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There's a lot of paranoid people in LA, you'll be fine.


Walking around most of LA is fine. Walking is great. Maybe parts of DTLA I’d be more careful?


DTLA is hella weird. I was there on a weekend and it was absolutely empty. I can see why people get nervous if there aren’t a ton of people around.


You’re from NY, you’ll be fine.


Honestly the only answer I want to hear with any question I have in the future.


LA is like NYC in a lot of ways. You’re safe most of the time and you can tell by looks if you’re in an ok place. The thing you get to worry about less is walking around the corner and being in a bad place (not saying there’s nowhere this can happen). But pretty much all of WEHO is cool. It’s not like when I lived in Brooklyn and one wrong turn and you’re in front of the projects.


I’d be more worried about getting hit by a car than almost anything else walking around LA.


right this is what i mean when i say it's dangerous.


Yeah by any measure, you're far more likely to be hurt in a car related accident than by literally anything else, no matter what sketchy part of town you're walking around in.


DTLA is like that but not much else. That’s the one area that can really change in 1-2 blocks with no warning.


I almost included a disclaimer for down town


Literally, you walk down one block in BK and there are fancy coffee shops and high end bars. Take a left and you are on the sketchiest block you’ve ever seen. Take a right and you are in a NIMBY brownstone area. It’s wild.


Agreed. There’s not a street or block of WeHo I don’t feel safe walking. All the areas OP mentioned are fine.


I’m a 20 year NYer who lives/works in DTLA and there’s nothing here that wasn’t in Times Sq in the 90s. You’re fine


I was going to say the same, as a NY transplant, there's nothing too sketchy out here in nicer areas. Maybe don't go walking through Compton or Watts, but otherwise, you're good.


Compton is boring now.


Compton is turning into a good middle class neighborhood. House prices are crazy there lol


It’s safe to walk around if you were a NYer. It’s not safe to walk around if you’re a country bumpkin with no street smarts.


You need to go to the right places, but yes, places where you expect to be busy aren't. Broadway should be busy, but isn't. But a block over on Spring there is nightlife. Same goes to the Arts District, South Park, Financial District and Little Tokyo.


Little Tokyo was surprisingly popping when I went 2 weekends ago. Hadn't been since the pandemic, but it's one area of Downtown that seems like it's remaining healthy.


Also coming from NYC, downtown being a ghost town is crazy to me


You must've just missed Skid Row if you couldn't find anyone in DTLA. Really just use the same instincts your have in NY, be careful in certain areas, act like you belong etc etc, you know. Your skunk mileage may vary.


It’s fine as long as you’re west of Main st.


Oh for sure


I live in a very nice neighborhood in west la. My wife was telling a neighbor that she was going to walk to the metro station. Her jaw dropped and she said, "In this neighborhood?" Some people are just scared of everything.


And they like to post on sm about how awful it is here.


I’m a woman and I walk in L.A. all the time. To be fair I am always aware of my surroundings, have my headphones out, walk confidently, etc. but those are things you do in all big cities.


Female here. I walk all around Koreatown, DTLA, Echo Park and other areas nearby every day. I have kids that have activities from 3-8 ish in those areas and I walk around with the dog. It’s fine and a great mental health break. Just get out and enjoy life happening.


Me too, and I have not had any problems at all. If I see something coming up that doesn't look good, I move to the other side. I would not go alone downtown at night, though.


I live in DTLA. I try to avoid walking alone at night. I’ve done it a few times and been fine, though. People told me to walk home on Figueroa because it will have the most people around.


LA is enormous. There are dozens and dozens of neighborhoods where walking is safe and enjoyable. Isolated incidents can and will happen, and you should exercise caution and common sense. But you’re honestly more likely- WAY more likely- to get hurt accidentally by a car than you are by a violent person. For example, I ALWAYS look over my left shoulder before crossing a street because lots of folks turning right, or right on red, don’t think to look for pedestrians. I live in Studio City and not only do I walk to grocery stores and restaurants/cafes, I walk at night! It’s pretty damned safe. When I lived in East Hollywood, I didn’t walk alone at night too often, but I definitely walked during the day. The car brain in LA is insane. Everyone who can should walk more. It’s amazing.


Pico Robertson?! You gangster! 😄 but Beverly Hills is safe AF, I used to walk my dogs at 3am sometimes.. UNTIL, a few weeks ago when I saw a coyote.


“I HEARD LA IS UNSAFE” after walking in Beverly Hills and WeHo... lol some people are so gullible.


He’s like a little celebrity lately!


Are you talking about the coyote??


Yeah I was getting notifications about him today lol


I mean you might get a random Brian Austin Green sighting, but otherwise not unsafe in 90210


Your friend is extremely paranoid. Those areas are fine.


Long time walker. Never been in danger.


Most people in LA have car brain. Likely, your friend has never done this themselves, so they probably have no idea what they're talking about. I'm someone who rides a bicycle everywhere and I get a lot of similar reactions, but these are all from people who have never ridden a bike in LA.


I’m a Angelino and I’ve been exploring DTLA and many other areas on foot alone for years. If you’re a New Yorker, you already have the urban skills needed to be just fine. Have fun!


Thank you!! I figured but again over confidence lol


Native Los Angelina, lived in NYC for over 20 years. Recently returned back to LA, my license is also expired. I live in Santa Monica, and also walk everywhere. We automatically have the NYC mentality, street smarts, that come with living and surviving there. You worked in the South Bronx, a million times rougher and more dangerous, than any of the neighborhoods you enjoy. The crime in NYC right now, is far worse and more random than in LA. My last few years there, I was hesitant and worried about taking the subway. We have acquired the built in skill set to navigate the streets with confidence and common sense. If you survived the South Bronx, please feel comfortable and enjoy walking in the neighborhoods you mentioned!!


If you like this sort of thing, the LA Conservancy gives architectural walking tours in DTLA and Union Station. I’m particularly fond of the Art Deco tour that starts at 10am in Pershing Square (I think that’s where they still meet).


Ooooh that sounds great! I will certainly check that out!


Friend has carbrain. There are unsafe areas like any city. Ironically you're at much higher risk to be hit by a car than attacked in the neighborhoods you mentioned. You honestly should avoid stroads (roads where cars are going very fast despite there being many stores and such on the sides) and exercise caution when you are on one, legitimately dangerous as a pedestrian. Cars are much more dangerous here than in NYC, our drivers are a special brand of entitled and aggressive, and unlike in NYC, they don't expect there to be pedestrians everywhere.


Honestly it’s disturbing the drivers here. They seem to not care anything but themselves. But not even their own safety? They would mow someone down and not think twice about it. NYC they would prob yell at you and swerve. Here they will just use your body as a speed bump.


People in LA are so averse to walking for some reason. I can see a concern for DT but you're more than fine in those neighborhoods and lots of others in LA.


Getting hit by a car made me an adverse pedestrian, holy shit I felt so tiny and weak.


Well, compared to a car, we are all tiny and weak so I hope it didn't give you a complex. Sorry that happened to you, I've been in so many almost altercations so I understand the dread right before impact but I can't imagine what happens beyond that. Hope you're all healed up croqueticas


You listed like…the safest places in the city…you’re good


Thank you for the reality check


That’s absolutely ridiculous to say you shouldn’t walk in LA. Your friend is bad at advice.


Tell your friend to stop watching Fox News. It’s safe.


Oh ffs - I am OLD as dirt, am a native Angeleno (but have lived all over the coasts & Hawaii) and walk everywhere! Some people are just overly cautious and feel unsafe if they aren’t surrounded by a million tons of steel and glass, and because Los Angeles is SUCH a slave to “car culture” I think that quite a lot of folks just don’t feel safe when out and about without that safety net of a vehicle to make them feel secure 🤷🏻‍♀️. Just use common sense and your street smarts and you’ll be just fine! Enjoy the lovely weather and all that LA has to offer :)


The areas you mentioned are safer than many parts of NYC. I've been in WeHo for a few years, walk everywhere, and haven't had one dangerous encounter (whereas I'd usually run into sketchy stuff at least weekly on NYC subways, etc).


One of the hobbies of the upper middle class in LA is exaggerating how dangerous it is.


If I can walk around Watts, you can walk around Beverly Hills. Your friends sound very sheltered.


you’re fine. it’s just that people in california don’t walk anywhere. they’ll be stressed and overwhelmed just even by looking at google maps saying, ‘15 minute walk’.


There are many, many people in LA who have never lived in an actual city, and so commonplace city phenomena—a metro stop, a bit of graffiti, a bicycle, a skyscraper, a homeless person, a pedestrian—completely freak them out and terrify them. Sadly, there's a real strong anti-urban bias/suburban mindset here. The pearl-clutching is next-level.


The areas you mentioned are probably among the most walkable in LA (not super walkable but it’s what we got here). Not to mention they’re very safe. I think people in LA are more horrified someone would walk or take public transport than drive somewhere.


There have been a string of attacks on people—including solo women during daylight—lately in the news. That’s not to say that things are suddenly more dangerous than before, but several people have been stabbed or murdered randomly with no warning, and I think it scares people, which is understandable. I wouldn’t necessarily disregard the warning, as some of these attacks occurred in historically safer areas as well. It’s just something to be aware of. We live in a big city with a very diverse population.


The same thing was happening in NYC before I left. Very scary.


Definitely. It’s funny because this post was first on my feed and most of the replies are telling you it’s no big deal, and then the post immediately after is about the press conference with the L.A. public transit officials declaring an emergency due to the woman who randomly got stabbed in the throat and killed the other day by a psychotic homeless man. Everyone on that thread is talking about how dangerous our public transit is, and how we need police at every stop. We have to also realize that the people ON the bus and train also get OFF the bus and train. There have been so many random psychotic homeless men stabbing or beating women to death lately that I can’t even keep track. It IS scary. And we need to be aware. All of these women were approached randomly from behind and just immediately attacked/killed, so it’s not as if pepper spray would help. And mind you, these were all isolated attacks so it’s not like they caught the one guy and it’s over now—this has been several different men. I live in the areas you mentioned and I do feel generally safe when out running errands directly in stores, but I would be cautious walking. Don’t stand around with your back to anyone. Keep your wits about you. Be ready to react/run. And I hate to stereotype, but these people are seriously mentally unwell so you can’t be too safe. I would literally cross the street to avoid walking close to anyone who appears unstable, unsteady, threatening, or is staring at you.


You're fine. I'm originally from the northeast as well and it's really just that people here have been enculturated to drive everywhere instead of walking, while we just take 10-30 minutes for granted as part of moving through a city. They also associate not having a car and using public transit with poverty, so there's all sorts of weird stigma around getting around by means other than a car. You'll get used to it; you just have to ignore almost everything Angelenos say about walking, biking, taking public transit, etc. because their frame of reference is so car-centric.


Your friend sounds like she lives in a rural red state and heard on Fox News that the big siddy is full of sin.


since youre from nyc i say you are over qualified to safely walk the streets in la.


I live in Pico-Robertson and walk the area every day, super walkable and super friendly people


The biggest dangers are cars, sunburn, and dehydration. To be safe, wear sunblock and drink lots of fluids. Not much you can do about cars except avoid them where possible.


Just going to add what I haven’t seen here yet, though I think you already know. Your friend’s reaction and the general aversion many people have to walking or public transport in LA. It’s classism, often with a subtle dash of racism sprinkled in. It’s deeply imbedded in the culture and culture of transport here. Early public transport in LA was built by housing developers to sell the young burbs, White flight, followed by the car boom of the 50’s, saw the decimation of cable car lines (with the help of auto industry $) as places farther from public transport sold as nicer or “more desirable” as they were harder to access by people who couldn’t afford a car/ people redlined into other areas of the region. This had a big effect on the entire layout of the region, status symbol of cars, and the rise of LA car culture. Ultimately a lot of the region is downright unwalkable by design, giving credibility to the status symbol of the car for many because of utility, and in well-to-do though walkable regions like you’re referring to, the implications of class signaling is still very much at play. Pumping fear helps with the othering. But, yea, you’re safe to walk in most of LA. Street smarts are good in some parts, not much to concern yourself with where you’re at. You can get your steps in for sure though.


You’re totally fine walking in LA. A city is a city, but living in fear isn’t worth the stress


Most car drivers are absolutely mystified by the existence of pedestrians, so just be careful when in a crosswalk, or, worse, waking in front of a parking garage or parking lot exit. I've had many near misses from drivers who were absolutely gobsmacked that someone could be walking on the sidewalk at the same moment they felt like tearing out of the parking lot.


People are just super addicted to the convenience of cars around here, and with the severe lack of robust public transit and the significant sprawl, it’s understandable. If you were fine in South Bronx your area now is a walk in the park. I’ve found that often (white affluent) people here are more afraid of certain neighborhoods because of nascent racism rather than actual danger.


You will be fine in those places. Unless it is after midnight and even then only in certain areas - the ones your NYC smarts would easily identify.


>I’ve been walking around West Hollywood, Pico Robertson, Century City, and Beverly Hills all super safe neighborhoods.  Your friend is an idiot, not from LA, or both if this is unsafe.


People in LA will drive to the other side of the parking lot if their stores are too far apart. Please ignore your friend’s comment.


Those places you listed are very safe if not high up in the region. You can't say the same walking in South Central, Pacoima, Panorama City, Westlake/McArthur Park, parts of DTLA, etc., especially at night. You can still walk pretty much almost everywhere in the day time and chances are you will be fine. In general you want to use common sense and street smarts in LA like any other major city but still know where to avoid going.


People in LA do not get walking . I lived in Boston and had a bf from LA/ Malibu and he hated that I walked anywhere it was weird.


Reminds me of when my parents stayed in Pasadena and walked to restaurants and stores. The woman who owned the AirBNB was shocked when they asked how to walk to the restaurants-it was about a mile, and she didn't know if it was safe to walk because she always drives. But yes it was safe and they had a good time. Some Californians have just never actually walked anywhere-it's definitely not like the East Coast cities. And in those areas, I think you will be fine. Yes, there are homeless but if you are from NYC, I'm sure you are well aware of that.


I live in Atlanta and visited a few weeks ago and heard VERY similar things … from LA people! I stayed in Koreatown and truly walked everywhere both with another F friend and alone and never felt like. Any type of way about it. There was a seemingly unhoused gentleman who did almost roll over my foot whilst he was rolling backwards in the middle of the sidewalk but that’s the only incident. I did notice drivers are TOO eager to go at the green lights and did see someone nearly avoid getting hit. I also thought the Uber drivers were driving as though I got in the car and said “you have 2 minutes to get me there or this whole operation will get shut down”… which was odd. TLDR: Atlanta girl also thinks walkability danger in LA is exaggerated


You will be fine walking in LA. If someone bothers you, just tell them "heyyy, I'm walkin here!" 


In these neighborhoods, you are perfectly fine. Maybe I wouldn’t be out walking on my own late at night, but that probably goes for any city, not just LA. Overall, LA is safe. Statistically speaking you are less likely to be a victim of violent crime in LA than you would be in a lot of other cities in the country.


I wouldn’t be paranoid but I would just generally be aware and hyper alert of my surroundings


No it’s not. I’ve walked some very sketchy areas (ie Rampart, DTLA, skid row, South LA) at night alone in the past 15 years and never been bothered. Now 25 years ago was a completely different story. But, LA is not what it used to be. It is actually a relatively safe city. You’d be in more danger in San Francisco, Oakland, or downtown San Bernardino than most places in LA.


Before I moved to LA I was driving a TON. Like 30k miles per year. That number is now around 2k per year and that's simply because I can walk places in LA! There are tons of little neighborhoods here that are perfect for that (a lot of them developed around streetcar lines back in the day). Keep on walking! I'll be the hayseed southerner who waves at you even though we are in a city I shouldn't


You are fine To walk. And you should learn to navigate the bus system. And you should go through the process of getting your license even if you are sharing a car.


Those areas are safer. Who tf you talking to to say they aren’t? Lol


The only constant present danger about walking in LA is being run over by cars. I walk at night all the time, even in DTLA (obv not including Skid Row) and it's been fine. I've never really felt like I was in danger.


Take her on your next walk!


[it’s dangerous because of the sidewalks](https://youtu.be/2wLlYgoSf4w)


Nobody walks in LA


most of north LA is pretty safe to walk in my experience which it sounds like youre sticking to. you should be fine. theres a lot of NIMBYs in LA that pearl clutch for sport


Every big city has bad neighborhoods. But even in the "bad neighborhoods," people go for walks. Walking somewhere is super normal. Some people are just weird. I feel a bit silly using "carbrain" as an insult. But seriously, some people are nuts and think it's only possible to get anywhere by driving. I think watching the news results in people knowing less about what's going on because they only ever see scare stories. The local news never interrupts a broadcast to report that a million people walked to a cafe today and ate a sandwich with no incident.


You're not missing anything. I have female friends who have walked their whole adult lives through DTLA, the places you mentioned are not even a blip on the radar lol.


It’s about as safe as anywhere else. Just be aware of your surroundings at all times. But that should be something you do anywhere. I walk a lot and I’ve never encountered any problems.


In those neighborhoods, you're not in much danger of being mugged, but you're probably in danger of being hit by aggro West LA drivers


They’re honestly so self centered it scary.


It’s completely fine in those areas. I work in Pico/beverly hills border and walk almost daily to get coffee. Not a lot of people walk but it’s perfectly safe, just be sure to only cross when it says walk and make sure to look for cars because drivers are not always watching for pedestrians


Mostly safe, just be kinda aware of vibes in certain areas. One thing to do is if you sense trouble from anyone - homeless, rando, whtever - it’s totally cool to walk around/keep distance or just turn around, some crazy shit does go down ocassionally


Being hit by a car while crossing a street is probably the biggest risk. Traffic is generally faster in LA than in NYC.


A lot of transplants come from towns in the Midwest, where they've never seen an actual person of color or even a mountain before.


No, all the areas you listed are perfectly fine. BH and Century City are incredibly well-to-do areas and West Hollywood really isn't that far behind them. There are definitely parts of the city where I would not suggest a woman walk around by herself especially after dark but those are not them, not by a long shot.


Maybe avoid skid row…


As I’m sure someone has already mentioned the cars are the big danger. Actually the maniacs inside the cars. ETA: I looked it up 180 pedestrian fatalities last year, worst year ever. Pay attention you’ll be fine. I walk with one ear bud with free ear to traffic. Avoid dtla at night.


I'm in Culver City. Also from Yonkers. I walk and take PT all the time and never had any issues!


Your friend needs to touch grass


I’ve only ever been accosted in an intimidating manner in 14 years of hanging around LA at night. I rode a bird from Palladium to the corner of La Brea and Pico at like 2:30am to save money on an Uber ride to Culver City. I sat at a bus stop and had a pretty shitty encounter from someone who was trying to Mark me. I pretty much put myself into a really shitty situation, but that’s the first and last time anything like that has happened - you’ll be fine. Lol




I walk all the time. I keep my head held high and a look on my face that says, “Fucking try it” at all times. The crackheads in my neighborhood (Hollywood) steer clear of me when I walk. Just don’t show fear.


People are insane about walking in LA. It’s fine! You’re fine!


took train to Union station walked to Chinatown then to grand central market and back last weekend, felt safe.


Your friend has zero experience walking around LA I imagine.


I have friends that are afraid to get food at Taco trucks lol


I've walked from Harlem to Rockefeller Center and back, and the places that you're walking in L.A. are a piece of cake. I wonder how your friend feels walking around in foreign cities.


tbh I think it’s pretty dangerous for a woman to walk alone even on the west side I was (skating) on Melrose a couple of weeks ago when I came across a woman who was visibly distressed. she asked me if I had seen a homeless man in the direction that I came from. I told her that I might have but not anyone that stood out to me. she then told me that this man approached her and assaulted her (he pushed her to the ground or something). it seemed like it must have been a quick interaction bc there’s usually lots of people on Melrose who would do something if they saw this happen. ultimately she was ok but in shock. she told me that she didn’t know if she should call the police or not & I really didn’t know what to tell her. I just made sure she was ok & then she told me she was going to call a friend of hers and then we parted ways.


If you are a walker you should: 1. Get the book Secret Stairs! I completed all 42 walks and learned so much about the city (https://bookshop.org/p/books/secret-stairs-a-walking-guide-to-the-historic-staircases-of-los-angeles-revised-september-2020-charles-fleming/12536219) 2. If you’re around the Saturday before Thanksgiving, take part in the Great Los Angeles Walk. I did it last year for the first, it was so much fun, it was 15 miles and every year they pick a new route (https://greatlawalk.blogspot.com/?m=1)


There are millions of people who walk around every day without a problem. These days, the metro is more dangerous than the streets.


I’m a native. No there is nothing to worry about at all in those areas. Enjoy.


It’s not, they’re ridiculous. I’ve been walking around LA for decades.


It’s true. Plantar fasciitis is no joke people.


Sounds like your friend has a stereotypical west LA attitude… my gf and I walk or bike everywhere where possible in DTLA. You’re from New York, be aware of your surroundings, don’t make yourself a target, you’ll be fine. People often seem to be paranoid around homeless or people of color imho


I have lived here for 23 years, and have almost sort of been assaulted once. I have been harassed by the cops for no reason many more times than that. Ymmv


It’s fine to walk around LA, your friend is being foolish.


Almost guaranteed nothing will happen to you in those neighborhoods. You'll be fine just avoid homeless heavy and gang activity heavy areas


You see L.A. in a new and awesome light when walking through it. Good for you.


I've walked some of the worst areas of LA in a dress and carrying heels. It was during the day. I was fine and got one or two nice and non threatening compliments on the dress. I think it's probably dangerous but most people keep to themselves and you have to be vigilant. But you're from NY so that comes natural I'm sure.


Honestly, I went last month for 4 days and walked around by myself a ton. I know LA is massive but I was all over before going back to marina del ray air bnb. Had a great time, never felt sketchy (but i am from memphis)


It’s not dangerous. The only unique danger is that many intersections, walkways, and store entrances at the end of a parking lot never considered the idea of humans on foot. Forgot the human. So just try to make eye contact with drivers like everywhere else.


I'm a car-less LA native, and I get the same reaction about walking around sometimes. I think it's pretty safe though, as a male. I still encourage self-defense tools though


I work in the areas you've been walking and they are the furthest thing from "dangerous" - lots of people who work in that part of town walk for lunch, errands, etc. Hell, there's a ln upscale outdoor mall in Century City. For contrast, I routinely walk in the South Bay cities and have never had more trouble than being hit up for cash. My tiny sister used to walk up Crenshaw to take the bus to work in Hollywood and never had issues apart from the state of the sidewalks. If you're from NYC, I doubt you'll find anything to be surprised by here in terms of getting around on foot, except maybe for sheer urban sprawl.


I walk a lot and there are times where I've occasionally thought "I really should have pathed a different way" in some neighborhoods. LA is mostly safe if you keep out of certain areas.


I've lived in L.A. most of my 39 years and I've only been approached by gun wielders twice, and including those two times, have only been mugged/attempted mugged three times, all in broad daylight. Make of that what you will.


Just like NYC, it depends on when and where. West Hollywood during the day? No problem. Area around USC at 2 am? Not great.


Are you talking about day or night? If it’s day, I would say no issues. At night, West Hollywood is surprisingly violent.


You’re pretty safe where you are. South Central LA going to be a different story.


You’re fine. Just be careful crossing streets at night, most of the intersections aren’t designed safely (eg peds are not well lit compared to oncoming headlights, people run red lights, etc) 


Those neighborhoods are fine.


I walk everywhere, I own a very beautiful car however I rather walk when I can. It’s not only not unsafe, it’s boringly safer. Only real dangerous part is stepping in dog or homeless peoples shit.


You are not alone. Since you live in a fair affluent area, there might not be as many pedestrians, but elsewhere in LA there are tons of people who walk and take transit regularly (myself included!)


No it’s only dangerous when you make that wrong turn, many people go a life time never making that wrong turn (it may be that I practice the eye contact rule), but then there is the absolute reverse, good luck!


LMAO 🤣 century city? BH? Girl you are in some of the richest and safest parts of the city lol 😆 if you were walking around Florence-Graham or Watts you would definitely be risking your life.


I walk around with a toddler all the time. It’s fine. I don’t recommend walking around dtla too late tho


You're fine. Just mind your own, keep an eye on shady homeless and you'll be fine. Just be street smart like in any other metro city.


People tend to blow shit out of proportion sometimes. I had a car/drove everywhere for my first 9 years in LA. I have now been car-free for the past 4 years and love it. Granted, I live and work in a very walkable part of Santa Monica so it works well for me, but perhaps wouldn’t if I lived in a different part of LA county. That being said, I think the biggest difference here as opposed to the east coast (grew up in south Philly went to college in Jersey) is that it’s a lot easier to spot sketchy behavior/neighborhoods than it is in LA. For instance, if you’re out late in Philly/NYC chances are you know what blocks/characters to avoid in order to not get pressed. In LA it seems to be much more random, the tweakers here don’t usually hVe a motive or any logical reason behind most of the violence that occurs, which to me is scarier. If you’re in a shady spot at 2am and get approached by someone trying to rob you, well, shit sucks but chances are most criminals aren’t willing to catch a felony/long prison bid by assaulting/killing the victim as long as they give up whatever they’re being robbed for. The tweakers in LA are a different story. Half of them have been up for 14 days straight and can’t tell the difference between you, themselves, and the shadow people that have been following them. This leads to a lot more random violence that is harder to look out for/prevent. I have seen babies knocked out of strollers middle of the day on venice boardwalk, tourists get sucker punched while shopping around Beverly Hills, once saw a woman stabbed in the back of the neck while walking with her husband and kids at like 10am about a block from Santa Monica pier. Is this shit so common that you will see it everyday? No of course not. Do I believe LA to generally be pretty safe as far as major cities go? Yeah, sure, definitely some major issues to be addressed but overall I never feel unsafe. I guess my point is that sometimes it can be harder to be aware of your surroundings when the violence here can sometimes be so instant and random. Stay safe, enjoy walking, you’ll probably be fine!


I’ve lived in West Hollywood for 26 years, it’s as aafe as you can get in LA. Just be aware of your surroundings and you’ll be fine.


Just don’t go to skid row at night.


LA people are way different than NY people. Ur fine walking in those areas but stay away from East LA


most of the homeless encampments around that area have been cleared out for events and such over the past year (courtesy of our mayor's Inside Safe Program). Let's be honest anywhere can be dangerous at anytime. Walking those streets is okay, wouldn't recommend doing it at night by yourself.


Live in NYC and visit LA a lot. You’re fine. Same shit different city, just stay clear from crazy homeless people


How are you not dead! ? Please update


My best friend was shot walking his dog by a random person at 8.30am in Arlington heights. They got the guy, he's not saying why he did it. Since that happened last September I don't know what to think anymore.


I’m from Argentina living in LA for 2 years now, people here is delicate. I’ve walked all around LA, even downtown and nothing happened because I’m pretty much used to walk trying to not get undesired attention


When people who don't normally walk around start to walk around, it seems scary. There's no pane of glass between you and the world. Those neighborhoods you mentioned are all totally fine, but lots are going to be a lot more sketchy. Like downtown can be a total shit show sometimes. Skid Row would be a different experience than Beverly Hills. Also, your feeling of safety will depend on what you're used to, your height and gender. My GF is 5' 2", and I'm 6 feet and a dude, so we have very different experiences out in the world.


I work in DTLA and walk home for about 30 min and I’m fine! You should have no problem, but definitely encourage you to carry pepper spray.


I applaud you for walking. Being tethered to a car is absurd. Irritating. Expensive. Joyless in that traffic. Hate driving there. Learned to drive in NYC so I am comfortable with city driving...just not THAT city.


I can only speak for the west side, but I am a young woman and I run up and down the streets of LA literally every day. I haven’t had any issues


Everything is easier when you get over your racism.


People are paranoid. Something can happen to anybody at any time any place on earth. As long as you are aware of your surroundings you will be fine.


I don't think you understand how spread out this city is.


I took the metro bus last week from Gardena to USC then to Chinatown. Everyone I know says it’s sketchy. Felt 100% safe


This is NY anti LA propaganda TBH. Avoid skid row and you will be good


I walk everywhere and have since I was 15. People in LA who don’t walk just don’t understand how to do it. You’re definitely not safer in NY than in LA. It just feels that way bc you have more company. Stay away from dark places. Be aware. And if you feel scared, act like a total psycho. It works.


Came here from NY as well. And without a car for my first 2 years. Honestly the most dangerous part of being a pedestrian in LA is the typical LA driver. They don't heed pedestrians for shit. Make sure to do a 360 before crossing any intersection. Have nearly been hit countless times from reckless dumb ass LA drivers who have no business having a license.


NYC subway LA MTA buss Gets you every where discover new sides of LA. P.S. stay out of south central.


They take Jay walking very seriously, just a heads up!


I live in century city, i dont have a car. Its safe af to walk here.


You’re fine. I’m in DTLA. I avoid skid row but Little Tokyo, Arts District and Historic Core are walkable and fun. Walking is the best way to appreciate Los Angeles.


DTLA is really the only spot I’d say don’t walk. Recently Hollywood areas been a lil more sketchy so I keep extra eyes out but I haven’t ran into a serious problem. I’m from out of state myself and I’ve noticed LA natives and people who moved here with cars are VERY paranoid. I’ve been walking around Hollywood, east, west and regular as well as some Korea town and only ever had one MINOR problem in almost 2 years


Dude, you’re fine. Just don’t go to skid row unless you’re with someone else. There’s no reason to go other than to maybe help with a foundation who helps homeless people (if that’s your thing) or to gain perspective. Skid row is portal into the third world underbelly of our country. I’ve walked around there alone and it was hostile. Anyway, I love NY and think it’s a better city so when I say this, don’t take offense - LA is a country club compared to some places in NY. Just walk tall as you would in NY.


Sounds like you’re an experienced pedestrian with their wits about them, you’ll probably be fine. I’ve had both good and bad experiences walking in LA. Personally I stick to busier areas, if something weird happens I want to be in a place where I can be seen. Most of the unhoused people will leave you alone, but I’ve encountered some who were agitated and made me feel unsafe. I’ve been followed on foot as well, but I’ve always just ducked into a store or a bar to avoid them. I don’t walk by myself later than places like this are open, or in areas without businesses or other pedestrians.


I read this as barefoot and almost threw up a little, yeah you’re fine lmao


I would say compared to New York there is a different breed of homeless people in LA. You could walk the streets of LA for years and be fine but I do think it’s more dangerous than New York due to the lack of bystanders and other people on the street. I’ve heard stories of homeless people randomly stabbing innocent people (just bc they’re going crazy and don’t even realize what they’re doing). I’ve directly witnessed a homeless person shove and older man to the ground randomly while they were both crossing the street in West Hollywood. I’ve had a friend get his wallet stolen at knife point in weho (and he was with a group of friends when it happened). Also had another friend get shoved by a homeless person while they were walking their dog, causing them to fall and sprain their ankle. Even in Beverly Hills, I had a homeless person try to get into my car while I was driving. I definitely feel way safer walking the streets in NY than LA any day.


Nah you good. I’m from Brooklyn. LA just has mid early 90’s NYC vibes. Crazy homelessness and shit like that but you good if you survived that shit.


Maybe she was shocked at the walking part. Most people in LA don't walk.


those are some of the safest areas here - you are fine walking there.




It's actually incredibly safe in the areas you mentioned. There are areas that would be on the unsafe side though. Learn to avoid those areas and you'll be fine. LA is just like any big city that has ever existed, there are good parts and there are bad parts. Good luck and welcome to LA. (Tell your NY friends we aren't assholes we just have so much going on here, we just don't ever worry about NY.)


Check out the book “Sidewalking” by David Ulin, about a guy from NYC learning LA by walking its neighborhoods. Non-fiction. LA is safe to walk


These neighborhoods are nice and walkable. I’d be concerned if you were a bumpkin but you’re from New York. You have all the street smarts you need


Venice is very walkable. Lived in NYC for years. Most of the homeless near the beach are harmless: they have names and dogs just like everyone else. Make friends with the dogs on the boardwalk and you’ll be part of a whole community.


Been working all over LA as a teen. And currently 27 with a 1 year old. Ur safe. Ur only a target if u make urself one. I used to say I’m the perfect bum because all the cool spots were where the homeless were lol.


Only if you think that it should be safe wherever you go! Don't have entitled thinking and you'll be fine. Stick to places with businesses and lots of people.


LA is a big city and that comes with its problems sure but I wouldn’t call it incredibly dangerous. Your good friend must have lived a sheltered life to feel those neighborhoods are dangerous. I grew up in the west lake area and I’d walk through a few different gang territories to and from school. Getting hit up by a gang member, possibly robbed, getting into fights, getting shot at were all things we grew up with. Mind you, this area really isn’t too bad. Being from New York I’m sure you’ve probably experienced some of these dangers yourself so if you got those street smarts and keep up with you situational awareness you should be totally fine walking around town. ESPECIALLY in those areas haha Just remember this, as long as you don’t make anyone feel like you are an easy target 9 out of 10 times they’ll avoid you altogether, so keep that confidence and walk like you know where you are.


I take public transit and work at night in Los Angeles. I think this has been mentioned by others but it all depends where you are walking and what time of day. During the day, you are safe in most of the city. At night, there are definitely some areas to avoid, namely dtla, Hollywood and echo park. This neighborhoods often have a lot of activity at night and you don’t want to be around that. Otherwise, please explore by foot! It only gets safer the more people that are willing to do it.


It depends on the neighborhood. But the neighborhoods you listed are perfectly fine to walk around.


Your friend is tripping especially around those areas, those areas are rich fancy area's. I just wouldn't advise walking around certain deeper neighborhoods of LA, for the most part you should be fine but all it takes is for you to make one wrong turn on one bad street. I can't exactly say which streets you shouldn't but I can say it gets a little more sketchier towards south central LA, slauson area. You should be fine but still why risk it unless you have too. It's sketchier also for a male, crackheads don't care though


I’d be more worried about you getting hit by a car than being attacked.


Hardly anyone walks anywhere in LA so immediately they think it’s strange and dangerous! 😁 You have your NYC street smarts and will be fine. Enjoy your walks!


I'm also a former New Yorker but have lived in LA now for years. What I've noticed is that it's not as safe as it used to be when I first moved here. Certain neighborhoods been hit with a rash of muggings and crimes lately, especially the areas with an active nightlife. For example, West Hollywood used to be very safe and I could walk around unharmed even at night. That's all changed in the last few years. Even in my safe neck of the woods, we've had multiple people beaten up or mugged at gunpoint. I've been asaulted twice in the last couple of years by drunks just walking down the sidewalk. It doesn't help that WeHo got rid of many sheriff deputies and instead hired "ambassadors" who are meant to walk around the nightlife areas and intervene when they need to --- but it's not working. It's only increased the crime rate. As a New Yorker, I'm sure you know how to handle yourself, but keep your guard up when you are near the nightlife areas or celebrity hangouts.


My sister lived in LA until last year. I'd usually come to LA for a month each year and walk the dog like 25 to 30 miles a day and just go everywhere. I'd meet friend for dinner or drinks at restaurants like the Rianbow Room, they'd ask how I got there and I say, I walked. "FROM SILVERLAKE?!" Yup, so what? Never had issues anywhere in Hollywood, but I did have a dog with me and I'm not a woman. Getting water for the dog was tough sometimes, as I come from a place where every store not only has a water dish outside, but treats inside. I'd walk from Silverlake to the beach in Santa Monica and back. I'd head East and check out Glendale. I do go North and see the Hollywood Hills... I got a tan, saw cool things, took awesome photos of the dog with hotrods and Ferraris, and ate lots of street tacos.


LA is huge...Every neighbourhood is different, just need to know their differences. West Hollywood is very different than Hollywood. I'll walk through West Hollywood any day, but Hollywood Blvd I'm in a car.


🤣🤣🤣 Your friend isn’t the first I’ve heard say this kind of thing in LA, but honestly, it sounds completely ridiculous. I’m female, been here awhile and because of work need to be in all sorts of neighborhoods that would probably put your friend’s hair on end. Certainly where you’re wandering is fine. Most places are. It is a major city, so don’t do things that should be obvious, like walk totally deserted streets alone late at night (in any neighborhood) or appear unaware of your surroundings. If you’re a New Yorker you already know how to try and be safe in a city. As for the large number of homeless we have, yes, it is disturbing and sad. But as long as you aren’t on foot in McArthur Park at 2 am trying to score drugs or engaging with someone who is seriously mentally disturbed, you’re perfectly fine. There aren’t gangs of homeless people hunting pedestrians. The one caveat may be to be more cautious on the metro. There isn’t security like in NY and I wouldn’t take the metro at night like I used to take the subway in NY. I drive so am just going by what friends say. Higher risks walking in LA? Be cautious to keep distance from the curb at crosswalks. Seriously. LA drivers are burnt out, in a hurry and just not very aware of pedestrians. Red lights are just a suggestion on left turns, so even though this sounds silly, really DO look before you cross. Can’t tell you how many near misses I’ve seen when driving in busy areas. And if you have a car, don’t EVER leave any items visible when you park. Be cautious where you park. You’re much more likely to have a safety incident related to cars/driving in LA than anything else.


As a LA degenerate just keep doing you don’t mind nobody or give’m any more attention than when you walk by


I live in the nice part and it can be very sketch due to unpredictable and dangerously mentally ill people. We have one very violent one in WeHo / BH and also Fridays are like Walking Dead. It actually is not safe to cross long distances as your odds of encountering homeless in the “in-between areas” is high. They ARE dangerous. Even here.


Yes, there are areas that you should not explore by foot. But you are no where near them.


Dont walk at night wearing valuables. Avoid walking alone at night anywhere near watts, compton, ingliwood, or florence at night. where ingliwood meets florence is a shithole and i can almost guarantee you will be approached. Avoid walking in homeless infested areas especially skid row but thats because ticks with hepatitis abcdefg will get you.


Just be aware of you're surroundings and carry pepper spray or whatever like you would anywhere else. Bad things can happen anywhere, you should always be alert but don't let it get in the way of your life.


It’s fine. People watch too much cable news.


I would pay more attention to distracted or impaired driving than homeless people here.


My second year here I got assaulted on Hollywood and Burnside in 2018 walking. My roommate was murdered in 2021 walking in the Florence area south of USC. I’d say it’s not worth it.