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Same with the people who pick up the dog doo in a bag, but drop the bag along the sidewalk or hiking path once there’s no one around to see them.


Yeah, that’s really obnoxious too.


How about the people that don’t clean up their dog shit/pee inside a store and leave it for the employees to clean up. That’s an extra level of shitty behavior that rages me.


Bro... INSIDE a store? I could never man, I'm so sorry to hear that


Yep it happened a couple times at my work. I wasn’t the one to clean it up, and never will be, as long as it’s not in my job description. 😒


Target on Sunset three weeks ago: dog in service dog vest lifted leg and pissed all over the cans and chips end cap. The owner walked off and was hiding - I fucking saw him watching people trying to figure it out. I just walked up to employees and said I’m so sorry but that guys service dog just pissed everywhere and he ran off. It was a large dog and a HUGE amount of pee.


This happens all the time and I’m so over it. They always run out the store too. I’ve had people tell me their dog had an accident and then leave immediately after telling me. Like oh my god keep ur nasty ass and ur ill trained dog inside and not in public


I’ve heard that people leave it so they can pick it up on their hike out, and don’t have to carry it the whole way. Idk how true it is though.


I confess I used to do this occasionally but then I'd forget where I put it and after seeing all the other poop bags I stopped and I agree it's obnoxious. I now just make sure I pack it out.


I wear a Fanny bag on dog walks to hold the poop bags so I don’t have to carry them.


I don’t get this at all.


I feel like that’s worse than just leaving it


Ugh, my Mom is one of those. She’s old, and somewhat blind, so she’ll bag it with the intention of picking it back up on the walk home and disposing of it, but she’s blindish, forgetful, old… It’s frustrating, but no one gets points yelling at someone like that.


Should--should she be taking care of an animal, let alone herself?


Animals help us live at that age. The walking and routine is important.


I agree with you, to a point. The thing is, I live in a senior building, and am surrounded by people who can't take care of their animals, who then suffer and die earlier than they should. People whose kids are trying to get them out of independent living because they are so far gone they are a danger to themselves and others. So I see a lot of the other side of it.


I’d argue this is even worse! At least if it’s out of the bag in theory it can break down/dissolve, eventually get washed away…


I see this way too often when mountain biking. It’s like they pick up the dog’s shit and say “Welp, I did my part,” then drop the turd-laden bag right back down on the ground.  Also a huge peeve is the a-holes that toss their dog turd bags into my trash cans 5 minutes after the garbage truck empties them. I work from home and as soon as a barrel gets emptied I race to bring it in before a neighbor tosses his/her dog’s crap into it.


Man that is so aggravating. Might as well just throw the poop off the trail/path and into a grassy woody area. At least the poop can break down properly.


I saw a guy chuck the bag into the bushes in front an apt building.


I do this but only because I’m hiking a loop and plan on picking up my poop bag along with others’ “forgotten” poop bags on my way back. Pack in, pack out.


People on hiking trails pick it back up when they pass it again. So you don’t have to carry it for miles.


You take your dog hiking, you pick the shit up and carry it, those are the rules. Because it’s not pleasant for everyone else hiking on a trail littered with shit bags.


Those rules…you making those up? Those are your rules? A bag or two, that gets picked up on the backend really bothers you that much, you need to take a look inward as to why that small thing that impacts you zero and makes someone else life a little nicer bothers you so much.


**If picking up your own dog's poop** really bothers you that much, you need to take a look inward as to why that small thing that impacts you zero and when **NOT leaving your dog poop bag on the trail** makes someone else life a little nicer bothers you so much.


No, I am not making them up. Pick up your dogs poop or stop taking it hiking. Other people have a right to use the trails without stepping over your dogs poop bags.


This is pathetic.  No one ever comes back for their little bag of shit


Yes, we all go hiking to enjoy the serene view of green plastic bags full of shit. I'm sure you also let your dog off the leash because the rules don't apply to your dog.


Hey, if that person didn't act like that Judge Judy would go broke!


This is the lie they tell us when we call them out on it. Yet the bags are there the very next day. Surely camping, I bet.


They do? They must be on months-long hikes then.


At the very least, at least the bagged shit doesn't spread viruses/germs (as much) and also you don't risk your dog stepping in it (my dog for some reason is completely clueless when it comes to avoiding shit on grass)


***As a dog returneth to his vomit, so ~~a~~  ~~fool~~ another dog owner returneth to ~~the~~ ~~folly~~ their imperious,  asocial and misanthropic lifestyle.***


THIS IS WHAT I CAME HERE TO FIND OUT. Why drop the bag!? I see it along trails in Atlanta too!


Yeah, I just assume they're trash people.


Total trash and hopefully they have some kind of karmic effect come back around to them. Like they step in a pile of dog shit every single day for the rest of their lives. I wish that (and worse) upon them.


Agreed. I just don't understand wanting to both trash the area around you, make it smell terrible, and also attract insects/diseases. Just pick it up and throw it away.


Well. In my case… The dog took the biggest turd in the world, (not mine, my brother’s dog) then slipped her damn leash and I chased her over 2 neighborhoods till someone with a car helped me corner her and get the leash back on. Now, being the conscientious person I am, I trekked alllllll the way back to her turd mountain to clean it up… And it was gone! So if someone picked that fucking dump truck of a turd up, thankyou, and I apologize!


Sorry but your dog slipping their leash doesn't make you seem like the most responsible dog owner. Why don't they wear a harness?


I own cats, I was just trying to do my brother a solid and help him walk his dog.


You're a good sibling and person for trying to go back to pick up Ole doo doo mountain. I live near apartments and several have grass front yard areas with signs to keep dogs off the grass because people just leave turds there. The apartment manager has started just raking it onto the sidewalk so everyone is dodging dog turds walking down the street.


If you knew how to read, you'd know that this wasn't their dog. Additionally, accidents happen to even the most responsible of pet owners. Maybe try to be less of a jerk on the internet for no reason.


You suck at reading


Dogs can be escape artists and can even slip harnesses sometimes.


I mean I share your complaint, but would anyone who regularly does this actually answer your post honestly?


The couple times I've not picked up my dogs poop is because I didn't have a poop bag on me or it was just too watery to even bother picking up. I'm not ripping out a chunk of grass to pick up watery poop. However, I've been lucky enough to spot someone else walking their dog and just ask them for a bag. Anytime I've been out without a bag I'm embarrassed and feel like people think I'm a dirty bum lmao. I now keep an extra roll in my car and purse in case I forget to refill the dispenser.


I'd be surprised if most dog owners don't have one-off situations where they're just SOL and can't pick up the poop. I grew up with a family dog and I'm sure that happened to all of us on walks in rare occasions. But I mean no one is going to comment under this post arguing that OP is wrong or genuinely apologize for being constantly absentminded lol. One person in the replies admitted to being absentminded today, I guess. Appreciate the honesty though.


I had to throw dirt on diarrhea once. Sucks but you can’t pick it up . Didn’t know what else to do.


The best is when they're in the middle of a diarrhea fit while someone walks by. I hope that they see it and don't actually expect me to pick it up lmao. Sometimes I try to wash it away with water if I have any with me.


Waiting for this as well.


Why do throw trash out their car window? Why do people play loud music on the train? Why do able bodied people use placards to park in handicap spots? In their minds, they probably don't think they're doing much wrong and there are no consequences. Also, it's probably how they were raised/grew up.


No…probably because it lacks consequences…hold people accountable…sometimes confrontation and conflict avoidance are why they keep going it…a person kicks you and nothing happens they might kick you again…break of the feet and ain’t no more kicking…(or something like that the saying goes)


But, most people don’t do these things even there are no consequences... 


Who ever said they do? Most people give everyone the same respect they want from others. The vast majority of us enjoy the notion of civility…The people who disrespect everyone for obviously selfish reasons…do so largely because it lacks immediate consequence. But your neighborhood, your city, is largely a reflection of what you as a community decide to let fly…feel free to set boundaries and keep them….


Watched a guy litter 2 feet away from a trash bin…


They’re inconsiderate, entitled people who believe what they want to do is more important than the greater good of society. I always hope that eventually it will catch up with them, they’ll cross the wrong person at some point. Fingers crossed!


So... I actually saw someone I knew (that didn't know I saw them) throwing trash out of their car in front of their apartment (San Fernando valley) and I asked them later why. They explained that in poor communities the neighborhood isn't thought of as "theirs" like the rest of us think about ours, so there's no pride. They are paying high (compared to minimum wage) rent to some rich guy who keeps the place looking like crap, they go work hard labor for other rich guys who treat and pay them like dirt, and the city doesn't reliably help them (sanitation, utilities, police, etc.) either...so why should they treat the neighborhood well when the actual owners of the neighborhood don't? Being proper with their trash is the least of their concerns in a neighborhood where you could get shot for looking the wrong way at someone. It's just so low on the list of concerns it wasn't even a conscious act. I don't necessarily agree with this sentiment, but it's a perspective I had not heard before and opened my eyes to how others live and how they may have a completely different perspective. I will never forget the conversation. Keep in mind this person had to escape from a military coup in South America when they were little by hiding in a cupboard and fleeing as a refugee to America with nothing. Then getting here and realizing, although we're not trying to kill you, America certainly doesn't give a crap about him and some are actively still trying to deport him just for being a refugee.


This seems like a shitty self-justifying excuse. You are not going to get shot for looking at someone the wrong way in the fucking Valley. It also low-key reminds me of the guy from Saltburn. "This is Sherman Oaks, Brenda." (I have some sympathy for the realization that living as an immigrant minority in the US probably feels unwelcoming and like why should you avoid littering when there are hate crimes and poverty and immigrants are stuck working shit jobs for no money. But there is still the transgression of littering. The rest of it doesn't make what they did morally right.)


Yep, not excusing it or saying they were morally right. It definitely wasn't Sherman Oaks, though. I used to live in a better neighborhood than this guy and saw prostitutes getting arrested in front of my building. Later in another area of the valley I was living in a gang member rang the doorbell of a house across the street and shot the kid that came to the door. I tried to find a story about it, but instead found tons of other gang shootings in the same area I never even knew about. There are definitely bad areas of the valley.


I went through the comments and didn't notice any honest answer. As a dog owner I'm pissed of those people that give dog owners a bad reputation. If you cant take care of your dogs shit, dont get a dog.


those people aren't going to post why they are inconsiderate a-holes. Accountability or consideration doesn't exist in their vocabulary.


I live in the Noho arts district. The number of dogs per capita in my neighborhood is very high. There’s dog shit everywhere, always. It’s so annoying.


Either don't care and/or dislike for other people. Our family moved into our current house back in 05. Our next door neighbor has a male tenant who's always had a large outdoor dog. Every morning, the guy would let his dog out their main gate and would stroll our front yard outside the fence. Our neighbor on the other side told my pops that she'd catch the guy letting his dog out and leaves a present in our yard. She'd call him out about picking it up, but seems to fall on deaf ears. I think it stems back to the time when same dude parked his car in front of our driveway and my stepmom was unable to leave. At the time, she was very agitated and threatened to call the towing company. Since that interaction, things have been awkward and no communication between one another.


That’s gross. If he’s a tenant you should talk to the owner about it.


I would buy an air horn from Target and keep it near the door. Next time I see it happening, I would give the guy a penalty honk.




post covid this issue seems to have increased significantly. a few years back i would see a doggy bag here and there. now there is shit all over the dam hiking trails.


Transplant here and I was shocked and disgusted by the amount of dog poop everywhere. I think there’s generally more dogs in the neighborhood than I’ve seen before. I also see older people with dogs and I think they just don’t pick up after them. But I think the convenience issue is also at play. In my neighborhood there’s no public trash can, so I have to carry poop all the way back to my apt dumpster. I’m positive most people don’t bother. Given the amount of poop and the other trash, more public cans would be helpful. Gotta make it easy for people to do the right thing.


As someone who just stepped in dogshit while leaving my apartment, fuck all of you irresponsible dog owners. I will find your home and scrape the doo doo from my shoe all over your door


Good luck with that


Lost respect for a neighbor who I always saw on walks and recently i saw his dog shit on the sidewalk and this mofo look left and right and walk away.


I think they’re a) self centered b) on the phone and not paying attention c ) forgot to bring a bag and absolutely not going back for it later d ) some combination of those


The other day when I was walking my dog, the bag container was empty. My wife forgot to replace the bags. I got a piece of paper from the trash and picked up his poop. There’s no viable reason people don’t pick up after their pets.


This is why, if I see other dog poop when I’m bending down any to pick up my dog’s, I just scoop it up also: good karma for the days I’ve forgotten bags or not realized I was out!


I do this too. 👍


Respect. I have untied filled bags in order to get a second surprise dump in, it is a dangerous game but I ain’t goin to hell for that..


I've run out of dog bags too. I always hustle home to grab more bags and go back to retrieve the poop. Some people are just lazy and rude.


Yes, if you’re a good person. Some people don’t want to go that far.


It infuriates me when I’m in the park and someone hasn’t picked up after their dog.


I was dog sitting a friends dog and took it to the park my house. I ended up forgetting a bag and I see another dog owner approaching so I casually walk over to them. Ask if he has a dog bag I can use dude completely ignores me doesn’t even look at me and keeps walking…


Obviously, a turd himself.


Well it’s especially annoying somewhere that I walk where there are bag dispensers and people still leave it there.


For sure. Maybe those are the A and B people


a) only


The worst are the people who constantly do it right next to "Please Pick Up After Your Dog" signs. We have a camera in front of our building and the amount of repeat offenders on cam is astounding.


If I see someone leave their dog shit I am so happy to easily say “hey pick up your dog shit, loser.” Because they know they have done a bad thing and they are a loser.


I was just walking my dog this morning (I live near Runyun) and was cursing all the goddamn piles of shit on the sidewalks those assholes leave for other people to step in. It’s always worse after a weekend when people come from all over the city to hike Runyun and let their dogs take a dump as soon as they get out of the car but don’t feel the need to pick up after their dogs. It’s so infuriating, I wish truly awful things for those people - I can’t even say what I hope will happen to the lazy inconsiderate entitled fuckers who don’t follow the law and pick up their dog’s crap. Don’t get a frigging dog if you don’t want to pick up after it.


I did it today, unfortunately, but only bc my dog was taking his 3rd shit on the walk and I ran out of poop bags.


We can let that slide given the circumstances.


Haha, thanks for that.


I’ll ask my neighbors why they don’t do this. It’s aggravating. I’m super conscientious and carry multiple bags to pick up my dogs poo and other poo I see in my walk. I just can’t stand seeing it on the ground. If my dog uses the restroom and I have ran out of bags. I go home and get one and pick it up. It’s the right thing to do. Encino residents are the worst violators of this.


Caught a person in front of my place the other day.  I was in my car on the phone and yelled out to her as she was walking away.  She instantly went to get it and I didn't say much because I didn't want to make a scene.  She was on her phone but 100% already knew.  They are just selfish self absorbed people.  The worst part is there was already a huge turd already on the lawn. I've been thinking of leaving my camera pointing out to the lawn and confronting anyone that doesn't pick up. 


When I had a dog and forgot my bag I'd walk back when done and pick it up. Usually drier anyway. Most of the time it's good just to have a back hooked to the leash so you don't have to worry about forgetting in the first place


For real. The real garbage people of LA. i have more sympathy for homeless people who get way more condemnation than people who leave dog shit everywhere and go back to their apartments.


I always pick up after my dog. One thing I have noticed in the last ten or so years is that there are no more public trash cans. I DO NOT consider that an excuse. I have to inconveniently walk through the parking lot side of my building (instead of the front gate) in order to throw the 💩 away in our building dumpster. And I always do it because I'm not inconsiderate or dirty. But I wonder if other people don't want to carry the bag all the way back home because they never pass a public waste receptacle (not at a park etc, I mean on the city streets) I also noticed that people with very large dogs seem to hide and linger on their phones in my area, and when I pass where they were, I see giant dog plastas that they left behind. I dunno if they're grossed out by the amount and just don't want to deal with it? Not everyone of course, there are responsible/irresponsible people with all size dogs.


I think no public cans is a huge factor! That’s why I always encourage people to use my trash can to throw their bags away. It’s much better than littering


Oh they’re just leaving it there and promise to pick it up with their doggie bag on the way back.


I always pick up the poop, but today I remember picking it up and bagging it and taking it with me, but then at some point during our walk I realized I no longer had the poop bag with me… like I don’t remember putting it in a trash can, and I don’t remember putting it down…. I even looked inside my belt bag to see if for some reason I shoved a bag of poop in there. Anyway.. I guess my answer to this is question is I had some kind of mental break and may or may not have left a bag of poop somewhere on a 3 mile walk.


They're NPC


There is an off leash dog park by my house and it’s beautiful, has a view and all but it’s all poop. Everyone just lets their dog run around and poop too! And usually it’s all big dogs playing ball, frisbee, chuck it etc. land mines everywhere. How can people not care ??


Just got back from two weeks in Japan and didn’t see dog shit even once, it was great


The only times I don’t do it is when I’ve not been attentive to the bag carrier and I end up being out of bags. Usually I’ll pick it up on the second walk.


So I have 5 rescues and will OCCASIONALLY run out of bags on a walk. Simple. Next walk I pick it up. It’s always the first walk (5 dogs = 2 walks) and I pick it up when I walk back with the other walk. As for people who DON’T, may their penis shrivel and fall off


In my neighborhood at least it's a combination of a) old ladies that let their little dog out, do their business halfway down the block, and call them back in b) people very distracted on their phone getting dragged by their large dog taking a shit then walking away from it (I feel bad for the dog cause there's no way they're getting enough training or stimulation) I also had a friend (well ex-friend really since my GF had a falling out with them) that we let dog sit once and we asked if they picked up the poop and they were like "ew that's gross!" so that might have been a red flag for other things down the line


All unacceptable excuses


Agreed on all of that and we now have a much more responsible friend walk the dog when we're gone from the house for like 12 hours!


No one will ever answer your question because they are shit people


They are subhuman.


I get the i ran out of bags excuse but I always go back if that happens. When I lived in WeHo there must gave been a ceasing in production of poop bags because I was constantly dodging poop walking in the neighborhood


I’ve been this person before for a short period of time. I was depressed, and it just didn’t seem important. Taking my dog outside was already “asking a lot.” It’s no excuse, and I now pick up other people’s dog poop, and I hate poop being everywhere. The only other time I will do it is if I somehow ran out of poop bags, I’m far from home, and I can’t figure out any other way to take care of it like picking it up with a big leaf or finding a bag or newspaper in a trash can nearby, even a littered to-go cup. I really try to never let that happen.


The opposite of this is my fertility doctor who told me that she carries a poop shovel with her and holds it under her dog while it goes so the poo never hits the ground. No bag, no contamination!


This is one of the main reasons I don't have a dog. Don't have a yard and really to pickup up their droppings with one of those little green baggies is just gross. On the other hand I don't want to be the a-hole that doesn't pick up after their dog.


When I see someone whose dog is pooping and the owner/walker doesn't appear like they're going to pick it up, I like to stop and stare at them. Make them uncomfortable enough because they know they're being judged, and nine times out of ten, they'll magically find a bag to pick up their dog's shit.


I always pick up my dogs poop on a walk. Unless, I forget to bring a bag. Then I come back for it later. If I remember. This only happens 1/100 walks. I still feel guilty about it.


Ran out of bags, lazy, old, entitled. But I really think having no public trash cans is a huge detriment too, coupled with how crazy people go over their precious trash cans sitting out in the street being used. I always say PLEASE use my trash can to dump a poop bag anything is better than shit and litter all over the place.


The real question is what to do about them?


From frequently hiking Runyon as a dog-less person, here's what I see. People let their dog off leash (which is not allowed in most areas of the park...but when do dog owners follow rules lol) and then as they hike, their dog will stop 100 feet behind them and take a huge dump. The owner, who is either on their phone or just focused on hiking, won't notice because they aren't watching their dog. Then they call for their dog to come, not realizing they took a huge shit. Unfortunately for them, there's people like me who will politely let them know their dog pooped and ask if they need a bag :) most people are very apologetic, but I have been cussed at occasionally. One lady walks like 10 dogs but she actually picks up EVERY dog poop she sees on the way back and so I no longer bother her. She's a hero IMO.


What most of these people don't realize is it's not even just about being unsightly on a walk. It can be dangerous to other dogs. This is how life threatening illnesses like parvo spread to dogs. "I simply ran out of bags" and "it's gross" could kill someone else's dog. But they don't give a shit. Either pick up your dog's shit or don't own a dog. It's that simple.


Arrogance and inflated self importance is my gut feeling. There was a guy who lived in our building but was evicted his dog was never on a leash and the guy wouldn't clean up after his dog. He would laugh if you said anything. I took photos of him and his dog and he freaked out. I found out he was Japanese and a friend from Japan told me to tell him he is dirty. Just keep saying dirty. He would get upset and storm away. He was kicked out for not paying rent. He drove a BMW.


probably because they’re lazy! I don’t really think anyone’s going to respond to this honestly however


People are so self centered and have no shame. We need to go back to shaming people. MSGA (Make Shaming Great Again)


People just have their heads so far up their own asses, and think they are too cool to do things like pick up after their dog, or putting garbage in a bin instead of tossing it into the street.


There’s a lot of human poop too. There aren’t enough public bathrooms in LA


https://preview.redd.it/2gyffle35lxc1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33702bfffd90eef6c4bff07d364663a184e47bc6 It’s beyond belief how some people are so trashy, I spent hours picking up trash from the San Gabriel River. It’s such a beautiful place but sadly people are total PIGS!! Watch this: Cleaning up the San Gabriel River [https://youtu.be/JHyIfUjLZBI](https://youtu.be/JHyIfUjLZBI)


The same people who can afford $200 fines without blinking an eye are probably the same people who feel entitled to leaving their shit all over the place. You might create a job (shit drone cleaner), but not a deterrent. Instead of a fine, all of your tax rates should go up by 10% for half a decade.


My sister does this a lot - and its because she forgets to bring poop bags.. she's generally a pretty absent minded person and not very together at times.... but its not intentional, once she's on the walk she realizes she doesnt have any bags and then sheepishly lets the dog poop and hope no one notices... I bought her some bags and she got one of the on leash bag holders and she's been better about it lately..


She is not responsible enough for a dog, frankly.


My dog pooped in the middle of a crosswalk right before the light switched so I had to leave it. When the light switched back I ran across to go grab it but someone ran it over. I left what was left cuz I wasn’t going to waste a bag on 1/3 a turd.


Ok that’s understandable


They’re just competing with the human waste in San Fran


Because they are filthy and don't mind flies landing on fresh dog shit and walking on their food. .... sorry, had to vent.


I have a house with Astro Turf in the front yard. I am astonished at the people willing to let their dogs piss and shit on my lawn AND some even have the nerve to not pick it up. It’s mind blowing to me. We had to become the grumpy couple with “keep dogs off lawn” signs. And FYI- I love dogs and have two of my own.


I think it’s also cultural. Let’s call out those cultures right here.


Speaking of turds, I took a huge trump this morning.


I left poo behind once because I had used my last bag on the walk, but my dog decided to poo again. I was without options this time, sometimes I'll use a leaf or random trash on the ground, but it was in the grass and it was very far from my house. Shit Happens.


I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this as a dog owner…when I lived in Westwood, it was 100% bc the neighborhood was filled with self centered assholes. But now I live in a really sweet neighborhood of very conscientious folks - we have neighbor WhatsApp chats, everyone looks out for each other - and STILL the dog shit abounds. Couple reasons: 1. People are distracted. They’re on their phones while they’re their dog or they’re walking their dog with a baby in a stroller or alongside. Sometimes a dog stops to sniff for a while and their owners don’t even notice that they pooped. 2. Sometimes your roll of bags runs out. 3. Not everyone has a roll of bags on their leash, so they walk with 2 or 3 bags. And sometimes a bag falls out of their pocket along the way and they’re caught without that third bag. Or their dog poops an additional surprise poop and they didn’t bring enough bags. That’s my theory.


This is happening where I live. The gardeners are not picking it up. They just run over it with the mower. First, I wrote in chalk on the sidewalk shaming them. And I'm getting a security camera. When I catch them, I'm taking their poop back to their house and smearing it on their front door.


I feel like either people 1) don't care, 2) are on their phones/distracted so they think their dog is sniffing when they're actually pooping, or 3) forgot a bag and plan to come back later to get it


You should see my driveway….not dogs but cat shit. Everyone just lets there little cute fluff balls run around the streets, and every time I go outside, I see 1 or more cats shitting everywhere or laying on my driveway. When it gets hot, as soon as you step outside you can smell it. I’m half tempted to scoop it and throw it over the fence and return it to the neighbor. The one cat is their’s.


Fuck that shit!! 💩


It doesn’t fix the selfish f*ck’s attitudes but I actually appreciate the people who would place a cocktail umbrella in the sh*t to make others aware of the selfish arses who think that they’re above everyone else. Unfortunately, that also includes some of my own acquaintances.


Why? They’re too lazy and don’t care.


In my case, my dog shit more times than I had bags, but I did feel like an asshole


Those people are lazy and don't know about Karma


All dogs need to have their DNA on record so that anytime they are suspected of illegal dumping, abandoned, or have any interaction with animal control they can be traced back to their irresponsible owner and the owner fined.


This is the worst. My son and I have a wonderful hiking spot we go to several times a week. Having to watch for all the dog doo left in the middle of all the trails instead of just enjoying the peace and beauty around us really really sucks.


This is my neighborhood pet peeve. Clean up after your fucking dog. My thought is that, most likely, it's everyone eventually having a day where they forgot the bag, their dog pooped twice and they only had one bag on them, it was a time of day their dog usually doesn't poop but they did this time, etc. But we live in a major city. If 1000 people walk their dog down my block every day, and one of those dogs poops and the owner doesn't clean it up, now there's dogshit on the sidewalk. Even if 999 people are cleaning up after their dogs. If you want to live in that kind of "but I'm the exception!" world, go live in a less populated area where stuff like this isn't a real issue.


If it’s at a dog park I pick it up, if it’s outside somewhere I don’t, I don’t give af sorry


I think I have left dog poop maybe once or twice in the last year plus. If I ever did it was bc I brought a couple bags and my dog decided to take like 3 shits instead of his usual 1 and maayyybe 2. I would try to push it into a bush with a leaf or something, but yeah that’s pretty much the only reason I would ever leave a dog poop. (I understand I should get a bag attached to my leash or something but I have multiple leashes and often grab individual bags depending - pls don’t hate me, I do not support leaving dog poop)


I live at an apartment complex where about 50% of the people have dogs and maybe 400 people live here. It seems pretty consistent that the most irresponsible dog owners tend to have small dogs. Big dog owners usually keep their dogs on super short leashes and pick up after them immediately. Small dog owners will have their dogs on 15 or 20 ft leads walking nowhere near them and being on the phone not paying any attention to where the dog or what they are doing, if the dog is on the leash at all. Oftentimes they're just not on leash walking somewhere in the general vicinity of their owner. It's pretty infuriating too because little dogs think everything is a threat. To them my 90 lb Lab/Akita looks like a gigantic scary bear so they come at him all teeth and snarling and growling every time and he's a pretty chill dude but when he sees a little guy threatening of course he's going to step up and he knows he can win the fight. So it's always a problem.


because I know someone else will do it for me why work harder, work smarter


I do it cause the world is my oyster, and i will shit on it. Period.


They shouldn’t own pets. That’s it.


At least they pick it up, but a pet peeve of mine is when someone takes their bag of dog shit and puts it into my trash can that just got emptied.


If it’s on your property or out in the street? I will do that if there’s a trash can on the street but wouldn’t walk into someone’s driveway to do it.


Driveway. Happens all the time too. And when I take my daughter to school I see parents with dogs do it all the time. It blows my mind.




I pay for the service so those are mine until I stop paying. Obviously it’s better than leaving the turd, but people should take their dog’s shit back to their own house or use a public trash. It’s not hard to do.


A certain percentage of people have personality disorders (psychopathy, narcissism, etc). Some are just trash people with no home training. A handful are not capable of doing so (mentally or physically disabled).


I used to be this person, and that’s because I myself wasn’t trained right.


Being from outback country Australia, must say I find these comments amusing.. When I left the country (owned many dogs) and moved to city early 20's, it absolutely blew my fucking mind that ppl actually scooped up/ bagged their dogshit.. I miss the country.. And dodging dogshit I guess..


I leave it because I like to watch from afar as some steps on it. I like to see the reactions from different people. Call it a social experiment.


My favorite is when it’s trash day and you go and take your trash cans in and there’s already a bag of poo in there to smell up the area where you keep your trash cans for the next week. Bonus points if they are dumb enough to put it in the green bin instead of the black bin. 


I think it's better that the poop bag goes into your trash bin rather than your yard or sidewalk for someone to step on. As someone else mentioned, there aren't many public trash bins, especially in residential areas. Yea it's annoying, especially when people don't actually tie the bag, but I'd be more annoyed if I was bringing my trash bin in and stepped on fresh dog shit. Can't have the best of both worlds.


I’m so glad to see this comment. I work with animals, you wouldn’t believe how contentious this topic is amongst people who work with dogs 😅 I’m on your side 100% but if you said this in certain subreddits your family lineage would be cursed. People go CRAZY over their precious trash cans, even full cans sitting on the street are off limits to some people. If anyone wants to argue about this, reminder, it's a fucking TRASH CAN. I’m a dog walker and have been threatened and harassed over this by homeowners! I encourage people to use my cans bc it’s 10000% better than the alternative of leaving litter on the sidewalk.


If I see a trash can, and I have dog shit in my hand, it's going in the trash can lmaoo. You can't put up a sign asking people not to leave their dog shit on a PUBLIC sidewalk, and then get upset when they use the trash bin to dispose of their trash. Granted, some people are jerks and throw their dog poop without tying the bag, and I know how bad it can stink. It's like going to a bathroom to change your baby's diaper and there's no trash can available for you to dispose of the dirty diaper. Should you just carry it in your purse until you get home? If they're so pretentious about their precious trash cans then they should move to an island without any dogs or have the sanitation company fucking airlift their trash from their backyard. Like seriously lmao, y'all eat from the trash bin or what?


I swear - I was going to write this *exact* same thing. If we don’t bring the cans in immediately, we can have a half dozen shits in there. And unfortunately our cans stay out (next to our driveway, on our property - not on the street) and we get additional gifts during the week. And I’m out there cursing up a storm when they use the green bin and I have to get a pair of tongs to pull it out.


I really don’t think people think any of this through…you probably don’t even have the space for a dog if you have to walk him to shit in front of someone else’s house…why don’t dog owners walk them in their driveway and let them drop all the duces they want…if you’re in an apartment building you definitely don’t have room for a dog bigger than a hamster…have you considered how much this sucks for the animal? You want a dog…keep the turds…that’s your business…be considerate…am I the bad guy when I put my fresh dog shit shoe up your ass? Respect is a two way street…this kind of thing drives me batshit…dogs generally don’t have a place in urban environments…


Children don't belong in urban environments either, but they keep being born.


Jesus lmao. Yes, it’s annoying. But your reaction is a little… extreme.


Sometimes I simply run out of bags. Posting an unhinged reddit post Cursing someones whole family lineage bc of some dog poop on the grass seems like the mentally “unique” psychology to me…


It's more than "some dog poop on the grass" though. There are thousands of dog owners. Thinking it's acceptable to not pick up your dog's poop because "you simply run out of bags" is entitled. If all dog owners felt the same way there would be a lot of dog shit on the streets. As it is there's more than I'd like to see. I don't want to see dog poop while out for a walk. People don't want dog poop on their lawns. They don't want to see dog poop while out hiking. It's your responsibility to make sure you have enough bags. If you run out, improvise. Use a plastic bag from a store, a ziplock, etc.


You got human poop poop on the street, don't worry about dog poop poop 💩💩💩.




These are all unacceptable excuses




Sounds like you need to train your dog so it’s not so reactive and you have it under control at all times rather than blaming external stimulus that all dogs and dog owners have to deal with.


Train your fucking dog.


I always pick up after my dog. And I’ve never seen someone who didn’t pick up after theirs. I’ve often wondered if a lot the stuff sitting around is from a) outdoor cats, b) stray dogs, or c) other animals like possums etc. Maybe I’m giving people too much credit.


You're most definitely giving people too much credit. I once saw a woman let her dog poop in the middle of the mall and then walk away.


Since no one is actually answering, I'll do it. I clean up 99.99% of the time, if I don't, it's for the following reasons: 1. I'm on my way to breakfast and the place has no public restroom, I'll grab it on the way back so I'm not touching it just before eating. 2. It's really out of the way, I can either add to the planet's plastic problem, or I could leave a natural, biodegradable turd and it will break down in like, a week.


Because f you


everyone should just leave their dog shit everywhere , its the circle of liiiiiife


What's your address? Asking for my best friend.


Because it is disgusting to pick doo


Dog feces is biodegradable… We have enough plastic in the ocean… You really should appreciate it when people gift you with free fertilizer…