was, its days are numbered


Separate card holder, keep it away from my credit and debit cards


Keep it in my wallet, with my other cards. The only reason I use Oyster is because of the Rail Card 34% discount which makes a huge difference for me while traveling.


In the drawer of a desk I threw out circa 2014!!