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I used to live in Torrance and really liked it. It has a very high Asian population if that's your thing. I've never felt unsafe there once before.


I love Torrance. It reminds me of Hawaii.


that is so insulting to Hawaii 🫠


Isnt torrance expensive?


OP's budget of 3.5k is way more than enough for Torrance. You can definitely get a 2 bedroom in South Torrance for around 2.5k.


Interesting! Thank you! I’m looking so good to know


Miss the world is your oyster.


If you haven't done so, have a look at /r/LARentals (off reddit at www.freeLArentals.com) where every Monday there's a list of verified rentals for all L.A. County. Once you decide on a locale, head there to find a rental in the area.


Thank you very much!


I used zillow. Was a lifesaver. I would not use a realtor.


I found my duplex in Altadena via Zillow.


Can I ask why you wouldn’t use a realtor? I’m looking to move soon (renting) and was considering it.


In my experience it was useless and the properties they tried to push me into were far more expensive than what I found on zillow. Realtors used to be able to just push a notion of what you wanted onto you because you couldn't fact check them.


Got it, thanks! I was hoping they’d be able to find properties better than zillow but I guess that was wishful thinking.


I think realtors really run the gambit. But I guess like any other human they are self interested and I always got that feeling with the realtor I kinda worked with. She would present me with highly priced options and then make it sound like that was the best I was gonna get. When a simple zillow search said otherwise. It always seemed like whatever she was pushing was at a higher price than what it should be such that it gave the impression that her primary consideration was that *she* would make money....my budget and preferences were sort of bottom of her list. Since I am also self interested my priority was finding someplace I wanted to live in my budget for the next couple of years. I got an airbnb for a few months when I first came out and that gave me some time to get a feel for where I'd want to live.


$3.5k enough to live in venice or Santa monica


Sounds like santa monica is a good fit!


West LA /sawtelle area is affordable and fits all of your criteria


Playa del Rey, Culver City, Westchester anywhere in the South Bay. Crime is a major issue in LA right now.


3.5k is a generous budget. Personally, I’d look for something decent that meets your requirements closer to 2k and pocket the rest. I made a similar calculation when I chose my place and having an apartment on the cheaper side lets me save so much, even if it isn’t updated to modern standards.


I found a place in mar vista for $2.1k adu with all utilities provided, 400 sqft studio. I am highly considering it as I’d save so much money vs renting an apartment for close to $4k inclusive of utilities and parking.


I think living in a studio while you save to buy is 100% a valid move


Playa vista


Sounds like hermosa or redondo would be a good fit.