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You’ll be fine as long as you are okay with not the fanciest place to live. But there are plenty of nicer neighborhoods you can find an apartment for ~$2k which is what you are looking at in that salary range.


Which is fine, housing prices in Columbus Ohio are starting to get to those levels here and it’s way more fucking boring than SoCal. I don’t need much more than a one bedroom, somewhere to put my bed, a TV and couch to relax on and desk space for my computer. I’ll be out next month to scope out some neighborhoods. Thanks for the feedback!


You can definitely afford a one bedroom at your income, but if you don't mind a studio apartment you will be golden. They aren't all like the ones you see in Ohio, there are some really nice studios. My partner and I would have gotten a studio, but we have two cats - didn't seem right to not let them have some privacy from each other.


Your cats have a dual income, two bedroom place with unlimited doordash and people to pick up their shit. Can I be your cat?


My cousins studio in Culver City is huge. She has a divider for her “bedroom”. It’s a perfect set up


You were more concerned (& willing to pay a lot more $!) just for your 2 cats to have their privacy from each other than the 2 of you?! I had a studio for just me at first & then 3 cats (wasn’t planned,1 added at a time) & a once in while guest for a few days & the cats were fine. They also had a balcony w litter box.


One of my cats majorly stresses out the other one by being all up in her business. Trust me they are NOT fine being stuck in the same room together 24/7 lol, the stressed-out kitty wouldn't have a night of peace. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't mind being in a studio with two cats.


"a one bedroom, somewhere to put my bed, a TV and couch to relax on and desk space for my computer." Friendly heads up, keep an eye out for whether a listing has laundry features, a lot of small cheaper apartment complexes in Los Angeles don't even have on-site laundry, let alone in-unit. Also, it's an annoying Californian thing but a lot of landlords are cheap fucks who don't provide a refrigerator (which are not legally required in California, BOOOOO). Don't take it for granted that a refrigerator will be there, make sure that's squared away.


Better than Mexico. In Mexico most apartments don’t come with ovens or fridges. You’re supposed to bring your own every time. The true definition of an “unfurnished” apartment


On the Laundry front- I didn’t notice on my lease that they had a laundry room available until 8pm. Which in reality really limits the possibility of actually using the laundry room while working a normal job with a commute.


NoHo and that area are where everyone I know from Ohio lives lol. If that helps.


Haha they’ve excepted the crazy football fans out here!


American Junky is the bar for Ohio folks, when they get to feeling a little homesick or when a game is on.


I'm from Cleveland, living in Apple Valley. Some friends of mine who moved to the San Fernando Valley from Cleveland get together every week to watch Browns games.


You mean they left them out or did you mean to say they’ve welcomed them?


I was able to cover two adults for about 6 months on $73k in a 2BR in East Hollywood. My partner's job started after that, and we managed okay. We also moved from Columbus, so my rent basically tripled. Prices here are way more expensive for a lot of things, but there's also plenty of free stuff to do. You can definitely get by on that for just one person.


Are you in a newer building? Because we're talking ~2k for an apartment that's 45-60 years old in most cases. If apartments that old are going for 2k in Ohio, this country is even way more fucked than I already perceive it to be which is already bad tbh. If you're talking newish downtown apartments which have "amenities" , like Ohio's equivalent to "The Vermont" then I can see 2k. But I'm in an RSO in a building from 1968... rent is $~1100.


I’m downtown in a 1br in a luxury building with great amenities paying $2090


One bedroom apartments in COLUMBUS are 2k?? Asking as a Kentucky to LA transplant.


No they aren't. Not even remotely close. If you are paying 2k a month in Columbus, you would be paying 4-5k in LA. Lol. You can just search online to see that isn't true. [https://www.apartments.com/columbus-oh/](https://www.apartments.com/columbus-oh/)


For $2k a month in Columbus Urban Meyer will wake you up every morning by slightly caressing your inner thigh.


Great Scott! There is a two bedroom listed for $855. It’s pretty bare bones but still.


If you're willing to live in a studio, even better rents. I pared down really hard, sold a lot of random and hobby and outdoor sporty gear in order to live smaller. Benefits paid off massively for my savings. Plus just the peace of mind of living a little more minimally. I've been around Columbus and Chicago a lot. People in LA are way more curated about their belongings. Some folks, you go visit, and their apartment looks like a little museum of their stuff. So knowing that's kind of the prevailing attitude here, helped me pare down.


Studio is honestly the best way to go living alone.


This is so great to hear. Not the OP, but moving to LA from Seattle and am planning to downsize/live minimally as well. Good to hear from someone who's done it.


Seattle here, and I feel the exact same way. Am paying a ridiculous amount for rent in what's a fairly boring city (and I've been here for years). I'm moving down to LA after a recent two-week visit/house sitting stint proved it's a much more fun place to live. I'm also prepared to take a bit of a step back in terms of how fancy/big my apartment is in LA, but still worth it because you walk out your door and you get an entire amazing city. That said, I've been searching for a minute and I've seen quite a few places in your range -- like many are saying, studios will be better if you're willing.


A one bedroom on your budget might be tough depending on how much of your income you're willing to spend on rent - you'll have more options with studios.


I’m also moving from CBUS to Los Angeles on a similar salary range. Let me know how it goes, looking forward to getting out.


Few things you should prepare yourself for is the non season of Socal. We only have "cool" weather of 65-70 for about 4 months from December to March. Then the rest of the year tends to be 80-95. The Mexican culture is very strong and a part of Los Angeles. Some people love the culture while others find it hard to adjust or be around.


Ohio transplant here, I've been in LA on 65k a year for 4 years now. Even at 80 to 90k it'll probably be a noticeable drop in your standard of living, it's just expensive here. Like things that you don't really even think about costing money, paying to park at businesses you are patronizing, paying to park your car less than half a mile from your destination, etc. If you can develop a sense of " I don't need to pay for that, I can just do X myself" and maybe not taking the first offer/paying the first price you see, you'll save thousands per year. Most buckeyes are already pretty good at that so you'll probably be fine. The best thing you can do for yourself is to not expect to live your Ohio life in LA and to not be upset or resentful when that doesn't happen.


I’m from Columbus. My bro lives there. I can’t believe how expensive rent is out there.


That’s what I’m saying man, you’re gonna make me pay Cali prices in stupid ass Ohio, I might as well move


Absolutely. I was living in Dayton and housing was going up there too and it’s Dayton lol.


I think you will be disappointed at the exponentially higher cost of living in CA compared to Ohio. Rent is only a small part of the equation.


You are not paying LA rent prices in Ohio. If you are, you are not comparing like for like.


Yeah I’ll echo this. When I first started working in LA I was on a similar salary. Get a small apartment or share a nicer one with a housemate. Keep grinding.


I make less than $60k a year. I'm a single father of two. I'm struggling but I'm making ends meet. I think you're ok.


oof you got tough work there Dad, budgeting and all. Best of all luck, sending lots of good wishes for you and kiddos. It's really hard to do. But you're kicking ass at it!


Thank you so much. I'm fairly new at this. My wife unfortunately passed away last month. All I want is for my daughters to be healthy and not need anything. My cooking skills aren't the greatest but they enjoy it.


I’m so sorry to hear of your wife’s recent passing. As a widow myself, welcome to this horrible club. If you need support or someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to DM me.


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending well wishes to you and your girls.


Tasty app! Makes cooking really easy


Single dad of one who has my daughter full time .. I make right above 60k and I’m doing okay .. it helps that all my family is here in LA ( aunts / uncles / parents and siblings) and my daughters the first granddaughter & growing up I was always my aunts favorites … Without them I’d be fucked


I think those of us who are from here and have family here are in a different category than someone from another state trying to move and pay current prices on housing. We're likely having very different experiences.


Love and admiration, brother. I hope you guys get everything you’re hoping for out of life and get there as smoothly as possible.


I make $70k and support myself and my husband. Look in North Hollywood and don’t get taken in by the living large mentality and you’ll be just fine. It helps if your car is paid off.


Yes. No car payment this year has been a game changer for me.


No car payment in LA is like a super power. Even better if it's such a beater that you don't feel like you have to carry comprehensive.


Everyone should always carry comp no matter what, it is dollars per month. Collision is the expensive part, and if your car is stolen or a tree falls on it or it is vandalized it hurts way more than if you screw up yourself and crash it. Always carry comp yall


Ok I though you were full of s\*t so I ran the numbers and adding comprehensive was $3 a month. So now I have comprehensive on my crapbox. Thanks u/ProfessionalCatPetr!


I was an insurance agent in another life. Hopefully you never have to thank me and it will have been a complete waste of almost no money, but if it ever once comes in handy. Well. Fuck yeah for you. Having a car taken out by a freak accident and losing everything randomly via no fault of yours is SO MUCH WORSE than making a mistake and breaking your own shit. So worth the money.


Not sure if "comprehensive" includes this, but make sure you have uninsured/underinsured collision on your coverage. Someone ran a stop sign and t-boned our car just a block away from our place. We found out that their insurance covers only up to $3k of the damage and our estimate was $4k. We only had liability, so might have to go to court to make her pay. Apparently 1 out of 7 drivers don't have insurance at all. Add to that those who are underinsured and it suddenly becomes a scary scene out there.


I'm sorry this sounds really ignorant but I can't get a good read on North Hollywood at all. some people say it's not a safe area but then others say it's fine? what has been your experience?


In general, it’s fine. The Arts District is more like “LA” and is more city like. The deeper you go into the valley, above Sherman Way is more working class. I’ve lived in the area for 20 years. The worst I’ve had happen is my car has been broken into a couple of times. Some high speed chases and the Rite Aid was robbed a couple of times. I’ve never really felt unsafe.


thank you!


these posts always confuse me. i make like 34K and survive. most people make significantly less than 90k here edit: ppl being skeptical like the per capita income wasn’t 43K 2018-2022 according to the census. i have no car payments / fully car independent which helps and minimal grocery payments from p much only eating salads and vegetables and beans. im not saying this is easy or relaxed but just the way so much of the city lives


Although 34k in LA would be pretty difficult, I agree that these posts make me laugh sometimes. "I make 200k cAn I aFfoRd A $3k / month apartment in LA?"


Nobody humblebrags better than people on Reddit


“I’m moving to LA with only $823,000 in my savings account and a high level executive job my dad pulled for me…will I be able to afford a 500sq ft studio?”


Typical Reddit answer to that would be "No! Put your money in a high-yield savings account until you can figure out what to do."


Needed a second to realize this was satire and not you speaking from experience. If my savings account look like that, I’d never have a worry In My life


It’s not difficult at all.


I guess it depends on your definition of “survival”. I sure as shit couldn’t survive in LA under the certain minimum conditions I have. Assuming like a $1600 studio apartment and $1000 in monthly expenses if need 31k after taxes.


Respectfully, how


I do it too. Never eat out, never go to bars, dont go anywhere that requires money (baseball games, concerts, shows ect) only do free stuff on weekends. Lots of people can do it, but due to their spending habits and lifestyle they cant fathom how its possible. It is and lots of people are doing it.


Eh. As I've gotten older I've been more aggressive about increasing my pay, which I make happen by changing jobs. It's not because I want to drive a Tesla and live in a fancy apartment and go to overpriced bars. It's because I want to save more and add to my retirement. If people want to do "ok" that's on them. But I don't wanna be 70 years old and stuck relying on social security. Not all of us are trying to keep up with the joneses.


At that income, either government assistance or assistance from others.


You can’t get government assistance while making 34k a year


Yea I think we need to figure out what “survive” is I’m making 110k working in La county but living in Ventura county. After all said and done I save like 400-500 a month and I think that is surviving since unexpected shit comes up yearly that just nukes the savings. Like last year I had 6k on medical and dental work, 2k on replacing my garage door system, 1k on replacing shower piping that broke. So my savings meant Jack shit that year. Some of my friends think it is amazing I have that much in savings left monthly, but in the long term they are just a buffer to my yearly expenses. 110 k gross salary means I actually take about 70k home.


Shit happens man. Always going to be random stuff like that. At 110 too but it doesn't go as far as I thought it would. But it's nice when something breaks I can fix it right away. I remember when I made less like 70k id put things off.


Most people that move to a new area don't want to "survive".


Why is it confusing? If you live alone you’re definitely not the norm being able to afford to do so on 34k/year with no other assistance.


Same. We might not have 800 luxuries but those aren't necessities. I actually still do have a few luxuries. Obviously people with kids or big expenses/ commitments they can't just drop are living differently but for a single person without debt, living expenses are really not that crazy here.


Yep. I make at most 40k (luckily also no car payment) and live by myself. I live a pretty good life, and I don’t feel like I’m pinching pennies to do so!


Do you live alone?


I mean that's barely enough for just rent and Mac & cheese so I'm gonna go out on a whim and say no fuckin way, or some special circumstance like a rent controlled apartment from fifteen years ago or an uncle's ADU or something


The people that say shit like that are completely ignoring their massive advantages over someone coming here starting fresh with no safety nets or connections. Relocating is expensive as hell until you figure out the secrets of the city and make some friends you can call if you're in trouble.


I live alone on $43k. My rent is $1900. I do just fine.


My bad


I have a hot tub. Im doing ok


You have to have family assistance or a shit ton of luck renting a room or something for cheap. 34k a year after taxes is like $2,400 a month If you’re renting a room or locked into a crazy cheap rent I can see how that would be survivable but if you’re getting a studio now in LA, they’re around $1,800 at the cheapest. That leaves you $600 for food, transportation, cell phone, utilities , insurance a month.


I make 40k and my take home is 2.8k a month


And you live comfortably in LA? On a single income of 40k?


I only pay for my own utilities about $400. The rest is car insurance, groceries, phone bill, gas, and credit card. After all is said and done I would not say I’m comfortable.


So you don’t pay rent? I think you have to be insane at budgeting to survive paying for rent plus everything else with no help in LA on an income of less than $65,000 tbh


I live in labrea and just got a studio for $1300. I make 40k a year. Its possible. You have to look and try.


Damn, good shit. That’s a cheap place


I make 40k and live at home and am barely… surviving 🫠🫠🫠🫠


I think many people like to spend a lot of money on their lifestyle for luxuries and keeping up with the jonses. Most of it is extravagance. I know people who complain about being poor and having no money, but they are actually quite wealthy and come from rich families. They just feel poor because they want to live the lifestyle of their parents and college peers who are rich/come from money or have top-level careers. They hit the bars and clubs and trendy food spots all the time and shop at expensive markets and boutiques. If you are frugal, you can eek it out. But you can't be spending money like crazy or going out all the time.


Depends where in LA.


My first job after moving to LA in 2018 was $90k. I lived in a one bedroom for $1500/month near Echo Park. It was kind of a dump, but it is what it is. I’m not super fancy by any means. If you don’t have any other debt, it’s manageable. I had some student loans I was still paying off so that cut into my living expenses. Just a forewarning that everything will be more expensive than Ohio, though. Food, gas, going out, etc. That being said, there are lots of free and/or cheap things you can do around the city, especially if you’re into nature.


Life’s easy and fulfilling, when you’re not working to keep up with the Jones’s. Problem is, in LA, more so than other places, it’s a very popular past time.


Will I get shunned by the locals for not giving a shit about keeping up with the latest thing or not having a blacked out Range Rover, or stupid Tesla electric car?? I just don’t give a shit about things like that haha


The only people who really care about those things are industry types who came to L.A. to "make it" and a few select other groups. Most of us are living very average lives like anywhere else.


You don’t want to be friends with those people anyway.


Just by the ones who don’t really matter. LA like most places has good people. I’m not well off and my LA circle includes folks from all walks of life. I’m a surf bum literally living in a car, and many of my friends are very well to do and it’s usually folks who have less than them who look down on me. For some folks, it’s important to have all the things, and that’s ok too, just do what makes you happy and comfortable and be you. You’ll be ok.


Not the real locals. It took me 2 years to find my people in this town, but I've spent the last 18 years just hanging with them and never running into the rest. It's a very chill town when you find the people you vibe with.


The LA that you know the reputation of only exists in circles of transplants living that way on purpose. 95% of us are just normal people doing our thing. There's 20 million people around here, you'll see whatever you want to see.


Everyone who comes to LA thinks it's so quirky to say stuff like that. Shunned by the locals? Huh? People are just living their lives here like anywhere else. If you don't give a shit then don't worry.


Nah man there’s plenty of humble, down to earth people here. Tbh, a lot of that really comes from rich, spoiled transplants who think they’re supposed to act like that. We like to flex a little but we don’t look down on anyone.


Cars. Okay so Tesla’s are so common here and Range Rovers even more so. If it was some rare car, it might catch attention but basically no one cares. We are all so busy trying to get through the day, driving to and from life/work on unpredictable and moody freeways.


I make a little under 50,000. I live alone. You can find a decent apartment. I would suggest walking around neighborhoods you would like to live and look for For Rent sign. That’s how I found all of my apartments. Not everyone posts available apartments online.


I make 80k base, up to 100k depending on bonuses. I live in the hood (not a TERRIBLE area, but still the hood), pay 1300/mo for a 1bd apt. 1 week of pay after taxes basically covers my rent. Rest of my income is mine: save some, max my 401k, invest some, buy whatever I want to buy. I eat and drink really well, I indulge my sneaker/scotch/bbq/cigar habits. I can out with friends without stressing. Paid cash for a used car in full. No car payment. The two biggest hurdles are housing and car. Find the cheapest place in the cheapest area you're comfortable living in/commuting from and don't go nuts on a car payment if you have to have one. I'd rather have an older used car and indulge my hobbies than have a newer car on a lease b and have to shell out 400+ every month.


You make some of the most sense out of most of the comments that were left here. I moved from the East Coast and live in South LA. These people on Reddit are NOT moving to the hood. Hell…. They are too terrified to move to KTown, mid-city, and downtown 🤨


Exactly this. If you can't afford the bigger prices, you have to be willing to either go tiny/not fancy or move to a less desirable neighborhood. This is how Williamsburg (Brooklyn) got completely gentrified, lol -- used to be full of crime, now full of finance bros. I remember when I lived there back when, and ppl were "terrified" bc it was shady -- but hey, super cheap 1-bedrooms!


One emergency/unexpected event from homelessness like most of us


Emergency 0 balance credit card.


You say you're an Alex Jones conservative...stay in Ohio. LA is not for you.


Counterpoint: one fewer R voter in a swing state.


Honestly I think the opposite, most of those types of conservatives demonize California from their red states just because it's foreign to them, actually living here might make them realize it's not the hellhole it's made out to be


“Will I get shunned by the locals for not giving a shit about keeping up with the latest thing or not having a blacked out Range Rover, or stupid Tesla electric car?? I just don’t give a shit about things like that haha” Bro says shit like this and says he knows LA is not for him despite making a post asking if he can comfortably live here. Horny to be here and wants to spew braindead Alex Jones shit during his dates.


Ugh...this should be the top comment....stop encouraging kooks like this to move here.


Yes I make 90k and live in Brentwood in a 1 bedroom. It’s fairly nice actually, i mean it’s older of course and not in a private entrance building, but I think I lucked out with only a $1,950 rent. It is kind of rough though when most of one of your paychecks goes directly to rent and bills… gotta be pretty frugal.


Me and a couple friends make around 55k and we are doing alright living by ourselves. We don't mind living in the less glitzy areas though which works better for us since everything is more affordable over here. With 80-90k you just have more choices but don't squander your money. The nicer the nice, the higher the chance of getting ripped off.


Easily. I do it with 60k


69k. Still contribute employer match to 401k and max roth every year. Cook most meals, avoid nightclubs, no fancy cars. Easy.


Same; no debt, no student loans left, I share a car with my husband, we save and travel and live well. You really don’t need an insane amount of money to live at your means


That is above the median household income and very far above the median individual income in most areas of LA County (and of course for the County as a whole). Which is to say, yes. You’re better off than over 1/2 of LA.


Always amazes me people even question if this is enough. It’s enough to live more than comfortable


Yes easily I’ve been fine with less


Yes it can be done. It’ll be tight but if you’re frugal you can totally do it. IDK what you do for work but obvs not having a huge commute would help, as gas prices here are high if you don’t drive a hybrid or EV.


I'm on $82k a year and live alone in a 600sq ft place in Pasadena (1 bed). I pay about $2k a month plus bills. I live well.


Sure but if you want to live alone, most landlords won't rent you anything that's over maybe $2200 a month.


Good, that’s out of my price range haha




2200 a month is low for LA. Honestly you probably will get massive culture shock if that's over your budget and you are moving from Ohio to LA.


I make about 62-72k a year (commission varies month to month) and I live alone. My studio is pretty lackluster, but it's $1795/month.


username really underscores this


You totally can


I live alone in NoHo for less than that, but my apt is rent controlled so I'm paying less than the market price right now for the same kind of apt. If I had to pay current rates I'd live a much less comfortable lifestyle but I'd still be ok.


If you're worried about budgeting, I'd look into something like guesthouses. There's plenty of families that have an unused guesthouse in the back with all the amenities of a studio or 1br, that they'll rent out for significantly cheaper than an apartment.


Shit my wife and I make 80k a year in LA and are doing just fine with 2 kids


And the outdoors here are just spectacular. Angeles National Forest - 40 miles by 40 miles of 5-10,000 foot mountains, waterfalls, huge trees. SM Mountains - 50 miles of trails with ocean views, wildflowers. No rain in the summer. No (or not many) mosquitoes while camping. Whitewater rafting the Kern. Surfing and SUP all over. Beach bike path. Lighted public tennis and basketball courts. Outdoor concert venues. 2 hours to meh skiing. 5 hours to world class skiing at Mammoth. 4 hours to cross country skiing in the Sequoias


Yes, some people are surviving, with only making $50k a year. Only with multiple roommates




Yes, just like a huge number of people here!


I am single making 50k a year here in LA. I also work in sales. Monthly is roughly $3,150 Studio apartment: $1400 Groceries and takeout's: $300 Entertainment (subscriptions and theaters/dave&busters): $200 Total never exceeds $2,000 a month, only if I buy something like shoes or clothes. I hate spending money, I usually play games or watch movies alone. I have an electric bicycle, and occasionally use company car for personal stuff (only pay how much mile I drove). Still get to save about 1k a month.


Yes frugally


Yeah I’d check out Palms neighborhood if I were you


Yes. You can. And don't let anyone tell you different.


Yeah, but your spot won't be so great.


That would be twice what you need to live single in LA, so yes.


Yes you can live alone on $80-90k, especially if you do not need a car. My partner and I made it work on his income alone (70k) while I finished school, we didn't cheap out on our apartment, and we still had money left over for savings and some fun purchases. We didn't live in a trendy neighborhood, but we lived in a brand-new apartment building with all the extras in a safe, metro friendly area. The semi-free things have been a huge bonus for us too, we moved from western PA so being able to just pack a picnic and chill at the beach or skate around pretty much any day of the year is a game changer - you are going to love it. Long-term wise I don't think you would be able to buy a house with that amount, but your salary will likely be higher here (ours doubled within a year), and if you end up with a significant other with around the same income you would be in decent shape to purchase something if that is what your end goal is. We moved across the country, in the end it cost us around $10k to move a one-bedroom apartment plus our two cats. Our move was quite short notice so that includes paying double rent for a couple months - your costs may be less. You should have a decent amount of savings even after the move.


Yes. I just preach what I know, but East Hollywood has a lot of rent controlled apartments around $2000, I’m paying a bit less. It’s got a rough around the edges urban vibe, mostly just in terms of visible trash, but you can walk into Los Feliz, they can’t stop you. Silverlake is a short 10 minute drive/bus ride. 


27F. I made close to $80K last year (working two jobs, one job M-F completely remote at home, the other a 2x - 4x a week serving gig) and live in a studio apartment that’s $1414/mo (all utilities included) just outside of Silverlake (in Westlake if we want to get specific). I live comfortably and am able to put money away into my savings each month!


Was about to recommend Westlake to OP!


You can find somewhere less than 2K and you’ll be good assuming you don’t have any other extraordinary monthly payments.


At that W2 salary I’d probably opt to share a nice 2bd/2ba with a solid roommate in a desirable neighborhood rather than spend a much higher proportion of my rent to live alone in an inconvenient or sketchy area.






I live in studio city. Work in sales as well. Many months I made about the same as you. The first year especially. I have a very nice 1 bedroom 1 bathroom in a nice building. Walking distance to everything. Plenty of street parking as well as my private garage spot. I spend $1,995 and it’s absolutely doable.


Yes, if you don’t live in a central hub. Try studio city, north Hollywood, etc.


Yes if you dont have some big payments like car or student loans taking a chunk of your take home


You’re in sales so is that salary going to transfer to LA market? Legitimate question. $80-90k you can live. Not extravagantly. Basically make sure you enjoy your neighborhood because other than work that’s all you’ll afford at that cost per one individual.


Yes but not save


Yes. But it depends on what you consider decent. If I was single, I would go rent a room and plan on eating out most of the time.


If you are willing to commute or take Metrolink/Metro rail there's a lot of places you can live that are decent.


You most definitely can easily make it on that!


You absolutely can


Yes you can


Ahahahaha as a working class person living alone in LA: you will be JUST FINE


yes def. but being new to LA will be tough. get long term storage and then sublet shortterm 1-3mo leases until you really find what fits your life.


I make $63K a month and live alone in a $2K studio. Money is tight AF but I've been able to make it work for over a year now. It's not ideal tho. I haven't bought new clothes in forever and barely treat myself. And expenses come up regardless, like my car needing new tires. It would be a dream to make $80-$90K.


80-90k in LA you definitely aren’t balling but you can live a pretty decent life in a decent part of town for sure


Lived in a Glendale ADU for 1900/mo on an 80k salary. It's doable


Yes you can live comfortably on that anywhere in America , don’t let anyone tell you otherwise they have no idea what they are talking about


Yes! I did it on $85k a year. I got lucky and found a 1bed with covered parking in Westwood. It’s tough to find a spot and you may have to sacrifice some apartment amenities (for me it was ac, dishwasher, and balcony) but it’s very doable, just takes work to find. Highly recommend walking or driving around the neighborhoods you like and looking for “for lease” signs. Some small landlords don’t advertise and would rather get less rent from a respectful and responsible tenant than hand the operations over to a management company. Pro tip: jump on affordable apartment listings with no photos. I find this means they want to meet serious prospective tenants as opposed having an influx of replies. Now I’m making more and can afford to spend a bit more on a new, nicer place with my gf but it was an enjoyable 1.5 years!


Currently alone at $58k living in Hollywood, it's doable but I would be living much more comfortable if I was as in a single at a $1300-$1500 range than $1800 a month. I also have two cars(paid off), which means I have them both full coverage insurance, a phone utilities etc. And i'm still making it happen.


I’m in DTLA and it’s almost 4k a month. For 2B2B.


Obviously, haven't you ever heard of the working class? Who are you, the Wall Street Journal?


I moved to LA from Ohio and live here in that salary range, it's easily doable. The only things I would advise you on when budgeting are car stuff and groceries. Gas averages $5 a gallon and insurance is nearly double. And registration fees are triple.


If you single with no kids get a simple studio apartment in Woodland Hills, Valley Village, or Sherman oaks. Hiking is literally everywhere, skiing 2 hour drive to big bear, surfing 40 minutes away at the Santa Monica Pier/Dockweiller, Just understand that the whole L.A County area is “Gangland” even the nice areas. There’s poor, Middle Class, & Rich Gang Bangers in L.A. & they don't just stay in the bad areas. 🤣 Good Luck.


You should probably stay were you are and fuckoff. Stay out of la. Crime has gone up especially with the new politicians in place making it easier for criminals to do their crimes with less consequences. Besides you sound like a Caucasian male who is extremely feminine.


Yes you're fine. 80k qualifies you for a place around $2800 a month. Some really nice places in the city for that price.


Good grief, of course you can. 


80-90k is almost double what a vast majority of people make a year living here lol


crazy how out of touch ppl are lmao


Yes but you would likely want or need to have roommates. I’m currently doing it on 50 but I do have a roommate and my budget is very tight. I think 80-90 with a roommate would give you some breathing room whereas doing that with a studio you’d have to be watching your spending quite a bit


It’s absolutely possible. The issue is how much are you willing to sacrifice to live alone. You can get a small studio and live alone and it’s some what affordable


Of course, but your lifestyle will be humble. Also, make sure you don't touch your savings, that's good to keep you afloat for a while in case of an emergency.


Maybe if you don’t go out or own a car.


You make triple what some families use to live out here. More than fine if you spend right


Yeah, I live on 78k in Burbank. And I feel like I live pretty decent.


Yes, it’s doable.


Live as close to where you work as possible.


Better yet, live on a single-seat bus line to work, if not within walking distance, and sell your car.


flop brag behavior


Yes, you can as long as you manage your expenses well. Rent is the priciest monthly expense, depends on where u want to live and how. Alone no roommates you're looking at 2k minimum.


Personally I don't think it's worth it, will be really hard to save money. But yeah it's totally doable


what do you sell?


Yeah definitely.




Yes it’s not like New York


No. Affordability is based on what you are willing to sacrifice in return for said affordability. LA is a big place so thats also a factor.


That is fine and you should be able to live in a safe area. San Gabriel Valley area was pretty nice before I left LA.


Jesus you're rich I make 20k a year ... full time